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Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

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Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 03:19:58

At 3/21/06 02:47 AM, duffeknol wrote: Thanks, now please, get to it this time :P

thanx for reposting it for me
ill add it to the next to do list
i have set up yahoo msn and aim email and messanger address
but since im lazy ass hell i wouldnt bother eversend an email to any of em
just message me when im on
and no i wont add your name to the messanger list simply caus eim not ging to be the only persone with access to the Sig-Bot account
now i will be send ing Juggs the info for the sig bot
since hes the elader of the SSM and when isthatlegal isnt there im im the shitty leader of the ASM i guess it makes sense

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 07:36:55

At 3/21/06 03:19 AM, Sig-Bot wrote:

when isthatlegal isnt there im im the shitty leader of the ASM i guess it makes sense

how i dont even know of you and you never make sigs

<"Clusterfuck of ideas heading nowhere... " Writersblock

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 08:02:42

I'm in need of a logo for my site and flash and my new site I'm building.Since you guys are some of the best sig makers around I guess you'll be good at making logos to right. Well anyway I would like it in the same style as this one http://www.deviantart.com/view/20301824/ only insted of a green X a white W on a black background.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 08:07:31

Sorry so much, i messed the pictures up :S
Kakashi#1 Kakashi#2

www.unseenyouth.wordpress.com, check out my blog.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 12:30:13

At 3/21/06 07:36 AM, sprint-T wrote:
At 3/21/06 03:19 AM, Sig-Bot wrote:
when isthatlegal isnt there im im the shitty leader of the ASM i guess it makes sense

how i dont even know of you and you never make sigs

for along long long ass time i was the only person left in the ASM
at all
i made i filled all requests and made my own requests list
it was a very lonlely time
but i keep the ASM dream alive
i dont make sigs right now cause my comp is shit and cant handle such an act
not to mention you have a sooner sign up date so how could you know of me
im 21
ive eeen on my own since i was 18
ive been homeless for about a year
ive recently given up all drugs and moved back home with my parents to try and finally attend collage
there now you know my story
oh and ive ben a part of the ASM since dam near the First page

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 12:31:35

At 3/21/06 01:27 AM, Sig-Bot wrote:
At 3/19/06 10:03 PM, Speedy1234 wrote: hey, just wondering when the next request list is coming out...
currently in the works
it goes from page 280 and up
also if i see your request was filled and you dont even have a sig on im giving a lnik to the page it was on one time and one time only
after that you guys have to find em your self

Just wondering, that means that any request made pages back from the 280 that have not been done will be ignored? I just wanna know, im not pushing.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 12:35:11

At 3/21/06 12:31 PM, Genius_07 wrote:
At 3/21/06 01:27 AM, Sig-Bot wrote:
At 3/19/06 10:03 PM, Speedy1234 wrote: hey, just wondering when the next request list is coming out...
currently in the works
it goes from page 280 and up
also if i see your request was filled and you dont even have a sig on im giving a lnik to the page it was on one time and one time only
after that you guys have to find em your self
Just wondering, that means that any request made pages back from the 280 that have not been done will be ignored? I just wanna know, im not pushing.

no not ignored but its safe to say im not gonna bother my self with tracking em down
i saw you re-request enough time that if someone was gonna do im pretty sure they whould have coughed sometin up by now
you see that list i made
that shit takes a while as is
not to mention ALOT of stupid ass html tags
there are some requests that ive missed and for thast im sorry
just repost it and ill add it next time

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 13:00:23

At 3/19/06 08:13 AM, -Juggernaut- wrote:
At 3/18/06 10:07 PM, Dfrost16 wrote: hey guys i posted to ask for a sig a few pages back i even reposted it so i wouldn't be forgotin but no word from anybody i just want to ask 4 a sig with ghostrider looking really evil wit my name in the middle plz someone out there hear me and make it thx
evil enough?

WHOA!!! THX!!! juggernaut

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 13:11:34

At 3/21/06 01:27 AM, Sig-Bot wrote:
i saw you re-request enough time that if someone was gonna do im pretty sure they whould have coughed sometin up by now
you see that list i made
that shit takes a while as is
not to mention ALOT of stupid ass html tags
there are some requests that ive missed and for thast im sorry
just repost it and ill add it next time

Whoa, thake it easy, i was just wondering, anyway, here it is:

At 3/13/06 02:07 PM, Genius_07 wrote: Yeah, i would like a sig. of you guys.

Ok, ill like a brain (human, not too big) in the upper side and my alias (complete) in the lower side.
I also want some thunders the come to the brain and cover my alias.

OH!, and a blue background.

Now calm down, is just that i have wait like a week or two i think, and i had to use this crapy one.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 14:15:57

hey ppls
Aight i was wondering if you guys could make me a sig that actually has to do with my name.........cause mine sorta sux and has nutytin to do wit my name. Plz reply back here and a e-mail me if one of you wants to make my sig. my e-mail is strongbadfan@comcast.net

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 14:29:36

At 3/20/06 07:27 PM, sprint-T wrote: -Fumetsu-
could you tell me how you make those sigs that have so many pics togethere and then there is like no backround like the one you have

Many layers, different opacities, use of the blur and dodge tools, and a lot of experimenting. The last is the most important. If you try something that you don't like, simply go to edit> undo. You can always undo something if it doesn't achieve the result you want. Also, by using different layers, you can keep the images seperate so that you don't end up changing all of the images at the same time when you try a different effect. Once you get things looking sharp, you can always merge the layers together, but I don't usually do that unless I need to add animation to the sig. Now....since this is an advanced club, I recommend that you join and learn different techniques at the Beginner's Sig Makers....most of the guys there are pretty cool, and will share different tips and tricks as they learn them. Good tutorials is an excellent source for learning also. We simply don't have the time to tutor you here...you've seen how big our list can be. Perhaps if you learn and develop your skills, you might become good enough to earn a tryout here. Good luck, and have fun...that's the most important thing about this hobby. Once it stops being fun, most people quickly lose interest.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 15:10:53

Ok, Freeway Murders banner....let me know if they like it.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 17:24:34

Kind of like this?

Yes, its great, thanks. Sorry for delayed responce, I have been busy with a flash I was making.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 17:48:42

Not sure if it meant my Sig and Avy were done, but when my name was there, there was a link there, and it would say, Page Cannot Be Displayed. Can someone please help me?

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 19:05:44

I need a sig please. Base pic is below, and use my username as the text. Feel free to do whatever you want with it. Thanks a lot in advance.

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 20:31:48

At 3/21/06 12:29 AM, Mad-Cow wrote: Can a get a sig that's funny, original, unique, and is blue/red/purple/black/insertrandomcolorher
e k thx :D

Actually, I want a serious one similar to my current one.

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-21 20:34:27

At 3/21/06 12:29 AM, Mad-Cow wrote: Can a get a sig that's funny, original, unique, and is blue/red/purple/black/insertrandomcolorher
e k thx :D

Actually I want a serious one similar to my current one.

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 04:51:57

Could someone please add me to the to-do list.
I posted about three times a couple of pages back (regarding my umbrella sig)...

Thanks in advance!

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 05:02:34

could someone make me a cool one

Get Fuckle'd

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 06:32:44

At 3/22/06 04:51 AM, cuber3 wrote: Could someone please add me to the to-do list.
I posted about three times a couple of pages back (regarding my umbrella sig)...

Thanks in advance!

It was done a few pages back.....

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 15:00:12

Ok guys I asked for a LOGO for my clan site on page 279. I reposted a few times because no one was makeing it Ive been waiting about a week. I only repost about 2 times because I asked on one page then 2 pages later no one made it so I figured you overlooked it. I was wondering if you could plz make my logo for me Id really appreciate it. Sorry If I was a bother.


They call me the almighty StrawberryShock.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 15:04:50

I've already seen yours Strawberry Shock

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 15:41:03

At 3/20/06 02:47 PM, Respect_plus_1 wrote:
At 3/19/06 03:16 PM, Respect_plus_1 wrote: could i get a sig with 1 stick figure slapping another stick figure (animated) and then saying RESPECT, BITCH. and like respect_plus_1 in the bottom right hand corner (normal font). (have the action going on in the middle) plz
just reposting so i'm not forgotten, and btw great work guys

yep once again reposting, keep up the good work guys and get to me when you can

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 15:49:30

next todolist is in the making
still waitn on an active member list please????

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 15:51:54

At 3/22/06 03:49 PM, Sig-Bot wrote: next todolist is in the making
still waitn on an active member list please????

can you put me higher this time? I used to be #2

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 16:04:10

erm i was bored -- jsut wanted to know what people think of my sig -- its simple but effective

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 16:07:50

At 3/22/06 04:04 PM, MephistonX wrote: erm i was bored -- jsut wanted to know what people think of my sig -- its simple but effective

It'd look better inverted.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 16:10:24

do u guys make animated sigs?

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 16:10:47

At 3/22/06 04:07 PM, Hoaders wrote: It'd look better inverted.

ya think i may try it cheers --- ooh i made this in 10 seconds out of bordom too

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-22 16:17:31

does look better inverted taa

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn