if this hasnt been suggested make img tags come up has an error and tells users img tags arent used here. Along with the box brackets codes.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

if this hasnt been suggested make img tags come up has an error and tells users img tags arent used here. Along with the box brackets codes.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
This is a suggestion for the art forum, thumbnail previews on the topic listing, considering all art threads should start with an image the thumbnail would be of the first attached picture. It's not really needed but it'd give people a better understanding of what a thread is like rather than just "what do you think?" "rate my picture" "ill draw you". If my explanation isn't good enough then it's basically an idea I stole while browsing http://www.conceptart.org/forums/
At 1/28/07 10:38 AM, NickScott wrote:At 1/28/07 12:26 AM, IndianapolisColts wrote: if this hasnt been suggested make img tags come up has an error and tells users img tags arent used here. Along with the box brackets codes.No... people would use it to spam pictures not only at the end of their post, but after every other sentence. The brackets aren't a good idea... we already have HTML codes and it would look like some kind of Invision forum.
I don't think this was a suggestion to let users post images using the tags, but instead when they try to use them let them know how they are supposed to attach images.
I hate to sound IPBish, but a preview post function button would be really handy.
Make a feature that lets us manage our account with tabs.
Biggest improvement possible.
I think that the minimum score of a flash to pass is too low. This allowes too many crap in the portal. I think it would be a good idea to raise the minimum score to 2 - 2,3. Flashes under that score are usually really bad, so it wouldn't be a great loss if those wouldn't pass the judgement. And that higher minimum score would also make harder to mass-vote some crap to make it pass.
And I don't see any point in keeping really low-scored flashes on the site. Why don't they just get deleted when they reach a certain (low) score?! There are some flashes on the NG that have a score lower than 1! Not too many people would miss them, I'm sure, and NG would get some (maybe a lot) free space.
At 1/30/07 03:46 PM, Istentelen wrote: I think that the minimum score of a flash to pass is too low. This allowes too many crap in the portal. I think it would be a good idea to raise the minimum score to 2 - 2,3.
That's a bit brutal, but I think that it at least has to pass with 1.80-2.00 as the 1.60.
Flashes under that score are usually really bad, so it wouldn't be a great loss if those wouldn't pass the judgement.
And I don't see any point in keeping really low-scored flashes on the site. Why don't they just get deleted when they reach a certain (low) score?!
You know mass-voting? A lot of people might zerobomb popular flashes to have them deleted...
There are some flashes on the NG that have a score lower than 1! Not too many people would miss them, I'm sure, and NG would get some (maybe a lot) free space.
But we would miss a lot of whistle points... :(
But we could have the minimum a lot lower.
At 1/30/07 03:59 PM, SBB wrote: You know mass-voting? A lot of people might zerobomb popular flashes to have them deleted...
I don't think that a popular flash wouldn't survive any zerobombing. But there are two solutions for this case:
1.) If the low-scored flashes would be deleted manually, it prevents such system abuses. But it would be a lot of work.
2.) A better solution, if there were a minimum review score also, and the flash would be deleted only if it reches both minimum scores. There is no way to mass-vote the review score.
There are some flashes on the NG that have a score lower than 1! Not too many people would miss them, I'm sure, and NG would get some (maybe a lot) free space.But we would miss a lot of whistle points... :(
Don't worry, you can find enough abusive reviews by popular submissions too. And you would certainly have time to flag the abusive reviews for the unpopular ones before they get deleted.
But we could have the minimum a lot lower.
Even lower than 1?! LOL! I thought it should be about 1,3. And the review score about 3.
Here's a good use of M-Bot:
Instead of having him just tell us when our reviews get deleted and annoy the hell out of us, why not also when a new user signs up, their first ever inbox message will be from M-Bot reminding them to look at basic stuff like the FAQ, rules, etc.? I mean, all he does now is annoy a lot of us so let's turn that into more helpful than ever.
Here is an elaboration on my old idea:
Behaviour Bar
There is a bar in our profile that is half red and half blue. The more "behaviour pts" we lose, the less blue and more red there is. When we gain pts, we gain more blue. There is also a percentage next to it. When the bar is half and half it is had 0%. When it's full red, it's -100%, and fully blue is %100.
Gaining Behaviour Points
(in order from most to least effective)
-Winning Awards for flash.
-Succesfully flagging flash.
-Flash passes with score over 2.50.
-Writing a helpful review (75% of marked as helpful. Atleast 5 marks).
-Succesfully flagging review.
-Reaching a milestone (500 reviews, 1,000 posts etc. Only gain it ONCE)
Losing Behaviour Points
(in order from most to least effective)
-Getting a flash flagged then removed.
-Unsuccesfully flagging flash.
-Getting a review deleted. (may lose more pts depending on severity)
-Getting banned from forum.
-Getting post deleted on forum.
In order to prevent people from doing bad things, losing pts has an effect on your account. Such as...
Submitting Flash
51-100% Bar: 3 Flash a day.
1% to 50% Bar: 2 Flash a day.
0% Bar: 1 Flash a day.
-1% to -50%: 1 Flash a day. If it gets blammed, 1 day banning.
-51% to -85%: 1 Flash a week. If blammed, 3 day banning.
-86% to -100%: 1 flash a week. If blammed, 1 week banning.
(Another similar one for Audio portal)
91% to 100%: 5 Topics a day. 10 Replies per 30 min.
51% to 90%: 5 Topics a day. 6 Replies per 30 min.
25% to 50%: 4 Topics a day. 6 Replies per 30 min.
1% to 49%: 4 Topics a day. 4 Replies per 30 min.
0% Bar: 3 Topics a day. 4 Replies per 30 min.
-1% to -50%: 2 Topics a day. 4 Replies per 30 min.
-51% to -100%: 1 Topic a day. 4 Replies per 30 min.
Other Effects
-Behaviour bar slightly effects voting power.
-People with 50%+ pts gain +5% score to their flash after judgement. (maybe)
-People with -50% bar cannot submit files over 5meg.
-Cannot submit to NG Mag if -50% or worse.
-Cannot vote on own flash is -25% or worse.
And so on. The idea needs some tweaking, and it probably won't happen (and even if it's considered at some point someone will give a good reason to why it shouldn't happen) but i'm just throwing it out there.
I have two simple suggestions:
1. List voting power rank in profiles and possibly a voting power list on the "users" page. This one's long overdue.
2. Have an option in your account options to receive a PM when Tom, Wade, liljim, or another site administrator posts a news thread. It's tough to stay informed on site updates unless you regularly visit the forums. I think a lot of people would appreciate this option.
Would it be possible to give co-authors the ability to reply to reviews? I think it wold benefit newgrounds.
This might have already been suggested but I think there should be a small "do you really wish to post this message?" window that pops up after you press the "post it!" button. I have accidentally hit post it a couple of times unintentionally and find it rather embarrasing when I have to double post to finish what I am saying, this would also make some users think a small bit more before actually posting what they have typed.
At 2/1/07 10:04 PM, Crag wrote: have to double post to finish what I am saying, this would also make some users think a small bit more before actually posting what they have typed.
With a button to disable it in our profiles. The default should be set to off aswell.
I looked at Denvish's first post of this thread and my idea was not in it, so I have any idea for the BBS signature.
I think it would be a good idea if the BBS signature could have more than:
Maximum 175 characters (350 characters including HTML tags) and 5 lines.
I'm not just saying this for spam. I am saying this for the benefit that, users could put resourceful links in their BBS sig, like I have in mine. I have 3 main threads, but I want to add more for the benefit for other users looking for them. Yes, there is a search bar. I understand that. I just want feedback from Denvish and even liljim to tell me if this suggestion is an alright one. Believe me. If we could add more than 250 characters, including HTML tags and 5 lines, I would put the most resourceful links in my BBS sig. For example, I would link the Flash Tutorials, collection, Flash forum, Everything.
Feedback would be much appreciated.
1. when are the new icons coming? its been a long time, it doesnt take that long to draw 60 icons...
2. Ban counter
3. How about a spam forum in which banned people can spam without making crappy threads in the General forums, lasting only two pages before being erased.
-Lost Signature-
If found, please call 555-1212 to claim your prize. disclaimer - prizes may cause fatigue, bad breath, erectile dysfunction, tax audit, or anal bleeding.
At 2/2/07 09:33 AM, Benovere wrote: 1. when are the new icons coming? its been a long time, it doesnt take that long to draw 60 icons...
With the new layout.
2. Ban counter
Been suggested.
3. How about a spam forum in which banned people can spam without making crappy threads in the General forums, lasting only two pages before being erased.
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=64 8904
I am new here but in all honesty I don't like the post limits on threads it can make a really deep interesting conversetion dead in a matter of minutes. I know why it's there but I was thinking mabye that it would be better for people not to be able to double post. It works on most other forums and I really think it would help keep good threads and conversations open.
There needs to be more enforcement on the 'no mass voting' and 'no file-swapping' rules, becuase there are still plenty of users who do it anyway, and some mutiple times. That or we could use more portal mods to cover it.
I think the "if you're going to rate this movie with a low rating, please be constructive"-instruction should be changed into something that encourages constructive comments no matter what the rating will be, because now it seems that many who would like to give low scores don't do that, because they feel pressured to give the constructive criticism. This in turn results in most of the ratings being 10 10 10 10 10 10 - and that quite frankly makes the whole rating system seem idiotic.
At 6/11/05 01:35 PM, Popsycle wrote: I know many users, including myself, don't like the fact that the only way you can gain expierence is by voting on movies. Here are some ideas on how to gain experience
.01 points for every post on the bbs
.1 points for every review
2 points for every movie submitted that doesn't get blammed
10 points for 1st place daily 8 2nd, 6 3rd, 4 4th 2 5th.
20 points for 1st place weekly 18 2nd, 16 3rd, 14 4th 12 5th.
25 points review crew pick
5 points underdog
and the same goes agaisnt you if you do something bad!
-10 points for every ban in the bbs
-5 points for every abusive review
-2 points for every blammed movie sent in
I totally agree 110% I thin we should allow for experience to be gained or lost from other actions, not just the movies, because even though newgrounds is based on flash work, the BBS, audio portal, reviews, and awards are a big part of this wonderful site, and should be given the same amount of prestige, and importance as voting on flash movies.
I believe that this idea should be implemented, though you can change the experience values to whatever you wish. Please have mercy on us and implement this!
I'm sorry to post another message so quickley, I just forgot to mention this in my last message, I believe that if possible, there should be a BBS forum for non-newgrounds music.
Thanks for listening.
...Is my suggested idea at the top of this page an ok idea? I would really like it if they would boost the 350 char. limit for the BBS sig.
I understand what the person above me was saying about new ways to gain EXP but I think that it should definetly be based upon different things than just movies and portal awards. I would like to think of myself as someone that contributes to the site but as of yet I don't know flash. That system would be unfair to the people that come in here to view and review the flash along with those who post on the BBS.
Also about being able to vote on entire collections I see why that could cause problems. What I would like to see maybe is a way to vote on a collection. You know maybe have the collections rated just like the movies. The rating of the collection would mean nothing to the scores of the movies inside. They would be solely related to the quality of the collection as a whole.
At 6/11/05 01:35 PM, Popsycle wrote: I know many users, including myself, don't like the fact that the only way you can gain expierence is by voting on movies. Here are some ideas on how to gain experience
.01 points for every post on the bbs
.1 points for every review
2 points for every movie submitted that doesn't get blammed
10 points for 1st place daily 8 2nd, 6 3rd, 4 4th 2 5th.
20 points for 1st place weekly 18 2nd, 16 3rd, 14 4th 12 5th.
25 points review crew pick
5 points underdog
and the same goes agaisnt you if you do something bad!
-10 points for every ban in the bbs
-5 points for every abusive review
-2 points for every blammed movie sent in
I agree, but make a few changes. The values are to high. Plus the 2 exp for getting a flash to pass is to easy, imagine the increase in SS flashes etc. (not to mention co-authoring one another and getting 100+ xp a day).
1 exp for posting on the BBS. 5 exp per day.
2 points for every review. 10 per day.
1 points for every audio review. 2 per day.
2 points for every movie submitted with a score over 3.00
5 points for 1st place daily 4 2nd, 3 3rd, 2 4th 1 5th.
5 points for 1st place weekly 4 2nd, 3 3rd, 2 4th 1 5th.
5 points review crew pick
1 point underdog
Secondly, there should be a "deposit gained exp" link in our profile pages. This way, uses who DON'T wish to gain exp are not forced to. Exp gained for winning awards should be permanent until you deposit, meaning if you gained the award a few days ago, you can still gain the exp. Whereas exp gained from posting should only be allowed to be gained on that day. All up thats an extra 22exp per day (although most users will only gain 3-6 extra, so maybe the values could be a LITTLE higher.)
Also, why not...
+5xp for reaching 1,000 posts.
+10 for reaching 2,000
+20 for reaching 5,000
+50 for reaching 10,000
+5xp for reaching 100 reviews.
+10 for reaching 200
+20 for reaching 500
+50 for reaching 1,000
And another suggestion from me. How come this is only for new entries? I suggest it become a part of the entire portal.
At 2/4/07 05:06 AM, Darkside7000 wrote: 1 exp for posting on the BBS. 5 exp per day.
That's an insane high.
2 points for every review. 10 per day.
1 points for every audio review. 2 per day.
why should Flash reviews get more than audio reviews? that's totally fucking nonsense.
2 points for every movie submitted with a score over 3.00
Compared to the 2 per review?
5 points for 1st place daily 4 2nd, 3 3rd, 2 4th 1 5th.
5 points for 1st place weekly 4 2nd, 3 3rd, 2 4th 1 5th.
I may agree
5 points review crew pick
1 point underdog
Also, why not...
+5xp for reaching 1,000 posts.
+10 for reaching 2,000
+20 for reaching 5,000
+50 for reaching 10,000
That'd be a lot of spam for shur
+5xp for reaching 100 reviews.
+10 for reaching 200
+20 for reaching 500
+50 for reaching 1,000
In total or only Flash? Seems like a much better choice than posts.
And another suggestion from me. How come this is only for new entries? I suggest it become a part of the entire portal.
Well, there is the alpha and the left row....
The exp gaining things are giving quite a lot of exp eh?
At 2/4/07 05:14 AM, SBB wrote: why should Flash reviews get more than audio reviews? that's totally fucking nonsense.
Because Audio reviews are usually alot lazier then flash reviews. Althought the majority of the times it's just "omg that was kewl" anyway.
At 2/4/07 05:27 AM, Darkside7000 wrote:At 2/4/07 05:14 AM, SBB wrote: why should Flash reviews get more than audio reviews? that's totally fucking nonsense.Because Audio reviews are usually alot lazier then flash reviews. Althought the majority of the times it's just "omg that was kewl" anyway.
That problem could easiely be fixed if you added a timer on each review like it is done with flash reviews. So you can only right 1 review per 5 minutes.
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At 2/4/07 05:27 AM, Darkside7000 wrote:At 2/4/07 05:14 AM, SBB wrote: why should Flash reviews get more than audio reviews? that's totally fucking nonsense.Because Audio reviews are usually alot lazier then flash reviews. Althought the majority of the times it's just "omg that was kewl" anyway.
Not true, there are so many in-depth and really long audio reviews, and the "omg that was kewl" reviews are just as common in Flash reviews. There may be a bit more, but that is probably because there are so many people who have no clue what they're talking about?
Audio reviews aren't lazier, but many people who write them are... A lot of people take their time to make long in-deptht audio reviews, too.