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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-13 02:49:30

I wouldn't mind seeing which whistle blowings were correct or incorrect in some way. Or some sort of idea of where you are within the level of the whistle.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-13 13:32:23

Let us see each others avatars! It would be cooler then those boring LVL images. Although the pages would load a lil' longer. Wel, just reduce the avaible post a user can see on each page. Or let them choose. Would be great!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-16 11:49:49

I really wish the music section would show how many times a song is played, not just downloaded... I also want to see how many votes were submitted, not just the rating... can you make this possible? Pleaaaase?

Thank you sooo much for making such an awesome site.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-16 12:01:14

There should be BBS story competitions, If these competitions already exist, I need to crawl out from under my rock...

cos shotgun bullets are bad for yo health.



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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-20 23:45:12

Less Reviewing for the poor little flashes who get decent scores.... yet not top dog to get noticed. People don't bother reviewing for anything less than front page anymore... flashes that used to get at least 15 reviews now get 2 or 3.

No rewards for the reviewers is why...

Voting takes half the time and half the thought... yet it gets you a lot further in exp.

Suggestions is what its called and Here is where you place them...

I love Newgrounds its just, reviewing is a good feature and I hate watching how it is starting to diminish in numbers for the flashes that are in the latest 50 and not on the front lines.

Too many metaphors to war and stuff... anyway.. whadya say we give something to encourage more reviews?

My suggestion is that we upgrade the max Exp per day to 15 and the extra 5 is if you review 5 submissions. (1 exp for each... then 2 exp for voting each)

Anyone else's can be posted here as well.. maybe we will get noticed and an update will be made.

-frozenfire - "Peace out"

Ps. I made a topic about this before i knew of this thread.. sorry.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-21 02:23:45

At 1/20/07 11:45 PM, Fr0z3nf1r3 wrote: Less Reviewing for the poor little flashes who get decent scores.... yet not top dog to get noticed. People don't bother reviewing for anything less than front page anymore... flashes that used to get at least 15 reviews now get 2 or 3.

No rewards for the reviewers is why...

Also.. the other thing is the review banning.. just because a review is nice,but it doesn't necessarily help, it causes a banning for a certain period of time.. maybe just for abusive reviews a ban should be necessary. That could be scaring people away from reviewing.


go further down in that topic to see what I mean about the banning.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-21 20:21:38

At 1/21/07 02:23 AM, Fr0z3nf1r3 wrote:
At 1/20/07 11:45 PM, Fr0z3nf1r3 wrote: Less Reviewing for the poor little flashes who get decent scores.... yet not top dog to get noticed. People don't bother reviewing for anything less than front page anymore... flashes that used to get at least 15 reviews now get 2 or 3.

No rewards for the reviewers is why...
Also.. the other thing is the review banning.. just because a review is nice,but it doesn't necessarily help, it causes a banning for a certain period of time.. maybe just for abusive reviews a ban should be necessary. That could be scaring people away from reviewing.


go further down in that topic to see what I mean about the banning.

Two things.

Firstly, that review that you linked is doctored. There's never been a mod of that name, thus that argument is null and void.

Secondly, quality is better than quantity. Whilst it might be true that flashes that just pass judgement might have gotten more reviews in the past, the last thing an artist who's actually trying to get better with the program wants to read is, "This sucks, go die." They want to improve on their work, so only reviews that are constructive and might help them to do that will remain with the submission.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-21 21:55:18

At 1/7/07 03:24 AM, Sterockicy wrote: I think there should a section in your profile that has your favourite BBS user or just Favourite user. At the moment there is only your favourite FLASH users and I think that people would prefer to put down there friends on the site rather than some guy who made a good movie/game.

I don't think this would be a very good idea. People feel bad already now because they don't get any PMs. It would just make some people feel even worse because they don't have any friends on newgrounds. I know a lot of people don't have friends now here but adding a "favorite user" list would just basically mock them.. Or.. It could persuade (sp?) to want to make friends..

I do agree that those who do have friends would pefer to have a friend on a list then a flash author.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-21 22:00:26

A lot of the blammed or whistled entries are getting abusive reviews because the users can just rant away at the crap they see without getting into any trouble. We should improve the abusive review system by still being able to mark abuse even when something goes to the graveyard or under administrative review.

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-21 22:17:43

At 1/21/07 10:00 PM, Hybrid-Of-Souls wrote: A lot of the blammed or whistled entries are getting abusive reviews because the users can just rant away at the crap they see without getting into any trouble. We should improve the abusive review system by still being able to mark abuse even when something goes to the graveyard or under administrative review.

Actually.. While the submission is under judgement.. Users can go to the person's profile and go to their reviews and flag it.. Not sure if it does anything though. I agree to this as well. It would cut down on the reviews that people give out without giving any criticism (sp?).

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-21 22:25:11

At 1/21/07 10:21 PM, NickScott wrote: There should be a check-box for marking abusive reviews so you can go through the page marking abusive reviews and then have a submit at the bottom. It'd be easier

It really would. Then there could be that pop-up type box that says "Are you sure that you want to mark these review abusive?"

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-22 21:01:40

I read around and didnt see this anywhere so:

-edit submisions (just like the flash submissions layout)
for example
-edit your music button (the ability to upload a different file if you made it better)
-edit submission info ( title, info, etc.)
- Audio Portal BA ( i think this might have been said already)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-22 21:12:09

At 1/21/07 10:25 PM, Stuff4u2kno wrote:
At 1/21/07 10:21 PM, NickScott wrote: There should be a check-box for marking abusive reviews so you can go through the page marking abusive reviews and then have a submit at the bottom. It'd be easier
It really would. Then there could be that pop-up type box that says "Are you sure that you want to mark these review abusive?"

Yes, YES, OH GOD YES! That is an awesome idea NickScott! It would make life so much easier. Because at the moment you have to scroll down really fast clicking abusive, abusive, abusive and if you dont click fast enough it refreshes and goes to a different page before you can get through them all. And then you have to press back to go back to the page (if its set on rating, which it almost always is) And go through the rest of abusive ones. Plus there is the chance that one that you clicked didnt get flagged and you have to do it again.

Ticking them and then having that pop up saying are you sure at the end would be much easier. Plus if you accidentaly pressed one you didnt mean to you can just unclick it or not proceed at the end.

Nice idea NickScott, I hope it gets looked at!

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-22 22:06:52

At 1/22/07 09:12 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Ticking them and then having that pop up saying are you sure at the end would be much easier. Plus if you accidentaly pressed one you didnt mean to you can just unclick it or not proceed at the end.

As well as if it was able to tell you if you already marked it as abusive. Sometimes you make a review and you don't realise it and go to mark it but get the dumb error page.. It could also be done that the abuse button dissapears after you click it for a review/ reviews.

I like the first way better though..

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-23 16:33:06

How about an Audio Batting Average. I'm not sure if some one posted somthing like this but I can't be buggerd to go though all of the 40+ pages there are. Here is the link to my idea, I think it would be fair for the audio only people to have a Batting Average too as it would help thir audio submissions gain more popularity. E.g is some one is looking at the person's profile he isn't gonna stay looking at every track he has, also to make things worse it might be the audio creators worst track, with the batting average in minde that person would (perhaps) try another track or somthin' like that.

Too true:

SCUD14 wrote: I got kicked out a bookshop because someone misplaced the bibles. I returned them to their brethren in fiction.

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-23 16:53:02

At 1/23/07 04:33 PM, Hiniberus wrote: How about an Audio Batting Average. I'm not sure if some one posted somthing like this but I can't be buggerd to go though all of the 40+ pages there are. Here is the link to my idea, I think it would be fair for the audio only people to have a Batting Average too as it would help thir audio submissions gain more popularity. E.g is some one is looking at the person's profile he isn't gonna stay looking at every track he has, also to make things worse it might be the audio creators worst track, with the batting average in minde that person would (perhaps) try another track or somthin' like that.

Good work! You took my advice. Now you just wait to see if anyone thinks it is a good idea as well and if your really lucky it might be put into consideration to being made and used on NG. IF YOUR VERY LUCKY!

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-23 18:16:24

At 1/23/07 04:33 PM, Hiniberus wrote: How about an Audio Batting Average. I'm not sure if some one posted somthing like this but I can't be buggerd to go though all of the 40+ pages there are. Here is the link to my idea, I think it would be fair for the audio only people to have a Batting Average too as it would help thir audio submissions gain more popularity. E.g is some one is looking at the person's profile he isn't gonna stay looking at every track he has, also to make things worse it might be the audio creators worst track, with the batting average in minde that person would (perhaps) try another track or somthin' like that.

I also think that a single list shuold be composed of the top ten regardless of category. This would normalize the ratings and make them more even across the portal. Thus, someone could not simply get a high BA simply by submitting to one category instead of another.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-23 18:34:01

What I've also noticed here is that the way NG tries to search for the topic you're looking for sucks. Like if the topic had two words and you typed those in, it would look for subjects that had at least one of those words. Take the topic "must have 1000 posts to be" (rated). If you try to search for it by typing 1000 posts, you'll start with topics like "find my posts" or "=O 30,000 posts!" instead of just the real thread you're trying to look for. And not even using (" ") helps (the double apostrophes). So basically, the BBS post search method as of now sucks and needs to be improved.

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-23 19:51:01

At 1/23/07 06:34 PM, Hybrid-Of-Souls wrote: So basically, the BBS post search method as of now sucks and needs to be improved.

Agreed. For the most part, Google finds threads better then the search bar does on the site.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-24 00:44:16

At 1/23/07 07:14 PM, NickScott wrote: Hey, what if there was a little counter in someones profile? It would take unique hits and show how popular the user is.

You certainly have some great ideas in that head of yours! I like this one too!

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-24 05:10:13

How about a counter of how many blam/protect
are remaining until the next rank up.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-24 08:45:48

At 1/23/07 07:14 PM, NickScott wrote: Hey, what if there was a little counter in someones profile? It would take unique hits and show how popular the user is.

There used to be popularity points nearly four years ago. They were removed, because people couldn't refrain from spamming the place up with links to their profile, amongst other things.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-24 09:23:06

At 1/24/07 08:45 AM, liljim wrote:
There used to be popularity points nearly four years ago. They were removed, because people couldn't refrain from spamming the place up with links to their profile, amongst other things.

Ah, very good point liljim. That definately must have caused a lot of problems. It probably best that that doesnt get done again.

So much wisdom, lol!

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-24 13:32:34

At 1/24/07 05:10 AM, HairydragonballZ wrote: How about a counter of how many blam/protect
are remaining until the next rank up.

I don't find that to be the most useful thing to have since you could easily calculate it..

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-24 22:13:40

for a secret, it would be really neat if we were able to toggle between the previous ng layouts.

doubt its even possible though.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-24 22:57:40

At 1/24/07 10:13 PM, ExtraLife wrote: for a secret, it would be really neat if we were able to toggle between the previous ng layouts.

doubt its even possible though.

That would be an amazing secret.. ^^

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-25 12:31:35

Those medals sound awesome. Personally I find the profiles to be a little shitty, these will definately improve it.

Maybe on your account there could be Good/Evil bar. It will show your percentage of Good and Evil. You become more evil for:

-Giving Bad Reviews (could cause problems)
-Voting Low on flash.

Doing the opposite would make you less evil. The problem is people might vote/review depending how good/evil they want to be. So an alternative could be that its a behaviour bar. Get modded, banned, review deleted etc. It goes down. Otherwise, writing helpful reviews, getting large topics on the BBS and posting make it go up. It could be like a feedback bar.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-25 12:39:21

At 1/25/07 12:31 PM, Darkside7000 wrote: Those medals sound awesome. Personally I find the profiles to be a little shitty, these will definately improve it.

Maybe on your account there could be Good/Evil bar. It will show your percentage of Good and Evil. You become more evil for:

That is the way auras used to function. And you've said it, people might abuse the system to be evil. Which they did. It was a nice idea, but it won't be happening =(




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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-27 13:03:24

have a system where you can vote on whole collections

and have a top 10 or top 20 or 50 collections peice on the portal

or maybe even on the front page - maybe it should come with the re design.... who knows

please keep this topic alive if you think its a good idea, so someone high up might see it?


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-27 22:04:13

At 1/24/07 10:13 PM, ExtraLife wrote: for a secret, it would be really neat if we were able to toggle between the previous ng layouts.

doubt its even possible though.

lol, i suggested that a long time ago............

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