At 10/16/13 11:22 PM, Lionelion wrote: How was it that nobody posted about X and Y in here, especially since its out now?
It has it's own thread which takes so much away.
"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"
At 10/16/13 11:22 PM, Lionelion wrote: How was it that nobody posted about X and Y in here, especially since its out now?
It has it's own thread which takes so much away.
"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"
At 10/17/13 08:04 PM, Idiot-Finder wrote:At 10/16/13 11:22 PM, Lionelion wrote: How was it that nobody posted about X and Y in here, especially since its out now?It has it's own thread which takes so much away.
Ehh, makes sense, I was just surprised that it wasnt so even as mentioned
Okay guys, I'm trying to get a Weavile in my team before heading off for the Elite Four. I will trade for it, as long as it's reasonable; also, I want it to be a girl.
I'd rather die a Wolf fighting against the Herder, than die a Sheep heading for the slaughter.
AVGN Fan Club. - The Culturally Diverse Crew - The Carnivorous Crew
I fear no man, But this thing made me crap myself.
Hey guys, I'm trying to catch and trade as many rare Pokemon in the Friend Safari as possible and maybe level up certain Pokemon, so if you could PM me your friend codes, I'll PM mine and happily trade with whomever.
I'd rather die a Wolf fighting against the Herder, than die a Sheep heading for the slaughter.
AVGN Fan Club. - The Culturally Diverse Crew - The Carnivorous Crew
I haven't been far enough into the games to use a MegaEvo yet, but yeah, MegaGengar is exactly what it should be - the embodiment of "HOLY SHI-". Dat eerie third eye certainly helps.
I'm more partial to MegaAbsol, though, just because that damn thing has needed to b e able to take advantage of its raw power for so long; now not only has said power been upped a lot, but its Sp. Atk isn't shit-tier, meaning IT CAN FINALLY GO MIXED - which, due to a huge Special movepool, and Me First now becoming far more viable w/ both the added Sp. Atk AND Speed, is awesome. ^_^
Hands down, Phanpy (#238) is the best Pokémon in the entire series.
At 11/24/13 11:12 PM, fourchannings wrote: Hands down, Phanpy (#238) is the best Pokémon in the entire series.
So why is Milotic better?
I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.
At 12/1/13 06:32 PM, darkjam wrote: So why is Milotic better?
Dude, we all know your trolling. Admit it, Phanpy is the best Pokémon in the entire series.
At 12/12/13 07:17 PM, fourchannings wrote: Dude, we all know your trolling. Admit it, Phanpy is the best Pokémon in the entire series.
I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.
At 12/14/13 08:59 PM, Ocelot wrote: stuff
^ typical nostalgia pleb
"What I would and wouldn't do with your tight twink body is none of their business. But seriously, I would fucking destroy you." - Xenomit
Free Celebi if you use pokemon bank before the end of January, goes into your copy of Pokemon X or Y.
I am the Career Gecko, the Geico guy is an imposter.
At 12/23/13 11:51 PM, CareerGecko wrote:
Free Celebi if you use pokemon bank before the end of January, goes into your copy of Pokemon X or Y.
I don't care how many times i have to fucking reset. I'm getting one with 5iv's and calm nature.
"What I would and wouldn't do with your tight twink body is none of their business. But seriously, I would fucking destroy you." - Xenomit
Just picked up Pokemon Y, so keep 4656-7501-8717 in mind when I say I've gotten up to where I can access the friend safari.
Liking it so far. And these new abilities, both accessible & hidden, are crazy.
So I need some quick help
Im transferring over my battle team from Black/White to my pokemon Y game, but you cant transfer over items. Most of the items my team are holding are items i can get from battle points(items like choice specs, leftovers, focus band, and rocky helmet). However, one of the other items i use, flying gem, doesnt seem to be readily available in XY, so I was wondering if I could get some help picking out a new item for my pokemon?
The one needing a new item is this one:
Scizor(used to have flying gem)
--bullet punch
--swords dance
Im also rethinking acrobatics for scizor, mainly because I wont get that flying gem bonus, and a held item would just damper that, so any suggestions there would be great as well. So any suggestions for what item i should use for him?
At 2/6/14 02:50 PM, Lionelion wrote: Scizor(used to have flying gem)
--bullet punch
--swords dance
An iron plate would be pretty baller, or a life orb.
acrobatics is good for coverage, but if youre definitely taking it out you could run U-turn instead. nothing like a pivot with a STAB priority move.
(his ability is technician, right?)
At 2/7/14 10:24 AM, keyword wrote:At 2/6/14 02:50 PM, Lionelion wrote: Scizor(used to have flying gem)An iron plate would be pretty baller, or a life orb.
--bullet punch
--swords dance
Iron plate might work, since bullet punch is weaker. I could also use life orb too. I was thinking about using his Scizorite though, would that be a good move too?
acrobatics is good for coverage, but if youre definitely taking it out you could run U-turn instead. nothing like a pivot with a STAB priority move.
(his ability is technician, right?)
His ability is indeed technician. Since he already knows X-scissor, I dont want to run 2 bug moves, so I was thinking something like aerial ace. That sound okay?
At 2/7/14 11:43 AM, Lionelion wrote:At 2/7/14 10:24 AM, keyword wrote:Iron plate might work, since bullet punch is weaker. I could also use life orb too. I was thinking about using his Scizorite though, would that be a good move too?At 2/6/14 02:50 PM, Lionelion wrote: Scizor(used to have flying gem)An iron plate would be pretty baller, or a life orb.
--bullet punch
--swords dance
acrobatics is good for coverage, but if youre definitely taking it out you could run U-turn instead. nothing like a pivot with a STAB priority move.His ability is indeed technician. Since he already knows X-scissor, I dont want to run 2 bug moves, so I was thinking something like aerial ace. That sound okay?
(his ability is technician, right?)
i dont like running mine with scizorite, mega scizor doesnt hit as hard as tech-iron plate -bullet punch.
i would run u-turn over xscizzor too, because bullet punch will get the buff from tech
if you swap that out you still have room for Arial ace
i dont like running mine with scizorite, mega scizor doesnt hit as hard as tech-iron plate -bullet punch.
thats not to say that megascizor isnt good, i just run him as an all out glass cannon.
At 2/7/14 01:18 PM, keyword wrote:
i dont like running mine with scizorite, mega scizor doesnt hit as hard as tech-iron plate -bullet punch.
Really? but doesnt his attack stat receive a huge boost? He also keeps his Technician ability, so it still receives the boost from that. I'll definitely look into iron plate though, if its as you say, i'll swap the mega stone for iron plate
i would run u-turn over xscizzor too, because bullet punch will get the buff from tech
running U-turn over x scissor has nothing to do with bullet punch getting a buff from technician. plus x-scissor has a higher attack, so im not sure what youre trying to say here. im still open to the idea though if you can clearly explain why it might be a better choice
if you swap that out you still have room for Arial ace
Ive already swapped acrobatics for aerial ace, so that isnt a problem anymore
appreciating the feedback :)
At 2/6/14 02:50 PM, Lionelion wrote: So I need some quick help
So any suggestions for what item i should use for him?
Scizorite duh!!!
Meloetta is my favorite cute Pokemon.
Rayquaza is my favorite badass Pokemon.
Am I the only one who likes this better than the main series Rayquaza music?
How many shiny Pokemon do you have? I have at least 56 of them.
Here is my current team:
Check the Official Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Thread!
At 6/4/14 10:44 PM, TheGamechanger wrote:
How many shiny Pokemon do you have? I have at least 56 of them.
Not counting the gimme in Generation II games, just one.
Yes, I kept my blue Snubbull from evolving and will remain that way in level 100.
"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"
(i posted this in the X/Y thread too, but was unsure which one would be checked more often, so im posting this here too just in case)
So as some of you may know, theres a new pokemon competition out there that limits you to only using pokemon from the eeveelutions. This was something I always wanted to do, and now I have a good reason for it. Unfortunately, I dont usually partake of competitive pokemon battling, so im gonna need some help here on movesets and ev training.
Of the 8 possibilities, here are the six ive chosen:
Leafeon(though im considering switching this one out for vaporeon maybe)
Ive already thought out movesets some, and ive pretty much already got Umbreon set. Heres what im doing for it:
Foul Play
Calm nature, ev spread as such: 252 in hp, 4 in defense, and 252 in special defense, holding a leftovers
For the others, ive done a bit of thinking, but unsure for the most part, and this is where I need help.
If I use Leafeon, im going to have it know Sunny day, to take advantage of its ability(has either leaf guard or clorophyll, was thinking i'd go with clorophyll), and the fact that sunny day can help out Flareon, but other than that, i dont know. If i dont have it know sunny day, then i'd rather switch it for vaporeon just so that it wont have a useless ability
I was thinking about having Flareon know flame boost, and giving it a flame orb(cancels out the burn damage, and boosts fire moves power), but guts looks pretty good too(buffs attack, but still takes damage), so i was a bit unsure there.
The reason i dont want to use Glaceon, and maybe not Leafeon is because of their abilities. Both only activate during certain weather(hail for glaceon and sunny for leafeon), and hail would just hurt the rest of my team. Sunny would help with flareon as well as leafeon, but like i said before, if im not going to use sunny day, then im nixing leafeon for vaporeon.
As for ev training for any of them(save for umbreon), im next to clueless, so i figured i'd just bolster the 2 stats that each one is good in, but thats probably not the way to go, so feel free to tell me what to do
Besides those, i have no clue about anyone else, so any advice for anything would be fully appreciated
I would like to join the club
I watched the first pokemon anime when i was a kid and my first Pokemon game is Pokemon Y
Dark Souls is love, Dark Souls is Life
At 7/4/14 02:33 AM, Lionelion wrote: (i posted this in the X/Y thread too, but was unsure which one would be checked more often, so im posting this here too just in case)
So as some of you may know, theres a new pokemon competition out there that limits you to only using pokemon from the eeveelutions. This was something I always wanted to do, and now I have a good reason for it. Unfortunately, I dont usually partake of competitive pokemon battling, so im gonna need some help here on movesets and ev training.
Of the 8 possibilities, here are the six ive chosen:
Leafeon(though im considering switching this one out for vaporeon maybe)
Ive already thought out movesets some, and ive pretty much already got Umbreon set. Heres what im doing for it:
Foul Play
Calm nature, ev spread as such: 252 in hp, 4 in defense, and 252 in special defense, holding a leftovers
That sounds like a typical Umbreon set. The drawback is that the only real physical attackers in the family are Flareon and Leafeon.
For the others, ive done a bit of thinking, but unsure for the most part, and this is where I need help.
If I use Leafeon, im going to have it know Sunny day, to take advantage of its ability(has either leaf guard or clorophyll, was thinking i'd go with clorophyll), and the fact that sunny day can help out Flareon, but other than that, i dont know. If i dont have it know sunny day, then i'd rather switch it for vaporeon just so that it wont have a useless ability
Chlorophyll easily beats out Leaf Guard. Even then, it doesn't absolutely need to have Sunny day, as its base speed is 95, which is actually pretty good, as it's only outdone by Espeon and Jolteon (and even then, it resists Jolteon's attacks, and Espeon has pretty low defense).
I was thinking about having Flareon know flame boost, and giving it a flame orb(cancels out the burn damage, and boosts fire moves power), but guts looks pretty good too(buffs attack, but still takes damage), so i was a bit unsure there.
That doesn't work. If you're looking to give it an orb, give it Toxic Orb with Guts. Then slap on Flare Blitz and Facade, and your choice of Quick Attack + a filler move, or Rest + Sleep Talk.
The reason i dont want to use Glaceon, and maybe not Leafeon is because of their abilities. Both only activate during certain weather(hail for glaceon and sunny for leafeon), and hail would just hurt the rest of my team. Sunny would help with flareon as well as leafeon, but like i said before, if im not going to use sunny day, then im nixing leafeon for vaporeon.
Sun's a far better bet than hail. And Glaceon's still an effective wallbreaker without hail. 130 base sp. attack is still great even with her low HP.
As for ev training for any of them(save for umbreon), im next to clueless, so i figured i'd just bolster the 2 stats that each one is good in, but thats probably not the way to go, so feel free to tell me what to do
Jolteon & Espeon need full sp. attack & speed w/Timid 90% of the time.
Leafeon similarly needs full attack & speed w/Jolly.
Flareon, 252 attack & speed w/Adamant, but it could potentially run specially defensive (if you're nixing Umbreon) with Wish, Protect, Wisp, and either Lava Plume or Flare Blitz.
Vaporeon should go 204 HP, 248 Defense, the rest in Sp. Defense, either bold or calm if on the defense. If tanky attacker, do full HP & Sp. Attack with Modest.
Glaceon should probably go full HP, near-full Sp. Attack, and just enough speed investment to outpace the ones with base 65 speed that don't have speed investment
Sylveon should go for 188 HP, 252 Sp. Attack, and the rest in defense
Besides those, i have no clue about anyone else, so any advice for anything would be fully appreciated
One key move the Eeveelutions can get is Baton Pass. And if everyone on your team has it, you can freely pass around stats. Here are some boosters:
- Vaporeon: Acid Armor (defense +2)
- Jolteon: Agility (speed +2)
- Espeon & Sylveon: Calm Mind (sp. attack & sp. defense +1)
- Umbreon: Curse (speed -1, attack & defense +1)
- Leafeon: Swords Dance (attack +2)
Most (if not all) learn Work Up, but that one's a bit sketchy.
At 8/9/15 12:07 AM, Hybrid-Of-Souls wrote: suggestions
Hey, thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it, but its kinda way late now(that post asking for help was posted last year). I wanted to make the team for a special eevee online battle event that was going on at the time, but never got to actually do it, and now im no longer interested in actually making the team.
Thanks anyway though, ive taken your suggestions into account for possible future teams
Hey, guys, I made a pokemon parody. Took me a little over two weeks to make. As a pokemon fan I can't wait to hear what other fans think :)
At 9/10/15 04:59 PM, Platanoz wrote: Hey, guys, I made a pokemon parody. Took me a little over two weeks to make. As a pokemon fan I can't wait to hear what other fans think :)
Not bad, but it could of been longer.