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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-06-24 13:34:46

At 6/24/20 08:22 AM, TheGamechanger wrote:The only thing I'm confused on is something they never clarified on for Max Raid battles: do you actually need to team up with three other players for the Zeraora counter to register your defeat of it or does it also count the times you beat it when you're not with other players? I did the latter but not the former.

You have to transfer something to or from Home during the event, and the only reason I can think that's a requirement is so that your game is forced to connect with the server so it can check if you've done one of the battles, even if offline.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-06-24 13:36:19

At 6/24/20 01:34 PM, Absurd-Ditties wrote:
At 6/24/20 08:22 AM, TheGamechanger wrote:The only thing I'm confused on is something they never clarified on for Max Raid battles: do you actually need to team up with three other players for the Zeraora counter to register your defeat of it or does it also count the times you beat it when you're not with other players? I did the latter but not the former.

You have to transfer something to or from Home during the event, and the only reason I can think that's a requirement is so that your game is forced to connect with the server so it can check if you've done one of the battles, even if offline.

Well already did that before I posted, so...

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-06-26 13:35:18

I only started playing again recently, ran through Shield over the last few weeks. Got the Shiny Charm a few days ago and it's already paid off, because while breeding for a G-Max Venusaur today this guy popped up.

I'll need two bottle caps to max him out, but he's got 4 perfect IVs, a Modest nature and Chlorophyll so I'm pretty fucking pleased with him.


Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-06-30 10:22:09

And got Shiny Zeraora now. I was lucky enough that it has my favored characteristic, which is high HP. It was probably stated somewhere that the Shiny Zeraora would be at level 100 but I didn't catch that as i was too focused on getting the criteria for receiving it. That's a bit of a shame as I love the experience of exploring the world with your Pokemon and gathering experience to level up. At least I haven't leveled up my regular Zeraora yet.

Speaking of that regular Zeraora, one of the reasons why I transferred it besides the fact it's obviously compatible due to the Zeraora event was because it is one of the many Pokemon I have that has the Pokerus that I've been cultivating in boxes ever since I obtained the virus in Heartgold. I can confirm that the virus remains active if you transfer a Pokemon with an active strain of it to HOME.

Heck, the Zeraora event was the reason why I just got HOME recently. Was holding off because of the price tag for having it for a year and I like to have my money priorities straight. Speaking of HOME I do want that original color Magearna, but pretty much the only Pokemon that puts a monkey wrench into the works is Meltan/Melmetal as I don't want to get Pokemon GO (or Let's GO as Let's GO allows you to get a better Meltan than just what Pokemon GO gets you). Hoping for a distribution or something in the future to remedy that, much like how G-Max Pikachu/Eevee became available as Max Raid Bosses and then became permanently available in the Isle of Armor thanks to Max Soup. Who knows, maybe they're saving those two for the Crown Tundra.

And since I mentioned distributions, what I don't like about the new way is thanks to immediately getting the gift, you can't soft reset or something to get the nature or characteristic you want, which is what I did previously before this.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-07-01 17:56:52

The Restricted Sparring on the Isle of Armor is fantastic. Was disappointed by how easy Battle Tower was this gen, I blitzed the whole thing in one afternoon with a half-arsed Sandstorm team, but this feels like a real challenge. I beat it with Poison types today (Venusaur, Tentacruel and Drapion) and came extremely close to wiping to a Mantine with Hurricane who confused my whole team.

Going to try Dark next since I have Drapion and a Tyranitar good to go already,.just need a third.

At 6/30/20 10:22 AM, TheGamechanger wrote:And since I mentioned distributions, what I don't like about the new way is thanks to immediately getting the gift, you can't soft reset or something to get the nature or characteristic you want, which is what I did previously before this.

I mean with Mints it's basically irrelevant now anyway. The game absolutely drowns you in them so as long as you're saving them for legendaries and shinies and the like you can set them to whatever nature you want. Same with bottle caps and IVs, although guaranteeing all legendaries have at least 3 perfect IVs now is a nice touch.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-07-01 22:04:31

At 7/1/20 05:56 PM, Absurd-Ditties wrote:
At 6/30/20 10:22 AM, TheGamechanger wrote:And since I mentioned distributions, what I don't like about the new way is thanks to immediately getting the gift, you can't soft reset or something to get the nature or characteristic you want, which is what I did previously before this.

I mean with Mints it's basically irrelevant now anyway. The game absolutely drowns you in them so as long as you're saving them for legendaries and shinies and the like you can set them to whatever nature you want. Same with bottle caps and IVs, although guaranteeing all legendaries have at least 3 perfect IVs now is a nice touch.

The mints are for natures, not characteristics. The characteristics is what I'm really after.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-07-02 16:16:36

Two more Restricted Sparring sets down, Water (Urshifu, Tentacruel, Gyarados) and Dark (Tyranitar, Drapion, Grimsnarl). Tentacruel has been the real MVP, put in way more work in both Poison and Water than I expected.

At 7/1/20 10:04 PM, TheGamechanger wrote:The mints are for natures, not characteristics. The characteristics is what I'm really after.

I didn't think characteristics did anything, they're just an indicator of IVs aren't they?

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

BBS Signature

Not sure how well this post will age as I'd be amazed if I was right on the money with some of these suggestions, but for the eventual Diamond/Pearl remakes what would you like to see done in it besides just a graphical update and features from the newer games?

For starters, the regional dex would likely be expanded as it's a trend lately to have a huge regional dex. if that were to happen would be no excuse to not have no new (or just a few) more fire types.

Since walking with Pokemon has made a return, would like to see that in the remakes... but being more interactive like in Heartgold/Soulsilver as you can only make the walking Pokemon acknowledge you when you speak to it in Sword/Shield.

Some cues from Platinum would be nice such as Looker, Charon, and having a variant of Platinum's take on the Spear Pillar/Distortion World event. Considering that Giratina nabbed Cyrus due to not being pleased with his attempt at destroying the old universe and replacing it with his own, Giratina probably wouldn't be happy about what Cyrus did in the original Diamond/Pearl either.

As for version legendaries, I can see them doing a HG/SS and having one be available before the other. As for the status of the other one, would probably be part of a post-game episode much like ORAS Delta Episode. Maybe Cyrus making good on his threat of one day returning or something, such as having the version legendary you didn't catch.

Would like to see Arceus actually be plot-important or at least have more of a role. Maybe if Cyrus does make his return the post-game, whatever trouble he stirs up would be bad enough that a royally pissed-off Arceus shows up to dish out some Judgement. After that confrontation, the location of Arceus' temple is found which would be either around Spear Pillar or the Solacean Ruins due to the connection to the Unown established at the Ruins of Alph/Sinjoh Ruins. There not only would you be able to catch Arceus, but you can also have Arceus make a new Dialga/Palkia/Giratina like in Sinjoh Ruins.

As it's been revealed that even legendaries can have regional variants, it's possible they could add some Sinnoh versions. Mewtwo actually could work, as this is the region with the connection to the creation to the universe and it would make sense that the creation legendaries (whichever one is responsible for making Mew) did more than one attempt at creating Mew, with this Sinnoh Mewtwo being the natural counterpart to the Kanto Mewtwo's lab origins. I can see it being sealed away for enjoying a good fight too much for its own good. As for its typing, maybe Psychic/Dragon or something to reflect its connection to the creation legendaries.

As for what ultimately happens with Cyrus, he'll actually be arrested by the international police once his Pokemon are confiscated from him (probably won't happen but would be funny if Cyrus' confiscated Pokemon were given to you to keep). Heck, before his defeat I can see him going to Team Galactic and outright admitting to them all that he has no use for them anymore now that he wields creation.

Would also like to see the champion title defense from Alola to make a return here, with Cynthia being a new rival of sorts due to seeing you as a worthy foe. Heck, maybe even Elite Four members can challenge you, using a different set of Pokemon than their Elite Four battles to keep you on your toes. As for who else could challenge you, besides Gym Leaders and Barry maybe Lucas/Dawn (likely after helping them out with something so that wouldn't come out entirely out of left field), Cheryl, Mira, Riley, Marley (who I can see having a Gothitelle), Buck, and the Team Galactic Commanders should they genuinely turn over a new leaf (with some more varied teams to reflect that change). Heck, maybe a male and female Galactic Grunt as challengers because why not.

A Sinnoh wild area. Don't know how they'd introduce that but maybe a result of something Cyrus did, dunno.

And of course, would want the Battle Frontier from Platinum to return.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-08-21 01:08:45

At 8/11/20 11:53 PM, TheGamechanger wrote:Not sure how well this post will age as I'd be amazed if I was right on the money with some of these suggestions, but for the eventual Diamond/Pearl remakes what would you like to see done in it besides just a graphical update and features from the newer games?

Personally, the biggest thing for me would be difficulty balance. I remember the beginning of the games being very hard to get through, and towards the end too.

Probably won't happen, but I would really like the remake to be of Platinum instead, so all the improvements of that game would be carried over.

tired of people who haven't played FE insulting it

i need to go outside more often...

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-08-22 02:07:50

Also for the Diamond/Pearl remakes, would be cool if the Battleground got an upgrade since we last saw it. Last we saw of it, you can fight the Sinnoh Gym Leaders and the partner trainers daily. What I'm thinking is that since the games themselves say that the Battle Frontier attracts trainers from all around the world that you can unlock powerful trainers from other regions to fight at the Battleground, such as Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Frontier Brain equivalents, and even champions! Course, the battles there won't count officially as they're off the record. Heck, wonder if you can fight Giovanni if this is the case since he was a Gym Leader. And maybe even reformed evil team members like Guzma or Archie/Maxie.

And why not the rival and player characters of other regions too? Currently Red is the only player character you can fight in the main games (his female counterpart Leaf/Green is a borderline case as Let's Go is a cross between a main game and not being one), but I don't think there's any official word that they won't turn other player characters into a trainer you can battle.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-08-23 00:01:34

At 8/11/20 11:53 PM, TheGamechanger wrote:
Would like to see Arceus actually be plot-important or at least have more of a role. Maybe if Cyrus does make his return the post-game, whatever trouble he stirs up would be bad enough that a royally pissed-off Arceus shows up to dish out some Judgement. After that confrontation, the location of Arceus' temple is found which would be either around Spear Pillar or the Solacean Ruins due to the connection to the Unown established at the Ruins of Alph/Sinjoh Ruins. There not only would you be able to catch Arceus, but you can also have Arceus make a new Dialga/Palkia/Giratina like in Sinjoh Ruins.

If we do challenge Arceus in battle (which is just wishful thinking at this point as who knows what the remakes would bring), the battle theme would naturally be a remix of its original battle theme (which was reused as the Arceus cutscene music in HG/SS as Arceus was never officially fought in Gen 4). However, I'm thinking having a darker remix of the Spear Pillar theme be part of the new battle theme would work great as a contrast to Dialga/Palkia's theme, since Arceus is their creator and all. Tbh, was kinda surprised that Dialga/Palkia's theme was a lighter remix of the Spear Pillar theme instead of a darker take as to me the Spear Pillar theme gave off a dark and intimidating vibe. Anyways, for Arceus' new theme maybe even throw in a few nods to the Lake Trio theme and Giratina's theme for good measure, as Arceus is responsible for them too.

A Sinnoh wild area. Don't know how they'd introduce that but maybe a result of something Cyrus did, dunno.

Maybe a good place for a wild area would be where Pal Park was (as they're not bringing Pal Park back as it's obsolete nowadays), the island that the Battle Frontier is on (it was stated that the place is home to Pokemon found no where else in Sinnoh), or some brand-new island.

And of course, would want the Battle Frontier from Platinum to return.

Should expand on this a bit more. Would be stupid if they didn't bring that back as Caitlin of the Unova Elite Four owns the Battle Castle, though back in Gen 4 it was before her time as that as she was younger back then. Though since Gen 7 basically confirmed/heavily implied that the games from before Mega Evolution are alt timelines from the ones that have them, it's possible that Caitlin in the remakes could be at the point that she's just beginning (or getting ready to begin) her journey as a powerful trainer. Who knows, we may even be able to challenge her.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-08-26 04:22:55

Actually the Mega evolution alternate timeliness brings up a question: if we can't mega evolve in sword and shield, ia it on that timeline or the one without mega evolution?

tired of people who haven't played FE insulting it

i need to go outside more often...

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-08-28 15:13:44

At 8/26/20 04:22 AM, WhiteCheddarKasai wrote:Actually the Mega evolution alternate timeliness brings up a question: if we can't mega evolve in sword and shield, ia it on that timeline or the one without mega evolution?

It's likely on the Mega Evolution timeline as if Rayquaza if coming back in Crown Tundra, then it being able to Mega Evolve would be guaranteed as I doubt they're gonna have it be unable to do so. And if Mega Rayquaza is back, then having it be the only Pokemon that can Mega Evolve in Sword/Shield would be dumb so the Crown Tundra could be where all the Mega Stones are.

On a different topic, how many of you here know about the Cute Charm shiny glitch that affects all five Gen 4 games? For those who don't know, you have make shiny Pokemon be common enough that running away or making one faint would be acceptable as the glitch can create a 1 in 5 ratio of being shiny. You can even use this on Heatran as it's the only legendary of gen 4 that's both male and female (sadly doesn't work on the Latis or Cresselia). It's dependent on both the trainer ID and the secret ID, and you can easily mess with the RNG to get the right combination without hacking, just a matter of exact timing of button presses.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-08-29 01:51:01

And some ideas for returning features from the post-Gen4 games for the Sinnoh remakes occurred to me.

First is an equivalent to Black Tower/White Treehallow. As Sinnoh is apparently the region where Pokemon began, why not an ancient temple that's where the earliest Pokemon trainers used to train at? Of course a rare Pokemon can be obtained for completing it, as for what can be a shiny or a legendary (which would make sense if it's an ancient temple)

The other returning feature is actually two for the price of one: The Dream World and the Poke Pelago. Specially, the Dream World being completely in-game (unlike in Gen 5) and functioning like the Poke Pelago. As for why the Dream World would be a good feature to return for the Sinnoh remakes, simple: Cresselia and Darkrai, legendaries who deal with dreams and nightmares respectively. Would be interesting to actually see their effects on the Dream World, plus if the two of them are involved with the Dream World then not only can Cresselia possibly be no longer a roaming Pokemon, but like Deoxys Darkrai could legitimately become fully catchable in-game without an event or glitch.

As for an existing feature, if they don't remove Honey Trees I can see them making them much easier to get the rare Pokemon. If they do remove them (I don't think that was a well-liked feature), I can see the rare Pokemon that can only be found on them instead being found at Floaroma Meadow if they make some tall grass for them to reside in. Maybe to keep them being rare they can have the available Pokemon change daily similar to the Great Marsh.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-08-29 19:16:12

Since I've been replaying Platinum I was searching for any glitches to unlock the Regis and stumbled upon this. Apparently ever since the Wi-Fi for the Gen 4 and 5 games been officially cancelled, the fans apparently created their own server that you can connect your 3DS to. That's not all, they've apparently found an exploit to access all the mystery gift events from those games... including Japan-only ones such as the Azure Flute, which is needed in order to summon and battle Arceus at Spear Pillar (easier said than done regarding catching it outside of a Master Ball though as it's level 80 and knows Recover).


Don't know how legit the Pokemon obtained through this are (i.e. if they're able to go through Pokemon Bank/HOME with no issue) but I'm not going to use this just yet for the Gen 4 games. I'd rather have my save file be one that uses the Cute Charm shiny glitch before trying these.

Rather glaring that the only Pokemon you can't catch in Gen 4 without the RSE games are the Regis, so yeah I'm really hoping that'll be fixed in the remakes.

Sorry for the quadruple post in the thread and seeming like I'm rambling but it looks like I'm the only one keeping this club active at the moment, which is sad.

Anyways, what would you like to see in a new game or DLC?

Playing around with the roles we've been accustomed to would be a nice change of pace, such as the player's dad being the one at home all the time while the mom is the champion or something. Heck, they could do a really interesting family dynamic by having one parent be the champion while the other is the evil team leader! Maybe even having said evil leader parent wanting their kid to be like them!

And since Legendary Pokemon that can evolve is a thing thanks to the Solgaleo/Lunala and Urshifu lines, they could give you one early-game (maybe as early as the starting town) that won't unlock it's full potential until of course much later in the story. Though said Legendary Pokemon have the excuse of having apparent populations to justify this.

Speaking of Legendary Pokemon with populations, the legendary birds (the gen 1 trio) are among those if Let's Go is of any indication considering that it's possible to encounter a whole flock. So it makes sense that some of them would undergo natural evolution to become a regional variant. As for their trio master, Lugia, if the anime is true to it then there may be a population of it as well, meaning it too can get a regional variant. And since the Galarian legendary bird trio basically dark and edgy versions of the normal versions, it's reasonable to assume that the hypothetical Galarian Lugia would be dark and edgy as well. Hmm, dark and edgy Lugia, where have we seen that before? Oh yeah, Pokemon XD's Shadow Lugia! However I doubt that Galarian Lugia would be Shadow Lugia simply because Shadow Lugia was created in a lab and regional variants are a result of natural causes. That's not to say Shadow Lugia won't have an influence in Galarian Lugia's typing, design, ability, and moveset though.

Latias and Latios are another set of legendaries that could get a regional variant as at least one of the games pokedex entry mentions they form herds. Even a mythical Pokemon could get a regional variant as Manaphy must have a population if there's eggs, Deoxys can probably be created through other means as it's quite mysterious (in Gen 6 it's implied that the energy from ultimate weapon from Kalos created Deoxys) you can catch Shaymin repeatedly (in Mystery Dungeon there's a whole village of them), Genesect as it was revived from a fossil and thus its variant could easily be its natural self, the list goes on. Heck, even the lake trio and Dialga/Palkia/Giratina could potential get some considering that Arceus is capable of making them (and probably any other legendary for that matter if Arceus wanted since Arcues is, well, Poke-God).

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-09-23 01:03:11

Based on some of the rumors and leaks I heard, The Crown Tundra will be The Pokemon Company's final content related to the Galar region, so I highly doubt that we'll see another DLC, or anything related to Sword/Shield after The Crown Tundra's DLC release.

The reason why is because Game Freak (based on some leaks, and you should take leaks with a grain of salt) has already filed domain names with the next 3 pair of Pokemon games with all 3 being remakes and that's being "Diamond/Pearl", "Gold/Silver", & "Black/White", and rumors stated that Game Freak and The Pokemon Company has already started rough drafts on the Gold & Silver remakes, stating that will probably be the next pair of Pokemon games being released.

Now, if that leak does happen to be true which, like I said, we should take leaks with a grain of salt, our next pair of Pokemon games will be remakes of Gold & Silver, a return to the Johto region. But the real question will be, will we see the Johto remakes get the dreaded Let's Go treatment, or be a full-fledge remake with the traditional gameplay and everything.

Also, this leak literally came at a time that Nintendo has just discontinue the 3DS, so we can expect to see stuff like this pop up immediately as a system (that it originate from or backwards compatible from) becomes obsolete and it becomes a "Remake" or "Remaster" on the newer system.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-09-29 11:12:40

The Expansion Pass news just dropped! October 22 is the release date for Crown Tundra.

Yeah, we can now get G-Max Melmetal once the Pokemon GO compatibility is released for Pokemon HOME this year. However for those that care about stats, I wonder about the stats of this Melmetal as apparently the stats of a Meltan using just Pokemon GO is apparently worse than getting one using both GO and Let's GO.

As someone who wants the best kind of Meltan/Melmetal but doesn't want to get Let's GO, this worries me.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-10-01 22:09:26

At 9/23/20 01:03 AM, DarkTacan wrote:Based on some of the rumors and leaks I heard, The Crown Tundra will be The Pokemon Company's final content related to the Galar region, so I highly doubt that we'll see another DLC, or anything related to Sword/Shield after The Crown Tundra's DLC release.

The reason why is because Game Freak (based on some leaks, and you should take leaks with a grain of salt) has already filed domain names with the next 3 pair of Pokemon games with all 3 being remakes and that's being "Diamond/Pearl", "Gold/Silver", & "Black/White", and rumors stated that Game Freak and The Pokemon Company has already started rough drafts on the Gold & Silver remakes, stating that will probably be the next pair of Pokemon games being released.

Now, if that leak does happen to be true which, like I said, we should take leaks with a grain of salt, our next pair of Pokemon games will be remakes of Gold & Silver, a return to the Johto region. But the real question will be, will we see the Johto remakes get the dreaded Let's Go treatment, or be a full-fledge remake with the traditional gameplay and everything.

Also, this leak literally came at a time that Nintendo has just discontinue the 3DS, so we can expect to see stuff like this pop up immediately as a system (that it originate from or backwards compatible from) becomes obsolete and it becomes a "Remake" or "Remaster" on the newer system.

As much as I want D/P remakes, I would be happy with G/S too. Johto is a region that gets overshadowed by Kanto constantly and I really think it, its characters and its Pokemon deserve more love.

tired of people who haven't played FE insulting it

i need to go outside more often...

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-10-03 02:22:40

Now the recent rumors I have been hearing, now they want the Nintendo Switch to feature all 8 (or 9 Generations) of the Pokemon Franchise as either remakes or remasters.

The recent rumors I heard is that Game Freak is "making" a Pokemon Collection (something similar to the Super Mario 3D All-Stars), which will be remasters of X/Y, OR/AS, and Sun/Moon, on top of the Gold/Silver, Diamond/Pearl, and Black/White remakes, and expect all of that be made during the entire 25th Anniversary next year.

Honestly, that would be both impossible and disastrous if a company makes like 3 remakes and squeezing 3 remasters into a single game, all within 1 year.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-10-23 03:47:00

Playing Crown Tundra when I should be going to bed, reached the town of Freezington, entered the first building near me and it's hard to miss a certain Alolan legendary outside of its bag. And no, you don't get it immediately, seems like you're gonna have to prove yourself or something.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-10-23 13:51:40

At 10/23/20 03:47 AM, TheGamechanger wrote:Playing Crown Tundra when I should be going to bed, reached the town of Freezington, entered the first building near me and it's hard to miss a certain Alolan legendary outside of its bag. And no, you don't get it immediately, seems like you're gonna have to prove yourself or something.

And obtained said Alolan legendary, which is at level 5. The requirement turns out to be the Calyrex quest. Speaking of Calyrex, he's now one of my favorite legendaries as I think this is the first time a legendary has actual conversations with the player, something only Rotom started to do since Gen 7. That's not the only thing special about him of course but I don't want to spoil things. Lucked out when I caught Calyrex too, had the stats I wanted from the get-go.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-10-25 22:39:27

Whelp, since GameXplain prominently featured it, might as well say that you can catch Keldeo in Crown Tundra. We probably should've seen this one coming as Keldeo is based on the Kelpie, a Celtic creature. At least summoning it makes sense due to its connection to the Swords of Justice.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2020-11-27 01:30:23

The Pokemon Company today has started the 25th Anniversary Celebration, and all day today, I seen a lot of people say that The Pokemon Company has a really huge announcement planned on the 25th Anniversary date on February 27th, where one of the announcements will be a new Core game.

Some even went out and say that we they could have two new core games announcements planned. Like we could have a remake (either if it's a Johto remake or a Sinnoh remake) and a new pair ogf Gen IX games.

I'm exited to see what the 25th Anniversary brings.

Ugh, don't know what went wrong, but I never received the Pokemon Trainer's Club Newsletter that had the Zarude code even though I fulfilled the requirement of making sure I had an account before November 20 and to check-mark to receive emails. I checked my email again, and apparently I stopped receiving emails from them since April. It's been long enough that actually forgot what I did to possibly make that happen, though the only thing I can think of is that it may or may not have something to do with the Shiny Zeraora event as I haven't touched my old trainer account in ages.

I'm not too upset about this though as at least I'm not missing out on the Shiny Celebi event going on in Pokemon GO. As it's just a regular Zarude I'm sure they'll do another event with it in the future.

I have been hearing a ton of rumors that we will see a Pokemon-Exclusive Nintendo Direct on Febuary 25th, and I think what's going to be announced during that Direct is not just one, but two core announcements, one that will be released later this year, and one will be released next year.

This is just by thoughts though, but what I think what might happen, The Pokemon Company is more in likely done with Sword & Shield (with Crown Tundra being the final content releated with Sword & Shield), and will now focus on Diamond & Pearl remakes for later on this year, and possibly in the same Direct, we will see the announcement of Generation IX for late next year (going based on the 3-year Generation lifespan).

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2021-01-17 05:18:12

At 1/17/21 01:35 AM, DarkTacan wrote:I have been hearing a ton of rumors that we will see a Pokemon-Exclusive Nintendo Direct on Febuary 25th, and I think what's going to be announced during that Direct is not just one, but two core announcements, one that will be released later this year, and one will be released next year.

This is just by thoughts though, but what I think what might happen, The Pokemon Company is more in likely done with Sword & Shield (with Crown Tundra being the final content releated with Sword & Shield), and will now focus on Diamond & Pearl remakes for later on this year, and possibly in the same Direct, we will see the announcement of Generation IX for late next year (going based on the 3-year Generation lifespan).

It's about time we got a gen 4 remake! Since they started making remakes of a game very soon after it released and completely skipped diamond and pearl for so long, I didn't really expect for a remake to actually happen!

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2021-01-22 00:30:12

At 1/17/21 05:18 AM, Ambrux wrote:It's about time we got a gen 4 remake! Since they started making remakes of a game very soon after it released and completely skipped diamond and pearl for so long, I didn't really expect for a remake to actually happen!

It is about time indeed. Wonder if B/W will get remakes. But its not needed. I enjoyed ORAS and still play it now and then. Even randomize it sometimes (yes I play it on my DS, without using any bad boy stuff).

Time to poof for another 8 years. Hue hue.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2021-01-23 10:55:20

I read a bit of the first page of this thread and heck, i didn't even know pokemon flamers were a thing lol.

Pretty sure i'll take my intense love for pokemon to the grave haha.

Imma be an 80 year old screaming along old pokemon songs, hellz yeah! :P

...Also what do we do in this pokemon club exactly?? 8'D Or is it just chatting and hyping? In any case, i'm in!

At 1/22/21 12:30 AM, MrAngel wrote:
At 1/17/21 05:18 AM, Ambrux wrote:It's about time we got a gen 4 remake! Since they started making remakes of a game very soon after it released and completely skipped diamond and pearl for so long, I didn't really expect for a remake to actually happen!

It is about time indeed. Wonder if B/W will get remakes. But its not needed. I enjoyed ORAS and still play it now and then. Even randomize it sometimes (yes I play it on my DS, without using any bad boy stuff).

Time to poof for another 8 years. Hue hue.

I hope to see a Black & White remake, and honestly, I prefer to have a Black & White remake than a Diamond & Pearl remake because Gen V is my most favorite generation.

Although it's really a tough call though, this all depends if Game Freak doesn't announce Gen IX during the direct for 2022, because each generation lasts 3-4 years, but knowing how huge the 25th Anniversary is, it would be a huge surprise that TPC doesn't announce a new generation.

Gen I: 1996-1999 (3 years)

Gen II: 1999-2002 (3 years)

Gen III: 2002-2006 (4 years)

Gen IV: 2006-2010 (4 years)

Gen V: 2010-2013 (3 years)

Gen VI: 2013-2016 (3 years)

Gen VII: 2016-2019 (3 years)

So, with Gen VIII which started in 2019, if we go by the pattern of 3-4 years, it'll come to an end in either 2022 or 2023 and Gen IX will start, which means, we will see a Diamond/Pearl remake without a shadow of a doubt, as for a Black/White remake, it could be possible for 2022, that is if TPC doesn't announce Gen IX for 2022, and doesn't pull a 2015 move where no core game was released, but with the DS/3DS discontinued last year, a Black/White remake seems plausible before Gen IX along with Diamond/Pearl remakes, only if Gen IX starts in 2023.