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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-11-24 20:14:54

At 11/24/06 06:56 PM, AfroUnderscoreStud wrote:
At 11/24/06 06:50 PM, AtomicTerrorist wrote: So why not make it so that if you do not log in after 120 days your account automatically gets deleted?
That wouldn't be very fair. I lost my internet connection for a couple of years, I wouldn't have been too thrilled if when I got it back I discovered my account had been deleted.

A fairer system for that method would be if the account wasn't activated after 120 days it gets deleted.

its already like that except, you only have 30 days to activate it or it gets deleted.

The reason id like a rule like this is beacause there are so many crappy alts and accounts people created but forgot about.

Also another rule i was thinking about, was if every 6 months NG automatically deletes all of the entries that have a score under 1.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-11-24 21:56:31

Recently I've submitted an Alpha to the Newgrounds Mag section (see my sig) and I discovered that over half of the most anticipated submitions have already been submitted, or are a few years out of date! I think that this is unfair for all the unknown Alphas that actually GET to the Portal. Everyone wants a piece of the spotlight right? So why should expired Alphas be left on the top of the Anticipation list? There should be Alpha mods in my opinion. Come one Newgounds, wake up!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-04 23:19:58

How about an obituaries for deleted accounts, because when I see recent post by <deleted>, I end up trying to think really hard to remember whose post it was.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-05 15:58:26

At 12/4/06 11:19 PM, verycoolguy wrote: How about an obituaries for deleted accounts, because when I see recent post by <deleted>, I end up trying to think really hard to remember whose post it was.

Woulden't An obituary for deleted acounts would undo the purpose of deleting the account in the first place.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-05 19:31:10

At 12/5/06 03:58 PM, Imacow wrote: Woulden't An obituary for deleted acounts would undo the purpose of deleting the account in the first place.

No, since the account would still be deleted.

What planet are you from?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-10 18:04:12

How about a users count on the flash portal and the audio portal? it would be pretty interesting to see how many registered users/ guests are online and checking the AP and FP.

If so, maybe the ones actually viewing flash and listening to audio should be counted in... (everything under www.newgrounds.com/portal---> respective www.newgrounds.com/audio--->)

Wakka wakka

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-10 18:46:21

I think it would be cool to have each section radically different. Like a sort of css implementation for each section, making the audio portal more optimised for audio tracks and the flash portal blablbab.

Also a lot of the series and collections aren't getting added to the pages. e.g. phoenix wrong isn't there when you click collections and 'the little buzzers' + much more is not on the series section. A lot of stuff is passing through the portal then falling into obscurity + theres still napster and the whassup there.

IMO it would be better if these were updated often or even expanded to included every series and collection that has it's own page. That way you could actually find quality content and original series pretty easily.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-10 18:55:20

Also that fuckin mosquito ad...... >:0

Seriously, whenever that rotates on an ng page i have to refresh or something. otherwise it plays that whiney noise all the way through a movie.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-10 19:05:36

At 12/10/06 06:46 PM, Skoombandit wrote: Also a lot of the series and collections aren't getting added to the pages. e.g. phoenix wrong isn't there when you click collections and 'the little buzzers' + much more is not on the series section. A lot of stuff is passing through the portal then falling into obscurity + theres still napster and the whassup there.

http://www.newgrounds.com/collection/videogam eparodies.html

Since Phoenix Wrong is a video game the collection is under a subcategory like many others.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-14 04:29:13

Only read p1/current, but just in case it hasn't already been suggested:

Audio reviews/reviews with responses should be linked to from within Grounds Gold.

» View Your Flash Portal Reviews (2,093) -- With Responses Only (467)
» View Your Audio Portal Reviews (10) -- With Responses Only (2)

Would help promote reviewing Audio portal stuff and also help folk check if authors had, in fact, responded.

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Idea 2: auto-sending of PMs when a review is responded to. Maybe click-on/offable with a button. For folk with many reviews, it's often hard to see which reviews were responded to. But it's still nice to read what the author had to say back.

I don't know how much bandwidth it'd take - this'd happen fairly regularly. But as it's limited to 1 for each response, it doesn't seem like it'd be massive...

Another advantage: If the author is saying something like, 'thanks for the suggestion, but I don't know how to do that unfortunately', then maybe the reviewer would be more inclined to send them the code or help them if they know how, as it'd be a case of clicking a few less buttons. Although the rest of the conversation would of course be private (in the rare instances that its continued), it'd just make it easier to respond to a response, if ever appropriate. Also the quoting would already be done.

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Idea 3: I think you should redesign the whole site.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-17 16:30:32

I have a good suggestion that I think would make it a lot easier to navigate the audio portal. To sum it up: when you are searching through audio tracks, you should be able to order them by popularity instead of rating. This way a user can easily find good popular songs without having to search through multiple amounts of pages.

I made a topic here before I found this one that explains it in more detail http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=62 3108

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-23 23:08:02

I think it woul be a great idea if we could create another fourm topic like a video game topic where all the things about video game can/could be disscussed. Please think hard about my idea, i hope it will inprove NG a lot.

Absent made this sig a couple years ago, and I had it for a while, just recently started using it again



BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-24 07:49:02

Don't know if this has been suggested, but what if we changed the audio portal to be more like the flash portal?

There is a voting system in place, but having a bad score simply knocks you down the list. I would suggest having a B/P system for the audio portal, and it would also save NG some space on thier servers, since some of the low ranked audio would be automatically deleted. It would still have to undergo judgement, but i think it will inspire people to put more effort into thier music. It also will give people a reason to vote and write reviews for audio.

I don't know how this idea would work with the current B/P system. Maybe it could be a new stat? Instead of "Blam" and "Save", you would have "Destroyed" and "Allowed", or something like that.

If you think about it, why should audio artists be allowed to get on NG Scott-Free, while Flash artists have to run the risk of being blammed. I think it would improve the audio section as a whole, and make the audio portal just a big of an attraction as the flash portal.

Relationship Crew

NG Radio podcast Club

Click the sig for direct download page, or Click Here for the show in the Itunes Market!

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-24 08:14:09

When trying to post a review, after the system tells you you've previously written one and the date (which is great and the best change of the last 5 years other than the Audio Portal imo) we should also be told the year we reviewed the flash in.

This'd allow those of us who want to see our old review, for whatever reason (nostalgia, to learn how our tastes changed, check for a response, etc.) can more easily do so. With older and popular flashes specially, finding that day's reviews for 4 or 5 years amongst hundreds of pages can be slightly niggling. It seems this should be easy to implement and would prevent some minor unecessary 'grind-work'.

Ideally, it'd be grand if we had a link to that specific review or that page (as I suppose the former would necessiate some major changes). But year alone would be very helpful.

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Suggestions #2 I strongly believe that if you try and submit a review for a movie that's just been deleted, your review should be added to the obituary. Maybe allow this for around half an hour?

Basically, sometimes I've seen Flash that I know won't pass, but see so much potential in and want to really try and help the author and encourage them to clean up and resubmit. After voting 1 or 2, I've spent a while trying to review these works thoroughly, praising what I can and giving all the constructive criticism. Then after trying to submit the review, I found it was already deleted.

This encourages me to get my thoughts out as quickly as I can, which is a good skill to learn to be sure, but seems not the best thing for the author. And I assume authors occasionally miss out on a few other folks' reviews too.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-24 08:37:46

Oh, another thing i just thought of. You should be able to submit a video that is under judgement. If gets Blammed, the results get disgregarded. It would save a lot of putting a video in my favorites to check back on later.

Relationship Crew

NG Radio podcast Club

Click the sig for direct download page, or Click Here for the show in the Itunes Market!

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-24 23:35:10

i would like it if you could flag abusive bbs posts

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-26 14:59:22

At 12/24/06 11:35 PM, mariorocker wrote: i would like it if you could flag abusive bbs posts

Lol that won't happen. Anyways, you should make it that if the person voted 0 on the flash movie and the score was over 4.0, they should get a warning and if they do it again, their level goes down to 1 and experience will be 0. Also, let the co-authors respond to the reviews as well.

Asian Users Club, Fighting racism since 1882.

Sig made by: InsertFunnyUserName.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-28 21:10:58

I think that the filesize limit for posting pictures should be more than 50KB because when I try to squeeze the filesize of picture for a Photoshop thread, it comes out in extremely low quality.

I also think that we should be able to post BMP and PNG formats for pictures, because they are very common.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-28 21:23:55

At 12/28/06 09:10 PM, verycoolguy wrote: I also think that we should be able to post BMP


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-28 23:43:16

At 12/26/06 02:59 PM, ForcedDj wrote: Also, let the co-authors respond to the reviews as well.

I've heard that idea before and I like it. I would really enjoy that as well as others..

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-29 02:16:34

At 12/28/06 09:23 PM, liljim wrote:
At 12/28/06 09:10 PM, verycoolguy wrote: I also think that we should be able to post BMP

Hahah. Let the bandwith thievery begin!
*NG servers explode*

Audio needs a redesign. An idea suggested earlier, with different styles on each portal, would be awesome. Art portal = win.
Something beyond blam and protect. And a ranking scale in 10s. With different keywords for each, from "Destroyed" to "Sanctified" or something.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-29 13:09:19

The ability to view blammed entries by a single user. Please make this possible.
Speaking of blammed, a blammed flash movie search in the obituaries would be nice.

hyrhyryrhyhrjgfjgfjkhkgykgulhjlhulh yululululuyluhylhulhjulhjlhjlhjlhul u

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-29 13:14:26

At 12/29/06 01:09 PM, Joeypwnsjoo wrote: The ability to view blammed entries by a single user. Please make this possible.
Speaking of blammed, a blammed flash movie search in the obituaries would be nice.

Also another good idea would be a YTMND flash collection in the Newgrounds flash collection page.
Tom, If you are reading this, please make one.

hyrhyryrhyhrjgfjgfjkhkgykgulhjlhulh yululululuyluhylhulhjulhjlhjlhjlhul u

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-12-29 19:22:25

At 12/29/06 02:59 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote: What if we abandoned the use of moderators and let people say whatever they want? This also goes for Flash/audio submissions and the people reviewing them. Don't you think if you really believe in freedom of speech, you should let others exercise that right to its fullest extent? I would only worry if it involves viruses, pop-up windows, seriously illegal activity, etc. As I seem to recall, yelling 'fire' when there isn't one in a crowded theater is a felony.

Without moderators, Newgrounds would be an internet hell.
Its bad enough that we get trolls that come around here once in a while.

hyrhyryrhyhrjgfjgfjkhkgykgulhjlhulh yululululuyluhylhulhjulhjlhjlhjlhul u

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-04 19:54:58

This is merely a suggestion of where the Voting Tab is, I think it would be more beneficial for most Authors if the Voting Tab could be included in the window that Opens there Submissions this allowing the ease of usage ability, so that all viewers are more likely to make a vote once they have seen the Flash work, an example below.

There are 2 areas i believe would be nice for the tab, 1 on top and 1 down the bottom, as there is Much non used space..
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v505/s erebros/Idea.jpg[/IMG]

Anyways was just an idea for ease of use,

Just to clear something up, this would only be another place to Vote, just so it is easier instead of having to close the window and click on the recent window vote tab, also a Review button could also be added close 2 the new located Vote tab. Let me know what you think.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-04 20:03:37

Fixed Link Error -
Voting Tab Link "CLICK ME"

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-06 11:05:31

What really irritates me is that no reason is given for the deletion of a review, nor do you see who deleted it UNLESS you get a ban as a consequence, the folly of this is that you can't learn from minor offenses that might never get you banned, and the entire review moderation team is receiving negativity from it.

Just recently, a whole ton of foamy reviews were deleted, low scoring ones at that.
I can assure you that mine and some others were completely non-abusive, although some were and did deserve deletion.
This demonstrates that a certain review mod may deserve some criticism, but because we can't find out who deleted all these reviews we can't appeal at all.

I mean I get reviews deleted here and there, but sometimes I'm just downright confused as to what guideline it actually broke, give the mods an radio box option to select one of the eight broken rules to be listed in M-bot's PM!

The new review moderation system could definitely be made a bit more fair this way, some people have been unfairly getting deleted reviews lately.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-07 03:24:24

I think there should a section in your profile that has your favourite BBS user or just Favourite user. At the moment there is only your favourite FLASH users and I think that people would prefer to put down there friends on the site rather than some guy who made a good movie/game.

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-08 03:11:41

I really feel that there should be a way to update a flash's 46x46 profile image, even if it has to wait on a list to get accepted by a mod or admin. Right now there is just no way to do it--the mods will not respond to PM's that you send them requesting a change. It is just wierd that you can change the entire flash, even uploading a blank one over it, but not even change the image for it sometimes. My 2 cents.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-01-08 04:45:01

I believe that there should be a button at the top of the screen that has the Exp. Levels, B/P levels, and Whistle Levels. It is extremely hard to find a list of these things and I believe even extra hard for those new to the site. The only way I can find it is by scrolling through the FAQ which is very inconvienient. Most of the new people to newgrounds dont read the FAQ and therefore ask this typical post in the forums wasting memory and time. "Can someone tell me how many points I need to level up?" "How many levels are there?". I believe that this would all end if you added a button around the area where there are buttons like Users, Network. You know THAT area. It should say something like Levels.


Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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