Haven't played my Platinum in a while (been distracted by another game), and I still haven't picked up HGSS yet. I'll probably get HG just because I bought Gold first back in the day.
Anyone going to get the Promo Legendary Dogs when they hit the states (or wherever you may be)? The Raikou & Suicune are meh, but the Flare Blitz Entei's going to be spammed like crazy, now that it finally has a good physical STAB to work with. (Now only if Flareon would get the same, dammit......)
At 3/31/10 10:16 AM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: Mind if I join here? Well I lost my ds as of late and just to the point of going and getting a new one right now. But im probably going to pick up Platinum and Soul Silver along with it when I do go to pick it up at GameStop tomorrow.
Geez, haven't seen you in some time. (This is Assi9.)
Sure. Probably not my place to say whether you can or not, but considering there isn't really any requirement to beyond being a fan, I can't see why not.