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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-29 06:51:46

At 4/29/10 02:31 AM, RedQuito wrote: So, anyone have any suggestion on what attacks and items I give it?

I don't Dragon Dance on mine, since he's got the HP and defences to survive hits, so he can do without the speed boost, and his attack is high enough to guarantee at least a 2-hit KO on the majority of Pokemon.

Mine is:

Tyranitar @ Life Orb
Stone Edge
Aqua Tail

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-29 21:33:40

I've researched about Tyranitar and I was looking for a good Dark type move for it,
I also saw that it's Base Speed Stat is a low 61. Now I want to know which is better.
Payback or Crunch?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-29 23:09:34

How does one go upon joining this club?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-30 03:28:41

At 4/29/10 09:33 PM, RedQuito wrote: I've researched about Tyranitar and I was looking for a good Dark type move for it,
I also saw that it's Base Speed Stat is a low 61. Now I want to know which is better.
Payback or Crunch?

Depends how you're going to do your EV spread. If you're going for a really bulky Tyranitar, with everything going into attack and HP/defences, go with payback, but if you're going to invest some in speed, go with crunch.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-30 05:26:37

At 4/30/10 03:28 AM, TheMaster wrote: Depends how you're going to do your EV spread. If you're going for a really bulky Tyranitar, with everything going into attack and HP/defences, go with payback, but if you're going to invest some in speed, go with crunch.

I'm gonna go with Payback with these EV's: Atk 252 HP 124 Def 64 SpD 64.
Also, anyone have an extra Salac berry? I need it for my Feraligatr.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-30 10:36:52

At 4/30/10 05:26 AM, RedQuito wrote: I'm gonna go with Payback with these EV's: Atk 252 HP 124 Def 64 SpD 64.
Also, anyone have an extra Salac berry? I need it for my Feraligatr.

I've got like 20 of them.

I'll give it for nothing if you don't have anything, but if you have a DeepSeaScale/DeepSeaTooth or Dusk Stone, I'd take that for it.

Alternatively, any of these Pokemon:


Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-30 21:52:58

At 4/30/10 10:36 AM, TheMaster wrote: I'll give it for nothing if you don't have anything, but if you have a DeepSeaScale/DeepSeaTooth or Dusk Stone, I'd take that for it.

Alternatively, any of these Pokemon:


Sorry but I don't have any of those, but if you need one I can try to track one down.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-30 22:15:49

At 4/30/10 09:52 PM, RedQuito wrote: Sorry but I don't have any of those, but if you need one I can try to track one down.

I've got the lot now, just missing Mew and Celebi, who haven't been distributed yet.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-30 22:23:22

At 4/30/10 10:15 PM, TheMaster wrote: I've got the lot now, just missing Mew and Celebi, who haven't been distributed yet.

I just got an Adamant natured Makuhita in the Slowpoke well.
You want it?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-01 06:37:08

At 4/30/10 10:23 PM, RedQuito wrote:
At 4/30/10 10:15 PM, TheMaster wrote: I've got the lot now, just missing Mew and Celebi, who haven't been distributed yet.
I just got an Adamant natured Makuhita in the Slowpoke well.
You want it?

I'll take anything. I have dittos of all the useful natures so I can breed for whatever natures I want.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-01 07:42:12

May I join?
I love to get my DS out and play Pokemon. I bought my DS years ago, almost as soon as they came out and Pokemon Pearl is the only game I ever bought for it. It is always on the side in my bedroom with Pokemon Pearl and Sapphire in it. Long Live Pokemon.

By the way my favourite was got to be Exeggutor.

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-01 12:50:07

Does anyone have a Trapinch they can trade me? I'm offering a Murkrow that knows Drill Peck.

Also would anyone like to battle one day?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-02 22:19:28

I'll be in a WiFi area for an hour or two. If anyone will trade me now would be best.
My friend code is 4211 6577 2088, name's Red.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-02 22:33:05

Also please put your friend code so I can register you.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-03 16:28:07

i am currently bored with grinding levels to beat red so i have started to form a secondary team:

Main team:
Feraligatr- LVL 54
Snorlax- LVL 54
Dragonite- LVL 57
Lugia- LVL 54
(Migrated) Latios- LVL 45
(Trade) Typhlosion- LVL 56

Alt team:
(Trade) Arcanine- LVL 23
(Trade) Scizor- LVL 20
(Trade) Machop- LVL 20
(Trade) Alakazam- LVL 22
Noctowl- LVL 17
Krabby- LVL 19

i will be leveling up my alt team alot, but fighting wild pokemon is alot of work

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-04 20:36:33

Ugh..... I have a dilemma... I had held off buying HGSS for a while because I wanted to get my Wifi set up, and I thought the Yellow Forest Wifi thing ran until Sunday......whoops. I don't have a wireless router (yet), and the closest place that has Wifi signals (the La Quinta Inn next door) has a firewall in the way.

Blargh, I want mah Surfin' Pika, dammit!!!

Does GameStop have a hotspot there? I know it worked for the Jirachi event, but is it accessible all the time, or just when they specifically say it is?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-06 05:54:07

At 5/4/10 08:36 PM, Swackman wrote: Ugh..... I have a dilemma... I had held off buying HGSS for a while because I wanted to get my Wifi set up, and I thought the Yellow Forest Wifi thing ran until Sunday......whoops.

Well at least there's a new route you can pick up starting from today (and until late June): Winner's Path.

And I gotta say, the items and Pokemon in this route are amazing. You can get all 3 Choice Items, Focus Sashes, Power and White Herbs, several status healing Berries, and the Pokemon in the area all know special moves they don't normally get from levelling up. Some of the Pokemon are holding great items too, like Leftovers.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-06 05:56:19

At 5/6/10 05:54 AM, mrbobbyjoe wrote: Well at least there's a new route you can pick up starting from today (and until late June): Winner's Path.

Bleh, really sorry for double posting, but the link I put somehow got cut off partway through. Here is the (hopefully) working one.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-06 07:25:19

At 5/6/10 05:54 AM, mrbobbyjoe wrote: And I gotta say, the items and Pokemon in this route are amazing. You can get all 3 Choice Items, Focus Sashes, Power and White Herbs, several status healing Berries, and the Pokemon in the area all know special moves they don't normally get from levelling up. Some of the Pokemon are holding great items too, like Leftovers.

Only Munchlax has exclusive moves. Everyone else can get them through breeding or tutors. Snorlax CAN get the moves he knows here, but only in Gen III, so you'd have to use Pal Park to get one if you don't use the route.

Still, looks pretty ace. Could be a nice way to farm Focus Sashes, rather than spending all that BP on them.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-06 14:40:43

At 5/6/10 07:25 AM, TheMaster wrote: Only Munchlax has exclusive moves. Everyone else can get them through breeding or tutors. Snorlax CAN get the moves he knows here, but only in Gen III, so you'd have to use Pal Park to get one if you don't use the route.

Even if they get it through breeding/tutors, it's still not things they can learn from normal leveling up, which is what I was getting at. All of the moves can be gotten through some way in the game, so it's not like it's all that special, but I think it's pretty neat.

Still, looks pretty ace. Could be a nice way to farm Focus Sashes, rather than spending all that BP on them.

It really is useful. I've already gotten the Choice set from connecting with friends, no luck with Focus Sashes yet though.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-06 18:02:43

Yeah, at least there's that. ^_^ Having a NukeLax (lol) would be great. And I can always trade for a Surfing Pika.

I still need to buy a wireless router, though. At least they (can) run cheap - which is all I require for the DS anyway.


The new Starters are going to be revealed soon. So far, the previous gens have been pretty solid with them, so let's hope they continue the trend. Just no Fire/Fighting again; two is quite enough. But they did give unique type combos with Torterra & Empoleon, so I guess this'll be the year for Fire........I hope..........

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-06 18:23:10

At 5/6/10 06:02 PM, Swackman wrote: So far, the previous gens have been pretty solid with them, so let's hope they continue the trend.

I didn't particularly like gen 3, and gen 4 was awful.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-12 16:51:53

Ok, the leaked scans are in. Discussion time.

Hm, a pig, a snowman, and..........I don't know what the Grass one is supposed to be, since it looks nothing like a snake. Safe to say the snowman will be the first Water/Ice starter line (well, at least it'll end up Water/Ice by evolution); if it doesn't, I'll buy a hat & eat it.

Huh, older protagonists this time; finally it's a little more 'realistic'.

At 5/6/10 06:23 PM, TheMaster wrote:
At 5/6/10 06:02 PM, Swackman wrote: So far, the previous gens have been pretty solid with them, so let's hope they continue the trend.
I didn't particularly like gen 3, and gen 4 was awful.

Wha? Infernape & Sceptile are the shit.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-13 01:30:51

At 5/12/10 04:51 PM, Swackman wrote: Ok, the leaked scans are in. Discussion time.

Hm, a pig, a snowman, and..........I don't know what the Grass one is supposed to be, since it looks nothing like a snake. Safe to say the snowman will be the first Water/Ice starter line (well, at least it'll end up Water/Ice by evolution); if it doesn't, I'll buy a hat & eat it.

its a fire pig, a water otter, and a grass snake, i just wanna see what they do with the evolutions for em

Huh, older protagonists this time; finally it's a little more 'realistic'.

every game the girl protagonist has less clothes, damn the japanese pervs lol

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-13 02:28:54

I really hope the new starters have awesome evolutions

I can see the pig being cool if it becomes some kind of awesome fire boar with kickass tusks and shit.

A grass anaconda would be fucking sweet too.

As for the snowman otter thing...well I guess I never liked water starters after Squirtle as is anyway.

(Though Empoleon was cool)

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-13 05:38:22

At 5/13/10 02:28 AM, Gobblemeister wrote: I can see the pig being cool if it becomes some kind of awesome fire boar with kickass tusks and shit.

thats probably gunna end up being the same type as camerupt, a fire/ground type by the looks of it

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-13 07:03:42

At 5/13/10 05:38 AM, Ashman wrote:
At 5/13/10 02:28 AM, Gobblemeister wrote: I can see the pig being cool if it becomes some kind of awesome fire boar with kickass tusks and shit.
thats probably gunna end up being the same type as camerupt, a fire/ground type by the looks of it

I would have to disagree, the black in it's "fur" pattern suggest it would be a fire/dark type. Think Houndour, but as a starter and defensive

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-13 08:06:21

Grass better keep that smug smarmy look all the way through to its final evolution or I won't be happy.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-13 08:18:34

At 5/13/10 07:03 AM, GUnit0001 wrote:
At 5/13/10 05:38 AM, Ashman wrote:
At 5/13/10 02:28 AM, Gobblemeister wrote: I can see the pig being cool if it becomes some kind of awesome fire boar with kickass tusks and shit.
thats probably gunna end up being the same type as camerupt, a fire/ground type by the looks of it
I would have to disagree, the black in it's "fur" pattern suggest it would be a fire/dark type. Think Houndour, but as a starter and defensive

yeah i was thinking that as a second guess

i cant help but look at these and see other pokemon, pig one = spoink/grumpig
the grass one is essentially a treecko, and the water ones pretty generic, they havent really changed much for these, they better step it up for the evolutions

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-05-13 15:01:35

For once, I'm not that impressed with the starters; the evos had better make up for it.

Ditto is sad. :/ I wonder how this Illusion ability truly works - is it a random change, or is it somehow controllable?

At 5/13/10 01:30 AM, Ashman wrote:
At 5/12/10 04:51 PM, Swackman wrote: Ok, the leaked scans are in. Discussion time.

Hm, a pig, a snowman, and..........I don't know what the Grass one is supposed to be, since it looks nothing like a snake. Safe to say the snowman will be the first Water/Ice starter line (well, at least it'll end up Water/Ice by evolution); if it doesn't, I'll buy a hat & eat it.
its a fire pig, a water otter, and a grass snake, i just wanna see what they do with the evolutions for em

Yeah, but the snake & otter look neither like a snake nor an otter. Pokabu is the only one that looks like what it says it is.

Huh, older protagonists this time; finally it's a little more 'realistic'.
every game the girl protagonist has less clothes, damn the japanese pervs lol

Actually, what I meant was that sending 10-year-old kids out, by themselves, into the wild to hunt monsters is rather hard to swallow, in realistic terms. Teenagers makes considerably more sense.

At 5/13/10 05:38 AM, Ashman wrote:
At 5/13/10 02:28 AM, Gobblemeister wrote: I can see the pig being cool if it becomes some kind of awesome fire boar with kickass tusks and shit.
thats probably gunna end up being the same type as camerupt, a fire/ground type by the looks of it

That's what I figure. Hopefully it'll have better defenses than the volcanic camel, because a 4x weakness will cut down its usability just like it did with Torterra.