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Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

399,443 Views | 8,391 Replies
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Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 15:34:21

Yea, freaking go Pyros...WOOT!

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 17:39:14

u guys don't worry 'bout my sig 'k, i'm just goin' to asm. keep on making sigs

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 17:59:07

Can I get a sig please?

Something along the lines of 'tax' (all lower case, and no numbers so i can use it on teh other forum i frequent, please) with a katana or a random sword running behind it, with a shiny star thingy on teh blade, on an all black backround, with tax in red or green.

Please and thank you.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 19:30:04

Could somebody please make me a sig with my name and some kind of piano background? That would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 19:38:10

Sonic the Hedgehog and Edward Elric (the person that's not Sonic in my current signature) please?


BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 20:20:20

can someone make a sig for my alt gamemaster144 with something from either Black or Gt4 or if you can combine the two that would work to. thanks in advance

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-23 23:21:26

I made a sig with photoshop but I need help. One, I need to know where I can get some fonts. Two I need to know how to turn something into an animation, I have the multiple layers and with gimp It would automatically change it into and animation for me. Please, i'd like some help. e-mail me if interested

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 00:23:12

At 3/23/06 11:21 PM, Twerpo wrote: I made a sig with photoshop but I need help. One, I need to know where I can get some fonts. Two I need to know how to turn something into an animation, I have the multiple layers and with gimp It would automatically change it into and animation for me. Please, i'd like some help. e-mail me if interested


and im assuming if you got PS leight that you also have image ready .

www.google.com search for image ready tutorials that should help.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 09:26:27

yet again i ask and am not on the to do list
hiya guys
could i get a sig with the sentence " i mite av stole ya sig"
in big red lettering then it can flash or somthing then turn into a laughing face and my name on it somewhere'
pleeaaase i will ad you to my list of people i like

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 11:25:27

Ok every1 stop requesting sigs. Eventually every1 that makes sigs will pile in and fill your requestss. The members here obviously have some sort of real life Behind and "in front" so calm down. If you want your sig right here and now go to the allies of ssmr, the bsm. Ok , no Problem.

P.S. when you member guys come back I'd like to know if I can help you out by helping out with he 0rganization, lists, w/e. I also make sigs, so IM me er suttin. TTYL !!1!

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 11:44:31

At 3/24/06 11:25 AM, -Pyro-Muffin- wrote: Ok every1 stop requesting sigs. Eventually every1 that makes sigs will pile in and fill your requestss. The members here obviously have some sort of real life Behind and "in front" so calm down. If you want your sig right here and now go to the allies of ssmr, the bsm. Ok , no Problem.

Look, don't try and tell people what to do for us. I'm perfectly happy with requests piling on and on, because that means that there's more likely to be a sig request that I can do to my fullest ability. If i'm not posting a sig, it's because nothing piques my interest, and telling everyone not to post requests isn't going to help. I'm perfectly happy with the state of the sig request list, sure, it may be long, but that doesn't concern me. And it shouldn't concern you either, because you're not a member.

P.S. when you member guys come back I'd like to know if I can help you out by helping out with he 0rganization, lists, w/e. I also make sigs, so IM me er suttin. TTYL !!1!

We've got plenty of help here, thanks for the offer though. I'm not sure what the state of order's like at the ASM, try there.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 13:18:55

/|\SSM To Do List/|\
Part 1 of 2

angel_warrior_105/At 3/14/06 09:57 PM
DBZ style sig

-IHATEPPLlol-/At 3/22/06 04:38 PM
Animated Request
two stick people fighting on top of a building until one pushes the other off (show him falling, if possible) and after he falls make "GRAVITY KILLS PEOPLE" scroll across the sig.

poprocksandjack999/At 3/15/06 06:24 PM
on the left a bottle of Jack...on the Right some poprocks...and in the middle his name with the 999 part under the letters

Genius_07/At 3/13/06 02:07 PM
brain (human, not too big) in the upper side w/ alsis in lower side w. thunder bolt from brain to alias

Pyrostudios/At 3/21/06 02:15 PM
anime type guy holding and starring at a burning match with Pyrostudios in fire up in the top left corner and in the bottom right corner it says "Feed your inner Pyro".

_Sisyphus_/At 3/21/06 07:05 PM
Freestyl with Atlas<that poor fuck who holds the weight of the world on his sholders>

smeagol1/At 3/15/06 08:56 PM
Stormy type sig with two dark angels and some flames and the name "blood guts and vengence"

Smizzoach/At 3/13/06 06:54 PM
Pro-Pic request:
Guy wearing a leather S&M mask with a caption saying "Smizzoach, The Sadomasochist"

kingofgamers18/At 3/16/06 06:07 PM
Crown with name in it and "Hail to the king" in lower right corner

KakashiKunai/At 3/16/06 06:16 PM
red blue and black backrounds colors with pics similar to thses

Carnane/At 3/16/06 07:47 PM
fading blue background with name in wavy font in the corner and the linked pic of Siegfried

_Obito_Uchiha_/At 3/22/06 07:56 PM
green background with 8-bit link and how he grows with text "O how time's have changed"
no name to be on it

Catcatcat/At 3/18/06 12:59 AM
1- Put a spinning, gif shuriken in the center in the middle of the sig.
2- Put the facepaint stuff on the pic of kankuro

Scud_Buster/At 3/21/06 01:39 AM
gaara from naruto w/ scud_buster in the lower right and "Any One Who Crosses Me is Dead Meat" or "The First Breath is the Beginning of Death" in upper right

duffeknol/At 3/18/06 08:51 AM
Anti-Slipknot style w/ Joey<leadsinger>getting his ass kicked and "Slipknot is NOT metal" all over it

billytheradponi/At 3/19/06 05:02 AM
Freestyle with name and a radioactive sign

Respect_plus_1/At 3/19/06 03:16 PM
Animated Request
two stick figures in middle of sig...one slaps other and say respect bitch
name in bottom right corner

Metaphor_99/At 3/20/06 07:09 PM
Sig and Profile Pic Request
Sig request
-Use pic provided in link
-In one of the corners, put: Metaphor
-Somewhere on the sig, have a microphone. If you can make it laying on the ground with the chord rolling off to the end of the pic
Profile Pic request
-Use pic provided in link
-Just in the bottom, put Metaphor in the same font and colour you did with the sig.
-A border around the whole outline, use Red Blue or both

Honkey pic for sig and Propic

jacktherack/At 3/20/06 08:57 PM
MachoMan and Mortal Kombat Symbol in backround with animated Fatality gif and "MachoMan Wins

Jay-B/At 3/21/06 01:24 AM
black, and blue, maybe a white border and looking as if it is part of the forum it'self. Like the color of the BBS but not actually in the sig and check below is post for the style of lettering he wanted

DarkTails100/At 3/22/06 05:02 AM

StrawberryShock/At 3/12/06 07:27 PM
WebSite Banner Request:
logo made for my clan website. It's clan SiD I need a pic made for SiD. Im not eaxctly sure what I want on it umm mayb some guy laying dead on top of the SiD with the letters. Black and blue. Just try to be creative because I don't reallly know what I want but I need a logo so just do some random cool stuff to it. But I would like a body laying of to of the Clan SiD logo. and like a sword leaning aggisnt the D on the SiD.

Note From Sig-Bot
Some Specs wpuld be nice...like heightxWidth

king_sephiroth/At 3/22/06 04:52 PM
Kindom Heart Sytle sig with Septhiroth...blackletters with green outline

ZERO52/At 3/22/06 08:48 PM
Wants 3 VG ch in it
Samus Aran-Metroid prime 1 or 2
Joanne Dark-Pefect dark Zero
Main charcter from Farcry-Any farcry
black and white style
and his name beaten to hell like farcry letters with a biohazard sign by name...a tiny one

PANDA_KILLA/At 3/22/06 10:14 PM
Animated Request
Wants blodd and stick figures having sex

-Colossus-/At 3/22/06 11:05 PM
Sig Pro-Pic Combo Request
Colossus from X Men with a grunge background.
My alias in a destroyed font like Retro Rock Poster<see link> Some blood, and make it fade to the site color like paint spills

Requested Text is at Bottom of Page

Hardcoded-Ham/At 3/23/06 06:11 AM
Navy blue-deep red-white w/ Zombie style for the rest and "ZombieCrew"on it

-Pyro-Muffin-/At 3/23/06 06:56 AM
A muffin holding a flamethrower with a burning building in the background.
Also, if you can, put some stick figures in the background killing eachother.
I want the background to be dark red, almost misty, with some red tinted cluds in the background.

Note From Sig-Bot
Read the bottom of the todolist for infor on joining the SSM

Dogget/At 3/23/06 08:11 AM
Cartoon Style
man standing next to a dog saying "Dog! Get!"
And the dog looks sad, and has the watery/cute eyes happening.


BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 13:21:32

/|\SSM To Do List/|\
Part 2 of 2

tax777/At 3/23/06 05:59 PM
Something along the lines of 'tax' (all lower case, and no numbers so i can use it on teh other forum i frequent, please) with a katana or a random sword running behind it, with a shiny star thingy on teh blade, on an all black backround, with tax in red or green.

Musical_Rocky/At 3/23/06 07:30 PM
Based on Alias with piano background

Ryan_Kajito/At 3/23/06 07:38 PM
Freestyle with Sonic the Hedgehog and Edward Elric

DestroyerOfMan/At 3/24/06 06:26 AM
Pirate style w/ "YARR" in all caps...Text color: Neon red, blend it in with black background if you will. I'd like the color to fade to white for the pirate.

dooseyboy/At 3/24/06 09:26 AM
Animater Request
The sentence " i mite av stole ya sig"
in big red lettering then it can flash or somthing then turn into a laughing face and my name on it somewhere

Click the Current ASM todolist for photoshop needs and info
Note For all sig makers
If you whish to join the SSM you can do so by posting your work in the ASM as they have elected to watch only that thread for new talent...when they have there tryouts they will make a post in both places saying so...other wise !!!DON'T POST YOUR WORK HERE!!!
Just ask for what you want and i'll add you to the list...if you piss of one of the artists here and they dont make you one to bad...and since I make the todolist for both the ASM and the SSM I know once your request is filled and i'll remove said request from BOTH lists.
If You Want Somethign for Another Site
Please let us know the height/width and MAX file size so we know what we can work with.
Wanna do what we do?
Then check the current ASM ToDoListfor all your Photoshop and PaintShopPro needs
the data is growing almost every update...not to mention theres some new NG themed things on the list for your PC.
Contact Sig-Bot


BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 13:23:47

Hey can i have a sig made please?

I need something thats drum and rock music related please.


Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 13:29:11

At 3/24/06 01:23 PM, n0is3 wrote: Hey can i have a sig made please?

I need something thats drum and rock music related please.


And nothing with my name in it .

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 14:07:40

At 3/24/06 01:18 PM, Sig-Bot wrote: angel_warrior_105/At 3/14/06 09:57 PM
DBZ style sig


Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 14:36:44

At 3/24/06 01:18 PM, Sig-Bot wrote: Genius_07/At 3/13/06 02:07 PM
brain (human, not too big) in the upper side w/ alsis in lower side w. thunder bolt from brain to alias


Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 14:47:56

Wow, i love it, just something:

Do you think you can put the number too on my alias, and put 3 tunders instead of just one?

Only do it if you think it's not much to ask, Thank you very much.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 14:48:24

At 3/24/06 01:18 PM, Sig-Bot wrote: _Sisyphus_/At 3/21/06 07:05 PM
Freestyl with Atlas<that poor fuck who holds the weight of the world on his sholders>


Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 14:51:39

At 3/24/06 02:47 PM, Genius_07 wrote: Wow, i love it, just something:


Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 14:54:21

At 3/24/06 02:51 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:
At 3/24/06 02:47 PM, Genius_07 wrote: Wow, i love it, just something:


Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 14:55:05

At 3/24/06 02:48 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:
At 3/24/06 01:18 PM, Sig-Bot wrote: _Sisyphus_/At 3/21/06 07:05 PM
Freestyl with Atlas<that poor fuck who holds the weight of the world on his sholders>

Thanks, BananaBreadMuffin! It came out a lot cooler than I thought. :)

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 15:09:32

At 3/24/06 01:18 PM, Sig-Bot wrote: billytheradponi/At 3/19/06 05:02 AM
Freestyle with name and a radioactive sign


Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 15:52:49

At 3/14/06 06:47 PM, TehChahlesh wrote: A sig would be great. I'd like a white backround, with a picture of a TOp Hat on the left, and the text "I own a Top Hat, therefore I am cool" on the right, with my name in the lower right hand corner. In black Times New Roman font.

I made this request about 8 pages back, and I can't help but nag. I haven't gotten a sig, and I haven't even seen my name on a to-do list. It doesn't seem too unrealistic does it? If it is......... could you at least tell me?

The average BBS user couldn't detect sarcasm if it was shoved up his ass.

Roses Are Red Violets are Blue

I'm Schizophrenic and so am I

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 16:16:21

well i was just checking in to see if yall have got to my sig yet its not on the to-do list so i guess i will post it again. i would like a sig with something from black or from gt4 for my alt gamemaster144. combine them or make one of each which ever is eaiser.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 17:21:45

go back a page or two and there will be a link in the todolist for you
juggs made you one a while back

I cannot find where it is... :S Anyway, can you make a new one for me? (If youdecide to put a girl on my sign, please animate, thanks.)

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 17:23:19

At 3/24/06 11:44 AM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Look, don't try and tell people what to do for us. I'm perfectly happy with requests piling on and on

Ok just trying to help. : D

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 17:48:37

can someone make this sig please? i would greatly apreciate it...okay this is what i would like it to look like

i would like a picture of some poprocks on the right and on the left a picture of some jack daniels...and in the center i would like it to say PopRocksandJack and under that i would like it to say 999...please ^_^ thankyous! other then all that...do what you like with it...

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 17:50:41

At 3/24/06 05:21 PM, hot_and_charming wrote: I cannot find where it is... :S Anyway, can you make a new one for me? (If youdecide to put a girl on my sign, please animate, thanks.)

Look for the sig better, don't ask a new one to be made for you just because you suck at searching.

Some people, of course, not the ones who request sigs, spend their own time to get those sigs done. If you can't take five minutes to use the search-bar correctly or whatever it takes to find a damn sig, I can't see why anyone here would waste about 30 or so minutes to make you a new sig.

I live in fire and pain. The turmoild of the world is your problem

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-03-24 18:01:40

At 3/24/06 05:48 PM, poprocksandjack999 wrote: can someone make this sig please? i would greatly apreciate it...okay this is what i would like it to look like

This isn't the first time you asked, is it?

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

You're my banana

BBS Signature