now im just wondering if theyre gunna do some more eevee evolutions, and what other pokemon theyre going to ruin with rubbish evolutions or prevolutions, some they made were good, but some were just unnecessary
now im just wondering if theyre gunna do some more eevee evolutions, and what other pokemon theyre going to ruin with rubbish evolutions or prevolutions, some they made were good, but some were just unnecessary
Pfft. They should have tried something new and went with a Fighting/Dark/Psychic starter trio. These guys look kinda lame, but even if they evolve into something awesome, it'll just seem...boring.
The more I look at the new starters, the more I like them. I love the grass and fire ones, but the water one is shit.
Compared to other generations:
Bulbasaur - Great
Charmander - Good
Squirtle - Great
Chikorita - Shit
Totodile - Great
Cyndaquil - Okay
Treeko - Okay
Torchic - Shit
Mudkip - Okay
Turtwig - Good
Chimchar - Poor
Piplup - Shit
New grass - Great
New fire - Great
New water - Shit
I think my team is getting together quite nicely. I only need a salac berry for my feraligatr,
a damp rock for my ampharos and a petaya berry for a charizard I'm hoping to train.
Imfearal (Feraligatr)_Lvl.61_Jolly_Salac Berry (Hoping)_252 Atk_252 Spe_4 HP
Swords Dance
Ice Punch
Cotton (Ampharos)_Lvl.60_Mild_Damp Rock (Hoping)_?
Focus Blast
Rain Dance
Signal Beam
Baraking (Nidoking)_Lvl.61_Naughty_Life Orb_?
Ice Beam
Bakuno (Hypno)_Lvl.60_Gentle_Big Root_252 HP_128 Atk_128 SpA
Drain Punch
Dream Eater
Destiny (Tyranitar)_Lvl.57_Adamant_Choice Band_252 Atk_128 HP_64 Def_64 SpD
Stone Edge
Fire Fang/FirePunch
Thunder Fang/ThunderPunch
Hoping to train:
Charizard_Modest_Petaya Berry_252 SpA_252 Spe_4 Def
Sunny Day
Fire Blast
If you have any comments or suggestions I'd be glad to hear them.
Also about the new generation, looks like the battling animations look
better as seen in this CoroCoro page. le:CoroCoro_BW7.jpg
anyone have a heatran or a rotom i can have? i offer
electrive lvl 4
magmortar lvl 14
scizor lvl 14
At 5/20/10 06:34 PM, Whoshotdabear wrote: Whereas Pokemon White version has a Ghost/Steel type that kinda looks like the Flatwoods monster.
I love you for this link, even though it's not Pokemon related.
Would anyone be able to trade a Starly and/or a Trapinch to me?
I'll give out a Murkrow that knows Drill Peck and/or a Bulbasaur that knows Power Whip and Leaf Storm.
Huh, this Illusion ability apparently is some weird cross between Transform & Substitute. To what extent the transformation is remains to be seen, although I thought something was said about the user retaining its original type. Definitely a unique twist on things.
Regarding the starters, I have high hopes for the pig's evolutions; a giant warthog with a fiery mane & flaming tusks......that would be the shit. Still not sold on the other two, despite the 'snake' garnering some attention. Hopefully it'll evolve into.......y'know, an ACTUAL snake.
At 5/20/10 06:34 PM, Whoshotdabear wrote: Dude!! You guys should totally check out theb new legendaries for Pokemon B&W They look kickass
Pokemon Black version has this Dark/Dragon type with a Dark type equivalent to hyper beam.
Whereas Pokemon White version has a Ghost/Steel type that kinda looks like the Flatwoods monster.
They both look awesome you really see this shit for yourself.
The first link was amusing, but the second one just pissed me off. I don't like losing control of my comp for any length of time, joke or not. I thought you stuck a virus in there, at first.
I'll let it slide, though.
At 5/21/10 02:22 AM, Aci6 wrote:At 5/13/10 06:28 PM, TheMaster wrote: The more I look at the new starters, the more I like them. I love the grass and fire ones, but the water one is shit.Totodile - GreatHow was Totodile great?
Because it evolves into awesomeness.
So anyway yeah I'm thinking about getting into the metagame, but I've no idea where to even begin with choosing a team.
At 5/21/10 09:07 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: So anyway yeah I'm thinking about getting into the metagame, but I've no idea where to even begin with choosing a team.
Choose Pokemon you like, then look for ways to use them competitively. If it turns out they're totally unusable, as many are, swap them out.
Or just go on a Smogon and choose 6 from the 30 or so on the OU tier list and have the same team as everyone else.
At 5/21/10 09:07 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: So anyway yeah I'm thinking about getting into the metagame, but I've no idea where to even begin with choosing a team.
Get Pokemon/moves with type coverage and resistances. Lots and lots of type advantages. I don't know what you're thinking using, but always keep that in mind when building a team. Well, unless it's a gimmick team like a mono-type or something, but even then you still want to try and work with typings.
At 5/22/10 08:06 PM, Aci6 wrote:At 5/21/10 05:59 PM, Swackman wrote:No it never, I already explained and questioned how anyone could like it. It had a good move pool but that was about it. It looked retarded if anything.At 5/21/10 02:22 AM, Aci6 wrote:How was Totodile great?Because it evolves into awesomeness.
I actually hated Feraligatr's move pool
Mainly because of it's typing. it's a water type with a high physical attack stat which means there a re virtually no good STAB's and a more than fair number of weaknesses. It is inferior statistically to all the other water types including Empoleon, Blastoise, and Swampert (Swampert having the best stats overall of any starter).
I thought it looked 'okay' but I don't really care too much about appearances. Except for when it came to my Qwilfish. I love that little guy.
At 5/22/10 08:06 PM, Aci6 wrote: No it never, I already explained and questioned how anyone could like it. It had a good move pool but that was about it. It looked retarded if anything.
Totodile was the best starter from that generation imo. Chikorita was alright, and Cyndaquil was meh.
At 5/23/10 02:18 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote: Totodile was the best starter from that generation imo. Chikorita was alright, and Cyndaquil was meh.
Eh, I always liked Cyndaquil the most out of the Johto ones. I tend to like the Fire-type starters. Chikorita and Totodile were both okay in my opinion.
Come to think of it, there are no Pokemon that I can think of off the top of my head that I completely dislike lol.
At 5/23/10 04:22 AM, mrbobbyjoe wrote: Come to think of it, there are no Pokemon that I can think of off the top of my head that I completely dislike lol.
Bidoof. I hate that little rodent with its buck-toothed jeer...
At 5/23/10 06:35 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote: Bidoof. I hate that little rodent with its buck-toothed jeer...
Well at least it and its evolution are arguably the best HM slaves in the game, so there's some use for it. It's not too great for anything else, but having any combination of 6 HMs on one Pokemon is pretty useful.
The new Legendaries (Reshiram & Zekrom) are here. As I suspected, they're, well, white & black, respectively, and there's a 95% chance they're Dragons. Also most likely that Zekrom's the first Dark/Dragon of the franchise. Given that, and the assumption that the 2 of them are opposites or whatever, I'm really starting to think GF is breaking down & creating a Light-type........
So. Zekrom. Bad-ass Pokemon, or MOST bad-ass Pokemon?
It's like Mewtwo fused with Batman!
Aaaand I was right - they're part-Dragon. And conveniently, their secondary types were not mentioned.
At 5/28/10 10:06 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: So. Zekrom. Bad-ass Pokemon, or MOST bad-ass Pokemon?
It's like Mewtwo fused with Batman!
Both of them have the best Legendary designs I've seen in some time.
I prefer Wifi, but I can battle on Shoddy too.
My friend code is 0088 4769 3601.
hmm, just got this off serebii, zekrom may be a dragon + electric type, although its not confirmed
At 6/3/10 11:42 AM, Machop90 wrote: Alright, It seems like Zekrom is dragon-electric, while Reshiram is just a dragon type for the time being. I think that there are too many dragon type legendaries. There are the Eon Duo, Rayquasza from the weather trio, Palkia, Giratina, and Dialga, the legendary dragons, and (partly) Arceus.
I think that's pretty much dismissed as a fuckup by the woman who said it, seeing as that comment was almost immediately removed. My money's still on Dark/Dragon. However, Reshiram COULD be Electric/Dragon, as maybe she could've just accidentally said the wrong Dragon of the two.
But yeah, it'd be nice to have a few less Dragon Legendaries for once.
I don't think its too much to ask for a different type legendary. But, I'm not Shigeru Miamoto, so it's not my decision.
You mean Satoshi Tajiri. Mr. Miyamoto isn't responsible for EVERYTHING that Nintendo has a part of - just the Big Two.
While I'm on a type rant, I'll just say that I always thought that Squirtle/Wartotrle/Blastoise should have been the Gold/Silver water type starter evolution, and have Blastoise be a water/steel, which would make more sense than a penguin being water/steel.
Well, Blastoise does learn Flash Cannon. But, really, the only metallic parts of it are just those little cannons, while Empoleon is completely metallic-clad.
If anyone from Australia is interested, the Wish Jirachi event is on now, at Big W and Toys 'R' Us stores. I just went and grabbed mine yesterday.
At 5/31/10 01:31 PM, Ashman wrote: hmm, just got this off serebii, zekrom may be a dragon + electric type, although its not confirmed
In other news from Serebii they just recently validated all the work I put into training my Qwilfish Hindenburg.
At 6/8/10 04:12 AM, Aci6 wrote: How does that work anyway? There's a Big W nearby where I live I could go pick it up. Though in all respect I haven't played pokemon since beating HeartGold and playing through a bit of Platinum. I think its fair to say HeartGold was a weak game.
You just selected Mystery Gift on the main menu, and select "Get via Wireless", and your game should pick it up automatically.
And I really don't think it's fair to say that HG/SS was a weak game, since it is actually much deeper than any other Pokemon game to date. Actually useful integration of the touch screen, Pokethlon as opposed to boring as fuck contests, and 16 badges, with two regions to explore... what other handheld main Pokemon game comes even close to this level of depth?
At 6/8/10 04:56 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote: what other handheld main Pokemon game comes even close to this level of depth?
Gold, silver, and crystal.
hyuk hyuk
...........They are just hellbent on NOT making a Light-type for whatever reason, aren't they?
Well, if I had really bet money on Zekrom's typing, I would've lost - it IS Electric/Dragon, with Reshiram being a just-as-odd Fire/Dragon.
Also, for the first time ever, it looks like we get a young female Professor. I get the feeling GF must actually pay some attention to fangames.
I can't believe this has ended up a double-post..........seriously, there's quite a bit of new info to chew on, here.
Is anyone worried about that new ability the orangutan is getting? It's Fire-type, which is an almost guarantee that it gets Overheat. If I'm interpreting that ability correctly, and the Sp.Atk drop is negated, that's scary, even if its stats are somewhat low since it's still a 140 STAB.
Me wants zebra.
At 6/8/10 07:49 AM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:At 6/8/10 04:56 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote: what other handheld main Pokemon game comes even close to this level of depth?Gold, silver, and crystal.
hyuk hyuk
Hyuk Hyuk Hyuk
At 6/17/10 05:59 PM, Swackman wrote: Is anyone worried about that new ability the orangutan is getting? It's Fire-type, which is an almost guarantee that it gets Overheat. If I'm interpreting that ability correctly, and the Sp.Atk drop is negated, that's scary, even if its stats are somewhat low since it's still a 140 STAB.
Depends if it only negates positive effects, such as the 10% chance of burn on most fire attacks. Remember that the abilities that negate stat drops don't have any effect on stuff like Overheat or Superpower.
Seriously, watch this. THE POWER OF THE SNORLAX COMPELS YOU!!!!!!
Anyway, I've been playing SS for the last 2-3 days, which is the first time I've played it since I bought it. Since then, I've realized that the stupid way I was going about EV training on Platinum took the enjoyment out of it, so I'm thinking of restarting it - that is, if one of you guys could hold onto my event Jirachi temporarily once I get a router? I'd rather not lose an event Poke if I can avoid it. Also, my Kadabra, since that'd evolve it anyway, and I got damn lucky with the Sp.Atk. IV's.
In speaking of that, I procrastinated too long again, as the Champ Path event ends on Friday - which means I'd better hurry if I want a NukeLax.
At 6/18/10 02:51 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote:At 6/17/10 05:59 PM, Swackman wrote: Is anyone worried about that new ability the orangutan is getting? It's Fire-type, which is an almost guarantee that it gets Overheat. If I'm interpreting that ability correctly, and the Sp.Atk drop is negated, that's scary, even if its stats are somewhat low since it's still a 140 STAB.Depends if it only negates positive effects, such as the 10% chance of burn on most fire attacks. Remember that the abilities that negate stat drops don't have any effect on stuff like Overheat or Superpower.
Yeah, but it sounds slightly different than that; it says all secondary effects of the user's attacks are disabled, which would include stat drops - as they are secondary. I dunno', hard to say.
At 6/22/10 08:45 PM, Aci6 wrote:At 6/8/10 04:56 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote: And I really don't think it's fair to say that HG/SS was a weak game, since it is actually much deeper than any other Pokemon game to date. Actually useful integration of the touch screen,Annoying to navigate.
Not for me. Actually, a little easier.
Pokethlon as opposed to boring as fuck contests,I concur.
Agreed. Please, let Gen 5 have that as a 3rd option - since I don't see Contests actually going away.