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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-03-08 01:20:24

At 3/7/13 10:59 PM, SCTE3 wrote: I have been play Pokemon White online for the past few days.

One thing I've noticed that seems to be a large waste of time are players giving away commons (sometimes shiny), all while asking for the impossible.

It's part of what they do for a cloning glitch in order to ensure that no one takes their shiny while they attempt to "clone" it. It has something to do with uploading it to the GTS, then turning off the DS at the right time to make the game revert to the previous save, but keeping the uploaded guy there for an easy return.

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-03-10 13:16:19

SO is Colosseum any good or is pokémon stadium better and what's the combat like? Colosseum looks like a 3-d Pokemon game.

I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-03-10 13:18:29

Any recommendations for what I should add to the team later?

Zoroark, Snorlax or Gardevoir, they are all good. Snorlax is your average wall but can pack a punch, Gardevoir is pretty balance (well mine is) and can take hits, Zoroark is fucking awesome if you can use hi ability well, use it with a fighting type so when they use a psychic attack, you're not affected.

I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-04-09 17:03:41

New Eevee evolution confirmed.

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-04-12 12:09:42

Does anybody know where I can get the Pokemon adventures in the UK? I'm looking for the red and blue box set in particular.

I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-04-17 15:48:53

It's indeed a new Mewtwo forme.......which, in all honestly, being a genetic mutant clone of a mon that could Transform, it makes sense.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-04-25 06:21:59

May i join?

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

May I Join My favorite Is gardevoir

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-04-25 06:26:33

What type is it?


May I Join My favorite Is gardevoir

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-04-27 03:33:53

Oh yeah, anyone play on Pokemon Showdown?
It's a good battling alternative especially for people like me who don't know how to work with game-altering devices.
Here's me using a sun team.

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-04-27 10:10:33

At 4/9/13 05:03 PM, thelastsamaritan wrote: New Eevee evolution confirmed.

oh god, i thought that was fanmade.
its a shame how the franchise creators abandoned their original public and decided to go for retarded kids

Its only rape if you say no.

Say no to rape.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-05-09 02:25:57

At 4/25/13 07:06 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 4/25/13 06:26 AM, stardustdragon wrote: What type is it?

Mewtwo's new forme?
called Metwo Awakened Forme by the way
Most likely pure Psychic, not much reason to give it a secondary type upon transformation.

Thats a gardevoir.

Long time no see folks. Some of you may remember me.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-05-10 17:46:49

I was playing Gold yesterday for some nostalgia and cam across something for the first time in my life! My Typhlosion has Pokerus! This is brilliant, I looked it up five times to be sure and it is most definetly Pokerus! I honestly never expected to find this in my life, but hey I guess sometimes you get lucky. My luck doesn't stop there either, I also found a shiny Ho oh! That was in Heart Gold though, but talk about luck!

I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-06-06 14:44:08

At 5/10/13 05:46 PM, darkjam wrote: I was playing Gold yesterday for some nostalgia and cam across something for the first time in my life! My Typhlosion has Pokerus! This is brilliant, I looked it up five times to be sure and it is most definetly Pokerus! I honestly never expected to find this in my life, but hey I guess sometimes you get lucky. My luck doesn't stop there either, I also found a shiny Ho oh! That was in Heart Gold though, but talk about luck!

That is lucky, wow!
I never hade a Pokémon with pokerus an the only shiny I have is the shiny pokemon that they give you in the game. (Gyrados, Garchomp, etc.)

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-06-09 22:40:25


Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-06-10 18:08:26

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-06-12 06:52:16

Pokemon, yes?

Gimme a minute! And im in it!

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-06-15 18:48:04

At 6/10/13 06:08 PM, Darthdenim wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhH5GInI2S0


Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-06-17 17:49:17

You forgot the Iggly line & Mawile. (And most likely the Snubbull line, and probably the Pixie Trio, for obvious reasons.)

I'm all for it. The thought of a Clefable smashing a Garchomp's fangs in w/ a Stab move is pretty amusing.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-06-17 20:34:32

Hello! Although there are many fan descriptions of "official" Pokemon, I will set them straight. I work on some of the designs for the Company, and I hear rumors around the building, as well as design ( I've only designed two, but I would not like to lose my job telling you ).
The new pokemon revealed are there for a reason, and secretly show new moves and aspects.
"Pangoro", Pancham's fabled evolution does not exist. It evolves into a Fighting/Dark however, and it gains a sharp mohawk. Schemes are the tanish color and black seen before, as well as a green type mask looking pattern on face and shoulder areas.
Gogoat does not evolve, and has the Base HP stat of 105.
Helioptile does evolve, once. It evolves at level 28, and stays Electric/Normal, gaining a frill.
I do not have information on Clauncher, but I've heard about a Water/Fire evolution. One claw Fire blaster / one claw Water. Still, do not believe me on this one, as I do not know.
Scatterbug is Bug/Fairy. Spewpa is Bug/Fairy. They evolve at level 10 then 15.
Skrelp turning into Poison/Water, and has a seaweed cloak. It resembles the Grim Reaper, with a boney rib chest poking out.

A place called "Tame Park" lets you put Pokemon in a Daycare like system. You can exchange Pokemon money for PokeTokens, and with those tokens, use them for exchange in EVs or IVs.
There is also a character that uses Poison Pokemon, and challenges you all throughout the game, named "Tarimaku" ( not sure what that translates to ).

There are 2 Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon ( Example: Salamence / Dragonite )
- The first is Fire/Dragon and evolves at 35 then 55. It has long mane, then evolves with flaming mane. It has the new move "Honor Flame" ( again, not sure what that translates to in the Americas ) which deals 85 damage with 85% accuracy.
- The other is Ice/Dragon

The starter's are Grass/Dark - Fire/Psychic - Water/Fighting
Chespin gains sharp armor, and learns moves like Rollout and Pin Missile early on. It can roll into a ball with Spins sticking out.
Fennekin evolves into Burnsune at level 17 then 35 ( like the others ). It's fur turns dark red, then black, and resembles fire.
Froakie turns into a sumo-frog, and gains over 181 kg.

Other new Pokemon like a Fairy/Fighting Cyclops, and Dark or Ghost Fossil Pokemon - A Triceratops and a Fish looking one. The Triceratops is named "Cerimask" and has a face pattern on its frill. The fish I've heard rumors of around the building, so I'm not sure if they are real or not, but supposedly it's to be a demon/boney fish. Also a Grass/Dark tribal kid that evolves into a chief. The Smoochum family is retyped as Ice/Fairy, and has a new moved called "Draining Kiss".
Thank you for listening, and I hope you find this helpful. If you do not believe me, wait for more information to come. I want to thank Nintendo for my spot, and as always, look for more to come, X and Y fans! I will try to sneak a picture from one of my co-workers in the mean time.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-06-21 20:59:34

Another info leaker, eh? In the event that you're not the same person who leaked the last batch of info to PokeBeach, let's just see how much of yours matches up.

You seem to discredit some of the previous leaker's info (the Pangoro thing, namely); however, everything that person said has turned out to be true thus far, so you're already drawing some scrutiny just by saying that. Is it possible that the name of Pancham's evo is Pangoro in one of the two languages, and ya just haven't noticed it? Because the types you mentioned still match up w/ what the other person said; I don't think a design was mentioned either way, however.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-06-28 22:14:21


"What I would and wouldn't do with your tight twink body is none of their business. But seriously, I would fucking destroy you." - Xenomit

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-07-07 17:16:19

I know this is late but what do you think how Clefairy took it when the pocket monster realized that the species isn't classified as a "fairy" type?

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-07-07 23:08:41

At 7/7/13 08:46 PM, SCTE3 wrote:

Also found which set of items I like the most in Gen V games, the Power items. Very useful for getting a better speed on slower Pokemon or making tanks like Blissey and Snorlax into powerhouses overall.

Will there be items that can help historically defensively deficient creatures such as Pikachu and Meowth into defensive powerhouses?

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-07-07 23:35:12

At 7/7/13 11:26 PM, SCTE3 wrote:

Same set of items, there is one for Attack, Defense, HP, Special Defense, Speed, and Special Attack. You can get them at the Pokemon World Tournament for 24 BP each, a fair deal in my opinion.

That sounds interesting.

And for another Eevee evolution, doesn't one look kind of familiar? Looks a bit too magical don't you think?

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-07-08 01:08:30

Anyone around here play on the competitive circuit?

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

Sig Links. Links in Sig. I dunno.

"making a piece of music is kinda like raising a kid (only a lot easier, lol)" - Skye [Winter] 11:28 PM <- Skype? hell yeah.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-07-08 15:50:41

At 7/7/13 11:38 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
Agreed but seeing that it can take down dragons makes it a cute but deadly foe to dragons.

Also - http://24.media.tumblr.com/c209ac4975946f40114912b435884441/

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-07-08 20:01:56

At 7/8/13 09:09 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 7/8/13 01:08 AM, Nimble wrote: Anyone around here play on the competitive circuit?
I'm working on a competitive team for online play. Kind of sucks though that if you want to go to the Regional Openings and eventually the US National Championship to represent the USA that you need to have a lot of money for gas to get there or plane tickets.

ah, have you consulted smogon/nuggetbridge yet? both are great places for a growing competitive player.

I've not been to any championship yet, but i do plan on participating next year at the Battle Roads and the City championships, see where that takes me.

Sig Links. Links in Sig. I dunno.

"making a piece of music is kinda like raising a kid (only a lot easier, lol)" - Skye [Winter] 11:28 PM <- Skype? hell yeah.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-07-19 11:21:33

So who here knows a good flying type for a Crystal run that doesn't require the national pokedex?

I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-08-08 22:45:21

Just played Leaf Green (yes I know, old, blah, blah, blah...) and encountered a shiny Pokemon for the first time since the Lairon disaster in Sapphire back in 2009.

Sadly, it was at the Battle Tower.

I searched for years (stopped for sometime) and I get this? Is that fair?

I'm in despair...

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"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"

.·´¯`·->YFIQ's collections of stories!<-·´¯`·.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-10-16 23:22:13

How was it that nobody posted about X and Y in here, especially since its out now?