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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-29 13:28:23

At 6/27/07 05:14 PM, NickScott wrote:
At 6/27/07 04:44 PM, J-Ray wrote: An abusive button should be next to the authors response cause:
1) They dont have to respond to a review
2) Authors shouldnt be talkin bad to truthful reviews
WAH WAH AN AUTHOR SAID SOMETHING MEAN TO ME AS A RESPONSE TO MY REVIEW!! Reason an abusive button shouldn't be by the author's response because:
1.) If you're too emotional to handle an author's response, you don't have to review.
2.) They have their own opinions on "truthful" reviews. It's their fucking flash submission, so shutup.

Oh, so writing a bad review is not OK but replying to a review abusively is OK? Talk about downright stupid! I'm all for this idea!

Mario doesn't murder koopas!

When it's an accident, it's called koopaslaughter.

I can not be a faggot.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-30 22:25:15

We should really try to make a good OpenID implementation, alot of web 2.0 sites are implementing it for a universal login system that works on every site its put on.

We could have a login that works for Newgrounds, and other sites too!


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-02 06:31:31

At 7/2/07 05:34 AM, NickScott wrote: How about stats for Icon Helpers. I know I shouldn't have to be persuaded to do it for stats, but whatever. ^_^

Tom or Wade (I think it was Wade) posted about this not long ago. He said that the redesign might include a reward for the Icon Helpers like a stat mentioning that in the profile.

I also hope the icons for whistle level and B/P rank will be updated to look cooler.

They look good as they are, IMO. But they could indeed look even better.




BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-02 07:05:16

I'd go for a literature forum, where all the stories or poetry can be posted and people could give proper feedback. I'd be willing to give this a lot of effort.

It has it's downsides obviously...and it's probably already been discussed in this thread.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-02 09:10:13

At 7/2/07 07:05 AM, Scarab-Stalk33r wrote: I'd go for a literature forum, where all the stories or poetry can be posted and people could give proper feedback. I'd be willing to give this a lot of effort.

It has it's downsides obviously...and it's probably already been discussed in this thread.

Probably so, but there is already a Poetry Club started. Use that to posts your poetry if you want. Probably a writing/literarture crew ifyou searched with the bar.

NG Review Moderator // Pm me for Review Abuse

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-07 21:29:59

you know how we have "locked" "new posts" etc... i think we should have one (maybe just for the flash forum) that means "solved" like if a flash problem has been solved or not. I know that when i'm looking through the forum and there is say 11 posts in a topic called "Button Help" i immediately assume that the people of the forum have worked out his problem when in actual fact its more advanced than a simple button... i think that alot of people would be the same as me..... what do u guys reckon?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-08 03:10:53


How about in everyone's profile there is a clock that shows what time it is in that users country/timezone. I think this would be a great idea because you could look at your friends or just anybodies profile and find out what time it is there and quite possibly how long it will be until they will be on NG. This would be a really handy tool and I think it will help heaps of people out.

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-09 08:53:18

At 6/23/07 11:03 AM, NEVR wrote: in my opinion, the EXP system is fine as it is; it shows who has had the perseverance to come to NG every day and rate AT LEAST 5 movies. (many members do more). I don't think there will ever be an alternative way of getting experience points, and i think that's the right way to go.

Sorry, I do not agree with you because, once you're past level 8, it takes far too long to go up another level. There should be a way for level 9+ users to speed up their experience gain or the requirements for each level beyond 8 should be closer together.

Mario doesn't murder koopas!

When it's an accident, it's called koopaslaughter.

I can not be a faggot.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-09 09:19:25

At 7/9/07 08:53 AM, mariobro42 wrote: Sorry, I do not agree with you because, once you're past level 8, it takes far too long to go up another level. There should be a way for level 9+ users to speed up their experience gain or the requirements for each level beyond 8 should be closer together.

Yes there will be 60 levels *soon* you know so they will get closer

It's a friggin picture. Get used to it

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-09 10:59:34

At 7/9/07 08:53 AM, mariobro42 wrote: Sorry, I do not agree with you because, once you're past level 8, it takes far too long to go up another level. There should be a way for level 9+ users to speed up their experience gain or the requirements for each level beyond 8 should be closer together.

i honestly don't care whether or not you agree with me - the system was made the way it is so that you EARN the higher levels, NOT so that you can get them whenever you want them. as SBB said, the 60 level system that is being implemented in the redesign will narrow the gap between levels, and allow you to level up slightly faster anyway.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-09 11:23:01

For the new levels I wouldn't mid a feature that allows the user to select a picture from a level already gained. For example a blue aura lvl 10 can select a lvl 5 red aura picture as his avatar. But I can understand if this would cause confusion when posting.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-09 19:42:10

I got an idea, sorta. Anyways, this is my idea.
-When a flash or an audio gets removed by the original author and your reviewed it awhile back, you still get to keep the review in a different review setting. Dead Audio Reviews and Dead Flash Reviews are what I would name those reviews. :/

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-10 13:54:23

What I wrote in the thread that was locked almost instantly, proving that hard work and change is not wanted and only crap topics are allowed in General.

_ _ _

What makes Newgrounds is the users, and too many of the good ones are washed away by annoying, un-funny, boring people posting here.

So, if we can have an Art forum, can we have a "Regulars" forum, for senior members who have been on Newgrounds much longer than others, and are decent posters.
A general forum, but with a few differences.

It would be a forum hidden from new users, but appears once particular requirements are met. It would be a place with less rules and a more relaxed view on topics and their content.

An example of requirements would be:

One Year's membership
At least 2000/3000/4000 posts

These could be different, but it's an example of what you would need to go there.

A place for both intelligent discussion, and mindless fun. In keeping with the rules, but not as strictly enforced.

I propose, come the site re-design, we also have a new forum only available to users who have been part of the Newgrounds community for a good amount of time. This forum would appear only to senior members, and would basically be the same as General but with a more relaxed view on what we can post in the threads

If you agree with this proposal, post your agreement.

I hardly ever come here anymore....

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-12 11:59:42

hi ,

i've been a user for a while now , and became a member a few months ago.
just wanted to share some views on what i think should be the way to go with NG.
after all , it can't be this way forever!

NG IS pretty famous.this site is home to numa numa , charlie the unicorn , sim girl etc etc..
and i believe it's just undermining it's potential.

here's a small list of things that i wish would come up in NG : -

1.social networking : -

NG has a great potential as a social networking site - not thrashy like myspace but something like a devianart for flash! we can also have "fans" in our profiles i.e like orkut - you can become the fan of someone . the music from radiogrounds can also be integrated into a profile.and maybe something like a bulletin board or a blog so that the artists can updates on their latest work , whether they want to start a crew etc.

2.separate adult newgrounds : -

sure , newgrounds is good - but hentai also draws people to this site.there have been some complaints about the amount of hentai on this site - maybe that will change if we had a separate "newgrounds-a" which will feature the highly violent and erotic content.this will keep the protests away.plus - two sites means more ad revenue!!!

3.level 9+ forums : -

this will keep the spammers away.less spammers = more fun.
plus it'll motivate the others to level up and virtually clear up all alt accounts.
it'll help the mods too..since there are less n00bs , there'll be lesser violations , right??

that's all i've thought for now.feel free to post any views..

Already Disturbed.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-16 03:45:44

At 7/14/07 02:14 PM, culade wrote: i wish we could do something about some of these author's responses. a user gives an honest review while following the guidelines and the author's response is "f*ck you f*ggot n*gger f*ggot" w/o the censorship of course. that is absolutely ridiculous.

i was told to bring this here. but now i have this eye sore in my reviews with responses:

"fuck you idiot piece of shit. Heres a truth for you. If you are fucking on a crocadile, 27% of the time that same crocodile will bite your asshole off and prevent you from shiiting for the rest of your life. He'll just rip your asshole clean from your ass and in 7 days you will die from non shitting." - TheStarSyndicate

if that was written in a review, it would have been flagged and deleted in a heartbeat. but since it's the author's response, it stays. the guidelines should apply to their responses as well. either we should be able to flag them separately, or let us delete our own reviews.

if a review mod reads this, would you please delete my review.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=383928
maybe the next several reviews as well.


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-18 20:05:22

Make it so that you can have audio playing from the audio portal on your user page. That would ROCK

"It is impossible to govern rightly without God and the Bible." --George Washington

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-19 16:44:17

How about a Blog/News Search, as well as the ability to subscribe to blogs/news of people you like.

I mean... it's easier then typing in the URL of the name.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-23 01:49:33

I think that leaving an option to flag the movie after it has passed judgement would be a good idea, this is to prevent autors from changing their flash file to something lawbreaking afterwards.

Foregive me oh great liljim if this has been suggested before, please don't hurt me.

Need help on beating Alkie Kong 2, brutal mode? click here.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-23 07:33:00

At 7/23/07 01:49 AM, wismty wrote: I think that leaving an option to flag the movie after it has passed judgement would be a good idea, this is to prevent autors from changing their flash file to something lawbreaking afterwards.

Foregive me oh great liljim if this has been suggested before, please don't hurt me.

Gotta chime in on this one. Not sure how many of you were on here last night when this issue came to a head, for me at least. I have seen this happen numerous times, and something does need to be done about it. I am sure Tom is tired of bunches of PMs reporting something that could be taken care of with a simple flagging option.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-25 06:23:20

think there should be an option to get PM's when there are new submissions from favourite authors - in addition to (or instead of) e-mails. I don't normally check my e-mails to see about new submissions, since I normally just go on for 5-10 minutes and read the few e-mails that aren't spam or chain letters. And I never feel like watching them when I check my e-mails, but when I come to Newgrounds i'm in the mood for flash, so it seems like the right time to tell me that theres something I might be interested in seeing.

yes i iz timflips. im-a invente newgrinds!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-25 09:37:45

How about a report abusive BBS-post button? You know, so you don't actually have to leave the forum. E.g. It sends a Pm to a random online moderator with:

The user <Insert user name> has reported the following post.
Click this link to get there.

So there won't be need for long pm's or to search for a mod..

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-25 13:28:59

At 7/10/07 01:54 PM, N-Antichrist wrote: If you agree with this proposal, post your agreement.

I LOVE N-Antichrist's idea! A 'Regulars' forums would be great for all the senior and intellegent users.

What N-Antichrist said about the BBS becoming more and more noob-associated is very true. The topics in the general forum are OVER FLOWING with unnessesary threads. And the fact that you could only get into the Regulars forum by completing or doing requirments is an awesome idea. Think of it as a mods only forum, only for senior users.

I am behind N-Antichrist on this suggestion %110!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-26 01:50:26

I have two more ideas.

1. Have the banners from a persons userpage appear on their submission page. For example, Toms banner will appear on the page of Pico's School, or any of his other submissions. Probably between the ad banner and the "click to play this game" button.

2. Add users icons to their posts. Helps give the users more of an identity, rather then just recognizing them by their username and level icon.

yes i iz timflips. im-a invente newgrinds!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-26 01:55:21

At 7/26/07 01:50 AM, TimFilp wrote: I have two more ideas.

1. Have the banners from a persons userpage appear on their submission page. For example, Toms banner will appear on the page of Pico's School, or any of his other submissions. Probably between the ad banner and the "click to play this game" button.

2. Add users icons to their posts. Helps give the users more of an identity, rather then just recognizing them by their username and level icon.

To give a better idea of what I mean for idea 2, check this pic out. Sorry for crappy quality, I did it in paint in a few minutes.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

yes i iz timflips. im-a invente newgrinds!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-28 07:04:56

I hate to mention this YET AGAIN, but once again it needs to be addressed. There REALLY needs to be a way to report submissions after they have passed judgment. Once again, this time from the user sp33dtouch, files were swapped and replaced with flash that violates every rule that the portal has. Malicious, auto-spawning, and hateful all at the same time. I am pretty sure most people have seen it, because the bad reviews have started pouring in on those. Both Wade and Tom have been contacted, but there should be an easier way to take care of things like this. If they don't want to allow submissions to be flagged after passing judgment, then maybe make it where the file cant be swapped after it passes would be a good idea. Or maybe make it where they can only change the file with permission. Regardless, something needs to be done.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-28 07:32:22

I second that. One of the ones I clicked on gave me a virus which I had to delete urgently. Please would you be able to make a whistle for flashes after the pass judgement stage?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-28 08:39:00

At 7/28/07 07:04 AM, thepunisher131 wrote: I hate to mention this YET AGAIN, but once again it needs to be addressed. There REALLY needs to be a way to report submissions after they have passed judgment.

there is all you have to do is EMAIL wade at wade@newgrounds.com like i told you on the thread you made earlier...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-28 09:54:53

At 7/28/07 08:39 AM, Cheekyvincent wrote:
At 7/28/07 07:04 AM, thepunisher131 wrote: I hate to mention this YET AGAIN, but once again it needs to be addressed. There REALLY needs to be a way to report submissions after they have passed judgment.
there is all you have to do is EMAIL wade at wade@newgrounds.com like i told you on the thread you made earlier...

Unfortunately, for a lot of people, that option is not enough. There are kids who visit this site, and for posts like that, there needs to be an on the spot correction made. The 2 submissions today that are violating the rules are still there, even though Wade was emailed and both Wade and Tom were pm'd. There have been a lot of entries that have made similar submissions and switched them on the portal. Telling people not to look at it doesn't really work all that well either, because for some reason, some people have to see it for themselves. Something really needs to be done about this. I know I am not alone in my views.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-28 11:58:35

Allowing a whistle post-judgement would be a devastatingly bad idea. Incorrect whistling has always been a problem (there was a period where a group targeted me and mass-whistled all my flash, none of which broke any rules), and letting anyone whistle a flash at any time would result in any controversial flash, or a flash made by controversial authors (say, IWP or the KK) getting flagged.

There are a few better solutions that I could think of.

1) Portal Mods. A handful of active portal users who are also trusted whistle users (some of the top people on the top 300 B/P list would be excellent for this; I know that I'd be happy to help in any way I could) could have the ability to whistle things after judgement, or pull them completely by themselves. They could also possibly re-name flashes and remove the flash's icon.

To limit abuse, maybe these abilities could only be used for the first week in a flash's existence.

2) Inability to change the flash's .swf/title during its first week of life (and longer if it wins TOTW or underdog). I'd be a little hesitant about the .swf thing...some people legitimately upload the wrong file, and have to change it, but it might be a sacrifice we'd have to be willing to make.

3) Vote limitations. Any flash artist who's in the know about the portal knows about the TOTW fights. Massvoting like crazy. This could be limited if, during a flash's first week of existence (or at least until that week's awards are picked), if people could only vote ONCE on it. It wouldn't stop those with proxies that could bypass detection, but it would nonetheless help.

I'm all for innocent fun and games, and for the rights of the artists to do what they want, but there MUST be something new to stop the flagrant abuse that gets past detection.

I'm sure there are more solutions, but these are what I've come up with after spending a long, long time in the Portal (and as a former member of a certain former 'troublemaking' group, I have a fairly good idea how they work, too). Hopefully something will be done, because yes, it is out of control. I've taken a break from B/P'ing lately, but with things as bad as they are, I may come out of my semi-retirement.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-28 19:55:03

What about this proposal? How about the one week whistle period after it passes judgment, and during that week, allowing them access to their file only during that time frame. Once that week is up, access to the file is restricted, but the whistle feature is pulled. It shouldn't be too hard to implement this. I am sure that they can find someone somewhere set it up. Something does need to be put into place to control this.