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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-02 11:02:38

At 2/28/11 07:24 PM, Swackman wrote:
For example, that old guy NPC standing in front of the Celadon Gym? In the old games, he was gawking over the Gym being full of nothing but chicks. In HGSS, they changed his line to say 'strong Trainers' instead. Like that was really such a big problem that it required changing.

Before that, at the Vermillion Gym, when Surge was giving the before-battle speech, the line I clearly remember in the old GB games as "I'll zap you just like I did my enemies at war!" had that last part changed to "all my enemies in battle!" Uh, last I checked, as the title before his name would imply, HE'S A FRICKING ARMY LIEUTENANT! You'd think that maybe he's been in at least one or two wars?

Of course, one can just get the GB games somewhere & play em, and see the fricking original lines anyway, leaving these changes ABSOLUTELY FRICKING POINTLESS.

Yeah that pissed me off too, I dont remember misty being on a date in the original games either...
y'know everything was so perfect back in RBY/G.
If youll be so kind as to remember, most trainers were fun to fight becuase of the stuff they would say to you, like gary. I also beat brock with only my pikachu in yellow
:Thats right, Im a hardcore trainer, didnt even use any potions or items
MAN I loved putting team rocket in their place in RBY.

Just, remember.... LVl 1-9999, Just remember ultimate skill will defy destiny,death and everything EVER!

It's alot more beautiful than it sounds.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-02 17:06:42

Misty's date thing was in the original GSC games. Haven't gotten to that part yet, so I don't know whether anything's changed with it or not.

In other news, after bumping into that Celadon NPC that tells you which of your party members has which Hidden Power type, I found out that my Haunter has HP Fire - which means it's definitely going to my White Version when I get it. Unfortunately, my Electrode's stuck with HP Dragon, so forget that....

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-02 19:18:37

At 3/2/11 06:38 PM, Tetris wrote:
At 2/28/11 07:24 PM, Swackman wrote: For example, that old guy NPC standing in front of the Celadon Gym? In the old games, he was gawking over the Gym being full of nothing but chicks. In HGSS, they changed his line to say 'strong Trainers' instead. Like that was really such a big problem that it required changing.

Well, come on, I mean, an old guy watching a ton of women in a gym.

That's kinda creepy.

I dont get it either, but it was a nice little funny thing tho. I liked it, cause it was being a little more maturely themed for a kids game... its like.... "even if you think the plot is childish, heres something to space that out"

Just, remember.... LVl 1-9999, Just remember ultimate skill will defy destiny,death and everything EVER!

It's alot more beautiful than it sounds.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-03 03:59:10

There was loads of little edits like that in HG/SS.

One of the sailors on the boat is changed from "You know what they say about sailors and fighting" to "You know what they say about sailors and battling".

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-03 10:34:51

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-03 20:31:01

At 3/3/11 10:34 AM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: http://i.imgur.com/XVasZ.png

......Thanks for the nightmares....... >_<

The only Pokemon I can't discern is the one on the far left.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-04 07:35:47

At 3/3/11 10:34 AM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: http://i.imgur.com/XVasZ.png

Not the nicest thing someones showed me.... and I've been flashed...

Just, remember.... LVl 1-9999, Just remember ultimate skill will defy destiny,death and everything EVER!

It's alot more beautiful than it sounds.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-04 08:58:09

At 3/4/11 01:24 AM, Tetris wrote:
At 3/3/11 08:31 PM, Swackman wrote: The only Pokemon I can't discern is the one on the far left.
Parasect. And come on, the only bad one was Arbok.

i thought it might be slakoth from the pose

but parasect also makes sense

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-05 11:53:40

At 3/4/11 08:58 AM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:
At 3/4/11 01:24 AM, Tetris wrote:
At 3/3/11 08:31 PM, Swackman wrote: The only Pokemon I can't discern is the one on the far left.
Parasect. And come on, the only bad one was Arbok.
i thought it might be slakoth from the pose

but parasect also makes sense

Granted, but I doubt the 12 year olds on DA would want to see that...

Just, remember.... LVl 1-9999, Just remember ultimate skill will defy destiny,death and everything EVER!

It's alot more beautiful than it sounds.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-06 23:32:28

And so, the latest generation hits American shelves. I won't be getting it quite yet; I'd like to finish SoulSilver first. I'll be getting White for Reuniclus & Braviary (and ZEKROM!).

Will probably go with Oshawott in-game, since the other 2 are best used with their DW abilities (esp. in Serperior's case); else I'd go with Tepig instead.

In speaking of the flaming oinker, serebii's Pokemon of the Week was Emboar this week. So, I was reading it, as I do every Sunday, and despite the promoting of the Reckless DW version by whoever wrote the article, they seemed to forget that it has Head Smash to abuse with it, citing Flare Blitz & Wild Charge as the only 2 abusable attacks with it, and using Stone Edge instead. Do your damn research if you're going to do a PotW article; that's all I'm saying.

Oh, and I've FINALLY found a place nearby that has WiFi! Just need to test it & see if it's the usable kind, as the WiFi at the nearby La Quinta Inn didn't want to work with it.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-08 03:17:23

While Head Smash is one of the moves Reckless boosts, it is definitely not worth using. The 50% recoil is way to hard. Even Rampardos prefers to use Stone Edge over Head Smash. Aggron and Relicanth are the only two that can get away with using it. I kind of wished Aerodactyl learned Head Smash, as well as Brave Bird. That would have been an amazing physical sweeper.

I picked up Black version on the night of the release. I've been wanting White version but I changed my mind because I liked the exclusives a bit better and that Reshiram is almost staple on Uber sun teams. Dragon+Fire with the TurboBlaze ability is perfect coverage and therefore it kills everything. It even kills Blissey with a sun-boosted Blue Flare in two hits. Although Zekrom being the most power Electric Pokemon is tempting, and it's on the physical side. I like the idea of battling rare Pokemon, and as for catching rare Pokemon, there's always trade and breeding.

Here is my Party so far:

Hihidaruma (Darumaka) F. Lvl 22
Scoob (Herdier) M. Lvl 24
OhShitWhat (Dewott) M. Lvl 25
Moon Me (Munna) M. Lvl 17
Rock (Roggenrola) M. Lvl 23
Zuruzukin (Scraggy) M. Lvl 22

Anyone got good nicknames?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-08 04:58:51

At 3/8/11 03:17 AM, verycoolguy wrote: Rock (Roggenrola) M. Lvl 23

Speaking of this cunt, I fucking hate Boldore being in every since cave.

Wild Pokemon with Sturdy are just irritating.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-08 22:30:00

At 3/8/11 03:17 AM, verycoolguy wrote: While Head Smash is one of the moves Reckless boosts, it is definitely not worth using. The 50% recoil is way to hard. Even Rampardos prefers to use Stone Edge over Head Smash. Aggron and Relicanth are the only two that can get away with using it.

Oh, that's right - the recoil is actually more than most other (or all?) recoil moves. Then I take the earlier post back. Well, at least the other 2 moves are more than enough to warrant the ability.

At 3/8/11 04:58 AM, TheMaster wrote:
At 3/8/11 03:17 AM, verycoolguy wrote: Rock (Roggenrola) M. Lvl 23
Speaking of this cunt, I fucking hate Boldore being in every since cave.

Wild Pokemon with Sturdy are just irritating.

Bet you wish GF hadn't made Sturdy better NOW, eh? :P


Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-10 05:02:03

Man the eighth gym leader was disappointing. His Haxorus managed to get a Dragon Dance and was able to wipe out my whole team, with the only hope in beating it was to spam revives and potions on Gigalith to get a guaranteed hit because of Sturdy. Instead of Outrage or even Dragon Claw, the thing uses Assurance as its attack. I like getting scared of losing in this game, but GameFreak made it impossible by increasing the wild encounter rate, but still having trainers with low level Pokemon.

Anyway is it possible to catch Reshiram or Zekrom without a Master Ball or should I use it up?

This is the team so far:

Hihidaruma (Darmanitan) F. Lvl 43
Bambi'sDad (Sawsbuck) M. Lvl 43
OhShitWhat (Samurott) M. Lvl 45
Ononokusu (Fraxure) F. Lvl 42
Rock (Gigalith) M. Lvl 44
Zuruzukin (Scrafty) M. Lvl 44

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-10 06:47:09

At 3/10/11 05:02 AM, verycoolguy wrote: Anyway is it possible to catch Reshiram or Zekrom without a Master Ball or should I use it up?

I grabbed him with a dusk ball pretty easily.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-11 07:30:09

Just got the game yesterday and I love it! Not sure if this has been done but, wouldn't it be amazing if there was some official site that let you see how well you were doing in the game and check out the Pokemon you've caught and seen?

I've gotten to the second town, trying my best to catch either a Sawk or a Throh.

Here's my line up:
Tepig Lv. 18
Pansage Lv. 17
Roggenrolla Lv. 19
Lillipuo Lv. 13

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-12 11:14:22

triple and dual battling is BS.
if you'll remember in the original pokemon series some of the original concepts that may not have been spoken, but atleast shown was that you as a trainer can carry as many pokemon as you wish, therefor you may battle as many of them as u wish (this is what I beleive, and it was only REALLY early on) the only reason it didnt really happen is because everyone was more on edge and enjoying a battle so long as there was a one on one thing... and well, what better to work with than pikachu : )
but that only really applies in the anime.
in the games, they could have had 6 vs 6 by emerald or 4th gen.
contests in the anime= sucked
contests in the game= alright, but I personally am indifferent

Just, remember.... LVl 1-9999, Just remember ultimate skill will defy destiny,death and everything EVER!

It's alot more beautiful than it sounds.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-16 10:12:57

At 3/9/11 04:00 AM, Tetris wrote:
At 3/8/11 03:17 AM, verycoolguy wrote: (Roggenrola)
What the fuck is this supposed to be? I mean when I first saw it, my gut fucking busted. It looks like part of the female anatomy. Also my current team.

kinda already mentioned that....
anyways, it is soooooo irritating how that pokemon and its evolution have sturdy, more so than geodudes and zubats (I liked having to deal with them more) I might as well have ANY element (except thunder) and just super power it to take out those ground labias the evolution has 4 holes.

But ya gotta BELEIVE its there

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

Just, remember.... LVl 1-9999, Just remember ultimate skill will defy destiny,death and everything EVER!

It's alot more beautiful than it sounds.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-23 20:21:50

Ok, I'm trying to decide what the best Bird/Flying type pokemon is across generations I-IV I do have Gen V but I'm trying to get my ultimate team set up for Pearl and SS. Currently I've got a level 70 Pidgeot which I'm realizing after looking at his stats that he's not going to be as strong as I need him to be by lvl 100.

I've heard good things about Staraptor which I haven't really used much; and I also heard that Dodrio is really good also. Anyway, I need a bird pokemon mostly for Fly, because it's probably the most useful move in the whole game, and I need a good advantage against Bruno in the Elite Four.

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-23 20:56:36

At 3/23/11 08:21 PM, Gamewiz wrote: I've heard good things about Staraptor which I haven't really used much; and I also heard that Dodrio is really good also. Anyway, I need a bird pokemon mostly for Fly, because it's probably the most useful move in the whole game, and I need a good advantage against Bruno in the Elite Four.

Starraptor is by far the most powerful regular Flying type. Close Combat packs a punch, and offers much better type coverage than the likes of Pidgeot or Swellow.

For non-offensive flying types, look at Skarmory. Running Stealth Rock/Spikes, Roost, Brave Bird and Whirlwind, it can cause some serious problems just by getting those entry hazards down, forcing the switches on things it doesn't like, hitting incredibly hard with Brave Bird, and then shrugging most damage off with Roost.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-23 22:24:49

At 3/23/11 08:56 PM, TheMaster wrote:
At 3/23/11 08:21 PM, Gamewiz wrote: I've heard good things about Staraptor which I haven't really used much; and I also heard that Dodrio is really good also. Anyway, I need a bird pokemon mostly for Fly, because it's probably the most useful move in the whole game, and I need a good advantage against Bruno in the Elite Four.
Helpful advice

Thanks! Now I guess I have to start training my Starly up then. I'm also working on a team to battle Red in Soul Silver. My team's going to be:

Hydro-pump | Superpower | Aqua Tail | Crunch

Brave Bird | Aerial Ace | Take Down | Close Combat

Fire Blast | Flamethrower | Blast Burn | Strength

Solar Beam | Body Slam | Magical Leaf | Petal Dance

Earth Power | Earthquake | Dig | Magnitude

Shadow Ball | Thunderbolt | Psychic | Sludge Bomb

They're a work in progress at the moment.. But I hope to have them all set and ready to go within a month. (Currently the Meganium is a lvl 21 Chikorita and I've got to capture a starly for the staraptor.)

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-23 22:43:47

Few tips for your team.

At 3/23/11 10:24 PM, Gamewiz wrote: Feraligatr
Hydro-pump | Superpower | Aqua Tail | Crunch

You don't need to pack two water moves, especially when hydropump is very inaccurate, and Feraligatr has poor special attack anyway. Waterfall is generally preferable to Aqua Tail, too, due to the better accuracy and chance of flinch, with only a slight damage reduction.

Brave Bird | Aerial Ace | Take Down | Close Combat

Again, multiple moves of the same type is a waste of a slot, you're just going to be using the strongest one anyway. Consider U-Turn.

Fire Blast | Flamethrower | Blast Burn | Strength

Same again. Just pack Flamethrower, and definitely invest in Focus Blast. A flying move to make use of his STAB would also be good.

Solar Beam | Body Slam | Magical Leaf | Petal Dance

Solar Beam NEEDS Sunny Day to be worth carrying. Use Energy Bal as your grass move, and then stick in something like Earthquake or Synthesis.

Earth Power | Earthquake | Dig | Magnitude

4 of the same type of move cripples the types of Pokemon he can go up against. Just use Earthquake, and then stick in stuff like Ariel Ace, Shadow Claw or Rock Slide.

Shadow Ball | Thunderbolt | Psychic | Sludge Bomb

Great offensive set. Again, Focus Blast is always an option

They're a work in progress at the moment.. But I hope to have them all set and ready to go within a month. (Currently the Meganium is a lvl 21 Chikorita and I've got to capture a starly for the staraptor.)

Have fun grinding. It's so much harder in HG/SS than in D/P/Pt, what with no Vs. Seeker and all. Took me ages.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-23 23:23:33

At 3/23/11 10:43 PM, TheMaster wrote: Few tips for your team.

Generally I have the multi same type in my moveset because if the type of the pokemon matches the type of the move, the power is doubled. Plus, with some of these moves, I only get 5pp, so the extra move keeps me going on the type of move. I am growing (Leppa?) berries for me to restore PP though, but wasting a turn during battle isn't one of my favorite things to do.

Have fun grinding. It's so much harder in HG/SS than in D/P/Pt, what with no Vs. Seeker and all. Took me ages.

Might have to trade back to my pearl for training then >.>

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-27 22:05:06

Well it looks like Blaziken is banned to Ubers. GameFreak overdid the favor with Speed Boost.

That's one less threat Choice Band Azumarrill covers :(. Infernape will be more common from now on and he might be staple on sunny teams.

A year ago, who would have seen Blaziken getting booted to Ubers coming?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-03-28 18:06:56

At 3/27/11 10:05 PM, verycoolguy wrote: Well it looks like Blaziken is banned to Ubers. GameFreak overdid the favor with Speed Boost.

A year ago, who would have seen Blaziken getting booted to Ubers coming?

I'll be damned. Even with Speed Boost, I wouldn't have seen this coming.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-04-13 01:41:57

For some reason, Smogon has been MIA for the last 2 days. Every time I try to go on it, IE can't display the page. Every other site I normally go on works fine, so I assume it's on their end.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-04-19 13:31:11

Hey guys, I'd like to hear some opinions.

I'm going through Heart Gold right now and I decided to try out a Togekiss on my party. When I evolved it from Togetic, it ended up with the Hustle ability (which basically gives a physical damage bonus of 50%, but lowers accuracy to 80%). I know it can also have Serene Grace and that ability looks far superior to me, especially considering the fact that Togekiss' Attack power is low.

However, I'm currently having Togekiss as my 'Fly' pokemon. At first I thought that was a bit of a wasted move slot in battles, but with the Hustle ability and the same type attack bonus, I was thinking that his Fly move might actually pack some decent punch that way. Do you guys think Hustle is worth something in this case? Or should I consider breeding a new one that will hopefully have the Serene Grace ability?

Extra info that might matter: I don't play competitively, I'm just playing the main game. Also, I'm planning to make his moveset something like: Fly, Aura Sphere, Shock Wave, Hyper Beam. Lastly, it has a neutral nature, so no beneficial or hindering effects on any stats.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-04-19 14:10:45

At 4/19/11 01:31 PM, Auz wrote: Or should I consider breeding a new one that will hopefully have the Serene Grace ability?

Definitely. Serene Grace is amazing. Togekiss running something like Thunder Wave/Air Slash/Roost/Aura Sphere is ridiculous. With paralysis and the flinch bonus the opponents chance of getting to make a move is only 30%. You can also run Body Slam instead of Thunder Wave for less reliable paralysis (still 60% chance with Serene Grace, vs Thunder Wave's 100%) but extra damage.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-04-20 12:59:07

At 4/19/11 02:10 PM, TheMaster wrote:
At 4/19/11 01:31 PM, Auz wrote: Or should I consider breeding a new one that will hopefully have the Serene Grace ability?
Definitely. Serene Grace is amazing. Togekiss running something like Thunder Wave/Air Slash/Roost/Aura Sphere is ridiculous. With paralysis and the flinch bonus the opponents chance of getting to make a move is only 30%. You can also run Body Slam instead of Thunder Wave for less reliable paralysis (still 60% chance with Serene Grace, vs Thunder Wave's 100%) but extra damage.

Yeah, I thought so.

I do need a Pokemon with Fly though, so for now I'll just keep my current Togekiss. Later I'll see if I can switch it for one with the Serene Grace ability and I'll make sure it knows Air Slash and Aura Sphere.

That 70% chance of the opponents missing sounds pretty awesome, but I was thinking that Hyper Beam was a pretty kick-ass move for him due to STAB and his high special attack. Currently I got him equipped with a silk scarf too, so he can OHKO pretty much anything with a low special defense.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2011-05-02 13:36:12

Smogon's Pokemon-Online server has already released usage stats, so we can expect their tiers come come out soon.

The list is under the Rated BW OU Usage Stats tab, and the OU cutoff ends at no. 53, with Tornadus. Everything under that is UU.