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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-10 08:16:06

At 4/10/10 01:07 AM, Aci6 wrote:
At 4/9/10 12:32 PM, Bahamut wrote: Black and White? That's the best names they came up with for the new games? Uninspired titles aside, I'm hoping for a huge improvement from Diamond and Pearl.
Well my friend translated the website into saying 'Pokemon Reborn' so I'm hoping it'll be a big revamp.

It has some promises so far but of course, I've got to hear more about the games first. Hopefully the new set of Pokemon will be better than the fourth generation which the majority were baby/evolved forms of older Pokemon. That's what really disappointed me about the latest generation, despite using some of them in my teams such as Magnezone.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-10 10:03:52

black and white??? well... i am kinda proud of those names, because it took them so long to get to those colors....even they are the most basic colors in existence...


so i tried to fight red with my pokemon...it took me 3 max revives and 2 normal revives JUST to beat his pikachu...WTF

so i turned the game off and used an escape rope


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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-10 11:04:12

At 4/10/10 10:03 AM, deathofghosts wrote: so i tried to fight red with my pokemon...it took me 3 max revives and 2 normal revives JUST to beat his pikachu...WTF

so i turned the game off and used an escape rope

I could do him if it weren't for the fucking Hail. Blizzard never missing is a nightmare, makes Lapras and Blastoise a real pain.

Think I'll have to get a hold of a Rain Dance TM, have Feraligatr set that up, and then bring in Ampharos and keep hitting with Thunder.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-10 11:44:21

Just bought an SP and have been nostalgifying playing Red nonstop. I currently have six badges and am on my way to Fuschia City.

Proud supporter of Asian prostitutes in need.

PSN ID:Peegler

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-10 15:07:21

WOW............the graphics have REEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY jumped up several notches from Gen 4! o_O On top of that, it still retains the overhead view & is still '2.75D', for lack of a better term, looks like, so that should shut the nostalgiafags up.

Definitely impressive so far from the graphics standpoint.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-10 19:52:45

At 4/10/10 01:07 AM, Aci6 wrote:
At 4/9/10 10:25 PM, Swackman wrote: I haven't exactly enjoyed the grind on my Platinum, but that's probably because I've been EV training.......should I stop that for the moment & just use a shitload of EV-lowering Berries on em later?
Why are you EV training through the normal game?

Thought I'd get a head start on it. But it's proving to be more difficult that way that I anticipated. Yeah, it's not worth the stress.

Did you make sure to EV train it all the way first? Rare Candies screw with EVs, which is why I don't use em anymore.
EV training while playing through the game is wankery, you worry about that sort of stuff later when you have the necessary shit to use.

Alright, but RC's still fuck up your Pokemon's EVs permanently, IIRC. Not sure; I might need to double-check that.

A Scizor would be good for slaughtering Will; you coulf pretty much plow through his whole team w/o switching, I'm sure. Also wouldn't be too bad against Lance's Dragons (just avoid Zard).
Already beaten the E4. It was so laughably easy I can't believe I didn't take them on sooner. My current team is still gliding through with the current pokemon:

Yeah, but that's the first round. Wait till the rematches - and keep that Mamoswine alive for Lance.......

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-10 20:09:29

At 4/10/10 07:52 PM, Swackman wrote: Alright, but RC's still fuck up your Pokemon's EVs permanently, IIRC. Not sure; I might need to double-check that.

I thought the point of rare candies is that they don't give your pokemon any EVs... because there's no effort associated with them.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-10 20:57:04

At 4/10/10 08:09 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: I thought the point of rare candies is that they don't give your pokemon any EVs... because there's no effort associated with them.

I'm pretty sure this is the case. Rare Candies don't do anything to EVs, they just boost your Pokemon up one level. Dunno where you heard that Swackman, but you got your leg pulled by the sounds of things.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-10 21:29:27

At 4/10/10 08:09 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: I thought the point of rare candies is that they don't give your pokemon any EVs... because there's no effort associated with them.

Yep, they're only considered worse since you don't get EVs from the level up. The only time you shouldn't use them is if you have a high level Pokemon with few EVs, since you might hit level 100 before you get a chance to max them out.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-10 23:01:15

So, I just beat Red with a team consisting of a team of Pokemon at level 56-64. Made me waste 5 Max Revives, like 10 regular Revives, and about 10 Full Restores, but I won.

Now time to transfer all of my Pokemon over from Platinum. >_>

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-11 02:59:43

At 4/10/10 11:01 PM, mrbobbyjoe wrote: So, I just beat Red with a team consisting of a team of Pokemon at level 56-64. Made me waste 5 Max Revives, like 10 regular Revives, and about 10 Full Restores, but I won.

Now time to transfer all of my Pokemon over from Platinum. >_>

Nice! I just beat red about ten minutes ago as well. Took me 15 hours.
Immense amount of fun, but in my opinion, the elite four were to easy. I beat them on my first try with little supplies on hand. Now on to Silver i go.

Proud supporter of Asian prostitutes in need.

PSN ID:Peegler

Steam ID:Donut

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-11 04:43:46

At 4/11/10 04:10 AM, Aci6 wrote: I plan on speed running it sometime in the future and then just using it as a bonus EXP game. Imagine the E4 with Bonus EXP.

On the 2nd runthrough, each of Lance's Pokemon give at least 5000 experience if using a traded Pokemon. It's a great way to level up, my Starmie gained 3 levels (went from 57 to 60) off of him because of the boost.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-11 05:17:52

I'd like to see a Pokemon MMO one day

Could be Nintendo's big step into online gaming. Seeing as they've been a non factor on the Wii.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-11 08:39:12

A few years back, I begun to see Rare Candies as a very lazy way to level up your Pokemon. Sure, without cheating you can't get your Pokemon to level 100 right away but it takes away the effort of levelling up your Pokemon, hence the EVs. Now I see Rare Candies as items to sell right away just like Nuggets.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-11 09:54:36

I'm running against the kimono sisters at the moment, and the prize money gained for defeating the first umbreon is the same as what I get when I lose, and it's great practice.

And I still can't decide whether I want golduck or gyarados on my team.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-11 10:00:59

At 4/11/10 09:54 AM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: I'm running against the kimono sisters at the moment, and the prize money gained for defeating the first umbreon is the same as what I get when I lose, and it's great practice.

Umbreon was the hardest for me. Once I took that down, I had super effective attacks against the rest, so it wasn't so bad. Still ended up with just 1 pokemon left, on half health, though.

Sure they weren't as hard in the originals.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-11 15:36:41

At 4/10/10 02:33 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote: Be careful, seeing as the Kanto Gym Leaders are much stronger than Lance. Which is a bit weird, considering that the Champion is supposed to be the strongest trainer out there.

Well I'm sure the levels will keep rising the further I get into Kanto just like they did in Jhoto but still I will go prepared into every gym battle and just have the right high level pokemon and should be fine.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-11 21:04:39

At 4/10/10 08:57 PM, ParadoxVoid wrote:
At 4/10/10 08:09 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: I thought the point of rare candies is that they don't give your pokemon any EVs... because there's no effort associated with them.
I'm pretty sure this is the case. Rare Candies don't do anything to EVs, they just boost your Pokemon up one level. Dunno where you heard that Swackman, but you got your leg pulled by the sounds of things.

serebii.net...................lemme check again...........


Ok, am I reading the bold part right?

"One last thing on EVs - Rare Candys. The so-thought dreaded item that doesn't boost your stats as high as if you took the time to level up. They usually accumulate in someone's box or are sold. Rare Candies, in reality, do not take EVs into account when the stats increase. They're still there, they just haven't been applied to the pokemon's stats yet. It's safe to use them after the Effort Points are full."

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-11 23:54:47

It's plenty safe to use Rare Candy as long as you don't hit level 100 before your EV's are maxed out. If you're training normally (as opposed to just using Rare Candy to max guys out...not sure if Exp. Share shares EV's as well), it won't come up.

Slash's call

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by the darkness.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-12 04:52:58

At 4/11/10 05:17 AM, Gobblemeister wrote: I'd like to see a Pokemon MMO one day

Could be Nintendo's big step into online gaming. Seeing as they've been a non factor on the Wii.

Well, I saw one called Pokemon World Online that I downloaded and tried to play but it hasn't been working right for a long time. If you still wanna see it website then here's the link.


I'm not sure if the link is working either.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-12 05:57:04

At 4/11/10 11:54 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: not sure if Exp. Share shares EV's as well

I was under the impression that it just gives you the same EVs as if that Pokemon was fighting them normally, since EVs are expressed as integers, there aren't fractional components.

So if you had your Mewtwo fighting a wild Shinx, and your Ho-Oh was carrying Exp-Share, both Mewtwo ad Ho-Oh would gain one Attack EV (barring effects of power items, macho brace or Pokerus).

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-12 07:41:39

Yeah, EXP share gives the Pokemon holding it the same EVs as the one who killed the opponent.

All Pokemon who gain EXP from a knock out gain the full amount of EVs.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-12 15:31:17

At 4/12/10 09:59 AM, Aci6 wrote: I can't believe you people are all talking about this now, its such OLD NEWS for me...

Not everyone's got time to be pro at Pokemon.

Speaking of which, I took out some guy's Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga (and 3 other random Pokes) without using any legendaries of my own over Wi-Fi a couple days ago. i r gud nao?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-12 19:42:41

i just learned thanks to google that, after beating red you can get a kanto starter and a hohen(?) starter

but beating red is going yo be hard....but now, thanks to themaster, i have one of each johto starter...

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-12 20:35:23

Okay guys, here is my problem. My church group is holding a pokemon tournament in the next few weeks. After my disastrous defeat in last year's affair, I'd like to regain my title from Doug (he's my rival irl lolololololol).

Here's the rub though, i would like to use my favorite pokemon and not the ones that most awesome doods use. If possible, I'd like to use all Bellossoms with different move sets. Could you pros hook me up with some killer ideas? He will mostly be using Ditto and Mr Mime.

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-12 20:42:41

^^ I'd recommend going to Serebii

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-12 20:45:34

At 4/12/10 08:35 PM, Cloud-City wrote: I'd like to use all Bellossoms

http://www.smogon.com/dp/pokemon/belloss om

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-12 21:25:48

At 4/12/10 08:35 PM, Cloud-City wrote: I'd like to use all Bellossoms with different move sets.

Oh God, if he's packing a Charizard or something like it, you're gonna get raped something hard.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-12 23:27:03

At 4/12/10 07:26 PM, Aci6 wrote: Depends on how you did it really. Switching and countering would have been strategy and deserves a bit of praise but if they weren't exactly EVed and yours were then its a mild nod of praise. But yeah, save being a cunt I'll say you did good.

Eh, combination of both really. His were EV'd (although like an in-game team), and the movesets were a bit odd, but still had me worried enough to keep forcing me to switch around to something that could survive. Nothing I had was exactly a counter, seeing as it was mostly UU/NU going against Ubers and I was lacking Dragon moves, but I guess that'd just be considered bad planning on my part.

And as for being a douche, I'll live with it lol.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-13 15:32:53

Well since i'm almost done with Soul Silver at the moment I think i'm bout to start playing Platinum and see if I can beat it this time around.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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