At 1/10/11 12:09 PM, SCTE3 wrote: So I put up the Pupitar I was using so I can start rasing my shiny Larvitar.
Nice one, I love shiny Tyranitar.
At 1/10/11 12:09 PM, SCTE3 wrote: So I put up the Pupitar I was using so I can start rasing my shiny Larvitar.
Nice one, I love shiny Tyranitar.
Hey guys, I haven't posted in here for a LONG time.. Anyway, yesterday, I got the shiny Raikou event. :D Also, in the time I haven't posted in here I've also gotten the 10th anniversary Mew :DD. I'm getting back into Pokemon, hoping that I'll find one of those mythical Shiny pokemon.
I've never found one :'(
At 1/10/11 07:15 PM, Gamewiz wrote: Hey guys, I haven't posted in here for a LONG time.. Anyway, yesterday, I got the shiny Raikou event. :D Also, in the time I haven't posted in here I've also gotten the 10th anniversary Mew :DD. I'm getting back into Pokemon, hoping that I'll find one of those mythical Shiny pokemon.
I've never found one :'(
Wait... through a video game?
At 1/10/11 12:34 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Tyranitar Lv 38
Lava Plume
HMs should just be dumped on a slave, but I guess since you're raising a new shiny it doesn't matter.
Togetic Lv 35
Togetic NEEDS to abuse Serene Grace. Air Slash is an essential, ups the chance of flinch to 60%, and hits pretty hard with base damage 75, Togekiss's huge special attack and the STAB bonus. Roost is always a good choice, too.
Paralysing something and then sending an Air Slashing Togekiss against means they're not likely to get a turn at all.
Ampharos Lv 34
No need for two electric moves. Upgrade to just Thunderbolt when you get the chance, and get some extra type coverage with Focus Blast or Signal Beam.
Shiny Larvitar Lv 23
Sandstorm is pointless since Tyranitar gets Sand Stream. Basically, just abuse his ridiculous attack stat. Earthquake, Aqua Tail, STAB Stone Edge and Crunch is a great set, but you can also run Ice/Thunder/Fire punch if you want coverage against a certain type.
At 1/10/11 07:21 PM, Strategize wrote:At 1/10/11 07:15 PM, Gamewiz wrote: Hey guys, I haven't posted in here for a LONG time.. Anyway, yesterday, I got the shiny Raikou event. :D Also, in the time I haven't posted in here I've also gotten the 10th anniversary Mew :DD. I'm getting back into Pokemon, hoping that I'll find one of those mythical Shiny pokemon.Wait... through a video game?
I've never found one :'(
Yea, none of my games I've ever played have I found a shiny. I started playing pokemon in like 2000. Bleh. Also, the events WERE HG and SS.
At 1/10/11 11:07 PM, SCTE3 wrote: I don't like Focus Punch one pit because the chance of you getting hit is too high.
Focus Blast, not Focus Punch. 120 base power, 70 accuracy, chance to lower opponents special defence. Good because it's one of the few powerful special fighting moves, since most are physical.
Usually like letting Tyrantiar learn surf because the enemy never sees it coming.
Aqua Tail is the better choice. Slightly less base power (90 instead of 95), but Tyranitar has much higher attack than special attack, so in the end it'll be doing more damage.
Who's excited for black and white coming out in a few months in the spring? I can't wait. I think I'm gonna go with Black version. I wonder if this will spark some protests because they think it's racist or something though?
At 1/11/11 03:21 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Also how do I use the GTS? What's a Friend Code and such?
Need to set up your DS for online first, which you do from the main menu. Then you just go to the GTS trade thing, speak to the woman, and it'll give you a friend code and a Pal Pad which you put other people's codes in, then you're good to go.
Friend Code is only for trading with specific people, though. If you're just using GTS you don't need to know the other person's.
At 1/13/11 11:31 AM, SCTE3 wrote: Also what to do with my team? What other two Pokemon should I add to it?
If I remember, Thechampion is Lance the dragon master, so a Good Ice type would deffinatly help, maybe Lapras?
Steam: Chubzilla100 also Check out da You Tubes
I dont think you understand the importance of clicking my sig, and the limitless prizes it holds.
Okay, so I have a Tyrogue (Lax Nature) that's level 19. Now, I'm trying to evolve him into Hitmontop, so I'm been trying to keep his Attack/Defense the same. However, anymore if I try to give him Iron, it just says it won't have any effect, but yet he'll still take Protein no problem.
Right now, his Attack/Defense are equally 25. But once, without saving afterwards, I leveled him to 20 just to see what would happen. Strangely, it's gained 1 in Attack, but 0 in Defense, thus evolving into Hitmonlee. I was tempted to just say, "Fuck it," and breed it with a Ditto at the Day Care Center, getting another baby Tyrogue in the process, but surely there's got to be an easier way than that...
It's just really annoying because I've always wanted a Hitmontop, and plus I need a great Fighting type to take on Pryce. I know I could use my Typhlosion against him, but I wanted to train my other Pokemon I don't use very, often; try to create a well-balanced team all around the same level, in other words.
At 1/14/11 11:20 PM, TwilightFox wrote: Okay, so I have a Tyrogue (Lax Nature) that's level 19. Now, I'm trying to evolve him into Hitmontop, so I'm been trying to keep his Attack/Defense the same. However, anymore if I try to give him Iron, it just says it won't have any effect, but yet he'll still take Protein no problem.
Right now, his Attack/Defense are equally 25. But once, without saving afterwards, I leveled him to 20 just to see what would happen. Strangely, it's gained 1 in Attack, but 0 in Defense, thus evolving into Hitmonlee. I was tempted to just say, "Fuck it," and breed it with a Ditto at the Day Care Center, getting another baby Tyrogue in the process, but surely there's got to be an easier way than that...
First off, you can only use those vitamins as long as the Pokemon you're using them on has less than 100 EVs in that stat. So, your Tyrogue obviously has higher than 100 in Defense, but less than 100 in Attack.
To solve your problem of stat gains, you should try fighting specific Pokemon. Each Pokemon you battle and defeat gives the Pokemon you use EVs, which are used to calculate how much a stat goes up for a level up. For every 4 EVs you get, the stat goes up by one point. Try and fight 4 things (ex: Geodude) that give Defense EVs if you want to keep them equal, and finish the rest of your level by fighting something that doesn't give either Attack or Defense EVs (ex: Zubat, Speed). If you find that you get +0 Attack this time around, simply balance it out again by battling 4 things that give Attack (ex: Machop), or reset to earlier and make sure that both Attack and Defense stay at +0.
Okay, so here's the jist of what I need help with:
I'm looking for someone to help me evolve my Dusclops into Dusknoir, so if there's anyone with a friend code or is willing to help out, that'd be great.
I'd rather die a Wolf fighting against the Herder, than die a Sheep heading for the slaughter.
AVGN Fan Club. - The Culturally Diverse Crew - The Carnivorous Crew
At 1/21/11 10:29 PM, SCTE3 wrote:At 1/21/11 10:25 PM, knightsofthecircle wrote: Okay, so here's the jist of what I need help with:I would be more than willing to help out but my problem is even though I have a good wireless signal for the DS it still says I have no connection. If you have a solution for it then I can try to help you out then.
I'm looking for someone to help me evolve my Dusclops into Dusknoir, so if there's anyone with a friend code or is willing to help out, that'd be great.
Maybe Nintendo has an answer:
Hope it helps!
I'd rather die a Wolf fighting against the Herder, than die a Sheep heading for the slaughter.
AVGN Fan Club. - The Culturally Diverse Crew - The Carnivorous Crew
At 1/21/11 10:25 PM, knightsofthecircle wrote: Okay, so here's the jist of what I need help with:
I'm looking for someone to help me evolve my Dusclops into Dusknoir, so if there's anyone with a friend code or is willing to help out, that'd be great.
I would but I think I've already used my reaper cloth....
Steam: Chubzilla100 also Check out da You Tubes
I dont think you understand the importance of clicking my sig, and the limitless prizes it holds.
At 1/22/11 07:58 AM, chubzilla100 wrote:At 1/21/11 10:25 PM, knightsofthecircle wrote: Okay, so here's the jist of what I need help with:I would but I think I've already used my reaper cloth....
I'm looking for someone to help me evolve my Dusclops into Dusknoir, so if there's anyone with a friend code or is willing to help out, that'd be great.
That's fine, I have a reaper cloth and all I need now is someone to help me evolve.
I'd rather die a Wolf fighting against the Herder, than die a Sheep heading for the slaughter.
AVGN Fan Club. - The Culturally Diverse Crew - The Carnivorous Crew
Went to GameStop to get the shiny Raikou.........but I was a week late, so I got the Entei instead. ARGH! Glad they're being re-distributed over Wifi - so I'd better find somewhere with a connection soon since they're only available for 1 week each.
I got frustrated trying to catch a Lugia w/ a Modest or Timid nature the hard way, so I said fuck it & chucked the Master Ball at it. Eventually got a Timid. Now certain roamers will be even more of a pain, but I don't care so much about the in-game Raikou & Entei at this point anyway.
On the E4 finally; hope to beat it before the new games hit stateside. Already at Karen. Been sidetracked by my other games, though.
Has anyone gotten a load of some of the new English names yet? I dare people to try & say Alomomola, Reuniclus, and/or Cofagrigus without questioning GF America's sanity.
Full English mon name list is up. Looking it over again a few more times, since I've forgotten several of them. Had to resist the urge to facepalm several times.
Case in point: THROH & SAWK.
How can you finish off anyone with that?
"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"
There seems to be a lot of little flubs I hadn't noticed in tyhe anime when I used to watch it. Although, granted, the battle mechanics in the anime don't completely reflect the game's mechanics to begin with.
Anyway, finally beat the E4 on SS after a few gazillion attempts. DAMN DRAGONS. Missed my last chance for an event Raikou......DAMMIT! At least I have the Entei, so I can get Zoroark, but I REALLY wanted the Raikou.
At 2/13/11 04:25 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
Wow that is pretty sad and slightly funny. Kind of how you can't defeat the opponent using Endeavor or Pain Split either.
Also remember, water pokemon are weak against fire.
"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"
At 2/13/11 11:36 PM, Swackman wrote: Anyway, finally beat the E4 on SS after a few gazillion attempts. DAMN DRAGONS. Missed my last chance for an event Raikou......DAMMIT! At least I have the Entei, so I can get Zoroark, but I REALLY wanted the Raikou.
I have 4 event Raikous.
What are you offering?
At 2/14/11 04:40 PM, Tetris wrote:At 2/14/11 04:15 PM, Idiot-Finder wrote: Also remember, water pokemon are weak against fire.And that Bulbasaur knows Whirlwind.
The funny thing is that only time the screw up happened that wasn't a result of dubbing error, it was PIS (Plot Induced Stupidity). I'm surprised Ash didn't die from taking those for a long period of time...(Ordering Kingler to attack Psyduck by hitting him in the head even though a season before, he knew well enough it's a bad idea).
Anyway, I didn't know Brock's mom's a zombie.
For a zombie, she looked pretty good.
In the original version...I don't get 4Kids anymore...
"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"
At 2/14/11 04:31 PM, TheMaster wrote:At 2/13/11 11:36 PM, Swackman wrote: Anyway, finally beat the E4 on SS after a few gazillion attempts. DAMN DRAGONS. Missed my last chance for an event Raikou......DAMMIT! At least I have the Entei, so I can get Zoroark, but I REALLY wanted the Raikou.I have 4 event Raikous.
What are you offering?
Nothing yet; I don't have wifi set up. But when I get that squared away, I'll let ya know.
Please may I join? And are any of you people interested in joined my group to make pokemon movies?
Please may I join? And are any of you people interested in joined my group to make pokemon movies?
Anybody got any links to pokemon creepy pasta?
Can I join? : D
Im a big fan of 1st gen, I enjoyed 2nd gen, but as for 3rd and 4th.... *ahem*
My favorite pokemon.... hmmm..... either the original ghosts or Mewtwo.
Im praying that in black and white, that even if the pokemon they come out with arent too particularly good, that the plot and gameplay will be good enough to make up for it....
Uh, sure. Don't remember much about the criteria (or if there's still any necessary), but I don't see why not.
So, what do you guys think of Smogon's latest decision to ban having Drizzle(Toad) & Swift Swim users together on the same team? Frankly, if they're gonna do that, then they should also ban Sand Stream + Sand Throw together, seeing the disturbing impact a certain mole has had lately. Having more Swift Swimmers than Sand Throwers is irrevelant.
I've also stumbled across the point behind the names of 2 Pokemon whose meanings made no sense whatsoever before; unfortunately, I wish I hadn't found out.......
Taken from Smogon resident Tortferngatr:
"Also, for the second-worst pun behind Foongus Amoonguss...say "L.G.M." (short for "little green man") and "B.E.M." (short for "bug eyed monster")
Now say "Elgyem" and "Beheeyem."
Feel the groan. Do not suppress it."
At 2/27/11 11:25 PM, Swackman wrote:
So, what do you guys think of Smogon's latest decision to ban having Drizzle(Toad) & Swift Swim users together on the same team? Frankly, if they're gonna do that, then they should also ban Sand Stream + Sand Throw together, seeing the disturbing impact a certain mole has had lately. Having more Swift Swimmers than Sand Throwers is irrevelant.
Honestly, I don't really care about the decision.
The mole did have crazy hype in the beginning, but he's just a late game sweeper. Honestly, I like Sandslash better, because he can hold a Life Orb and an adamant nature freely (the mole almost always holds the Balloon and a Jolly Nature), he lacks a weakness to Mach Punch, he has access to Stone Edge (while the mole resorts to Rock Slide), and has high enough defense to survive most priority attacks, even Choice Band Azumarril's Aqua Jet.
One massive advantage the Swift Swimmers have over Sand Throwers or Chlorophyll Pokemon is that the weather boosted their STAB. The mole has double speed in the sand, but the sand doesn't boost the power of his Ground moves. Swift Swimmers have double speed and extra STAB on their Water moves.
I've been observing various little changes in the scripts for the NPCs in HGSS as I go through the Kanto part finally, and it makes me wonder just how much is going to end up changed in BW's US versions.
For example, that old guy NPC standing in front of the Celadon Gym? In the old games, he was gawking over the Gym being full of nothing but chicks. In HGSS, they changed his line to say 'strong Trainers' instead. Like that was really such a big problem that it required changing.
Before that, at the Vermillion Gym, when Surge was giving the before-battle speech, the line I clearly remember in the old GB games as "I'll zap you just like I did my enemies at war!" had that last part changed to "all my enemies in battle!" Uh, last I checked, as the title before his name would imply, HE'S A FRICKING ARMY LIEUTENANT! You'd think that maybe he's been in at least one or two wars?
Of course, one can just get the GB games somewhere & play em, and see the fricking original lines anyway, leaving these changes ABSOLUTELY FRICKING POINTLESS.
"LOGIC was released. Bye-bye, LOGIC!"
At 2/28/11 12:22 AM, verycoolguy wrote: One massive advantage the Swift Swimmers have over Sand Throwers or Chlorophyll Pokemon is that the weather boosted their STAB. The mole has double speed in the sand, but the sand doesn't boost the power of his Ground moves. Swift Swimmers have double speed and extra STAB on their Water moves.
Crap, right, there is that.....