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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

131,850 Views | 1,645 Replies
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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-22 15:45:35

One small way to improve NG is to get a definite answer on the rumor of only one Level 30 user allowed. I know the FAQ page mentions this rumor as being a myth, but I just noticed something. Wasn't PIMP the only level 30 user for awhile? Now, he's listed as a level 29, with someone else as a level 30. It seems as though, when someone reaches level 30, they set the new standard of how many experience points are needed to reach that level. And, if their experience points surpass whoever is already at level 30, then that person gets knocked down to level 29. Am I wrong? I really hope I am! (Also, I know I'm not close to level 30, but I just want to make sure that it's an obtainable goal! I'd like to know for sure if there will be a payoff at the end, if I stick with it)!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-22 16:07:21

At 11/22/05 03:45 PM, Monolock wrote: blerg.

Pimp and humantarget are both level 30. He may of leveled down as the EXP for level 30 goes up, and he may of got leveled down for that

At present, there is 2 level 30s.

"Actually, the server timed out trying to remove all your posts..."


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-22 23:29:02

At 11/22/05 04:07 PM, IWantSomeCookies wrote:
At 11/22/05 03:45 PM, Monolock wrote: blerg.
Pimp and humantarget are both level 30. He may of leveled down as the EXP for level 30 goes up, and he may of got leveled down for that

At present, there is 2 level 30s.

Thanks for clearing things up for me. I was afraid that was the situation! I just figured that once you reached a level, you got to keep it; even if the point requirements went up afterwards! Guess I was wrong. (Makes me wonder if trying to reach level 30 is worth it. By the time I get to level 15, level 30 will probably be up to 2,638,991 points)!... Being able to KEEP your level, even if the point requirements went up later on, is another way to improve NG!... Also, I doubt if this idea will cause level 30 to become a hangout for hundreds of NG users! The current system gives no incentive for people who signed up in the past year or two to keep going and try to level-up. The seperate system for earning Blam/Protection points makes more sense!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-23 11:05:49

At 11/22/05 02:41 PM, liljim wrote: View the page source. Search for the first part of your e-mail address.

I had no idea, thanks =)

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-23 12:18:52

Not sure if this has been implimented or not. How about an e-mail that tells you that you are a featured artist/BBS UOTD?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-24 04:04:57

How about an option that allows users to 'flag' topics which might be considered spam / worthless? These 'flags' would just be some sort of bulletpoint or something next to them, visible to mods / admins only. This would not affect the end-user at all, they could still post / etc. The mod would see the flag, and then check it out, either locking, deleting, or removing the flag. I don't know exactly if every topic is read by a mod or two, but some get through longer than they should by having misleading / legit-sounding topic names (thinking of a few examples I've seen in poli board).

The one thing force produces is resistance.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-25 00:44:07

I'd bring back the old system for determining a user's aura. It used to mean something once. Now it's about which color you prefer for your weapon background!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-25 22:14:04

A very minor quick fix.

While on the audio portal specificaly this page when you click the ... < -BACK TO LISTING icon at the very bottom it leads to a Error File Not Found page

This is the button:

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-25 22:19:38

I'm not sure if this has been suggested or not...

But what if older members had more weight to their votes? Like 10% for every year, or like 3% for every hundred days or something? Kinda like how B/P Points work now?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-26 10:50:08

Why is the number of views/replies in front page posts not visible?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-28 17:32:32

Alright, I have thought about mentioning this for a long time, so here I finally do it.

Members who write alot in the Newgrounds BBS (I mean the writers and poets) should get an edit button.

For people like us who has stories and poetry as a contribution to Newgrounds (As some contributes with music, movies and games), there should be an option for us to edit our stories and poems.

And as we still have the problem of people who edit their previous posts in flame wars, I would be glad to give you a list of serious and trustworthy writers/poets.

If another option would not be to be given this option in specific threads there they post their work.

Anyways, as I guess liljim will be the one to read this, I would really, really like to get an answer.
There is a large number of writers on Newgrounds who are serious, and aswell as I'd like this to be answered, I would like an answer to my question at the previous page.

Atleast you could tell me if you consider it or if you think it is a good/bad idea.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-28 18:52:09

At 11/28/05 05:32 PM, Andersson wrote: Members who write alot in the Newgrounds BBS (I mean the writers and poets) should get an edit button.

Ugh, how many times? If anything, writers who're serious about what they're writing should have less of a need for an edit button than ANYONE ELSE WHO'S POSTING, because, presumably, they'll have written the story in some sort of word processing package and proofread it enough times before posting. I'm not going to get into all of this again.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-29 06:18:25

At 11/28/05 06:52 PM, liljim wrote: Ugh, how many times?

Actually, I brought this up because it is a whole different thing. But meh, if you say so. And by the way, of all the books you have read, have you never seen an error (As a spelling mistake or whatever)?

Anyways, I am still wondering about the co-authering another writer in a post thing... it would really be a good option for us writers.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-29 18:48:18

I'm sure it's probably been suggested before, but maybe making it so people can't swap their flash files after judgement would stop this Barney Bunch crap. It's just getting out of hand at this point. If an author has a legitimate fix to his work, he could just be able to delete his own flash and re-submit it through judgement again, maybe.
I'm just sick of those damn punks...

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-29 19:28:14

Banned list that shows banned users and the reason banned, like so . This will give other users a clearer image of what's okay, and what's not.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-29 19:32:57

At 11/29/05 07:28 PM, lollerskaters wrote: Banned list that shows banned users and the reason banned, like so . This will give other users a clearer image of what's okay, and what's not.

i think there are far too many users being banned for various acts of stupidity, spamming, and whatnot for that list to serve its proper functionality. it works on the CC as there aren't as many members, and less bannings :P


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-29 20:13:59

How about support for non-Roman letters.


(translation:Japanese is so much cooler when you can read the letters!)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-29 20:17:04

Out of curiosity, I have a question that's been bugging me for the past hour or so, in regard to a few rumors I've heard - and since it has to do with "Newgrounds' Evolution", I decided it's alright to post it here.

Is Newgrounds creating a photoshop portal for any perticular reason?

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-30 16:04:21

At 11/29/05 08:17 PM, Nomader wrote: Is Newgrounds creating a photoshop portal for any perticular reason?

Lol, that would be stupid, and totally pointless. We have a BBS, which there is many various Photoshop threads in, also they could contain in-side jokes that non-bbs'ers, for example, will not get.

There are so many reasons, just no.. no.. no..!


I was thinking having like the posts numbers, so you could say like..

In reply to post #2 on page 46 bla bla.

So you dont have to qoute like 100 posts, or not quote at all sometimes, but just say Post #9 is cool. If you get what I mean. Just like a little 10x10 box, with a number in it, it's not that hard is it? :D

"Actually, the server timed out trying to remove all your posts..."


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-11-30 18:38:08

An idea for the Where is/how to forums.

Like how the flash forum readme sticky links to ng.com/flash for all the flash help with tutorials and basics, there aught to be a "How do I blam/ deposit EXP/ etc" sticky link to the NGFAQ, since there tends to be a stupid ammount of those FAQ's around this forum.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-12-03 15:51:47

'topic starters are allowed to post more than 4 times in the topic'

what do you think? i just thought about it then after making a new topic. usually you wanna reply to every one, and sometimes its too quick moving to multiquote.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-12-03 19:33:09

At 12/3/05 03:51 PM, -Mogly- wrote: 'topic starters are allowed to post more than 4 times in the topic'
what do you think? i just thought about it then after making a new topic. usually you wanna reply to every one, and sometimes its too quick moving to multiquote.

Hmmm, true.

But still, someone could make a thread and just spam the hell out of it during 6 to 10 AM GMT when there are no moderators online.

But well, maybe they could give the starter of a thread a five times post limit instead, or something just to give him/her the ability to respond sooner.

Yet, it is probably just too much programming and work behind such an improvement...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-12-04 06:26:56

How's this for the Audio part on the front page?

Profile pictures!

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Audio | Alter | It sounds like a fire hydrant went off in an old folks home with screaming babies field recorded, glitched, and spontaneously played back.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-12-04 11:05:54

I remember reading Wade's post, like a few weeks back, and he said something about if you pay $5, you get to see the site with more stuff; sneak previews to other stuff, no ads (back then, luxury.. :P) and join something like a fan club, and ''more''.

Even though that was like back in 02, are you going to bring back something similar? I think it's a great idea and there would be tons more benefits. Just a though.. but what actually happened to it?

"Actually, the server timed out trying to remove all your posts..."


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-12-06 15:21:15

A couple of minor worthless things, all found in the menu on the bottom.

Clicking the "NG Store" link on the bottom of the page in the BBS brings you to "http://www.cafepress.com/newgrounds", while clicking it anywhere else on the site brings you to "http://www.newgrounds.com/shop/".

Except for in the shop, where the link isn't clickable.

And in the shop it still says "Copyright 1996-2004 Newgrounds Inc." with a link that doesn't lead anywhere insted of "Copyright 1995-2005 Newgrounds Inc." with a link to the front page like everywhere else.

The user and the chat page do not have the whole menu at the bottom, and it looks kinda empty. The links on the bottom are practical aswell, seeing as the links on the top are in Flash, and can't be right-clicked or opened in a new window.

In the shop the "Genres & Series" link leads to the page "collections/hot" instead of "collection/hot" like everywhere else. The shop link leads to the old collections page, the one before the big update with the birthdays and all.
The normal Genres & Series page that most links lead to.
The old Genres & Series page that the link in the NG Store leads to.

On the front page the links "Games" and "Toons" lead to "/games" and "toons", instead of "/game" and "/toon" like everywhere else. Again, the links on the front page lead to the old game and toon pages, before they got updated.
The normal Game and Toon pages that most links lead to.
The old Game and Toon pages that the links on the front page lead to.

That is all, for now.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-12-09 15:46:27

You know that anti-spam bot that the admins put on NG? The one that bans users for posting in spam topics? I think we should get another bot like that, except this one should automatically ban people who type like retards.

It should automatically ban people who use words like:

it should also be able to detect things like:
the phrase "I hate clocks"
an entire paragraph with no punctuation whatsoever
more than 4 exclamation points in a row, like in the phrase "OMG!!!!!!!11one!!1!1 one !!~!~11`~~!!!!one!1eleven"

This bot shouldn't be implemented all the time, however. It should be used whenever the admins are feeling sadistic.

Besides, nobody's going to miss people like that anyway.

I used to be relevant.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-12-10 21:34:17

This may have been suggested, but I looked most of this thread and couldn't find a mention of it.

What about an ignore user ability? I know there's plenty of users on the BBS that I have never felt to have written anything of interest. It may not be spam, but it's not much better. If I didn't have to read their posts, I'd find it to be a better place.

This is not saying all of my posts are awesome because, hell, a lot aren't, but having the option to not have to read some stupid alt account's posts [ie Grann] would be nice.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-12-10 22:11:32

At 12/9/05 03:46 PM, scottmale24 wrote: It should automatically ban people who use words like:

No it should, but it SHOULD prohibit you from posting at least.

it should also be able to detect things like:
the phrase "I hate clocks"
an entire paragraph with no punctuation whatsoever
more than 4 exclamation points in a row, like in the phrase "OMG!!!!!!!11one!!1!1 one !!~!~11`~~!!!!one!1eleven"

This however, I think there should be auto-bans for.

I got my own idea.

After seeing what horrible things that happened to

MrSimon and his NG account because of malicious users, I thought it would be a good idea to let users "reserve" an old username should they switch but want to switch back, that way it can stop abuse like forcing someone to demean themselves in order to get what they want back. (And I'm sure it'll pleasure the ever constant name changing moderators)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-12-13 12:00:52

At 11/26/05 10:50 AM, OsAmARaMa wrote: Why is the number of views/replies in front page posts not visible?

I would like to know, please.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-12-13 12:33:50

Hey, I was wondering, in the NG BBS post box (the thing I am typing in now) should actually be restricted to 6,500 characters, as I can put in 7000 characters in it, without knowning, and it would say 'Error too many characters' or whatever the error is. I think you should change that. Also, when doing a list in the Wi/Ht or something similar, it will let you copy and paste as many characters as you like. Again, you would think '0 characters left, huzzah perfect' but it isnt.

All you need is for the "Chars. remainging:" to go to a minus figure, or just add;


And thats it, so simple, and it will benefit alot of users. It would be nice to have this applied to your User Profile message, and other stuff relating to adding characters that are restricted.

Thanks, I hope you take this into consideration.

O and also, I think you should make 'Your birthday:' not changable, so people register with correct detials, and so if they are like 12, it would restricted them from signing up ever again, or like for a few days if that is harsh, or if they put thier age in as say 14, when they register, they cannot change thier year of birth for like 3 years earlier, so it seems like they are 17, so they cannot fake thier age. You know everyone on the internet does it, but its annoying. :-)


"Actually, the server timed out trying to remove all your posts..."
