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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-10 08:40:36

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"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"

.·´¯`·->YFIQ's collections of stories!<-·´¯`·.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-10 15:24:28

At 3/10/10 08:40 AM, Idiot-Finder wrote: Here's a bit of an epic fail for you.

Yet another nail in 4Kids' coffin.
I just hope Pokémon USA didn't make any stupid mistakes like that...

I maek lolz. I play Steam. I fight for genital integrity.

Anything else you need?

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-10 21:40:31

At 3/10/10 08:40 AM, Idiot-Finder wrote: Here's a bit of an epic fail for you.

Wow, that's pretty damn bad. Probably even worse than the whole 'Arbok evolves into Seviper' thing.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-11 11:18:16

At 3/10/10 09:40 PM, ParadoxVoid wrote:
At 3/10/10 08:40 AM, Idiot-Finder wrote: Here's a bit of an epic fail for you.
Wow, that's pretty damn bad. Probably even worse than the whole 'Arbok evolves into Seviper' thing.

Oh man, I remember when that first aired. I thought it was some kind of canon hole or something...

I maek lolz. I play Steam. I fight for genital integrity.

Anything else you need?

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-14 23:15:43

Got my DM Jirachi yesterday. ^_^ Not surprised that it's neutral-Natured; having one of those w/ a Sp. Atk- or Speed-boosting one on top of Calm Mind would be near-grounds for Uber territory. Wait, that's right - most of the Event Pokes have neutral Natures anyway, right?

I'll probably get one of the Johto Remakes tomorrow, once I decide on which one to go with. Figured I'd wait a day to let the initial swarm subside.

And yay for 400 pages. ^_^

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-15 04:36:10

My brother and I are on spring break and are vegetating as usual...
Maybe tomorrow we should head to GameStop and pick up the English versions of HeartGold and SoulSilver and then hunt in the bargain bin for some PS2 games...

we've been in debate over whether or not we should purchase the English versions of the games since we already have the Japanese versions

I maek lolz. I play Steam. I fight for genital integrity.

Anything else you need?

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-15 20:03:07

So anyway there's an arceus event in town at the weekend, however, I don't have a legit copy of Pokemon to hand (my copy of Diamond is sitting collecting dust back at my parents house ever since I got an R4 DS chip)


Will I still be able to claim my copy? Do they check your game for anything? Etc? Is it worth me paying £1.30 to get a train into town to get mah arceus?

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-16 19:40:42

At 3/15/10 08:03 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: So anyway there's an arceus event in town at the weekend, however, I don't have a legit copy of Pokemon to hand (my copy of Diamond is sitting collecting dust back at my parents house ever since I got an R4 DS chip)


Will I still be able to claim my copy? Do they check your game for anything? Etc? Is it worth me paying £1.30 to get a train into town to get mah arceus?

They probably don't check your game to see if it's legit. Even if they do, the worst that'd probably happen is they just wouldn't give you an Arceus. Just be aware that games on an R4, M3, etc., might have trouble connecting with that sort of stuff. For instance, Pokemon games on an R4 can't connect with Battle Revolution, as I found out the hard way.

I find it rather pointless though, since you could probably just hack an Arceus onto your game since it's on an R4 lol.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-25 17:45:56

At 3/25/10 12:41 AM, Aci6 wrote: So yeah, haven't played Pokemon in ages but I brought HeartGold on release. Suck on that.

So did everyone else who likes Pokemon lol. Seriously, everywhere I look in my school, I see people showing off Pokewalkers or DS's to each other.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-25 23:27:38

Okay, well, it's been a fortnight since the US release or so, and no decent crack has materialised, fuck it I'm buying the game.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-26 13:20:41

Don't know if it's true but if so then lol.

I read from tvtropes that one pokemon film Mew called Mewtwo inferior. Bad enough that the latter had a inferiority complex which happens to be the plot point of the film itself.

Basically Mew is sort of a douche in the Japanese version.

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"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"

.·´¯`·->YFIQ's collections of stories!<-·´¯`·.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-26 13:35:31

Pokewalker is so broken.

I got like, 200 steps just going down the stairs, but only about 30 after walking for about 5 minutes or so.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-26 18:59:48

At 3/25/10 09:59 PM, Aci6 wrote: What is this pokewalker anyway? I haven't unpacked it.

It's basically just a pedometer that acts like a portable day-care center, giving the Pokemon currently inside it 1 experience (I think) for every step you walk. You can also catch Pokemon on it and find items in exchange for your time spent walking.

At 3/26/10 01:35 PM, TheMaster wrote: Pokewalker is so broken.

I got like, 200 steps just going down the stairs, but only about 30 after walking for about 5 minutes or so.

It really is lol. I tried shaking it for like 10 minutes and only got about 20 steps, then clipped it onto my pants and got about 500 after walking from one class to another. It's probably just delayed or something though.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-26 21:12:10

Got myself a Dratini off Voltorb Flip.

Not sure whether to raise it or not.

I've got:

At the minute, and was planning on adding Primeape and Arcanine whenever I can catch a Mankey and Growlithe.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-27 00:32:22

At 3/26/10 09:12 PM, TheMaster wrote: Got myself a Dratini off Voltorb Flip.

What's Voltorb Flip? Some Game Corner game?

I maek lolz. I play Steam. I fight for genital integrity.

Anything else you need?

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-27 06:37:46

At 3/27/10 12:32 AM, HibiscusKazeneko wrote:
At 3/26/10 09:12 PM, TheMaster wrote: Got myself a Dratini off Voltorb Flip.
What's Voltorb Flip? Some Game Corner game?

It's the ONLY game corner game. It's sort of a cross between minesweeper and sudoku. Way more strategy involved than previous game corner games.

It's also horribly frustrating at higher levels. I kept getting to level 6, then losing and falling back down to level 3.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-27 14:01:25

I bought SoulSilver yesterday and while I'm not as far as a few of my friends are (one of them has 7 badges already!), I'm still enjoying everything so far. I was out in town today so today was the best opportunity to give the Pokewalker a try. I like how you can level up your Pokemon by walking around. My only complaint about the Pokewalker so far is the battery. Supposedly, it'll only last up to a month or two and will need replacing and it's not a common battery. I really wish they made it rechargeable.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-28 00:53:32

At 3/27/10 02:01 PM, Bahamut wrote: I bought SoulSilver yesterday

I just got it this afternoon when I went into town. So far I've just finished the introductory part of the game, and started with Totodile. I really like the integration of the touch screen much more now, since it doesn't come across as some lazy afterthought anymore.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-29 00:29:50

At 3/27/10 06:37 AM, TheMaster wrote: It's also horribly frustrating at higher levels. I kept getting to level 6, then losing and falling back down to level 3.

How the heck did you even get to level 6? I can't beat level 3 lol. Is there some sort of trick to it? I noticed several times that (number on the card - 1) would be how many Voltorbs are in adjacent panels, but that plan literally blew up in my face a couple games in.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-29 01:46:10

At 3/28/10 06:53 PM, Aci6 wrote: I thought it was annoying at first. And awesome that you got Soulsilver, we'll have to do some trading during the holidays though its a real shame my Xbox broke or otherwise we could have played Borderlands.

Yeah, I read that you'd gotten Heartgold already, so I went ahead and got Silver. I was thinking about getting gold actually, since I had that on the good ol' GameBoy Colour, but Silver should be a (slightly) new experience.

Also, what happened to your Xbox? It's an elite, so it wouldn't be Red Ring would it?

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-29 10:59:09

At 3/26/10 01:35 PM, TheMaster wrote: Pokewalker is so broken.

I got like, 200 steps just going down the stairs, but only about 30 after walking for about 5 minutes or so.

I'm starting to agree with this. I put my Quilava in my Pokewalker and had it in my pocket while I was in work voluntary and it claims I did 9000 steps for the whole day which is very inaccurate. The Pokewalker is really sensitive as I can just move it around with my hands and the counter will still go up.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-29 12:26:16

At 3/29/10 10:59 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm starting to agree with this. I put my Quilava in my Pokewalker and had it in my pocket while I was in work voluntary and it claims I did 9000 steps for the whole day which is very inaccurate. The Pokewalker is really sensitive as I can just move it around with my hands and the counter will still go up.

My brother strapped an electric toothbrush to his and left in in the garage overnight.

Was getting about 1 step per second when he showed me it, I'll have to ask him how many it ended up with overall.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-29 17:10:13

At 3/29/10 12:59 PM, Mendou wrote: I'm too busy playing Platinum to grab HG or SS. :(

Get with the times, man!

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-29 22:23:48

At 3/29/10 06:31 PM, Aci6 wrote: Haha, I'll just assume that Jhy got it as well.

Yeah, he probably did. I haven't spoken to him since last holidays.

I fucking hate James Smith. First gen 360 and he threw it around that fucking much and in its three years it only got the red ring once. And mine never moves >:(
I'm going to take it back to Tandy's and tell my uncle if he wants it he can pick it up when they fix it.

Goddamn, that's a pain. Maybe it was because he threw it around that is was fine? Better airflow :P

Also, if anyone cares about my SS progress, I'm up to Azalea town, with my team consisting of:

lv 18 Croconaw
lv 18 Magby
lv 18 Doduo
lv 18 Oddish
lv 15 Furret (HM Slave)
lv 1 Togepi (filler)

Plan on attempting to catch a Smoochum on the Pokewalker once I unlock that route.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-30 10:39:22

11 1/2 hours in and only 2 badges. I know I'm going slow here but I got caught up getting lots of Cyndaquil eggs (anyone who needs one, feel free to ask) and making an attempt to do well at the Minesweeper clone in the Game Corner. My team right now is:

Quilava: Lv 34 (thanks to breeding)
Bellsprout: Lv 18
Pidgeotto: Lv 18
Flaafy: Lv 15
Beedrill: Lv 14
Totodile egg (just got it from my sister for trading one of my Cyndaquils)

Still having lots of fun and I'll get a move on with facing the third gym leader soon.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-30 13:52:37

Time to beat a dead Ponyta and showcase list of Ash's failures on tvtropes.

But then again it is the reason why the anime have gone downhill, losing to Paul actually defies logic in certain ways.

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"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"

.·´¯`·->YFIQ's collections of stories!<-·´¯`·.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-30 23:12:38

I just managed to catch Lugia in Soul Silver with a Great Ball. This is after I successfully failed to catch it after 4 resets using 20 Ultra Balls, 10 Heavy Balls, and a bunch of other random ones.

I'm not sure whether I should be annoyed or happy.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-31 03:00:20

At 3/31/10 12:29 AM, Aci6 wrote: Going to piss Quilava off and level up the Growlithe because it has an Adamant nature :) I really need to get a grass type as well or something but I'm not sure. Suggestions?

Probably wouldn't bother with it, since Ampharos and Slowpoke cover those types already. I would recommend a Ground or Fighting type though, or maybe a specific Ice type to deal with that Dragon gym leader/Champion later in the game.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-31 08:32:19

At 3/31/10 08:17 AM, Aci6 wrote: Might go for an ICE type as soon as I find one...

Nice team. Also, there's plenty of ice types in the Ice Path, which you'll need to go through to get to the final Gym Leader anyway.

Also, I got my Smoochum, so I'm currently training her up to be level with the rest of my party.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-03-31 10:16:12

Mind if I join here? Well I lost my ds as of late and just to the point of going and getting a new one right now. But im probably going to pick up Platinum and Soul Silver along with it when I do go to pick it up at GameStop tomorrow.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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