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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2021-02-02 19:20:20

At 1/23/21 10:55 AM, MellonSnow wrote:I read a bit of the first page of this thread and heck, i didn't even know pokemon flamers were a thing lol.

Yep, they were some different times. Can't even remember the last time it was anything like that.

At 1/28/21 07:39 PM, DarkTacan wrote:I hope to see a Black & White remake, and honestly, I prefer to have a Black & White remake than a Diamond & Pearl remake because Gen V is my most favorite generation.

Crazy to even think of Black and White remakes but in all fairness they are a decade old now. Damn, can't believe they're that old. For any remakes I'm curious to see what they do with Diamond and Pearl given the Switch's capabilities.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2021-02-02 21:04:34

At 2/2/21 07:20 PM, Murray wrote:
At 1/28/21 07:39 PM, DarkTacan wrote:I hope to see a Black & White remake, and honestly, I prefer to have a Black & White remake than a Diamond & Pearl remake because Gen V is my most favorite generation.

Crazy to even think of Black and White remakes but in all fairness they are a decade old now. Damn, can't believe they're that old. For any remakes I'm curious to see what they do with Diamond and Pearl given the Switch's capabilities.

I agree, I came back to Pokemon at the start of Gen V after taking a 7-year hiatus (which started in 2004), and it just seem like it was yesterday when I returned to the Pokemon.

Anyways, what's going to happen next with the Core games is anyone's guess, because between Sinnoh remakes, Johto remakes, Unova remakes, and Generation IX, anything can happen. 2021 is Sinnoh for sure, as for 2022 though, it could be a return to Johto, it could be a return to Unova, or it could be an entirely new region in Gen IX.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2021-02-04 17:53:20

At 2/2/21 09:04 PM, DarkTacan wrote:
At 2/2/21 07:20 PM, Murray wrote:
At 1/28/21 07:39 PM, DarkTacan wrote:I hope to see a Black & White remake, and honestly, I prefer to have a Black & White remake than a Diamond & Pearl remake because Gen V is my most favorite generation.

Crazy to even think of Black and White remakes but in all fairness they are a decade old now. Damn, can't believe they're that old. For any remakes I'm curious to see what they do with Diamond and Pearl given the Switch's capabilities.

I agree, I came back to Pokemon at the start of Gen V after taking a 7-year hiatus (which started in 2004), and it just seem like it was yesterday when I returned to the Pokemon.

I remember Gen V being my least invested at that point. Beat the game, got the legendaries but hardly gave much thought afterwards. Completely missed out on the event downloads from it. I did pick up White 2 but only played like an hour and never went back to it.

When Gen VI came around, though, I was highly impressed with the major leap it had from DS to 3DS. It felt like a major overhaul and invested so much time on X and Alpha Sapphire. Online trading was a major improvement after its awkwardness from Gen IV and V albeit still had some issues.

Anyways, what's going to happen next with the Core games is anyone's guess, because between Sinnoh remakes, Johto remakes, Unova remakes, and Generation IX, anything can happen. 2021 is Sinnoh for sure, as for 2022 though, it could be a return to Johto, it could be a return to Unova, or it could be an entirely new region in Gen IX.

Whatever game is next I'll be picking it up. Sinnoh remakes would be welcomed as it's been a very long time since I last saw that region. Plus, would he curious to see what they do with a lot of parts that required HMs in the originals.

At 2/4/21 05:53 PM, Murray wrote:I remember Gen V being my least invested at that point. Beat the game, got the legendaries but hardly gave much thought afterwards. Completely missed out on the event downloads from it. I did pick up White 2 but only played like an hour and never went back to it.

When Gen VI came around, though, I was highly impressed with the major leap it had from DS to 3DS. It felt like a major overhaul and invested so much time on X and Alpha Sapphire. Online trading was a major improvement after its awkwardness from Gen IV and V albeit still had some issues.

I would be the compete opposite of my thoughts with Gen VI, personally, I though Gen VI really bombed with the Storyline being extremely bland after how great Black/White & Black 2/White 2 storylines were, and half of the Pokemon introduced sucked ass (not talking about how they look, but their movesets wasn't really what I liked), and don't get me started with Fairies. ORAS did in a way improved of what X & Y did slightly, but not enough to pull Gen VI from being crap, that was until the Let's Go disaster came to be, then X & Y wasn't as bad as I though after Let's Go was released. Like when ORAS came out, I immediately traded in Pokemon Y for Alpha Sapphire, and when Pokemon Sun/Moon came out, I immediately trade Alpha Sapphire in for Sun & Moon.

But hey, I'm not going to be one of those asses and shove Gen V down your throat and start hissing in your face for disliking Gen V (unlike those Genwunners that shoves Gen I down everyone's throats and put us all in a Guilt Trip about how "horrible" the other 7 Generations are), If you think Gen V was bad and Gen VI was good, that's cool, that's your opinion, just like how I think Gen VI was bad and Gen V was good.

Everyone has a Generation they absolutely loves, and some that they absolutely hate, but that makes us who we are.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2021-02-05 06:40:45

At 2/4/21 06:24 PM, DarkTacan wrote:
At 2/4/21 05:53 PM, Murray wrote:I remember Gen V being my least invested at that point. Beat the game, got the legendaries but hardly gave much thought afterwards. Completely missed out on the event downloads from it. I did pick up White 2 but only played like an hour and never went back to it.

When Gen VI came around, though, I was highly impressed with the major leap it had from DS to 3DS. It felt like a major overhaul and invested so much time on X and Alpha Sapphire. Online trading was a major improvement after its awkwardness from Gen IV and V albeit still had some issues.

I would be the compete opposite of my thoughts with Gen VI, personally, I though Gen VI really bombed with the Storyline being extremely bland after how great Black/White & Black 2/White 2 storylines were, and half of the Pokemon introduced sucked ass (not talking about how they look, but their movesets wasn't really what I liked), and don't get me started with Fairies.

Movesets hardly bother me all that much but in regards to Gen V Pokemon as well as Black/White, one thing I can definitely give it props for was going all out with new Pokemon only in the games. I felt Gen IV's Pokemon was clogged up with too many evolved/baby forms of already existing Pokemon even though there's a lot of them I do like.

But hey, I'm not going to be one of those asses and shove Gen V down your throat and start hissing in your face for disliking Gen V (unlike those Genwunners that shoves Gen I down everyone's throats and put us all in a Guilt Trip about how "horrible" the other 7 Generations are)

I like the fact that each generation can be enjoyed for different reasons even the latest one which I was really let down with. Gen one is a classic no doubt and will happily play through Blue time and time again but the fact shouldn't be ignored that later games had vastly improved on the gameplay with plenty of tweaks to make it smoother.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2021-02-17 23:31:47

You know, after Todays Nintendo Direct, and the Direct featured zero Pokemon announcements, because they are more in likely saving any Pokemon announcements for a Pokemon-exclusive Nintendo Direct towards the end of this month for the 25th Anniversary.

That begs the question, what will we see in this Pokemon-exclusive Direct next week. I know a Core game is basically confirmed, but what game will it be though? Gen IV remake? Gen II remake? a new Gen IX? What new side game will we see announced, and what updates will we see with already announced games.

I see it being a return to Sinnoh, because it's been like what, over 6 years since the last remake of a Pokemon game.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2021-02-25 10:10:40

We got news for Pokemon fans. it's official, tomorrow is a Pokemon Direct that is airing at 7:00 AM EST / 3:00 GMT / Midnight (28th) JST

Official tweet from the official Pokemon channel:


Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2021-06-20 13:49:52

At 3/18/05 06:27 AM, Tanooki-John wrote:This club is dedicated to the pokemon fans on NG who love and understand pokemon but dislike the flamers and the Anti-pokemon crap. This club is for the pokemon fans only and people who understand them and KNOW what they are all about are all welcome to share there thoughts with others. I dont make members as numbers but in ranks.

Attention all pokemon fans and supporters allike are welcome to join.

opal is a gilf

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2022-03-06 23:59:52

Time to bring this group back from inactivity, mostly since the new Gen IX Pokemon games has been recently announced, which happens to be called Scarlet & Violet. Which happens to be the first time since 2012's Black 2 & White 2 that a Pokemon title is named after a color.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2022-03-07 02:39:11

At 3/6/22 11:59 PM, DarkTacan wrote:Time to bring this group back from inactivity, mostly since the new Gen IX Pokemon games has been recently announced, which happens to be called Scarlet & Violet. Which happens to be the first time since 2012's Black 2 & White 2 that a Pokemon title is named after a color.


You know, I hate to be one of those type of guys.

But this is solely my prediction of The Pokemon Company within the next 5 years (2022-2026)


"The Release of Gen IX's Pokemon Scarlet & Violet"

Pretty self-explanatory


"DLCs for Scarlet & Violet"

Just like Gen VIII's Sword & Shield, in the era of DLCs and expansions, we won't be surprised that we will see DLCs for Scarlet and Violet taking place in 2023.


"Remakes of Pokemon Black & White"

We will more likely see remakes of Black & White take place in 2024, which will be made by ILCA, whom made Briliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, and may keep the same style as well, pains me to even saying this because being a Gen V'er, but this seem to be more likely the case.


"The release of Pokemon Legends 2"

I think this is going to do with Unova's history (similar to Legends: Arceus with Sinnoh's history).

Like having the story of The Twin Heros. The Original Dragon (Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyruem all combined) before getting separated when the Twin Heros separated as "Team Truth" and "Team Ideals" and form a Civil War between the Two Factions. Basically the historical parts of The 14th Pokemon Movie in video game form.


"Generation X (10) is announced during Pokemon's 30th Anniversary"

This would be 4 years since Gen IX's release and usually, every Pokemon Generation lasts like 3-4 years, and plus how big the 30th Anniversary is, don't be surprise that Gen X will be announced (the 10th Anniverary (2006) seen the announcement of Gen IV and the 20th Anniverary (2016) seen the announcement of Gen VII).

Remeber, this is in no absolute way real in any way, this is just MY Prediction.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2022-08-02 14:00:03

What’s your fav starter(And a bonus question favorite scarlet and violet starter?) I want to try to bring this thread back to life.

just existing honestly, not much to it

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2022-08-04 15:25:04

At 8/2/22 02:00 PM, CupcakeMuffins wrote:What’s your fav starter(And a bonus question favorite scarlet and violet starter?) I want to try to bring this thread back to life.

Personally my favorite starter is probably Torchic. Not to be extra basic because Blazikin but I probably put more hours into Ruby than any other game, and likely several combined. I think before I lost the cartridge I had like nearer to 300 hours or something ridiculous.

As far as the new starters in S/V I think Sprigatio is my favorite just judging by what we know now. Fuecoco is definitely my least favorite though.

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2023-09-03 12:02:11

I recently fell back into Pokemon and I'm looking for people to talk about it with.

I've got every Switch Pokemon game except for Let's Go. I've almost completed the Violet dex but there's a few exclusives I need to polish that dex off if anyone's down to trade.

I have a bunch of cards and wanna play with people irl but I know powercreep in the TCG is insane so it'll be a pain to plan anything in person. And it seems like there's no 1:1 Showdown equivalent of the TCG so I had to do a raincheck on TCG shenanigans entirely.

The closest equivalent I could find was TCGOne but it seems like you can't just assemble a deck out of cards from any set you want. Also you need to buy cards with fake currency that you get from grinding or donating so fuck that noise. You may as well just use the official app since it's not like those Neo era cards are any good in a current gen match anyhow

I also decided to hop back onto Showdown proper. When it comes to PvP I like randoms shenanigans. I'll have a "serious match" but prepare to be annoyed and/or disappointed.

Fuck you give me money!

(thanks for the years of Lulu/Payne r34 my loyal dealers)

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2023-09-05 06:51:27

Talk about Pokémon? Sure!

I'm one of those people who got into Pokémon through the anime, then the TCG. Getting consoles and video games was rough in my country back when I was a kid, so for the longest time the only actual Pokémon game I ever played was... Pokémon Pinball (I still loved it). As the years went by I kept in touch with the franchise through the internet and honestly, seeing all the new Pokémon that appeared in each new generation was a "wooow" moment, sort of like the kid who looks at a shiny new toy and imagines what it would be like to actually have it.

Cut to January 2020 and my partner buys us a Nintendo Switch Lite as a spur-of-the-moment thing. I was ecstatic. To be able to actually experience Pokémon games in real time, along with everyone else, was a dream come true. Pokémon Violet was the first mainline Pokémon game I played on release day, and I purposefully avoided all the spoilers so I could go into it unprepared and discover all the new 'mons myself. Currently I have all the Switch games aside from Let's Go. If I had to rank them, it would be something like this:

Legends: Arceus

New Pokémon Snap

Pokémon Violet

Pokémon Sword

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond

Looking forward to the first Scarlet/Violet DLC and the Detective Pikachu game. A good time to be a Pokémon fan.

Thinking back, off in the distance, the future shone everywhere we looked

Underneath the beautiful blue sky

We were just a little bit afraid

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2023-10-03 08:04:25

At 9/3/23 12:02 PM, Chdonga wrote:I've got every Switch Pokemon game except for Let's Go. I've almost completed the Violet dex but there's a few exclusives I need to polish that dex off if anyone's down to trade.

Since making this post I finally said fuck it and bout a Pokemon Home premium account. $15 a year is basically nothing. Coulda sworn it was $20 a year but you know /vp/ loves to lie about the most arbitrary things.

Anyway, I completed both my Paldea dex and my Kitakami dex. I even went further beyond and decided to try and make a living dex and receive the special skin of Magearna. I'm getting conflicting answers on whether you actually need the living dex or if you just need to register everything, but just to be safe I spent weeks breeding starters and alt form mons (the universal currency) and traded as much as I can without losing anything that I can't easily re-obtain.

I'm at 190-something monsters remaining. There's some straggling Gen 5,6 & 7 shitmons that I have left and also the legendaries from all over.

Since I've got every Switch game except for Let's Go I think I should be good, but I don't mind replaying the 3DS titles and Virtual Console Crystal if I have to. I don't look forward to hunting for the mythical pokemon though. Hopefully I don't have to pull out my fucking Gamecube Jirachi distribution disc or do a bunch of GTS distribution spoofing when the only thing I have left is to hunt for legendaries. I'd rather just farm coins and evolve a bunch of Gholdengo before I have to play musical chairs with Pokemon distribution and transfer apps.

Once I finish my Home Dex I found a really nice Crystal hack that I'm itching to play. Polished Crystal is full of weird fanfiction-level content changes and Crystal Clear dropped its compatibility with the official games ages ago in favor of... weird fanfiction-level content changes. They mention taking a few liberties and fleshing out story beats in a future update. Hopefully it doesn't mean they plan on turning their quality of life update hack into a weird fanfiction, because this is getting ridiculous.

And good lord I really want that cartridge in the thumbnail. All the kids in school would be jealous!

Fuck you give me money!

(thanks for the years of Lulu/Payne r34 my loyal dealers)

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