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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-07-31 05:01:42

First, thanks for making more different smileys NG crew; but I think some more maybe useful: twisted smiley >=D, thrilled smiley 0_0, worried smiley ;_; . These are what came to my mind for now.

my furry stuff.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-03 23:50:22

At 7/26/07 01:50 AM, TimFilp wrote: I have two more ideas.

"click to play this game" button.

2. Add users icons to their posts. Helps give the users more of an identity, rather then just recognizing them by their username and level icon.

I support idea 2! Idea 1 is ok aswell.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-04 01:05:57

Here's something I've been a wee bit frustrated with that wouldn't be that hard to do...

You know how you can input a URL for your sig pic, to make it clickable? Well, the space for the URL is kinda small...could use some more character-space.

It's good for simple URLs, like website homepages, but say I want to link to one of my fanfictions which is hosted on a large website, it'll tend to be too long to fit in the alloted space.

Sure, I could stick it in my userpage or something, but...meh, it'd still be convenient.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-04 08:37:45

I want to edit my profile - but refuse to use numbers. (sorta like OCD. If my password isn't the same for everything, i'll fear i'll forget it). I know it sounds stupid, but I like to have everything neat and organised or I get paranoid about it. Don't force me to have numbers in my password :(

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-05 17:23:22

I think our Profiles should have a section with links to all topics said person has started
cause for somereason the seach engin still sucks
I can type the Entire name of a topic ive made and it never shows up first

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-05 19:32:58

At 8/3/07 11:28 PM, NickScott wrote: Complaint: The "Quick HTML" buttons still do that annoying thing before the redesign. No matter where you're typing, it always sends the HTML to the end and sometimes messes up the post.

Rather than clicking the buttons, then entering details, highlight the part of text you want formatting, then click the links. This will wrap the appropriate markup around the text you have highlighted and, if you're using a smart browser, will then pop the cursor at the end of the text you just highlighted. If you're using IE, too bad.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-10 09:34:32

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-10 16:12:38

while eating my horrible dinner tonight, feeling sick in front of my computer, i got an email, it was an advert one telling me to rent DVDs... so i thought... why doesnt NG do and email list... and coz all these faggots want more exp. why not get points for it...

so heres the plan
1) user chooses what adverts he wants to be sent to his email with NG stuff
2) stuff is sent to NG Users account
3) User gets 1 exp. for every email
4) NG gets 10 dollars for every 100,000 emails sent


there could be 5 to choose from, and for every email you get, you get 1 exp, getting you UP TO 5 exp. a day YAY

sorry if this crappy idea has been suggested

insert flame war saying im a fag below)

NG could also put ads in all the P-Bot stuff we get in our email...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-10 17:00:43

At 8/10/07 04:12 PM, Cheekyvincent wrote: why doesnt NG do and email list... and coz all these faggots want more exp. why not get points for it...
NO NO NO DIE FAGGOT. Do you know what "expirience" means?

well i was prepared... anyway, atleast, if all the regulars do it then it will be equal and we know which accounts are derilict and also, it earns NG money...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-10 17:02:20

At 8/10/07 04:58 PM, NickScott wrote: Do you know what "expirience"

sorry for d/post but no i dont know what "expirience" means

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-11 04:42:36

At 8/10/07 05:12 PM, NickScott wrote: So by going to NG everyday and depositing you earn experience, but if you sign up for all spam to get lots of experience you don't learn anything.

You learn about the great offers that can be found in the field of penis enlargement.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-11 04:48:13

At 8/10/07 04:12 PM, Cheekyvincent wrote: NG could also put ads in all the P-Bot stuff we get in our email...

Im not gonna flame you for thinking
and im not gonna flame oyu for trying to help Ng
Fuck im not even gonna flame you actually no need ot
I will say however that since the day i joined NG i opted out of reciving any email at all
So yes i skiped the 5 EXP by choice simply cause my email is mine
and I hate ads of any kind
and since the internet became such a household thing most ads dont work on simply being clicked any mroe
i think there based on linked participation
as in you click the link then submit to something... but i could be wrong since i dont have a web site i relaly have no idea
but i swear i hearsd some thing along those lines not to long ago

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-11 13:00:01

one thing thats been on my mind lately... BBS mods...

I know that they work hard to help our BBS in many ways, but i think that they get stressed out a lot of times due to the "annoying spammer" or somthing related.

normal people already help the portal and the reviews on newgrounds, so why not the BBS?

maybe like near a person post there could be a button that you click if somones post is "unworthy " of being there, and if many people press that button then the post is removed or checked over?

just wondering...

The Lack of content here, Is suprising.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-11 13:09:05

At 8/11/07 01:00 PM, naruto-ninja999 wrote: just wondering...

what so you want a massive whistle system and a "unworthy" button under EVERY SINGLE POS, no thanks, NG is slow enough, also (form one of my other posts)

"tim would have to liljim really hard to make a new system"

also, each page would take forever to load... the mods are doing fine now...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-11 13:13:24

what im really saying is some sort of system on the forum, i dont care how it done really

The Lack of content here, Is suprising.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-11 13:16:18

At 8/11/07 01:13 PM, naruto-ninja999 wrote: what im really saying is some sort of system on the forum, i dont care how it done really

yeh, and then what, another way for n00bs to earn whistle points and another way to piss off mods?

i beg u to study ENGLISH GRAMMER

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-11 23:39:27

At 8/11/07 01:13 PM, naruto-ninja999 wrote: what im really saying is some sort of system on the forum, i dont care how it done really

We undertand what you getting at and why you suggested it...but considering how many vindictive people are on here who dot have jobs the forum would get emptyed out REALLY REALY quick
and trust me we loose enough good users as it is we dont need em leaving at an alarming rate

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-12 02:03:46

thats understandable.

The Lack of content here, Is suprising.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-12 12:56:58

I'm not entirely sure if this has been suggested/implemented before, but I'll proceed anyways.

I think that in the "File Information" portion of a flash movie there should be an option for the author to list the length of the movie. Sometimes it is a little boring when I am watching a movie and it seems to go on forever. I know that the author could just write it in the comments section, but most of the time they don't.

Example: Imagine if the author of Thwomps: The Movie didn't let you know beforehand that the flash was 20 minutes long. Most viewers would not have been prepared for the sit.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-12 13:21:58

At 8/12/07 12:56 PM, Wayero wrote: I think that in the "File Information" portion of a flash movie there should be an option for the author to list the length of the movie.

what if:
i) its a loop
ii) they lie like the kk saying its 2 mins etc.

anyways, cant you just watch and be quiet?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-12 18:32:30

I think NG AP should have a playlist in the flash viewer, or somewhere else. A playlist that keeps records of what you would like to hear and/or what you've already listened to. Then, when the song is finished playing, the next song in the list is chosen, and you get redirected to that page

Hello, from the past!

[ PHP: Main ]

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-13 07:25:07

If you get +1 exp per email, you can simple subscripe to many, many mailing lists, the only problem is that your inbox will be a little spammy....

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-14 04:41:13

I think it would be a pretty good idea to list the words that aren't acceptable on the BBS somewhere. I know it's pretty impractical, but I recently spent ages with a post that I thought was fine, but the BBS said otherwise (it had a quote from the South Park Movie, but that went through.....) I had no idea what I did wrong. :S

Otherwise, I think NG is pretty near perfect.

Don't eat yellow snow, Pepsi and coke are the same thing, etc. Visit my webpage! (go on)

Can I eat your brain? pleeeaaase?

You now have a duty in life!!! Clean up Newgrounds!!

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-14 05:40:35

At 8/13/07 07:25 AM, AntoArts-Admin wrote: If you get +1 exp per email, you can simple subscripe

great idea stealer process you have... (it was slightly above)

At 8/10/07 04:12 PM, Cheekyvincent wrote: so i thought... why doesnt NG do and email list... and coz all these faggots want more exp. why not get points for it...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-15 20:04:51

I have a solution to the experience "problem!" (You guys probably heard this line too much, anyways) To Further the growth along for us NGers, We should also give experience for ONLY Awesome scoring submissions, And the experience given should be like, ten per AWESOME submission. Reasons for this:

1) It will still undergo the 2 submissions per day rule, so people cant stack their experience too high.
2) We all know that the crews and friends around NG will vote high on their buddies lists, so ultimately, the "Higher ups" will judge the good quality submissions.
3) This will reduce the amount of years and hopefully, the amount of BAD submissions to NG.

However, I still see some flaws with this:
1) if people start putting down good submissions, everyones Blam points go out the window.
2) as much as we dont want to say it, even the "Higher ups" can allow crappy submissions to go through because of friendships.
3) Some may view this as an easier way of getting to LEVEL 60!!!!

But, I believe this can influence for the greater good of NG for Great submissions rivalling that of "Dad's Home" or "Decline of Video Gaming."

It could also be inspiration for younger artists to become better.

You may now discuss this plan or not, I have said my piece.

If I could name one person I respect.........it probably would be me. oh and the guy who lives here

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-16 02:26:35

I'm sure it has already been suggested, but, some sort of blamming system for threads. give the mods a lttle bit of fresh air.

1. the major issue is that there would be, quite possibly, bulk voting and things like that on holidays.

2. pretty much all of the other issues there are with the blam/save system.

I just thought, you know. something you might like to discuss.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-16 11:49:56

At 8/15/07 08:04 PM, Jackotrades wrote: We should also give experience for ONLY Awesome scoring submissions

what? can you learn to explain youurself without using gibberish? what do you mean?

1) It will still undergo the 2 submissions per day rule, so people cant stack their experience too high.

what are you talking about, so we keep the 2 submissions per day rule but what about experience?

2) We all know that the crews and friends around NG will vote high on their buddies lists, so ultimately, the "Higher ups" will judge the good quality submissions

why higher ups? heres what people can do- 1) befriend a "higher up" 2) tell them to vote 5

3) This will reduce the amount of years and hopefully, the amount of BAD submissions to NG.

well, do you know what experience (or as someone said, expirience) means

However, I still see some flaws with this:
1) if people start putting down good submissions, everyones Blam points go out the window.

yes, but people like you do put bad stuff in...

2) as much as we dont want to say it, even the "Higher ups" can allow crappy submissions to go through because of friendships.

we like stuff like "B" so be quiet

3) Some may view this as an easier way of getting to LEVEL 60!!!!

hmmm... NO, level 60 is for people of higher levels, not someone who signed up yestarday

But, I believe this can influence for the greater good of NG for Great submissions rivalling that of "Dad's Home" or "Decline of Video Gaming."

we already have good stuff, its not our fault you cant find it...

It could also be inspiration for younger artists to become better.

no its called talent

You may now discuss this plan or not, I have said my piece

my verdict- BAD IDEA

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-16 11:54:06

At 8/16/07 02:26 AM, shadofknight wrote: I'm sure it has already been suggested

yes it has

1. the major issue is that there would be, quite possibly, bulk voting and things like that on holidays.

but mods can cope right now and the majority of NG users are now born after 1996

2. pretty much all of the other issues there are with the blam/save system.

what, so it would be like blam and protect and people would vote? thats the craziest variation ive heard of this idea.
1) it would suck NG 's bandwidth like that vaccumm cleaner in telletubby fun land scking cocaine
2) mods are coping
3) tim would have to liljim really hard to create this new system

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-16 20:08:34

At 8/16/07 11:49 AM, Cheekyvincent wrote:
At 8/15/07 08:04 PM, Jackotrades wrote: We should also give experience for ONLY Awesome scoring submissions
what? can you learn to explain youurself without using gibberish? what do you mean?

Only submissions that get an awesome score (Like, 4.50 out of 5) get extra experience.

1) It will still undergo the 2 submissions per day rule, so people cant stack their experience too high.
what are you talking about, so we keep the 2 submissions per day rule but what about experience?

In the rules it states that Artists cant put more than 2 submissions per day on the flash portal to avoid spamming, if someone somehow made awesome submissions everyday, he could only put 2
on per day, giving him a limit to the amount of experience he can earn.

2) We all know that the crews and friends around NG will vote high on their buddies lists, so ultimately, the "Higher ups" will judge the good quality submissions
why higher ups? heres what people can do- 1) befriend a "higher up" 2) tell them to vote 5

Which is always a flaw with NG, because there is some god awful submission that always seems to slide by even when it gets a low score.

3) This will reduce the amount of years and hopefully, the amount of BAD submissions to NG.
well, do you know what experience (or as someone said, expirience) means

Experience is the amount of points you can get per day to advance in levels, in which will make your votes count more towards submissions. In some cases, people generally rank you based on your level, your save/blam rank, or what your occupation is in NG (Mod, user, etc.). I MIGHT have a clue what experience is.

However, I still see some flaws with this:
1) if people start putting down good submissions, everyones Blam points go out the window.
yes, but people like you do put bad stuff in...

yeah, yeah, yeah, heard it before.

2) as much as we dont want to say it, even the "Higher ups" can allow crappy submissions to go through because of friendships.
we like stuff like "B" so be quiet

I like B too, but until I see another NG changing submission come through, all bad submissions are BAD.

3) Some may view this as an easier way of getting to LEVEL 60!!!!
hmmm... NO, level 60 is for people of higher levels, not someone who signed up yestarday

Like I said before, this is a quicker way of earning experience, it doesnt mean that people will make it in 4 years. This may only knock off about 2 years from the 10 and a half years from 1-60.

But, I believe this can influence for the greater good of NG for Great submissions rivalling that of "Dad's Home" or "Decline of Video Gaming."
we already have good stuff, its not our fault you cant find it...

These are just examples, I have seen it all, been through collections, series, even looked through flash portal, there are dozens of equal competitors.

It could also be inspiration for younger artists to become better.
no its called talent

I was just giving hope to those without talent........

You may now discuss this plan or not, I have said my piece
my verdict- BAD IDEA

I dont give a damn about your verdict, I dont care, I am saving you time to look elsewhere to criticize.

If I could name one person I respect.........it probably would be me. oh and the guy who lives here

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-08-17 01:33:44

At 8/16/07 11:54 AM, Cheekyvincent wrote:
stuff that i said, and then some other stuff.

well, thank you for taking it way out of context and stuff. i really appreciate it when people are total jackasses about simple ideas. i didn't mean it would be counted on your blams/saves, (although i didn't say that i can understand why you would assume.you were still an ass about it.)

:im going to refrain from flaming or ranting. it's bad for my heart.