At 4/14/10 07:27 AM, GenericName54 wrote:
Does this seem like a good team to anyone? It's meant for double battles and I have Pikachu and Gengar heading the party, by the way.
I'm not the best at Doubles, but from what I've seen with other Doubles players, you might want to put Protect on a few of your Pokemon. It'll keep you from damaging your own team with things like Earthquake, Surf, and Discharge, and can be used to keep yourself alive a bit longer if you have an obvious target on the field. Also, just as a note, you could put some priority moves on your Pokemon. This might not be as effective in Doubles as in Singles, but you never know when you might need that extra little hit to clear a threat off the field.
Also, before you read, just note that I have some bias towards having as much coverage as possible on each Pokemon. This is probably due to me only playing in Singles and not knowing as much about Doubles as I'd like to. Feel free to not follow what I say if you think it'd be detrimental to your team, but you can at least consider it.
Gengar (Black Sludge) - Hypnosis, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Rain Dance
EV dist - 252 spd, 252 sp att, 4 sp def
Timid Nature
You might want to swap Gengar's Black Sludge for something else, since Gengar's so frail anyway. Wide Lens might be a good replacement to boost Hypnosis' shaky accuracy. I'd also replace Sludge Bomb with something else (maybe Focus Blast to also make some use of the Wide Lens?), since Poison's not that great of an attacking type anyway, even with STAB. When are you going to need to hit a Grass-type specifically with Poison anyway?
Snorlax (Leftovers) - Defense Curl, Amnesia, Rollout, Belly Drum
EV dist - 64 HP, 128 att, 128 sp def, 188 def
Impish Nature
While DC + Rollout's a nice strategy, people can easily switch something resistant to it while you're locked into Rollout, giving them a bit of time to set up while Rollout does relatively poorly against them. I'm not so sure how effective it is after a Belly Drum, but that's just what me and my more careful style of gameplay would go with.
Pikachu (Light Ball) - Thunder, Thunderpunch, Discharge, Surf
EV dist - 252 spd, 128 att, 128 sp att
Hasty Nature
3 Electric moves seems like overkill. I'd probably stick to either hitting from the physical or the special side, and pick your respective move. For reference, with your current EV distribution, Pikachu's Special Attack is lower than Gengar's, even factoring in the Light Ball. Surf, while it sounds nice, wouldn't be doing as well as a single-target move, what with Doubles and its 3/4 damage rule for multi-target attacks. I suppose that's why you have Rain Dance (and for Thunder spam), but what happens once it runs out and Gengar is KO'd?
I'd opt for something like Grass Knot, just since it'll probably hit harder than Surf (against Pikachu's counters at least) in regular conditions anyway, and it provides consistent damage. You're probably using Surf to hit things like Ground-types that are immune to Electric, but seeing as most Ground-types have rather bad typings and several of them are so heavy, Grass Knot can do a number on them. It also doesn't hit your partner, which I'm sure would help you. If you plan on spamming Surf and Discharge, you might want to consider pairing Pikachu up with someone that has Water Absorb, Volt Absorb, or Motor Drive, to boost your own team while hurting the opponents.
Mamoswine (Icy Rock) - Avalanche, Earthquake, Hail, Toxic
EV dist - 252 att, 88 HP, 84 def, 84 sp def
Brave Nature
Mamoswine doesn't seem too bad. However, I'm not sure if it has the defenses to take a hit for Avalanche's effect. You could replace Avalanche with Ice Shard if you want for a priority hit, but you can go with what you want. I'm also not so sure why Toxic is on here. I don't have anything in mind as to what I'd replace it with, but having a status move on a rather slow, hard hitter just seems sort of odd to me.
Hariyama (Black Belt) - Bulk Up, Superpower, Close Combat, Brick Break
EV dist - 252 att, 252 HP, 4 sp def
Adamant Nature
Same problem with Pikachu, having 3 Fighting moves is overkill. I know you've already posted addressing this set, so I'll just let you deal with this. I'd personally recommend Close Combat over Superpower, since Hariyama's defenses are rather lackluster, and I personally wouldn't want to have to keep using Bulk Up to deal consistent damage with Superpower.
If you're going to be swapping around moves, you might also want to change your held item accordingly to get the most out of it.
Espeon (Light Clay) - Psychic, Reflect, Light Screen, Helping Hand
EV dist - 252 sp att, 128 def, 128 sp def
Modest Nature
No real problem with this set if all you're doing is using dual screens. You might want to invest in Speed though, just to make sure you set the screens up as fast as possible. You could shift the Special Attack EVs to Speed, since Espeon can already hit decently with Psychic anyway, and then it'd be a useful team member for cleaning up weakened opponents.
At 4/14/10 02:45 AM, Aci6 wrote:
Also, if you use a Ratata (or any which learns the following moves) and give it a focus sash you can use Endure (take the opponent down to 1 HP) and then quick attack as your next move.
I think you meant Endeavor there. Endure would just be doing the same thing as the Focus Sash. But yeah, FEAR Rattatas are freaking hilarious. If only it wasn't so blatantly obvious as soon as you sent it out, I'm sure it would be used more often.