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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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The secret boss of Pokken Tournament has been revealed. After a 10-year absence, it seems that Shadow Pokemon are relevant again since Shadow Mewtwo is now canon. Its color scheme is a cross between Shadow Lugia and Primal Dialga, and can Mega Evolve to Mega Mewtwo X.

(it appears at 2:02 in the video below)

Also, it seems to have stolen one of Frieza's attacks:

It also resembles Oni from Street Fighter now.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-01-17 12:56:37

So Nintendo announced that they're re-releasing the original Red and Blue with their own special new 3Ds, and they're going to have events every month this year giving away all of the mythic legendary pokemon in celebration of the 20th anniversary!

It's the regular smaller New 3ds that comes with the faceplates of the box art of both Red and Blue.

Events this year in North America
(Europe seems to follow the same schedule, but I don't know where ya'll are going to get the serial codes from)

Mew: Feb 1 - 24 | Gamestop Event, Serial Code

Celebi: March 1 - 24 | Wifi Event

Jirachi: April 1 - 24 | Wifi Event

Darkrai: May 1 - 24 | Gamestop Event, Serial Code

Manaphy: June 1 - 24 | Wifi Event

Shaymin: July 1 - 24 | Wifi Event

Arceus: August 1 - 24 | Gamestop Event, Serial Code

Victini: September 1 - 24 | Wifi Event

Keldeo: October 1 - 24 | Wifi Event

Genesect: November 1 - 24 | Gamestop Event, Serial Code

Meloetta: December 1 - 24 | Wifi Event

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-02-09 00:35:21

It's been confirmed that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red & Blue Rescue Team will be on the Wii U Virtual Console.


Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-02-11 09:44:27

A new Mythical Pokemon called Magiana has been leaked, and it's going to be in the same movie that Volcanion is in, which is "Volcanion and the Ingenious Magiana".

It is not known yet if Magiana is the last sixth-gen Pokemon or if it will be listed the same way that Victini is by having the first Mythical Pokemon of a new generation come before the starter pokemon of the new generation.

It's apparently known as the Man-Made Pokemon, and no type for it has been revealed for it yet, however it most likely is at least a Steel-type. According to lore it was made about 500 years ago.

Corocoro Picture of Magiana

Movie poster of Volcanion and the Ingenious Magiana

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-02-11 18:01:06

At 2/9/16 12:35 AM, TheGamechanger wrote: It's been confirmed that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red & Blue Rescue Team will be on the Wii U Virtual Console.


I will get it for Wii U. Glad there is so much being done for the 20th Pokemon anniversary.

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At 2/11/16 09:44 AM, TheGamechanger wrote: A new Mythical Pokemon called Magiana has been leaked, and it's going to be in the same movie that Volcanion is in, which is "Volcanion and the Ingenious Magiana".

Update: The English name for the new Mythical Pokemon is Magearna, and the actual English name for the next Pokemon Movie is Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna.

I can see why the name was slightly changed: fans would probably poke fun at the Japanese name by comparing it to the word vagina.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-02-18 17:56:05

At 2/18/16 05:28 PM, TheGamechanger wrote: the actual English name for the next Pokemon Movie is Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna.

I can see why the name was slightly changed: fans would probably poke fun at the Japanese name by comparing it to the word vagina.

People will make fun of anything. Remember when they changed Puc-man to Pac-man?

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-03-17 02:25:57

So, I'm just gonna casually bump this thread, 'cause Pokemon is awesome and I'm playing Omega Ruby at the moment.

It's probably already been asked before, but what's everyone's favorite Pokemon? My absolute favorite is Squirtle, but my other favorites are Charmander, Mudkip, Treecko, Absol, Gengar, Scyther and Machamp. Pangoro is growing on me too. My favorite legendaries are Lugia, Rayquaza and Mewtwo.

What's yours?

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-03-17 23:45:48

At 3/17/16 02:25 AM, YellowisCOOL wrote: So, I'm just gonna casually bump this thread, 'cause Pokemon is awesome and I'm playing Omega Ruby at the moment.

It's probably already been asked before, but what's everyone's favorite Pokemon? My absolute favorite is Squirtle, but my other favorites are Charmander, Mudkip, Treecko, Absol, Gengar, Scyther and Machamp. Pangoro is growing on me too. My favorite legendaries are Lugia, Rayquaza and Mewtwo.

What's yours?

Blaziken is probably my favorite Pokemon, followed closely with Alakazam and Gengar.

HOW HAVE WE NOT DISCUSSED POKEMON SUN AND MOON?! The new generation is coming out this winter!

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-03-17 23:53:12

At 3/17/16 11:45 PM, Gamewiz wrote: Blaziken is probably my favorite Pokemon, followed closely with Alakazam and Gengar.

HOW HAVE WE NOT DISCUSSED POKEMON SUN AND MOON?! The new generation is coming out this winter!

People have been saying that it's gonna be based in Hawaii

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(I just realized this was from March... whoops.)

At 3/17/16 11:45 PM, Gamewiz wrote:
HOW HAVE WE NOT DISCUSSED POKEMON SUN AND MOON?! The new generation is coming out this winter!

Litten, LITTEN. I normally don't like to insta-pick starters, but that thing is so adorable.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-05-17 22:45:55

It's not confirmed yet, but there's a rumor that the recently trademarked names Solgaleo and Lunaala are the names of the Sun and Moon legendaries.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-05-24 07:39:33

At 5/17/16 10:45 PM, TheGamechanger wrote: It's not confirmed yet, but there's a rumor that the recently trademarked names Solgaleo and Lunaala are the names of the Sun and Moon legendaries.

Sounds pretty legit, in my opinion at least

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-05-26 01:41:45

Currently making a YouTube playlist that'll ultimately have an individual theme for each and every Pokemon, including the infamous Missingno. The music doesn't have to be from the same franchise: it just has to be fitting to the individual Pokemon.

Haven't done all the obvious choices yet, since for some I might use a different theme than their canon theme.


So, have any music suggestions for my playlist? I've already did the Popplio evolution line and the Sun & Moon cover legendaries. I'm considering using a theme from one of the classic '80s horror movies for either Bisharp or Darkrai.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-06-17 02:40:02

So, a bunch of new Pokemon have been revealed, thoughts?

I think that Iwanko, Nekkoala, Pikipek and Grubbin are well designed, but I dislike Yungoos. The fuck's up with its teeth? Anyway, I think that Solgaleo and Lunala are awesome too, and I'm going with Pokemon Moon

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At 6/17/16 02:40 AM, YellowisCOOL wrote: So, a bunch of new Pokemon have been revealed, thoughts?

I think that Iwanko, Nekkoala, Pikipek and Grubbin are well designed, but I dislike Yungoos. The fuck's up with its teeth? Anyway, I think that Solgaleo and Lunala are awesome too, and I'm going with Pokemon Moon

Yungoos' teeth are like that because it's supposed to be both always hungry and always angry. This is because it's based on the invasive species of mongoose in Hawaii in an attempt to control the population of a rodent, but it got out of hand since the rodent is nocturnal and the mongoose is diurnal, so as a result the mongoose ignored the rodent and starting gorging on the native wildlife. So it's not a coincidence that Yungoose is not native to the Alola region.

It's worth mentioning that according to official sources Solgaleo is kinda hostile towards humans while Lunala is revered as a guardian by humans. I guess this means that Lunala is the good Pokemon while Solgaleo is the evil Pokemon. I'm getting Moon version first.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-06-25 18:38:39

Hey guys I got a 3DSXL and a shitton of Pokemon games and got the pokebank got any advice to catch them all? Ill post pics later.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-06-27 22:03:28

At 6/25/16 06:38 PM, Tony-DarkGrave wrote: Hey guys I got a 3DSXL and a shitton of Pokemon games and got the pokebank got any advice to catch them all? Ill post pics later.

Oh, boy. You'll need lots of patience that's for sure

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-06-28 02:31:12

At 6/27/16 10:03 PM, YellowisCOOL wrote:
At 6/25/16 06:38 PM, Tony-DarkGrave wrote: Hey guys I got a 3DSXL and a shitton of Pokemon games and got the pokebank got any advice to catch them all? Ill post pics later.
Oh, boy. You'll need lots of patience that's for sure

It's just all the main ones for the DS family.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-07-15 01:44:41

It's crazy to see Pokemon the way that it is today. As a player of red/blue when they first came out in 1996, 20 years later everybody is wandering around catching Pokemon! A lot of the people who are younger than me are unfamiliar with the original 151, at least they don't know all of them (hey it's a lot). I enjoy seeing everybody out and about. The lures feel a bit lazy where people just post up camp and hang out and let the Pokemon come to them. I WILL BE THE VERY BEST LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS. Man.. 20 years. and yet, here I am, trying to catch them all just like I was 8 :)


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At 7/15/16 01:44 AM, BlueHippo wrote: It's crazy to see Pokemon the way that it is today. As a player of red/blue when they first came out in 1996, 20 years later everybody is wandering around catching Pokemon! A lot of the people who are younger than me are unfamiliar with the original 151, at least they don't know all of them (hey it's a lot). I enjoy seeing everybody out and about. The lures feel a bit lazy where people just post up camp and hang out and let the Pokemon come to them. I WILL BE THE VERY BEST LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS. Man.. 20 years. and yet, here I am, trying to catch them all just like I was 8 :)

I wasn't even born when Poke mania existed and I only started playing when Diamond came out, so seeing this is amazing to me. I actually rode my bike yesterday for the first time in about 6 years, and I can really appreciate what the game is encouraging people to do. It also gives me a small sense of what it was like when Pokemon was at it's peak back in the 90's, which is pretty comforting; to just see so many people out and about, catching pokemon.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-07-21 00:31:59

It seems that Legendary Pictures, the studio who created Godzilla 2014, has acquired the rights for a live-action Pokemon movie.


It's based on the currently Japan-only game called Detective Pikachu.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2016-10-18 01:26:42

Anyone planning on getting the Sun and Moon Demo? Personally, I'm not sure if I will or not. I might watch some gameplay before I make up my mind

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2017-11-15 17:45:19

At 11/9/17 12:48 AM, 1DarkVoid wrote: Anyone into the Pokémon TCG? I never really got in the competitive side since the Diamond and Pearl era, but instead started collecting after returning while taking on a lighter side of collecting rather than competitive play nowadays.

The Sun and Moon sets are quite difficult with the pull rates than X and Y...

I never really got into actually PLAYING the TCG. Some 15 years ago my friends and I were big into collecting and trading, but I think myself and maybe one other person I knew at the time actually understood how the game worked. I think I still have those cards somewhere though.

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2018-11-01 03:39:51

At 9/21/18 06:54 AM, RightTime wrote: So Ryan Reynolds is voicing detective Pikachu. It will be weird to hear Pikachu with an actual voice.

I might watch it just for Ryan Reynolds alone

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2018-12-22 21:05:47

Starting this back up since there's no reason why should this be dead

Has anyone been curious about the Gen 4 maps before?

It's hard to believe everything in made in 3D, Ethan's model here looks good enough to be in a 3DS game or something!


Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2018-12-28 23:28:54

At 12/22/18 09:05 PM, solitonmedic wrote:
Starting this back up since there's no reason why should this be dead

Has anyone been curious about the Gen 4 maps before?
It's hard to believe everything in made in 3D, Ethan's model here looks good enough to be in a 3DS game or something!

I've never looked at any of the maps broken down like this before. Personally my favorite mapping is either X/Y or Alpha Sapphire/ Omega Ruby though. I think they the engine used for that generation was done the best.

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2018-12-29 00:46:46

At 12/28/18 11:28 PM, Gamewiz wrote:
At 12/22/18 09:05 PM, solitonmedic wrote:
Starting this back up since there's no reason why should this be dead

Has anyone been curious about the Gen 4 maps before?
It's hard to believe everything in made in 3D, Ethan's model here looks good enough to be in a 3DS game or something!

I've never looked at any of the maps broken down like this before. Personally my favorite mapping is either X/Y or Alpha Sapphire/ Omega Ruby though. I think they the engine used for that generation was done the best.

It does take advantage of the 3DS' abilities, but I really don't like how pale the colors are on some of the Pokémon and Trainers though. I know it's meant to resemble the official Sugimori art but still...

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2019-05-07 19:10:13

It's been ages, but anyway. What's everyone's thoughts on Pokémon Sword and Shield so far? I really love Grookey and Sobble personally

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So one million players have beaten Zeraora in Max Raid... specially, over 1,400,000 so far. So if you haven't beaten Zeraora in Max Raid yet, now is a good time to do so as now it's guaranteed that everyone that participates will get that Shiny Zeraora. The only thing I'm confused on is something they never clarified on for Max Raid battles: do you actually need to team up with three other players for the Zeraora counter to register your defeat of it or does it also count the times you beat it when you're not with other players? I did the latter but not the former.

For those struggling to beat it, I suggest using a Rhydon or Rhyperoir with the Lightning Rod ability, that's what I've been using.