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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 4, 2006

I dont suppose anyone have a concievable way to help get rid of some of the crap from the immature, or some way to occasionally help slap one to some degree of sense?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 4, 2006

At 1/4/06 04:53 AM, Funkchiken wrote: Could someone update the bbs search bar? It only allows up to 20 characters when searching for topics, but you can make topic titles up to 35 characters in length.

You should only search for keywords as "Late" instead of "Late Night Lounge" or "Super" instead of "Super Mario Club" and so on.

If you search for the whole name, the search result will not be as specified as it could.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 7, 2006

NG skins, I think we'd love that.

Wouldn't you just LOVE to be able to have old NG skins in use? I mean, anyone remember the old portal banner?

It would be freaking awesome if you could use a Retro NG appearance with all the functionality of the current NG.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 7, 2006

So what do you guys think about the sprite crew collection page?

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 7, 2006

hey, i dont know if anyone still checks this threat- but its worth a try :)

I have a suggestion...
Lately i have been listening to the audio portal and i thought it would be a nice idea to have an Audio Portal Music Player

This player would allow you to choose the type of songs you want to listen to (ie Jazz) and would play random songs from that selection (stream them automatically). There would also be a filter system so you could listen to, for example, Jazz and classical. (there could be more filter options, but thats just one idea). The player, could sit on the side of the webpage and allow you to filter what you want. Ive been finding myself visiting hte audio portal alot more nad some of the stuff there is great, just wish that i would have to go select a song and i could just listen to random music ( like when im doing homework, i can have it streaming)

So yeah, thats my idea (if anyone reads this lol) and i would like a response. I dont know much about coding etc. so i dont know if this is a hard thing to do. But i think it would be really cool.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 7, 2006

At 1/7/06 05:14 PM, Ziper27 wrote: hey, i dont know if anyone still checks this threat- but its worth a try :)


Srry for double post

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 7, 2006

At 1/7/06 10:54 AM, MeatwadSprite wrote: So what do you guys think about the sprite crew collection page?

I don't really feel it's significant enough to have it's own collection page.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 9, 2006

At 1/7/06 10:54 AM, MeatwadSprite wrote: So what do you guys think about the sprite crew collection page?

You are the only person in your group, from what I've seen, who has made at least one near-to-good movie. So, unless you get your members to do some kickass flash, I don't think this'll happen.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 9, 2006

There is a very odd error, everytime I type in "Trainspotting" as my favorite movie, it saves with the "g" at the end of the word apart from the word. So it looks like this: Trainspottin g.

Just check my profile.

I tried saving in different slates but it always comes up the same... help!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 9, 2006

Re: New GG layout

Could we possibly get the input textfield on http://www.newground../gold/editbbssig.php
enlarged, now there are acres of space to play with? Thanks.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 11, 2006

At 1/9/06 07:47 PM, Denvish wrote: Re: New GG layout
Could we possibly get the input textfield enlarged, now there are acres of space to play with? Thanks.

That's very sensibile.

An idea for our personal details in our profiles:

Not everyone uses AIM, infact, I'm going to guess that around half the users on NG use AIM as opposed to another IM program.
Instead of just having a field to insert your AIM screenname, why not have a drop down menu when entering your details into your profile that allows you to select the IM program that you use, so that you don't see profiles saying:
AIM: marcus_jwm@hotmail.com(msn),
and other jumbled crap like it.

Also, I'd really like to see a bit more information on our profiles in the area of b/p points.
This may have been mentioned a zillion times by now, but fuck reading through all the previous posts:
-A total count of b/p underneath out blam and protect counts.
-A display showing the total number of b/p needed to the next rank.
---Pretty much, adding some of the cool aspects of 'NG Tools' into our profiles.
Would something like that be hard to 'code'? Or would it be too much of a stupid idea to add this into over a million profiles? Someone with half a brain please give me a bit of feedback on this (yes, I'm looking at you, Devish :P :P :P).

Another quick idea:
I'd love a bit of a seperate section on our Voting Power; as in, base VP listing, added percentage due to b/p points, and overall VP (as is already listed).

Hey, since our GG menu has gone full screen, I'm guessing it's inevitable that our profiles will aswell, so we might as well use up all the god damn space we can and fill every corner with info and stats, so people like me can pop a hardon evertime we click 'view profile'.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 12, 2006

guess i should have posted this here, instead of general. anyway, i suggested purple for scores 4.00+


Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 13, 2006

At 1/13/06 02:12 AM, mofomojo wrote: I'd also like to suggest like... Portal Filters, this way, if I wanted to view all of the games on the portal, instead of trudging around in the games section I can view all top rated games.

You can already O;-)>

At the bottom of the portal top 50 list, there's a link that says 'View All' click that to get here. Then for 'Content Type' there's a drop down list and you can select it to show either all the movies or all the games.

Also if you select 'All Submissions' from the drop down list for 'Time period:' it includes all of the submissions that were submitted this week as well(excluding a few that were submitted on the day).

All Movies

All Games

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 15, 2006

This has to do with the new profiles... I think when you log in, in the first paragraph where they talk about exp points and such there should also be "you need X exp points before you reach level X (which would be the next level for the user)... I often wonder how much exp i need before level 13 and i used to be able to check ever day when i signed in, but it doesnt happen any more...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 15, 2006

At 1/11/06 09:31 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: Stuff that's been suggested before.
At 1/12/06 10:23 PM, xStem wrote: As has that.
At 1/13/06 02:12 AM, mofomojo wrote: Same for collections, etc...

Further to what Afro_Stud told you, I've been meaning to add collections to the results of portal searches.

At 1/15/06 07:33 PM, -Superman- wrote: I often wonder how much exp i need before level 13 and i used to be able to check ever day when i signed in, but it doesnt happen any more...

You were only ever able to check how many experience points you needed after either depositing or by clicking your personal profile (and that's still possible from the updated page). It was never contained in the old login page itself.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 16, 2006

has anyone in newgrounds ever used these suggestions?

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 16, 2006

At 1/15/06 08:14 PM, liljim wrote: You were only ever able to check how many experience points you needed after either depositing or by clicking your personal profile (and that's still possible from the updated page). It was never contained in the old login page itself.

Are you sure? I thought there was the little exp fraction dealy in the upper right corner... But i guess it may not have been there...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 16, 2006

At 1/16/06 02:42 PM, -Superman- wrote: Are you sure? I thought there was the little exp fraction dealy in the upper right corner... But i guess it may not have been there...

It just used to tell you the current number of experience points.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 16, 2006

a button to bring me to my current posts window would be nice. logging in now reloads the page, so without tabs, i lose precious seconds! with a lack of a better font, i bring a crude example.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 18, 2006

Another good idea I have is to have a "report this post to a moderator" button next to a post that sends information about the post to a random moderator that is on at that moment. You can also add space to add comments about the post.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 18, 2006

When you go to upload an animation and you fill out all the information, theres only one spot for musician / band, and lots for NG audio... There should be more than one space incase you have multiple musicans / bands maybe not as many spaces as there are for NG audio, but more than one...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 21, 2006

Some suggestions:

1. About the User Rankings, could the lists such as Top 50 Users, B/P, Rated Artist and Bookmarked Flash Artists be extended to 100? I think 100 would be a lot, but I think it would be better to have that amount of whatever.

2. In the Top 50 Users, there could be a mention of what level the user is at, just like on the B/P list where it mentions what rank the user is at.

3. Maybe a Top 100 Bookmarked Submissions in the User Rankings. I don't think a Top 10 most Bookmarked submissions in the Statistics page is a lot.

4. About the character limit, is there a significant reason for having 6,500 characters as the limit? If not, then could there be an extention on the character limit?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 21, 2006

At 1/21/06 12:32 PM, VicinityofObscenity wrote: Some suggestions:

1. About the User Rankings, could the lists such as Top 50 Users, B/P, Rated Artist and Bookmarked Flash Artists be extended to 100? I think 100 would be a lot, but I think it would be better to have that amount of whatever.

i've noticed that few Wi/Ht? regulars have made sites that give lists of many more than 50 people for BP, exp, etc. So yea, it would be nice to have some sort of arrow icon to browse through lists of ranks, like 1-50 first page, 51-100 second page, etc.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 22, 2006

How about having you aura pre-determinded by the way you actually vote.

If your B/P points consists of 55% or 60% Blams then you would get the dark aura...etc.

Another Idea.

Adding icons/ranks for getting 30,000 saves and 30,000 blams in additions to the ones we have now.

30,000 saves gets you a halo or something like that...etc.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 22, 2006

I think they should show our rankings on Posting and Reviewing on our profile. Now that would really help out.

Top 50 Reviewers

Top 200 Medal Points

Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 22, 2006

At 1/22/06 06:58 PM, ExtraLife wrote: If your B/P points consists of 55% or 60% Blams then you would get the dark aura...etc.

That's kind of how the way the old aura system used to work - you would get light/dark/neutral depending on your voting habits and the deviation from the score (either way) determined whether you ended up being light/neutral/dark. Trouble with that is that people were either voting 0 on everything to go dark or 5 on everything to go light. The standard balance of blams to saves would be around 3:1 respectively... But it would still cause problems as the old system did.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 23, 2006

Why can't you read the number of views/posts in the NG News threads?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 23, 2006

At 1/22/06 07:04 PM, MegaGold wrote: I think they should show our rankings on Posting and Reviewing on our profile. Now that would really help out.

not going to happen, that would encourage more spam.
more pointless posts and reviews.
you really dont need a rank for those anywho.. they arent a race..
more thought is needed rather then 1 line things that no one gets any use from.
answered just so no one else has to waste their time with this.

// Sig Makers // WWE Fans // Tumblr //

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 23, 2006

kla_kla on the page of this thread asked how to put a link in a signature, and i followed up with the picture i'll post below. he states:

At 1/23/06 07:34 PM, kla_kla wrote:
thought thats if you wanted to uplaod an image from a site like www.imageshack.us cool Thanks. I put my old sig back because my sig looke dlike crap so Now im fixing it. Thanks though.

maybe on top of the box to add a link, there can be larger text stating its purpose?

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 Jan 24, 2006

Mkay, Yeah. I'm back. :)

A while back I created a Club in C&C forums and the club lasted for about 2 days then ended abruptly when it got deleted by someone for no apparent reason. I had no idea who deleted so I had no idea who to contact to ask why. So...

...How about when a mod deletes a thread of yours an e-mail should automatically sent to you by G-Bot saying" _______ deleted your thread." So you at least know who it got deleted by and could ask why if you wish to pursue.

BBS Signature