At 9/14/05 08:28 PM, gumOnShoe wrote:At 9/14/05 07:51 PM, Pauls wrote:No... I'm sure liljim could prove that, but he doesn't release the statistics. Besides the fact that while a movie is under judgement people are blam/save happy and don't always vote like they would once it is out.At 9/14/05 06:06 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: Actually the scores do change after they pass judgement. Usually dropping or raising .4 after the movie comes in. It really depends on the traffic and who was on at the time. This allows new submissions to make their way into the top 50 andYeah but it doesn't change the score dramaticly because people tend to vote equally both while the submission is under judgement and after it has passed the judgement.
Well, could you imagine a world without the following?:
Turd of the Week
Underdog of the Week
and Weekly User's Choice?
I'm sure no Turd of the Week would really piss off some people... I know it would piss off me, wondering how that flash ever got passed judgement...
If it doesn't matter don't change it. It makes people come here. Its not causing problemsit allows more traffic for NG because people are attracted to vote on their favorite submissions. Is it neccesary no, but its a good idea anyway.You see I'm not very thrilled about this idea of making people vote on submissions that have already achieved a stable score. Because their vote isn't going to mean jack shit. Since the quality of a submission has already been desided.
No response here...
Newgrounds should be more about viewing and showcasing than stats and voting. It'll make thing alot simpler and pherhaps attract even more users and potential artists. Instead of stat whores who think their voting and opinions matter.It isn't a waste of resources. It doesn't effect the bandwith at all. And the voting attracts more people than you would believe. And another thing you have not considered is that sometimes movies are updated after they are submitted. If this happens, the scores may change.
To me it seems like a waste of resourses.
If it weren't for those voting things, I would never be at NG.
It isn't causing any problems, just deal with the system
It really isn't - I agree, go with the flow, and vote on already submitted flashes.