One small way to improve NG is to get a definite answer on the rumor of only one Level 30 user allowed. I know the FAQ page mentions this rumor as being a myth, but I just noticed something. Wasn't PIMP the only level 30 user for awhile? Now, he's listed as a level 29, with someone else as a level 30. It seems as though, when someone reaches level 30, they set the new standard of how many experience points are needed to reach that level. And, if their experience points surpass whoever is already at level 30, then that person gets knocked down to level 29. Am I wrong? I really hope I am! (Also, I know I'm not close to level 30, but I just want to make sure that it's an obtainable goal! I'd like to know for sure if there will be a payoff at the end, if I stick with it)!