At 3/4/13 12:33 PM, Hybrid-Of-Souls wrote:
At 2/18/13 06:54 PM, Auz wrote:
While I may not have played any of the Stadium games for extended periods of time, I still know a bit about gen II battling mechanics. Let's see here...
I was thinking:
Houndoom (level 55)
Flamethrower (or Fire Blast)
Sunny Beam
Looks alright. Only danger I see here is how Houndoom's kinda frail, so Sunny Day should be put up at one's own risk.
I could give him a Focus Sash or something to increase his endurance.
Tyranitar (level 55)
Rock Slide
Give him an elemental move on the last one (fire/ice/thunder punch) for coverage depending on what other moves everyone else has.
Chrausner suggested Ice Punch, which is what I'll give him :)
Snorlax (level 50)
Body Slam
Hyper Beam
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch
Hmm, Snorlax has pretty low special attack. How about a rest/sleep talk set with body slam & shadow ball to reinforce his massive HP?
Hmm might be good, but I wanted to use Snorlax as a back-up. For example, when facing water types I only got Houndoom with Solarbeam, but I doubt Houndoom will survive for long against a strong water Pokemon. I know the second last battler has Suicune which he will definitely use, so for that battle I wanted to bring Snorlax along.
If I set him up with Ice, Fire and Thunder Punch he seems to be pretty versatile.
Lapras (level 50)
Body Slam
Ice Beam
Sing or Confuse Ray in the last one perhaps? Something that sabotages the enemy is always nice.
Yeah, I was thinking about giving him Confuse Ray since that can always come in handy.
Espeon (level 50)
Sunny Day
Morning Sun on the last one, maybe? Also, again, mind the fact that the physical/special split isn't what it always was. In this case, Shadow Ball being physical.
I believe Espeon doesn't learn Morning Sun until level 52, and there's a restriction that the sum of the levels of the three Pokemon you bring along may not exceed 155. Since I intend to use Tyranitar, I don't like to have Espeon at 52 since I won't be able to bring Espeon and Tyranitar.
I didn't know Shadow Ball was considered a physical attack. I guess that would be a bad choice then.
That leaves two open slots... maybe Sunny Day is a little redundant too, but I thought Espeon could set it up for Houndoom.
Skarmory (level 50)
Drill Peck
Steel Wing
??? (maybe Spikes)
Spikes if leading off, toxic if not.
Hmm I know there's one trainer that loves to use Baton Pass so for that battle I thought Spikes would be handy. Toxic might be handier for the rest of the battles though, so I'll go with Toxic.
It's mostly the move sets I'm still having doubts about. I would like to add a fighting type move somewhere, but there don't seem to be any good, teachable fighting moves in gen 2.
Hitmonlee gets Hi Jump Kick, Machamp gets Cross Chop, Poliwrath can learn Dynamicpunch & Mind Reader, and Heracross gets Reversal.
I know Poliwrath is especially a murdering machine since you can teach it Fissure from Gen I. Add Mind Reader to his moves and he can bring everything down in two turns, except for flying types. However, he learns Mind Reader at level 51 and I don't feel like giving him Fissure because I'd have to fix my Gen I cartridge and play through almost the entire game again.
But I could perhaps swap Snorlax for Machamp and teach Machamp Cross Chop along with the elemental punches.
Also, I suppose it would make sense to use legendaries, but either their move pools are terrible or their stats aren't favourable with respect to the moves they can learn.
Zapdos would like a word.
Zapdos is an exception, but same story as above; I don't feel like playing through Pokemon Red again just to obtain Zapdos.
Thanks for the tips!