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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-13 22:45:52

At 12/13/12 10:13 PM, Seamonky wrote:
At 12/13/12 09:56 PM, Gamewiz wrote: That happened to my friend's pokemon Yellow. He had pretty much every pokemon you could catch without trading, so his pokedex was about 90% full, then the memory fried and he just randomly started losing his team, and stored pokemon.. It was actually really depressing when some of his top pokemon disappeared.
Damn, I feel bad for your friend and all his hard earned work going to shit. I know I would be pissed off if I worked that hard on any Pokemon game. Speaking of the Pokemon games, Ive been playing Blue as of late. The really old school blue. Hahaha. I made it up to the gym leader Misty.

I used to have Blue! I was never able to beat the elite four in the original games. I don't really know why either, I ended up with a few level 70's before I lost it. Anyway, I've was starting to play Emerald some more a few months ago. It's really nostalgic of my Ruby, so I was really enjoying it. I don't really remember where I'm at anymore haha.

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-14 00:24:10

I have been playing Pokemon Crystal on my phone and let me tell you it seems to be taking forever. I have no idea how to get fly, I have searched WIKI and it told me where to go, I defeated Jasmine in the gym but when I walked out, the girl who gives fly wasn't anywhere to be seen. Am I missing something?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-14 07:01:03

At 12/13/12 10:45 PM, Gamewiz wrote: I used to have Blue! I was never able to beat the elite four in the original games. I don't really know why either, I ended up with a few level 70's before I lost it. Anyway, I've was starting to play Emerald some more a few months ago. It's really nostalgic of my Ruby, so I was really enjoying it. I don't really remember where I'm at anymore haha.

lol Pokemon games can have that affect on you. Just playing the old school Pokemon games like blue, red, yellow, gold, silver, and crystal were amazing. Nuff said.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-16 04:07:51

At 12/16/12 03:56 AM, Austerity wrote: Nobody here can defeat my Igglybuff named Apocalypse.

Please, my Tyranitar will pimp smack your Pokemon back to it's mothers womb.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-16 04:14:17

At 12/16/12 04:11 AM, Austerity wrote:
At 12/16/12 04:07 AM, Seamonky wrote:
At 12/16/12 03:56 AM, Austerity wrote: Nobody here can defeat my Igglybuff named Apocalypse.
Please, my Tyranitar will pimp smack your Pokemon back to it's mothers womb.
Sorry, Apocalypse knows the almighty double-slap technique. R.I.P. Mewtwo even.

lol looks like I'm gonna need someone with high HP like Blissy or Walord.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-16 04:25:21

At 12/16/12 04:17 AM, Austerity wrote: Apocalypse the Igglybuff will just use sing on wailord and he will drown, and then use metronome which will turn into sheer cold on Blissy. Nothing stands against Apocalypse.

Damn, not one Pokemon can beat your Apocalypse? That's some bullshit right there. :(

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-16 04:50:46

At 12/16/12 04:30 AM, Austerity wrote: Except perhaps dunsparce, if Appy is having a bad day.

Im guessing you play the Pokemon games for the handheld systems? I stopped playing when Diamond and Pearl came out. My favorites were the original Gold and Sliver.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-16 05:22:31

At 12/16/12 05:14 AM, Austerity wrote: I beat silver, gold, sapphire and platinum in that order, haven't played in years. Call me aged but I don't care for any of the new pokemon, just the original 151 or perhaps 251.

Yeah I agree with ya there. The original 251 was the best. After that I couldn't keep tabs on all the Pokemon that were coming out. I recently played Pokemon Blue last week and I went old school by playing it on my gameboy color. lol It was fun for like 2 to 3 hours.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-16 05:49:17

At 12/16/12 05:24 AM, Austerity wrote: I wanted so bad to have blue version back in 1999 when every single kid had it, and the best thing similar to it up until that point were those digital pets like tamigachis or whatever they were called.

Holy crap. I forgot about those tamigachis pets back in the day. I never really got into the hang of them. I personally remember the Digimon walkers that were available.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-16 06:27:08

At 12/16/12 06:24 AM, Austerity wrote: Remember Yak Baks? They were all the rage in 95-96.

Nah, I don't remember those sadly. Care to explain what they are?

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-16 06:38:39

At 12/16/12 06:32 AM, Austerity wrote: Fun recording devices that would record 6 seconds of audio while pressing the "say it" button, and replay it with the "play it" button. It was a shit ton of fun back in the day cause there wasn't anything else like it. Damn I miss the simple days.

This looks interesting to say the least. Not too sure if I would be a fan of it now since all the technology we have is way better.

This is turning into the nostalgia club :O

What's you're favorite Pokemon? lol

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-16 06:52:25

At 12/16/12 06:50 AM, Austerity wrote:
At 12/16/12 06:38 AM, Seamonky wrote:
What's you're favorite Pokemon? lol

Yeah, Gengar is a bad ass Pokemon. Gotta love the sleep with dream eater combination. That was a killer move set.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-16 11:34:01

At 12/16/12 06:57 AM, Austerity wrote: Yes, not to mention in the original games he was the best defense against psychic types. Favorite legendary is Articuno.

My favorite legendary Pokemon has to be Zapdos. An electrical bird... lol

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-17 06:34:32

At 12/17/12 05:51 AM, Austerity wrote: I'd take Moltres over Ho-Oh even though Ho-Oh is more powerful just because Moltres is in the original 151.

Yeah, Moltres is the shit. The true phoenix bird of the Pokemon series. What about those legendary dogs??? I forgot some of their names. Entei, Sucine, and Rakiou I think it was. Excuse the spelling.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-17 07:24:03

At 12/17/12 07:16 AM, Austerity wrote: Yeah, those guys... honestly never cared for them either. only the bird trio. 20 years from now I'll still play only original 151, and maybe a couple here and there from 152-251.

You're making me wanna play my Gold version for the gameboy color. I'm gonna go look for it right now and see if my data hasn't been corrupted yet.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-17 07:45:22

At 12/17/12 07:27 AM, Austerity wrote: That's probably just my current avatar and signature with all the gold in it that's giving you a subconscious desire to play gold version.

lol You're probably right about that.

Btw, I never played SoulSilver or HeartGold yet.

I heard those games didn't do to bad on the ratings. I can't be bothered with the new Pokemon games nowadays anyways.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-17 08:07:30

At 12/17/12 07:57 AM, Austerity wrote: I try to force myself to play one game each generation, but I haven't done any of the black/white/version2 games and probably might skip them.

I'm not gonna bothers with those games either. In fact, I read in game informer that those games didn't do too good on the ratings. They said it was really repetitive and not interesting. :/

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-19 15:10:19

Thanks for helping me get fly in Crystal. I am currently fighting Team Rocket in the underground.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-19 18:35:48

At 12/19/12 03:31 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 12/19/12 03:10 PM, Calintz wrote: Thanks for helping me get fly in Crystal. I am currently fighting Team Rocket in the underground.
You're welcome.

As for Heartgold, quite happy since I have a shiny Pokemon on my team in that game.

I finished beating Team Rocket, off to the Pokemon Leauge!

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-19 20:15:30

At 12/19/12 03:31 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 12/19/12 03:10 PM, Calintz wrote: Thanks for helping me get fly in Crystal. I am currently fighting Team Rocket in the underground.
You're welcome.

As for Heartgold, quite happy since I have a shiny Pokemon on my team in that game.

I have Soul Silver, which is currently my main pokemon game focus, and I have two sets of the legendary dogs, one normal that I found in the wild, and another set that's shiny I had to go to the events for :3.

Honestly, I really do like the newer games, I haven't gotten that far into my Black though to really give much of an opinion though. It's all really a preference thing. I just try not to judge it before I try it; for the most part.

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2012-12-29 19:47:43

Did anybody else find Pokemon white/black 2 crap? The beginning was great, exploring the new cities, but then it got boring. Adding in Pokemon from the other generations didn't really matter to me, but when i got to castelia city the game just felt like my Pokemon black experience with a few difference, which didn't change the game in any drastic ways.

I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-01-02 17:57:49

Pokemon tier changes!
Chansey has moved down to UU
Amoongus, cincinno, and emboar have moved up to RU
stoutland and roselia have moved down to NU

Happy about cincinno finally leaving but Chansey in UU? Everyone is going to be abusing the tits out of CB heracross.


"What I would and wouldn't do with your tight twink body is none of their business. But seriously, I would fucking destroy you." - Xenomit

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-01-08 15:17:03

At 1/2/13 05:57 PM, koopahermit wrote: Pokemon tier changes!
Chansey has moved down to UU
Amoongus, cincinno, and emboar have moved up to RU
stoutland and roselia have moved down to NU

Happy about cincinno finally leaving but Chansey in UU? Everyone is going to be abusing the tits out of CB heracross.

New Pokemon game announced! Pokemon X and Y are according to serebii.net "The start of the new Generation XI", and from the gameplay footage shown, it looks like it should be something to keep an eye out for. Should be here In October this year, worldwide.

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-01-08 20:31:39

At 1/8/13 03:17 PM, Gamewiz wrote:
New Pokemon game announced! Pokemon X and Y are according to serebii.net "The start of the new Generation XI", and from the gameplay footage shown, it looks like it should be something to keep an eye out for. Should be here In October this year, worldwide.

I am so divided by those two, even more than I was by Black and White 2.
The pros: Game looks incredible, looks like it plays even better. 3D Pokemon! Plus the new legendaries (The bird will be forever known as Skybacon) look pimp. Plus the trailer showed that you can catch Pikachu in the wild again.
Cons: Pikachu is annoying for the first time. Think they changed his voice actor or something. Plus the new starters are nothing short of absurd. They look like friggin' Neopets.

So here's to Retarded Chipmunk, Mozilla Firefox and Hypnotoad.

Glides is done with his post.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-01-08 21:33:09

Due to the attacks shown in the trailers from the starters, people speculate we're getting Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic, and Water/Fighting final evos. So FINALLY, the goddamn Fire/Fighting streak could be broken!

Also, theory is that the cover mons are based off of Norse mythos - Eikþyrnir & Veðrfölnir, specifically. (Don't ask me to pronounce that shit. ;P )

At 1/8/13 08:31 PM, Glides wrote: So here's to Retarded Chipmunk, Mozilla Firefox and Hypnotoad.

People are saying that the Chespin line is porcupines, actually - which would explain the 'pin' part. About time we had a porcupine mon.

And I happen to like Fennekin, dammit - and I WILL be naming mine Mozilla. :P

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-02-18 18:54:58

Anyone here who played Pokemon Stadium 2?

I found my old Transfer Pack at my parent's place and decided to boot the game up again just to relive some memories. It looks like I still hadn't beaten the master ball level 50-55 cup and I remember always getting screwed in the last round. It seems like I used some fairly shitty teams though. Apparently I once thought Dragonair was good to bring along...

Anyway, I'm determined to try and beat the game just for the sake of having another N64 completed. Can anyone here provide me with some advice on what would be an awesome team?

I was thinking:

Houndoom (level 55)
Flamethrower (or Fire Blast)
Sunny Beam

Tyranitar (level 55)
Rock Slide

Snorlax (level 50)
Body Slam
Hyper Beam
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch

Lapras (level 50)
Body Slam
Ice Beam

Espeon (level 50)
Sunny Day

Skarmory (level 50)
Drill Peck
Steel Wing
??? (maybe Spikes)

It's mostly the move sets I'm still having doubts about. I would like to add a fighting type move somewhere, but there don't seem to be any good, teachable fighting moves in gen 2. Also, I suppose it would make sense to use legendaries, but either their move pools are terrible or their stats aren't favourable with respect to the moves they can learn.

PS: I don't feel like fixing my Pokemon Red cartridge in order to have access to gen 1 stuff.

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Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-02-19 13:23:21

At 2/19/13 07:38 AM, Chrausner wrote:
At 2/18/13 06:54 PM, Auz wrote: Anyone here who played Pokemon Stadium 2?
I only played Pokemon Stadium (the first one) on the N64. I don't know if there's a mass difference between 1 & 2.

My friend had Pokemon Stadium 1. I don't remember there being a huge difference. Of course 2 had some more content, better graphics and was specifically made for the gen 2 games. As far as I know the stat training mechanics of gen 1 and gen 2 were the same though.

I was thinking:

Houndoom (level 55)
Flamethrower (or Fire Blast)
Sunny Beam
If Dark Pulse exists in the game, than replace it with Crunch.

Nah, we didn't have fancy moves like that back in our time ;)

Also, Sunny Beam wut?

*Sunny Day

Sorry. From what I read somewhere, this move set makes Houndoom one of the best Pokemon you could use in the Lvl 50-55 cup.

Tyranitar (level 55)
Rock Slide
I think Stone Edge would suit Tyranitar better than Rock Slide. Rock Slide's 'flinch' effect would be zeroed out most of the time because its slower than most PKMN, and both moves have potential to miss anyway.

Is Brick Break teachable in PKMN Stadium 2?

Again, no moves like that existed in gen 2. If I remember correctly Brick Break was gen 3 and Stone Edge gen 4. Otherwise I would've definitely chosen Stone Edge over Rock Slide.

I personally like putting Ice Punch on Tyranitar's moveset, just to take out Grass, Ground & Dragon types.

Sounds good. I'll give him that as his fourth.

Snorlax (level 50)
Body Slam
Hyper Beam
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch
Why Hyper Beam? Snorlax's Sp. Atk is awful. Replace Hyper Beam with Fire Punch or Brick Break.

I was thinking 150 power + STAB + Pink Bow = epic damage. I don't remember his Sp. Atk being all that horrible, but I could be wrong.

Fire Punch might make him more versatile though. I was mostly putting Snorlax on my team as a back-up anyway, just to cover some types I hadn't covered with the others yet. Also, I thought his stats were actually really good because he gives in so much in speed.

Thanks for the advice!

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Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-03-04 12:33:30

At 2/18/13 06:54 PM, Auz wrote:

While I may not have played any of the Stadium games for extended periods of time, I still know a bit about gen II battling mechanics. Let's see here...

I was thinking:

Houndoom (level 55)
Flamethrower (or Fire Blast)
Sunny Beam

Looks alright. Only danger I see here is how Houndoom's kinda frail, so Sunny Day should be put up at one's own risk.

Tyranitar (level 55)
Rock Slide

Give him an elemental move on the last one (fire/ice/thunder punch) for coverage depending on what other moves everyone else has.

Snorlax (level 50)
Body Slam
Hyper Beam
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch

Hmm, Snorlax has pretty low special attack. How about a rest/sleep talk set with body slam & shadow ball to reinforce his massive HP?

Lapras (level 50)
Body Slam
Ice Beam

Sing or Confuse Ray in the last one perhaps? Something that sabotages the enemy is always nice.

Espeon (level 50)
Sunny Day

Morning Sun on the last one, maybe? Also, again, mind the fact that the physical/special split isn't what it always was. In this case, Shadow Ball being physical.

Skarmory (level 50)
Drill Peck
Steel Wing
??? (maybe Spikes)

Spikes if leading off, toxic if not.

It's mostly the move sets I'm still having doubts about. I would like to add a fighting type move somewhere, but there don't seem to be any good, teachable fighting moves in gen 2.

Hitmonlee gets Hi Jump Kick, Machamp gets Cross Chop, Poliwrath can learn Dynamicpunch & Mind Reader, and Heracross gets Reversal.

Also, I suppose it would make sense to use legendaries, but either their move pools are terrible or their stats aren't favourable with respect to the moves they can learn.

Zapdos would like a word.

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-03-04 14:45:52

At 3/4/13 12:33 PM, Hybrid-Of-Souls wrote:
At 2/18/13 06:54 PM, Auz wrote:
While I may not have played any of the Stadium games for extended periods of time, I still know a bit about gen II battling mechanics. Let's see here...
I was thinking:

Houndoom (level 55)
Flamethrower (or Fire Blast)
Sunny Beam
Looks alright. Only danger I see here is how Houndoom's kinda frail, so Sunny Day should be put up at one's own risk.

I could give him a Focus Sash or something to increase his endurance.

Tyranitar (level 55)
Rock Slide
Give him an elemental move on the last one (fire/ice/thunder punch) for coverage depending on what other moves everyone else has.

Chrausner suggested Ice Punch, which is what I'll give him :)

Snorlax (level 50)
Body Slam
Hyper Beam
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch
Hmm, Snorlax has pretty low special attack. How about a rest/sleep talk set with body slam & shadow ball to reinforce his massive HP?

Hmm might be good, but I wanted to use Snorlax as a back-up. For example, when facing water types I only got Houndoom with Solarbeam, but I doubt Houndoom will survive for long against a strong water Pokemon. I know the second last battler has Suicune which he will definitely use, so for that battle I wanted to bring Snorlax along.

If I set him up with Ice, Fire and Thunder Punch he seems to be pretty versatile.

Lapras (level 50)
Body Slam
Ice Beam
Sing or Confuse Ray in the last one perhaps? Something that sabotages the enemy is always nice.

Yeah, I was thinking about giving him Confuse Ray since that can always come in handy.

Espeon (level 50)
Sunny Day
Morning Sun on the last one, maybe? Also, again, mind the fact that the physical/special split isn't what it always was. In this case, Shadow Ball being physical.

I believe Espeon doesn't learn Morning Sun until level 52, and there's a restriction that the sum of the levels of the three Pokemon you bring along may not exceed 155. Since I intend to use Tyranitar, I don't like to have Espeon at 52 since I won't be able to bring Espeon and Tyranitar.

I didn't know Shadow Ball was considered a physical attack. I guess that would be a bad choice then.

That leaves two open slots... maybe Sunny Day is a little redundant too, but I thought Espeon could set it up for Houndoom.

Skarmory (level 50)
Drill Peck
Steel Wing
??? (maybe Spikes)
Spikes if leading off, toxic if not.

Hmm I know there's one trainer that loves to use Baton Pass so for that battle I thought Spikes would be handy. Toxic might be handier for the rest of the battles though, so I'll go with Toxic.

It's mostly the move sets I'm still having doubts about. I would like to add a fighting type move somewhere, but there don't seem to be any good, teachable fighting moves in gen 2.
Hitmonlee gets Hi Jump Kick, Machamp gets Cross Chop, Poliwrath can learn Dynamicpunch & Mind Reader, and Heracross gets Reversal.

I know Poliwrath is especially a murdering machine since you can teach it Fissure from Gen I. Add Mind Reader to his moves and he can bring everything down in two turns, except for flying types. However, he learns Mind Reader at level 51 and I don't feel like giving him Fissure because I'd have to fix my Gen I cartridge and play through almost the entire game again.

But I could perhaps swap Snorlax for Machamp and teach Machamp Cross Chop along with the elemental punches.

Also, I suppose it would make sense to use legendaries, but either their move pools are terrible or their stats aren't favourable with respect to the moves they can learn.
Zapdos would like a word.

Zapdos is an exception, but same story as above; I don't feel like playing through Pokemon Red again just to obtain Zapdos.

Thanks for the tips!

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Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2013-03-05 01:17:00

At 3/4/13 02:45 PM, Auz wrote: Hmm I know there's one trainer that loves to use Baton Pass so for that battle I thought Spikes would be handy. Toxic might be handier for the rest of the battles though, so I'll go with Toxic.

Oh, a baton passer...
Skarmory also gets Roar/Whirlwind to snap them away. Combine that with the spikes, perhaps?

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

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