I believe the notion of T-Wave hitting Ground-types was tested & disproven already, so don't worry about it.
Also, if you think the items-in-battle thing will fuck things up, both players can now see each other's teams BEFORE THE BATTLE STARTS. In other words, leads are dead. However, it does make room for even more strategies to open up, so it's a tolerable change.
As far as the new TM/HM list, Stealth Rock gone pretty much forces Gen IV transferring, which is really a good thing since SR was getting a bit out of control anyway. Roost, sadly, is also gone, as well as Dark Pulse. Secret Power........ehhhh, who cares about that, anyway?
As far as new toys for old 'mons:
Luxray finally gets the STAB it's always wanted in Wild Bolt, while Flareon...............only gets Nitro Charge. Well, at least one of the two got something.
Feraligatr, thanks to Encourage (which, thankfully, ISN'T as broken an ability as I thought, like Paradox figured), might make it into OU due to Waterfall basically receiving DOUBLE-STAB, and all its other moves that Encourage affects (Ice Fang, Crunch, etc.) receiving pseudo-STAB. I think the gator just ate Gyara for breakfast.
Dragonite got even more fun new toys to play with. Gale, which is an all-weather, Flying-type version of Thunder, lets it work its way onto ANY Weather-based team - but esp. Rain, so it can have a Gale / Thunder / Surf or Aqua Tail / Outrage moveset & just tear a giant fucking hole in other teams. Bulky sets now have the Multi-Scale ability to make them even sturdier than before, meaning one will be hard-pressed to get rid of it w/o Ice spamming (and even then Multi-Scale will let it live through it when at full health anyway).
Pidgeot also gets Gale, as well as Cheer Up as an actual boosting move. So, it isn't quite at the bottom of the proverbial barrel anymore. No, it'll still probably remain in a lower tier, but it might actually work its way up to UU (where our 2 new auto-Weather 'mons will most likely be).