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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-17 17:40:33

At 6/17/07 04:12 PM, nc111nt wrote: You're the dumbest motherfucker I've ever seen posting on Newgrounds, and considering that all the people who browse this site are moronic fuck-ups who can't differentiate between humor and complete garbage, that's saying a lot.

Gtfo. Now.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-17 23:32:27

I'm thinking of something to make multi quoting easier like a check box, you just check which posts you want to quote and press the post button.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-17 23:38:55

At 6/17/07 11:32 PM, amplefied wrote: I'm thinking of something to make multi quoting easier like a check box, you just check which posts you want to quote and press the post button.

That actually sounds like a pretty good idea but I cant think of a way they'd be able to do that without making it look very unatractive.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-18 13:56:53

raise the bar for flashes to get into the portal, that'll erase 90% of the shit that floods the portal every day.

Why not send me a PM, or visit my User Page

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-18 14:02:35

sry for the double post,

if your topic on the BBS contains 'how' and 'flash' or something similar, when you try and press post it asks if you've read 'blablabla tutorials bla' and you have to press accept first.

Why not send me a PM, or visit my User Page

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-18 14:23:51

At 6/18/07 01:56 PM, Battered-Prawn wrote: raise the bar for flashes to get into the portal, that'll erase 90% of the shit that floods the portal every day.

not really, spam groups just mass vote their submissions through judgement. raising the bar for entries to get through will cause spam groups to recruit more members to vote their stuff through, therefore ultimately increasing the amount of spam that comes through the portal.

At 6/18/07 02:02 PM, Battered-Prawn wrote:
if your topic on the BBS contains 'how' and 'flash' or something similar, when you try and press post it asks if you've read 'blablabla tutorials bla' and you have to press accept first.

so? it's worth the annoyance if it helps stop needless threads coming through the WI/HT every day. we answer a lot of questions every day on these forums that are answered in the FAQ, so damn straight they should be asked if they've read certain things before posting.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-18 15:11:33

At 6/18/07 02:23 PM, NEVR wrote: so? it's worth the annoyance if it helps stop needless threads coming through the WI/HT every day. we answer a lot of questions every day on these forums that are answered in the FAQ, so damn straight they should be asked if they've read certain things before posting.

I was giving an idea for what could be introduced for the MK2...


Why not send me a PM, or visit my User Page

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-18 15:49:03

At 6/18/07 03:11 PM, Battered-Prawn wrote: I was giving an idea for what could be introduced for the MK2...

i know, and i was saying what i think of your idea.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-18 15:54:12

sorry, double post - just re-read your post and understand what you mean now - i don't usually create topics so i thought you were commenting negatively on something that was already in use. my bad.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-19 15:26:56

Here's a cool one, how about you can use your account to change the colours of the Newgrounds site? Newgrounds has a lot of yellow and orange around, but how about being able to change it to green, red, purple, white, etc? I'd like it, and I'm sure many of us are tired of the sunny colours there are on every page!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-20 03:59:09

Rejected ideas
Allow/show more than 4 Buddies on a Flash.

ha :P

Also its good to see that these are going forward. The PM system has been put in place and there is probably another few in the works. I look forward to more of these being made. I like the idea of the quote check box as suggested bove, it would save alot of time :)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-21 19:04:58

Little idea
You know how on an under judgement submission page you have a whistle and whistle blowing criterias? Well, I think that if you have an upgraded whistle, like a gold whistle, it should show up as a gold whistlel, rather than just a normal whistle all the time.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-22 02:23:22

At 6/21/07 07:04 PM, Nicholas-Deary wrote: Little idea
You know how on an under judgement submission page you have a whistle and whistle blowing criterias? Well, I think that if you have an upgraded whistle, like a gold whistle, it should show up as a gold whistlel, rather than just a normal whistle all the time.

I suggested that a while back. It would be quite a cool idea wouldnt it!

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-22 03:09:11

At 6/22/07 02:59 AM, NickScott wrote:
And oh so useless. =/

Most of the NG update will be fairly pointless, changing the layout and graphics really serves no purpose for any of us expierienced users. It doesnt mean these things shouldnt happen. Its good to see a change in some of the features that dont even NEED to be updated. It would look better and if things on Newgrounds look better, more people will use Newgrounds.

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-22 03:37:44

At 6/22/07 03:34 AM, NickScott wrote:
Meh, I see where you are coming from. But don't say the NG update will be pointless. It's about a lot more than graphics buddy-boy.

I know. Im really looking forward to some advanced new features never before seen.

Considering people who are new to NG will pay attention to little details? Hey, I'm all for it, I just think we should be focusing on bigger things.

I agree we should be focusing on bigger things but since I am completely out of new ideas, I was just thought I would state to Nicholas-Deary that I had already suggested that idea and that I liked it (Since I had suggested it). I think I had an idea about a week ago that I thought was good but I cant remember it right now. God I hate that!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-23 10:34:07

Experience points for submitting flash movies that get saved!
Experience points for having a flash movie of yours get on the front page!

Mario doesn't murder koopas!

When it's an accident, it's called koopaslaughter.

I can not be a faggot.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-23 11:03:17

At 6/23/07 10:34 AM, mariobro42 wrote: Experience points for submitting flash movies that get saved!

so spammers would get up to the top 50 in a matter of months? i don't think so. bad idea.

Experience points for having a flash movie of yours get on the front page!

i think the awards that usually come with getting a front page spot are good enough.

in my opinion, the EXP system is fine as it is; it shows who has had the perseverance to come to NG every day and rate AT LEAST 5 movies. (many members do more). I don't think there will ever be an alternative way of getting experience points, and i think that's the right way to go.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-25 16:26:52

At 6/8/05 05:49 PM, Denvish wrote:
--- a. How much bandwidth or server load will it cost?

--- b. What level of user demand for this idea would there be?

--- c. Does it serve a purpose, or would it merely, “be nice to have?”

--- d. Is there something else NG does that already takes care of this?

--- e. Is there something awaiting implementation that covers this?

--- f. Include your reasoning in your post.
Exp from voting on audio.

I was gonna do that! As well as being able to favorite audio users and audio submissions, its a pain having to write down the names of audio users I like in my profile so I remeber them when I use them in the flash submissions i'm making!

My orignal Ideas.

- Being able able to see how many positive and negative points we get from the whistle in our profile.

-anyone can reply to flash and audio reviews like how users can reply to comments on youtube and ebaums.

-Make it so new users can't start their own BBS thread unless they have a certain number of posts first(Example;100 posts)

-Raise the blam scores from 0 and 1 to 0, 1 and 2.

-Update the profile so it tells you how many audio reviews you have, as well as how many audio review respones you have.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-26 04:47:47

-A section in the forums for photoshopers. It isn't needed but the general section is being taking over by the photoshopers and not everyone has photoshop so it can make users feel left out. We have an art section but that section thrives for the people who make pictures ground the ground up, not for people who dismantle and mutilate pictures to create wired pics usually for comidic relief.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-26 04:53:12

At 6/26/07 04:47 AM, EvilPinkPig wrote: -A section in the forums for photoshopers. It isn't needed but the general section is being taking over by the photoshopers and not everyone has photoshop so it can make users feel left out.

If people want a free type of photoshop, there are plenty of free ones that would work just as well as getting adobe photoshop. They can get gimp which is free, as well as, a simple google/yahoo search for free drawing software. So being left out of photoshop topics is merely by choice now, unlike flash however since the free version is really crappy.

NG Review Moderator // Pm me for Review Abuse

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-26 17:56:14

Free image editing software at www.gimp.org if you're interested.

Also, I think the C&C should have a system that allows users to let certain users join, so not everyone can just jump in and join.

Super Smash Bros. Crew Member

PM if you want Wii/DS Friend Codes, Steam accouts for TF2, etc.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-26 18:30:46

And the ablilty to add to your posts instead of double posting.

Super Smash Bros. Crew Member

PM if you want Wii/DS Friend Codes, Steam accouts for TF2, etc.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-26 19:50:14

At 6/26/07 06:30 PM, AlexJS wrote: And the ablilty to add to your posts instead of double posting.

Think about it, we really don't need that. People double post because they either one, have something really important to say and they forgot to say it in their first post or second, they are noobs that don't know shit about double posting.

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-26 20:06:20

At 6/26/07 07:50 PM, Seamonky wrote:
At 6/26/07 06:30 PM, AlexJS wrote: And the ablilty to add to your posts instead of double posting.
Think about it, we really don't need that. People double post because they either one, have something really important to say and they forgot to say it in their first post or second, they are noobs that don't know shit about double posting.

Yeah, but if there were some sort of code that joins to posts together instead of making another post altogether, it would waste less space.

Super Smash Bros. Crew Member

PM if you want Wii/DS Friend Codes, Steam accouts for TF2, etc.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-27 16:44:43

An abusive button should be next to the authors response cause:
1) They dont have to respond to a review
2) Authors shouldnt be talkin bad to truthful reviews

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-28 11:00:47

Newgrounds should have a Sports forum.

-Everybody is almost a football fan here and it would be nice to put all football topics in a Sports forum

-Basketball season is popular(Me,Molotov,idiot-finder etc,..) and we like to post some basketball topics.

Half of newground fans have to be a Sport Fan.

I am half Jock.

My userpage! Visit for Upcoming news..

Half the people on Newgrounds dislike me..including the mods. they always ignore me.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-28 11:03:38

At 6/27/07 05:14 PM, NickScott wrote: WAH WAH AN AUTHOR SAID SOMETHING MEAN TO ME AS A RESPONSE TO MY REVIEW!! Reason an abusive button shouldn't be by the author's response because:
1.) If you're too emotional to handle an author's response, you don't have to review.
2.) They have their own opinions on "truthful" reviews. It's their fucking flash submission, so shutup.

Ya but there are so many times where you will the see the author randomly blurting out the n word in his authors comments which is a major offense to the newgrounds rules and theres nothing we can do about it.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-28 11:11:20

At 6/28/07 11:00 AM, IdiotClown wrote: sports

There are crews already made for each sport. Also, each play off time, a thread is usually made to talk about it.

NG Review Moderator // Pm me for Review Abuse

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-28 16:26:01

At 6/25/07 04:26 PM, smc316 wrote: -Make it so new users can't start their own BBS thread unless they have a certain number of posts first(Example;100 posts)

I wouldn't want to need to reply to topics with a lot of shit before I could ask a simple question in a thread. After all the only reason I came to the forums was for asking an ng related question

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-06-28 16:35:31

At 6/28/07 03:31 PM, NickScott wrote:
At 6/28/07 11:03 AM, BlackPlastic wrote: Ya but there are so many times where you will the see the author randomly blurting out the n word in his authors comments which is a major offense to the newgrounds rules and theres nothing we can do about it.
So what's wrong with making it where there's a limit to how long the response can be/making it where when they post ni**er they have to go back. But just relax, if author's want to look like idiots to people who review their flash, who's stopping them?

Thats been the arguement for quite some time. I would be in favor on a cap no how long a response should be.

Most of the time, I only see that in Crew/Group flashes, you shouldn't review those anyway.

LOL. I wouldn'tsay that. Some crew/group flashes are pretty good.

NG Review Moderator // Pm me for Review Abuse

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