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Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

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Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 16:25:08

/|\SSM To Do List/|\

angel_warrior_105/At 3/14/06 09:57 PM
DBZ style sig

-Wipeout-/At 3/21/06 08:02 AM
Site Banner Similar to link...replace X with a wite W on black BG
Note From Sig-Bot
Please provide us with some Specs so we know what size banner you need

poprocksandjack999/At 3/15/06 06:24 PM
on the left a bottle of Jack...on the Right some poprocks...and in the middle his name with the 999 part under the letters

Genius_07/At 3/13/06 02:07 PM
brain (human, not too big) in the upper side w/ alsis in lower side w. thunder bolt from brain to alias

Pyrostudios/At 3/21/06 02:15 PM
Something to do with his Alias

_Sisyphus_/At 3/21/06 07:05 PM
Freestyl with Atlas<that poor fuck who holds the weight of the world on his sholders>

smeagol1/At 3/15/06 08:56 PM
Stormy type sig with two dark angels and some flames and the name "blood guts and vengence"

Smizzoach/At 3/13/06 06:54 PM
Pro-Pic request:guy wearing a leather S&M mask with a caption saying "Smizzoach, The Sadomasochist"

kingofgamers18/At 3/16/06 06:07 PM
Crown with name in it and "Hail to the king" in lower right corner

KakashiKunai/At 3/16/06 06:16 PM
red blue and black backrounds colors with pics similar to thses

Carnane/At 3/16/06 07:47 PM
fading blue background with name in wavy font in the corner and the linked pic of Siegfried

Speedy1234/date and time are unknown at this moment
i dont know what it was he wanted cuase he hasnt reposted his request for me yet sorry man

Catcatcat/At 3/18/06 12:59 AM
1- Put a spinning, gif shuriken in the center in the middle of the sig.
2- Put the facepaint stuff on the pic of kankuro

Scud_Buster/At 3/21/06 01:39 AM
gaara from naruto w/ scud_buster in the lower right and "Any One Who Crosses Me is Dead Meat" or "The First Breath is the Beginning of Death" in upper right

duffeknol/At 3/18/06 08:51 AM
Anti-Slipknot style w/ Joey<leadsinger>getting his ass kicked and "Slipknot is NOT metal" all over it

billytheradponi/At 3/19/06 05:02 AM
Freestyle with name and a radioactive sign

Respect_plus_1/At 3/19/06 03:16 PM
Animated Request
two stick figures in middle of sig...one slaps other and say respect bitch
name in bottom right corner

Metaphor_99/At 3/20/06 07:09 PM
Sig and Profile Pic Request
Sig request
-Use pic provided in link
-In one of the corners, put: Metaphor
-Somewhere on the sig, have a microphone. If you can make it laying on the ground with the chord rolling off to the end of the pic
Profile Pic request
-Use pic provided in link
-Just in the bottom, put Metaphor in the same font and colour you did with the sig.
-A border around the whole outline, use Red Blue or both

Honkey pic for sig and Propic

jacktherack/At 3/20/06 08:57 PM
MachoMan and Mortal Kombat Symbol in backround with animated Fatality gif and "MachoMan Wins

Jay-B/At 3/21/06 01:24 AM
black, and blue, maybe a white border and looking as if it is part of the forum it'self. Like the color of the BBS but not actually in the sig and check below is post for the style of lettering he wanted

DarkTails100/At 3/22/06 05:02 AM
Note For all sig makers
If you whish to join the SSM you can do so by posting your work in the ASM as they have elected to watch only that thread for new talent...when they have there tryouts they will make a post in both places saying so
Just ask for what you want and ill add you to the list...if you piss of one of the artists here and they dont make you one to bad...and since i make the todolist for both the ASM and the SSM I know once your request is filled and i'll remove said request from BOTH lists
Wanna do what we do?
Then check the current ASM ToDoListfor all your Photoshop and PaintShopPro needs
the data is growing almost every update...not to mention theres some new NG themed things on the list for your PC
Contact Sig-Bot
Note From Sig-Bot
I dont know how they used to make the todolist
but i dont number any request or follow any real cronological order
hence why I post the date with witch I recorded the request
Im sure all our Sig'ers can read and im sure they know how to tell time as well so once they see how old a request is they will do with it what they want. Sorry for any inconvience or missconception

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 16:29:18

it's unfair, it was almost my turn on the old to do list and now I'm somewhere in the middle :S

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 16:38:39

can u make an animated sig of two stick people fighting on top of a building until one pushes the other off (show him falling, if possible) and after he falls make "GRAVITY KILLS PEOPLE" scroll across the sig.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 16:41:34

At 3/22/06 04:29 PM, duffeknol wrote: it's unfair, it was almost my turn on the old to do list and now I'm somewhere in the middle :S

wanna know what else isnt fair life and that fact that YOU CANT READ

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 16:52:52

At 3/14/06 07:46 PM, king_sephiroth wrote: hi could you please make me a sig that has a picture of sephiroth on it.(i'd like if it maybe could be from kingdom hearts but if not ok)Then my name in maybe in black letters with an outline of green.
In advance thank you very much.

just wanted to repost incase you didnt get it it was on page 279

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 16:55:02

At 3/22/06 04:41 PM, HellboundNinja wrote:
At 3/22/06 04:29 PM, duffeknol wrote: it's unfair, it was almost my turn on the old to do list and now I'm somewhere in the middle :S
wanna know what else isnt fair life and that fact that YOU CANT READ

relax man, I just really want my sig
I'm pretty fucking jealous of all the guys that get their fucking sigs 3 posts after they request >:(

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 17:17:08

I know that I have asked here, but someone spammed before anyone can see my message. (My message was skipped to the previous page because of the spam serveral days ago.) I know that there are many outstanding sign artists here, that is why I am back. Could anyone make a sign for me using the city of Athens (where I am from) as the background and put a beautiful animated girl with long brown hair on it which also contains my user name? Thanks. :)

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 17:24:40

At 3/22/06 05:17 PM, hot_and_charming wrote: I know that I have asked here, but someone spammed before anyone can see my message. (My message was skipped to the previous page because of the spam serveral days ago.) I know that there are many outstanding sign artists here, that is why I am back. Could anyone make a sign for me using the city of Athens (where I am from) as the background and put a beautiful animated girl with long brown hair on it which also contains my user name? Thanks. :)

go back a page or two and there will be a link in the todolist for you
juggs made you one a while back

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 18:40:43

hey thanks for the sig guys :D
looks awsome

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 19:19:37

At 3/22/06 04:25 PM, Sig-Bot wrote: /|\SSM To Do List/|\

Hey pig, you forgot Mad-Cow >;p

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 19:27:41

Wow, is it that hard to just read the old request list, and see my request?
Im sorry for beeing a dick, but have been waiting for well over two weeks now (almosts three.) and i have been seeing people sigs getting done way before mine when they requested just a day ago.
So if my request was to hard then i will change it.
I would like a grungy style sig, but make it sort of look like its in some type of ice cave. '-Ng Mafia-' written in the bttom left corner, and my name anywhere on the sig.
Thank you very much...

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 19:56:16

Can some one make me a sig 480x272 no matter what the size is. I would like on it green background with 8-bit link and how he grows graphically and on the side have " O have time's have changed." No name on it please, Thank You.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 20:18:21

At 3/22/06 07:27 PM, Speedy1234 wrote: Wow, is it that hard to just read the old request list, and see my request?
Im sorry for beeing a dick, but have been waiting for well over two weeks now (almosts three.) and i have been seeing people sigs getting done way before mine when they requested just a day ago.
So if my request was to hard then i will change it.
I would like a grungy style sig, but make it sort of look like its in some type of ice cave. '-Ng Mafia-' written in the bttom left corner, and my name anywhere on the sig.
Thank you very much...

again sorry but i dont have anyidea where your request was
nore do i know where the last guy who was makin the todo list last posted
hell i dont even know who HE is
thats why i still had you in the list i just needed you reqste so i could add it back in
like i aid i started at page 280
ive got mad computer problems
pop up<i fucking hate internnet explorer>
and adware out the asss
and notron isnt do much of anything to help
ive got a i just found out this week that ive got a dead line of less then a week to get finacial aid info in so i can try to finally start school for the first time in almost 5 yrs
and im trying to quite my shitty job working at a pizza hut MORE THEN A HALF HOUR WALK FROM MY HOUSE to land a job as a butcher in supermarket only two blocks away
oh and im finally getting my driver liscense
so sorry i wanst able to cateer to everysingle request
i mean heaven forbid any one stop to se how much work ive actually put into the list that i did compile together
no tto mention all the really good stuff ive provided info on in my todolist at thr ASM
no instead lets all bitch how i missed some shit here or there out some 300 fucking posts tha ti hace to read throught
its not jsut you
but still
i asked nicley for you to repost your request
caus ei know your a somewhat older member of NG and youve been waiting a long time
and i still get the fucking shaft
well excuse me my fellow Ng'ers for trying to make your lives easier by cutting donw on the dont forget my requests pots that are so numerous that most of you can be botherd to look throught 10 or 15 pages for your sig
im providing a service just the same as the sig makers are
be nice and courtisous or im gonna stop being nice Mr.HBN and im gonna start being a major ass
you guys dont want that
i can flame just abut any mother fucker off the net now a days
sorry about that SSM
i know you guys have to deal with it all the time
but you shouldnt
there bitching is why you loose so many good members
thats part of the reason i quit the SSM two days after i joined way back when

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 20:30:33

can someone please do my sig...i would very much appreciate it.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 20:48:32

srry im not sure if im saposed to ask for a sig on this thread or another but anyway this is what i want mine to B.

i would like to see three of videogame charcters from the game listed:

Samus Aran-Metroid prime 1 or 2
Joanne Dark-Pefect dark Zero
Main charcter from Farcry-Any farcry

I would like it in a black in white inless u think it looks better in true color.
it would be kinda cool if they blended together to look like they belong together.

If possible include a biohazard symbol even if its a tiny pic next to my name.

Make sure in the text for my name it looks beaten to hell kinda like the letters on the farcry box.

I hope that was clear enough for you to make the signature im looking for.

If i dont respond send it to me at LukeMc52@aol.com

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 21:02:08

At 3/10/06 10:45 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote:
One that says "As I watch the Sun fuck the ocean." With a nice looking sunset. Having the water a stark shade of blue would be nice, but whatever you feel looks best is fine.

I don't think this one has been done yet, and if so, I must have missed it.

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 21:15:43

can i get a sig that is something like this?

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 22:14:56

or better yet can i have this 1?????

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 23:05:02

Can I request two as one?
If so, can I have one with Colossus from X Men with a grunge background.
My alias in a destroyed font like Retro Rock Poster found here
Some blood, and make it fade to the site color like paint spills.
Just below that, a PS2 user one without my name on it.
Make it so there is a single thin line between them.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 23:09:20

Almost forgot.
A profile image that matches the Colossus signature.
Thanks again.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 23:21:37

Juggernaut, I've been trying to contact you via e-mail for a few days now.
Did you change your e-mail or something?
I have an important question to ask joo!

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 00:19:18

So im guessing im ever gona get a logo for my website?

They call me the almighty StrawberryShock.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 02:28:00

hey people i know i just requested a sig and its realy good :D
but i would like to request another one :0

color scheme

main color black (dull black)
second color white
third color green, lime green (not essential)

geometrical straight lines

k thanks again :D

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 05:47:02

At 3/22/06 11:21 PM, -Bonafide- wrote: Juggernaut, I've been trying to contact you via e-mail for a few days now.
Did you change your e-mail or something?
I have an important question to ask joo!

Nope...still the same e-mail. Click the contact author button.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 06:11:17

Mind you make me a sign?

color scheme
Navy blue
deep red

Something zombie like
with the text saying "Zombie Crew"

Am I supposed to send my email or something?

Yeah I have an Attitude proplem, so the fuck what?

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 06:39:07

I would like my logo to be the same sixe as the x logo one sig bot

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 06:56:46

Hey every1. My fireworks isnt working right now, So I cant make my own. If you guys could can I have:

A muffin holding a flamethrower with a burning building in the background.
Also, if you can, put some stick figures in the background killing eachother.
I want the background to be dark red, almost misty, with some red tinted cluds in the background.
Thanx a lot

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 08:11:26

hey guys, first off, i just wanna say you guys are doing an awesome job.
I gotta sig request! yay

I want this particluar sig in a kind of cartoonistic way.

I've got A little joke in mind for it too. Seeing as my user name is "dogget".
I was thinking maybe a man standing next to a dog saying "Dog! Get!" (Get it) :P.
And the dog looks sad, and has the watery/cute eyes happening.

Yea, well, hope you guys can make something of it... thanks

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 11:12:01

hey you guys
ive noticed that requests have been getting backed up as of late so if everyone could be patient im sure the SSM would be much appreicative
im sure all the sig makers have a letgit reason for being absent right now<its called real life seeing as most of em have to work everyday and pay bills>
so just make your request and then leave
when your request gets filled iu will leave a link on the todolist for you
so just search my name and scna the todolists and look to see if i left a link under your request saying it was filled
cause if you keep posting is my sig done im gonna taker you off the list
like i said since im doing the list just make your request and thenh dont post again unless its involves a change to your request or your saying thanx for your request getting done
ty and pleasae be patient
ill let everyone know when there request is done

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 11:57:24

Would it help if i gave you guys something specific?
for my sig can i have a anime type guy holding and starring at a burning match with Pyrostudios in fire up in the top left corner and in the bottom right corner it says Feed your inner Pyro. Then you can take liberty with the backround. Thanx much