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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-05 21:57:14

At 4/5/10 08:13 PM, deathofghosts wrote: i recommend a gravler...awesome speed mixed with good defence makes it a rock solid choice

waiting to be yelled at for hoprrible pun...

Haha what. Graveller is slow as shit, base speed of 35. Even Golem only has a base speed of 45.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-05 23:24:18

At 4/5/10 07:17 PM, Aci6 wrote: I'll have to keep all of this in mind. What would be a good rock pokemon to level up?

I have some good choices for you to choose from, like:

-Highest Base Attack Stat of a Non-legendary Pokemon in the game.
-Other Stats are low.

-It can learn a lot of moves.
-Most of it's Stats are Good.
-It Evolves at Lv.55.

-It's Attack and Defense Stats are quite High, as well as it's HP.
-Solid Rock is Extremely useful.
-It's Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense suck.

-It has the Highest Defense and Sp. Defense Stats in the Pokemon World.
-If Power Trick is used it will have the highest Attack Stat of any Pokemon.
-It has the Lowest Speed and Sp. Attack Stats of a Pokemon.

If I was you, I'd have to pick Rampardos because it evolves from Cranidos early on and
it has an awesome Attack Stat.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-06 00:31:44

At 4/5/10 11:24 PM, RedQuito wrote: I have some good choices for you to choose from, like:

You do realise he's talking about HeartGold here?

Graveler/Golem is probably one of the better choices for a rock-type, since it has got a decent movepool and good Attack and Defence stats. The only other ones I can think of are Onix and Sudowoodo... there aren't a whole heap of rock types to choose from in the early game.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-06 10:59:22

I was able to beat the Elite Four while I was away in London. It wasn't as hard as everyone else makes it out to be so I don't know where all the grinding comments came from, unless this is to do with the higher levels of the league. It took me two tries to beat Lance but a lot of Max Potions and Revives were needed.

Now I'm just wondering around Kanto whilst raising my Numel which I obtained from Pal Park. The first thing I wanted to do in Kanto was reaching the Pal Park for me to be able to migrate Pokemon onto SoulSilver.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-06 13:30:08

At 4/5/10 11:24 PM, RedQuito wrote:
At 4/5/10 07:17 PM, Aci6 wrote: I'll have to keep all of this in mind. What would be a good rock pokemon to level up?
I have some good choices for you to choose from, like:
-It can learn a lot of moves.
-Most of it's Stats are Good.
-It Evolves at Lv.55.

Well once it evolves, all that training will be well worth it. Tyranitar is a rape machine.

-It's Attack and Defense Stats are quite High, as well as it's HP.
-Solid Rock is Extremely useful.
-It's Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense suck.

Having a crappy Special Attack doesn't really matter when you have a beast of an Attack stat. What really kills Rhyperior is its low Speed and a vast array of weaknesses. The Solid Rock ability and the move Rock Polish do not even help much. Even Sandstorm support won't really help against Water or Grass attacks.

-It has the Highest Defense and Sp. Defense Stats in the Pokemon World.
-If Power Trick is used it will have the highest Attack Stat of any Pokemon.
-It has the Lowest Speed and Sp. Attack Stats of a Pokemon.

Good luck trying to level Shuckle up without an Exp. Share.

Another good Rock type to try out is Aerodactyl. It's extremely fast and is pretty strong with physical attacks, and has a good movepool. Kabutops is pretty good as its Speed is somewhat decent, and has strong Water attacks to work with its Rock attacks, but Kabutops cannot learn Earthquake.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-06 14:44:19

At 4/5/10 09:57 PM, TheMaster wrote:
At 4/5/10 08:13 PM, deathofghosts wrote: i recommend a gravler...awesome speed mixed with good defence makes it a rock solid choice

waiting to be yelled at for hoprrible pun...
Haha what. Graveller is slow as shit, base speed of 35. Even Golem only has a base speed of 45.

I hadn't done my research... i was going on a thought that all round pokemon are usually fast...voltorb,rotom,ect...

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-07 01:01:14

At 4/2/10 03:42 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Wow people still enjoying pokemon games and cards, atleast i think the cards? does anyone still collect that stuff?


I do. After a couple of years of not collecting, I watched some videos of card pulls on youtube, and that got me pumped for grabbin' some booster packs. The new cards seem kinda lame compared to old ones, but I just love the sensation you get when opening a new pack, followed by the anticipation of seeing your new cards.

I have bought a total of 9 booster packs currently. I got lucky and got me an Fighting Plate Arceus (which seemed kinda gimmicky...) and a Shiny Absol from the gym-leader packs. I've gotten some other cool rare pokemon like Tyranitar, Wailord, etc... but they just don't seem as great when you pick up an Arceus.

I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-07 03:04:40

I just started playing Soul Silver today and it already seems like a good game. But I only have a level 9 cyndaquil but leveling it up has been pretty easy thus far.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-07 19:23:02

Does anyone have a pokemon with pokerus? I want to transfer my pokemon with pokerus from my Diamond to my HeartGold but I only have I one DS and you can't transfer pokemon with only one DS.
So I was thinking if one of you guys could trade one to me.

Oh, and I was wondering if you guys know a good fighting type.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-07 19:28:17

Have been playing SS for a little while now and have a lvl 40 typhlosion but haven't really been catching a whole lot of pokemon either. And also haven't used the PokeWalker yet either but will try that out today and see how everything works on there.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-08 02:39:04

At 4/8/10 02:20 AM, Aci6 wrote: How many of you enjoy grinding? I have to say I love it myself and am going to grind all my characters to level 55 and take on the E4 the first time.

Guess I haven't got far enough into the game to really know what that is yet. Cause everytime somebody talks about it I don't have the slightest idea what they are talking about. Can somebody fill me in please?

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-08 04:29:35

At 4/8/10 03:46 AM, Aci6 wrote: Its when you just spend hours running through grass defeating pokemon after pokemon. Its boring but worth it at the end. Normally better to do when watching a movie.
Just got up to Victory Road and I have to say, does HG get any better? It moves so fucking slow and there's hardly anything fun to do.

Thanks for the help Aci6. But I know on SS which is probably not that much different but I really haven't been bored once since I started playing the game. But I only have like 10 hours logged into it. But currently trying to rid the radio tower in Goldenrod city of Team Rocket. and they are all getting slaughtered by my lvl 55 typhlosion.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-08 06:36:23

At 4/8/10 04:29 AM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: But currently trying to rid the radio tower in Goldenrod city of Team Rocket
slaughtered by my lvl 55 typhlosion.

Do you have ANY other Pokemon?!

I remember when I first ran through Gold version when I was young, I didn't train anything else but my Typhlosion. I'm pretty sure I had it around lv 60 when I beat the Elite 4...

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-08 06:44:43

At 4/8/10 04:29 AM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: But currently trying to rid the radio tower in Goldenrod city of Team Rocket.

After what event does that happen?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-08 10:35:40

At 4/8/10 06:44 AM, RedQuito wrote:
At 4/8/10 04:29 AM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: But currently trying to rid the radio tower in Goldenrod city of Team Rocket.
After what event does that happen?

after mahogany town + the lake of rage

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-08 16:33:38

At 4/8/10 06:36 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote:
Do you have ANY other Pokemon?!

Yeah I have about 20 at the moment but my strongest is my typhlosion and it's also my favorite. But once I get all the badges in Jhoto I will probably start training some other pokemon to take over Kanto,

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-08 17:57:17

i have found red...dear lord he is strong...i saved befor i talked to him, met him, saw his LVL 88 pikachu, and turned off the game and escaped death

also my dragonair finally evolved!!! :-) so now i am rematching gym leaders and getting exp... i have only gotten bugsy's number and i need the others...any idea where they are???


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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-08 19:24:04

At 4/8/10 06:39 PM, Aci6 wrote: I still need a final slot but I can't seem to think of anything, I was thinking Bug or something but I'm really not sure. This is all JUST BEFORE Victory Road.

i recommend a dragonair, they will help against lance and your rival...but that will require alot of training

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-08 23:22:25

At 4/8/10 11:18 PM, Aci6 wrote: I am unsure where you would acquire such a pokemon.

You first need to get a Dratini with the Pokewalker at the Blue Lake, but you need about 5000+ steps
to unlock it from the Blue Lake.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-08 23:48:39

Well just made it to the Safari Zone. And I find it weird that throwing mudd and pissing the pokemon off makes it easier to catch but it does work. Have already caught 4 pokemon in there and hoping to catch a few more.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-09 02:17:42

At 4/9/10 01:38 AM, Aci6 wrote: New Pokemon games? Already? link. I would have used the official link but its in freaking japanese and unfortunately for me, my room mate studying japanese isn't here to tell me what it all says.
Interesting though.

Yeah saw that over in the VG section. From what they are saying about it Black and White Versions if that is the actual names is going to be pretty awesome considering they are going to be the next gen games.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-09 03:55:08

At 4/8/10 11:18 PM, Aci6 wrote: I am unsure where you would acquire such a pokemon.

You can catch Dratinis in the Dragon's Den I'm pretty sure, or you can get them fairly easily at the Game Corner, and there's also the option of the Pokewalker, though you'd have to walk a lot to get enough Watts to unlock the course which has them.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-09 09:06:14

At 4/9/10 07:15 AM, Aci6 wrote: More pokemon

Less obscure evolutions.

I don't want to have to have a free space and a spare pokeball, or to be in a particular area of the game, or to have it know a move.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-09 10:28:44

At 4/9/10 07:15 AM, Aci6 wrote: I just can't get over how quick they are to announce it. I really want to see a next-gen pokemon game with some major improvements in areas. More pokemon, better items, elaborate puzzles more types...

I know right after HG and SS come out they are already announcing two more games to come out. which is pretty quick but that's just how things go sometimes I guess. But anyway can anyway help me with trying to find the Pokemon League and getting to Kanto?

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-09 11:38:55

At 4/9/10 10:28 AM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: But anyway can anyway help me with trying to find the Pokemon League and getting to Kanto?

I'm not sure why you're having trouble. Just surf east from new bark town, make sure you have a pokemon that knows waterfall with you.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-09 12:32:35

Black and White? That's the best names they came up with for the new games? Uninspired titles aside, I'm hoping for a huge improvement from Diamond and Pearl.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-09 22:25:37

I was wondering when they'd get around to using black & white; I guess they wanted to use all the shiny colors first. :P

At 4/8/10 02:20 AM, Aci6 wrote: How many of you enjoy grinding? I have to say I love it myself and am going to grind all my characters to level 55 and take on the E4 the first time.

I haven't exactly enjoyed the grind on my Platinum, but that's probably because I've been EV training.......should I stop that for the moment & just use a shitload of EV-lowering Berries on em later?

At 4/8/10 06:39 PM, Aci6 wrote: I made good on my promise and grinded my Swinub from level 24 to 31, since it was so weak all I could do was switch out over and over. Pretty annoying but I got it to 31 and then used 2 rare candys' and a heart scale to teach it Ancient Power. I now have a level 34 Mamoswine with Avalanche which is (sadly) going to be its best Ice Attack.

Did you make sure to EV train it all the way first? Rare Candies screw with EVs, which is why I don't use em anymore.

I still need a final slot but I can't seem to think of anything, I was thinking Bug or something but I'm really not sure. This is all JUST BEFORE Victory Road.

A Scizor would be good for slaughtering Will; you coulf pretty much plow through his whole team w/o switching, I'm sure. Also wouldn't be too bad against Lance's Dragons (just avoid Zard).

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-09 23:28:59

Beat the Elite Four and Lance. But the battle with Lance took me forever to do because all the damn Dragonites almost killing my Lugia and Typhlosion. But good thing I had a pretty good stock of Full Restore's and Revives or else I would have never won that battle.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-10 01:40:55

At 4/9/10 11:38 AM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: I'm not sure why you're having trouble. Just surf east from new bark town, make sure you have a pokemon that knows waterfall with you.

Yeah was not looking around hard enough. But found the way I was suposed to go and have beaten the Elite Four and had a hell of a time beating Lance. But now in Kanto about to take on Lt. Surge. Should be pretty easy considering have never had a problem against electric pokemon before.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-04-10 02:33:39

At 4/10/10 01:40 AM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: Yeah was not looking around hard enough. But found the way I was suposed to go and have beaten the Elite Four and had a hell of a time beating Lance. But now in Kanto about to take on Lt. Surge. Should be pretty easy considering have never had a problem against electric pokemon before.

Be careful, seeing as the Kanto Gym Leaders are much stronger than Lance. Which is a bit weird, considering that the Champion is supposed to be the strongest trainer out there.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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