Only read p1/current, but just in case it hasn't already been suggested:
Audio reviews/reviews with responses should be linked to from within Grounds Gold.
» View Your Flash Portal Reviews (2,093) -- With Responses Only (467)
» View Your Audio Portal Reviews (10) -- With Responses Only (2)
Would help promote reviewing Audio portal stuff and also help folk check if authors had, in fact, responded.
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Idea 2: auto-sending of PMs when a review is responded to. Maybe click-on/offable with a button. For folk with many reviews, it's often hard to see which reviews were responded to. But it's still nice to read what the author had to say back.
I don't know how much bandwidth it'd take - this'd happen fairly regularly. But as it's limited to 1 for each response, it doesn't seem like it'd be massive...
Another advantage: If the author is saying something like, 'thanks for the suggestion, but I don't know how to do that unfortunately', then maybe the reviewer would be more inclined to send them the code or help them if they know how, as it'd be a case of clicking a few less buttons. Although the rest of the conversation would of course be private (in the rare instances that its continued), it'd just make it easier to respond to a response, if ever appropriate. Also the quoting would already be done.
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Idea 3: I think you should redesign the whole site.