At 2/28/11 07:24 PM, Swackman wrote:
For example, that old guy NPC standing in front of the Celadon Gym? In the old games, he was gawking over the Gym being full of nothing but chicks. In HGSS, they changed his line to say 'strong Trainers' instead. Like that was really such a big problem that it required changing.
Before that, at the Vermillion Gym, when Surge was giving the before-battle speech, the line I clearly remember in the old GB games as "I'll zap you just like I did my enemies at war!" had that last part changed to "all my enemies in battle!" Uh, last I checked, as the title before his name would imply, HE'S A FRICKING ARMY LIEUTENANT! You'd think that maybe he's been in at least one or two wars?
Of course, one can just get the GB games somewhere & play em, and see the fricking original lines anyway, leaving these changes ABSOLUTELY FRICKING POINTLESS.
Yeah that pissed me off too, I dont remember misty being on a date in the original games either...
y'know everything was so perfect back in RBY/G.
If youll be so kind as to remember, most trainers were fun to fight becuase of the stuff they would say to you, like gary. I also beat brock with only my pikachu in yellow
:Thats right, Im a hardcore trainer, didnt even use any potions or items
MAN I loved putting team rocket in their place in RBY.