For once, I'm not that impressed with the starters; the evos had better make up for it.
Ditto is sad. :/ I wonder how this Illusion ability truly works - is it a random change, or is it somehow controllable?
At 5/13/10 01:30 AM, Ashman wrote:
At 5/12/10 04:51 PM, Swackman wrote:
Ok, the leaked scans are in. Discussion time.
Hm, a pig, a snowman, and..........I don't know what the Grass one is supposed to be, since it looks nothing like a snake. Safe to say the snowman will be the first Water/Ice starter line (well, at least it'll end up Water/Ice by evolution); if it doesn't, I'll buy a hat & eat it.
its a fire pig, a water otter, and a grass snake, i just wanna see what they do with the evolutions for em
Yeah, but the snake & otter look neither like a snake nor an otter. Pokabu is the only one that looks like what it says it is.
Huh, older protagonists this time; finally it's a little more 'realistic'.
every game the girl protagonist has less clothes, damn the japanese pervs lol
Actually, what I meant was that sending 10-year-old kids out, by themselves, into the wild to hunt monsters is rather hard to swallow, in realistic terms. Teenagers makes considerably more sense.
At 5/13/10 05:38 AM, Ashman wrote:
At 5/13/10 02:28 AM, Gobblemeister wrote:
I can see the pig being cool if it becomes some kind of awesome fire boar with kickass tusks and shit.
thats probably gunna end up being the same type as camerupt, a fire/ground type by the looks of it
That's what I figure. Hopefully it'll have better defenses than the volcanic camel, because a 4x weakness will cut down its usability just like it did with Torterra.