Seeing as there are 30+ pages in this topic alone, I am sorry if this idea has already been brought out. First, I will give my idea:
Basic description/ Improvements
My idea is to HIGHLY upgrade the "Clubs & Crews" forum to actually become more of a "Fanbase." When I look at the Clubs & Crews section, all I see is another forum with topics being the "clubs." Some of these topics are over ONE THOUSAND pages long! That's a lot! People, including myself, don't want to read THIRTY pages...
This is how it would work out:
In order to create a club, a person must simply create their own forum! A person would create their club name, motto, forum design, and become a moderator of their "fanclub." The creator could then invite people to his forums to become members, or even moderators of the forum. Others could ask to become a member, while the creator and moderators could choose who is aloud in and out of the forum. The TRUE Newgrounds Admins and Moderators would have full access to each of these fan forums of course.
An example of this idea being used:'s 7th Column Fanbase Forums
The "Newgrounds Fanbase" would work very similar to the 7th Column, except with Newgrounds Sexyness! If you haven't seen the 7th Column, check out some of the fanbase forums already created. This will give you an idea on how everything would work out.
A. How much bandwidth or server load will it cost?
Unfortunately, I have NO idea, but I would assume a lot, because many people could create their own forums and news boards for their fansite. In order to prevent people making SMALL groups (Such as only 2 or 3 members in one fansite) a time limit could be used to prevent small groups.
In other words, once a person creates a group, he or she would be given a set amount of days (say 3-5 days possibly) to have their group grow to have 20-30+ members. If the requirement is not reached, the site is deleted. This would also be great for the "Clubs & Crews" forums, because they could very easily organize their members to meet the requirements.
B. What level of user demand for this idea would there be?
I'm not quite sure about this either, but I really would like to see this idea become a reality. I'm sure the people that are already in clubs would love the idea, because it would make it SO MUCH easier for them to give news to their members and give ranks out as well.
This would also keep A LOT of people interested in newgrounds. You always hear people complaining about how there aren't any original topics being created. Well, they could join a fansite and post in their own forums instead! If they ever get tired of it, they could quit that specific forum and join a new one, or even join multiple fansites!
C. Does it serve a purpose, or would it merely, “be nice to have?”
It is both for a purpose and it would be not "nice to have" but "GREAT to have." It's purpose would be to create more originality in newgrounds. It would also make it MUCH easier for the current clubs to organize and talk to eachother. This could also eliminate those annoying "Who likes [insert object, person, or idea here]" topics. They can just make a fansite for it!
D. Is there something else NG does that already takes care of this?
There is the "Clubs & Crews" forum, but as I mentioned earlier, the fansite would work out to be a HELL OF A LOT better.
E. Is there something awaiting implementation that covers this?
Not that I know of. If there is, someone guide me to it. If my idea is already being implemented, then HELLS YEAH!
F. Include your reasoning in your post.
lolz, already did! =D
Well... that was a lot... lol. Now, who's actually going to read it all? =D
Seriously though, I hope you do. I'd love to see this happen.