At 10/15/10 02:12 AM, HibiscusKazeneko wrote:
Hmmm, I'm struggling to piece together your line of logic.
So you can only use Pokémon's abilities during set periods of time, and then only from a DSi?
There is nothing about the game that is different on the DS, or the DSi... I never said anything about anything being exclusive on either. When I say DS, I mean any handheld console able to play the games, such as DS, DSlite, DSi, 3DS, etc.
I'm saying that Dream World is a WiFi feature. The Pokemon with the extra abliities from Dream World are released during set periods of time. I'm not saying that they are only usable during those periods of time, but that they are attainable. Once you attain a Dream World Vaporeon, you're free to use it whenever you want.
My problem with Pokemon-Online's system is that you can use every Dream World ability. I'm not liking how you can use Drought Ninetales on PO, because you can't use Drought Ninetales on the DS, because it has not been released on Dream World yet. I just don't like how you can use teams on the simulator that are not yet possible to use on the DS.
Let's say there will be an event Dragonite with the move Aeroblast, and the event will come out in two years. Would it really make sense if Shoddybattle or Pokemon-Online enable Aeroblast on Dragonite even when the event hasn't come out yet? It's like playing with a Pokemon that does not exist.