can somebody please make me a sig with an evil snowman holding a sword. With my name on the side of course.
can somebody please make me a sig with an evil snowman holding a sword. With my name on the side of course.
At 3/20/06 12:14 PM, -Ecstasy wrote:At 3/20/06 11:47 AM, samurai_snowman wrote: can somebody please make me a sig with an evil snowman holding a sword. With my name on the side of course.quick one, couldn't see anyone else doing it to be honest...
how about a light blue background colour and a more evil snowman
At 3/18/06 12:59 AM, Catcatcat wrote: I'd like to update my sig. I'd like-
1- Put a spinning, gif shuriken in the center in the middle of the sig.
2- Put the facepaint stuff on the pic of kankuro. It doesn't look like him without the paint.
That too much? Feel free to add anything you think looks good.
Just updating my request....
I realize you've got alot on your hands, but I don't want anyone to forget me.
I have nothing to say that is at all relevant.
At 3/20/06 12:45 PM, -Ecstasy wrote:At 3/20/06 12:25 PM, samurai_snowman wrote: how about a light blue background colour and a more evil snowmani didnt save the psd. but i gave it my best shot... and plus i'm a terrible drawer.
thanks thats much better, ill use that one
At 3/19/06 03:16 PM, Respect_plus_1 wrote: could i get a sig with 1 stick figure slapping another stick figure (animated) and then saying RESPECT, BITCH. and like respect_plus_1 in the bottom right hand corner (normal font). (have the action going on in the middle) plz
just reposting so i'm not forgotten, and btw great work guys
At 3/19/06 10:03 PM, Speedy1234 wrote: hey, just wondering when the next request list is coming out...
actually im gonna make one after i get home from work later tyonight
so if you could tell me what page youre request is on ill make your the number one entry
i noticed youve been pationient and waiting a while
At 3/20/06 02:58 PM, HellboundNinja wrote:At 3/19/06 10:03 PM, Speedy1234 wrote: hey, just wondering when the next request list is coming out...actually im gonna make one after i get home from work later tyonight
so if you could tell me what page youre request is on ill make your the number one entry
i noticed youve been pationient and waiting a while
also i was wondering if you guys had a premade layout your already used to our shoul;d i just make a new one from scratch
omg i dont want to get ready for wqorkkk
i hate being a pizza fucker
I would like a really tight ANIMATED sig. i want:
A really badass looking Madness dude with 4 arms shooting stuff with AK-47's and Uzi's with an ANIMATED canadian flag in the right corner with really cool pimped out lettering saying:
"~FourArms~ 0WNS YOU!!"
in the left corner.
I would be VERY appreciative. Thx.
At 3/19/06 06:11 PM, Lucif3r111 wrote: Hey,
I was wondering if one of you could make me a sig
1.Incoporate Lucifer and the scary feeling in the background
2. Use USM-ST3.Lucifer as the name you put on there
3.Really anything other than that you can chose
I'll get this that I know what the USM thing is..........
Check back in a bit.
opps sorry ... pr0n clock is my alt lol...
Hey. I was wondering if I could get a Sig and Avatar.
Pic For Sig:
-In one of the corners, put: Metaphor
-Somewhere on the sig, have a microphone. If you can make it laying on the ground with the chord rolling off to the end of the pic, that'd be great.
Pic For Avatar:
(Same one)
-Just in the bottom, put Metaphor in the same font and colour you did with the sig.
-A border around the whole outline, use one of the colours below.
-Blue, Red, or both. Whatever you think looks better.
If you could do this, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
could you tell me how you make those sigs that have so many pics togethere and then there is like no backround like the one you have
ok can someone make me a sig that has the same pic that i have now exept make it have a mortal kombat (the dragon symbol thingy) background and instead of saying be a man say fatality ( make the fatality animated somehow ) and above that make it say macho man wins
it dousnt matter if thats in really little letters and you dont have to make that animated
here is the fatality gif
Update request
I need a sig for a girl I met online have it say blood guts and vengence thats her alias put dark clouds with light in the background of the sky and two dark angels and flames at the your best Im hopeing for the best I really like this girl.
At 3/19/06 09:14 PM, pr0n_clock wrote: i friggin knew it ..... god can someone please animate my sig its on page 281 3 pages back also a while back on the "ill slightly animate your sig " thread i requested them to do it on page 2 turns out to be 11 pages and no one did my sig by then it gets locked so my patience is wearing thin thank you and have a nice day
mine was on the 270's, and i've been waiting for about two weeks now.
calm the fuck down inpaitent ass.
At 3/20/06 07:15 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: Lucifer sig:
WOW thxs alot man much appreaciated
will some one make me a sig? the only thing i care about is that is it has, guns,gods,and the number 15, thx
At 3/20/06 10:42 PM, gamegod15 wrote: will some one make me a sig? the only thing i care about is that is it has, guns,gods,and the number 15, thx
Sorry i meant it has stuff ABOUT gun, gods, and the number 15 hence the name
Can anyone make me a sig with kakashikunai (my name) and then a few pictures of kakashi with a blusish redish blackish background?
Can a get a sig that's funny, original, unique, and is blue/red/purple/black/insertrandomcolorher
e k thx :D
Instead of making the sig that I asked for earlier, all I have is but a simple task to ask for if someone can do it. Is there any way that someone can take my sig that I have and put a silver whistle in it? I would have had it thrown in when I asked for this one, but I didn't even know I had reached that rank (was normal when I had sig done). If not then I'll try somewhere else, but thanks in advance if someone does this for me.
Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm gonna fuck you with a rake
Sig by Turkeybean
Hello again, guys. I'd like to request a new sig, if possible at this time.
I'd like something black, and blue, maybe a white border and looking as if it is part of the forum it'self. Like the color of the BBS but not actually in the sig. I hope you get what I mean. I also wan't my name like this.
Dammit, sorry for the double post but I forgot to attach the picture. I want my name like this, please.
At 3/19/06 10:03 PM, Speedy1234 wrote: hey, just wondering when the next request list is coming out...
currently in the works
it goes from page 280 and up
also if i see your request was filled and you dont even have a sig on im giving a lnik to the page it was on one time and one time only
after that you guys have to find em your self
Could you make me a sig 400 times 100 with gaara from naruto showing his sand flowing from his gored saying scud_buster in the lower right hand corner and saying any one who crosses me is dead meat or the first breath is the beginning of death in the upper right hand corner in any size shape cooler or style any other extras you want to include or any other part of the sig you decided what to do as long as its appropriate for his personality thanks I will check every day so I don’t miss it not to seam impassionate but I am on every day any way so y not stop by wile I am on this might help thank you again.
Sorry for the double post I meant 400 with 75 heights thank you agene
/|\SSM To Do List/|\
angel_warrior_105/At 3/14/06 09:57 PM
DBZ style sig
Note From Sig-Bot
Check the ASM's current ToDoList
ive compiled a list of links for programs and tuts and font s and other stuff for beginner and non-beginners alike
Page 280 near bottom/thank -Bonafide-
poprocksandjack999/At 3/15/06 06:24 PM
on the left a bottle of Jack...on the Right some poprocks...and in the middle his name with the 999 part under the letters
GreenCard/At 3/15/06 07:46 PM
A thrid of the way down courtsy of Juggs
Champigne/At 3/15/06 08:12 PM
Note From Sig-Bot
Check the current ASM toDoList for a link to the page your request was filed on
Dfrost16/At 3/15/06 08:46 PM
Ghostrider style sig with name in it
A thrid of the way down courtsy of Juggs
smeagol1/At 3/15/06 08:56 PM
Stormy type sig with two dark angels and some flames and the name "blood guts and vengence"
Smizzoach/At 3/13/06 06:54 PM
Pro-Pic request:guy wearing a leather S&M mask with a caption saying "Smizzoach, The Sadomasochist"
kingofgamers18/At 3/16/06 06:07 PM
Crown with name in it and "Hail to the king" in lower right corner
KakashiKunai/At 3/16/06 06:16 PM
redblue and black backrounds colors with pics similar to thses
Note From Sig-Bot
Look a few posts after your intial request
Carnane/At 3/16/06 07:47 PM
fading blue background with name in wavy font in the corner and the linked pic of Siegfried
i think its time for a new sig
Note From Sig-Bot
Fuck you asshole you only got 6 fucking posts
sig request denied
Speedy1234/date and time are unknown at this moment
Note From Sig-Bot
sorry man but i dont know what your request was
Catcatcat/At 3/18/06 12:59 AM
1- Put a spinning, gif shuriken in the center in the middle of the sig.
2- Put the facepaint stuff on the pic of kankuro
Nine-Inch-Nailer/At 3/18/06 07:17 AM
A thrid of the way down courtsy of Juggs
duffeknol/At 3/18/06 08:51 AM
Note From Sig-Bot
sorry man but i aint looking for the old list nor am i gonna bother checking off whos request was and wasnt filled from it so just repost it and ill add it to the nesxt todolist if it donsent get filled by the time i do the next one
thnx and sorry for the wait
teach me you ways or awsome SSMer's
Go here and look for a really big post by HellboundNinja
billytheradponi/At 3/19/06 05:02 AM
Freestyle with name and a radioactive sign
Respect_plus_1/At 3/19/06 03:16 PM
Animated Request
two stick figures in middle of slaps other and say respect bitch
name in bottom right corner
Parralax/At 3/20/06 05:08 AM
grungy rising sun and name in white in a grungy font
Note From Sig-Bot
check a couple post after your rqeuest courtsy of Ecstasy
Metaphor_99/At 3/20/06 07:09 PM
Sig and Profile Pic Request
Sig request
-Use pic provided in link
-In one of the corners, put: Metaphor
-Somewhere on the sig, have a microphone. If you can make it laying on the ground with the chord rolling off to the end of the pic
Profile Pic request
-Use pic provided in link
-Just in the bottom, put Metaphor in the same font and colour you did with the sig.
-A border around the whole outline, use Red Blue or both
Honkey pic for sig and Propic
jacktherack/At 3/20/06 08:57 PM
MachoMan and Mortal Kombat Symbol in backround with animated Fatality gif and "MachoMan Wins
-mexicanzpride-/At 3/20/06 09:11 PM
band art for a band called "freeway murders", you now, like a car/murdered person, base it off the name.
gamegod15/At 3/20/06 10:42 PM
guns,gods,and the number 15
Jay-B/At 3/21/06 01:24 AM
black, and blue, maybe a white border and looking as if it is part of the forum it'self. Like the color of the BBS but not actually in the sig and check below is post for the style of lettering he wanted
Note From Sig-Bot
if someone could hook me up with an ACTIVE memberlist id be much abliged
and from know on im gonna make and post the list as the sig-bot only
for here and The ASM
cause were the only two sig crews that actually matter
also im gonna set up a photobucket account and im considering setting up a hotmail,Aim, and yahoo account for when im doing stuff as sig-bot it will be easy for people to reach me
also if you can find your request search my name and chances are youll find it somewhere
hey guys thanx for letting me do the todolist
im really gonna try to keep getting it done for here and the ASM
also can some one make me a Profile pic in the style of the P-bot{hence why i renamed my alt account Sig-Bot} but i wna tthe Sig bot pic to have a red and black colored style bot
and then just replace and of the P's with the letter s
i think im gonna keep the godluvskfc sig pic though
also if your banned and need to post a sig just send it to me and ill post it as the sig bot
his post count means nothing to me and im rather happy i decied to change it from a spaming alt to a helpful alt
well im iff to play blakc and white
later yall
At 3/21/06 02:00 AM, Sig-Bot wrote: /|\SSM To Do List/|\
duffeknol/At 3/18/06 08:51 AM
Note From Sig-Bot
sorry man but i aint looking for the old list nor am i gonna bother checking off whos request was and wasnt filled from it so just repost it and ill add it to the nesxt todolist if it donsent get filled by the time i do the next one
thnx and sorry for the wait
It's ok, but I've been waiting for a VERY long time now. Really.
ok final try:
I want an anti-Slipknot signature. I want Joey from Slipknot te get his ass kicked in it. And I would like the message "Slipknot is NOT metal" to be spammed all over the place.
Thanks, now please, get to it this time :P