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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-17 12:46:13

Although I prefer Shoddybattle, I wouldn't mind playing Wifi.
I disagree with allowing even one Uber... because Choice Specs Kyogre will be running rampant. Blissey could be a common teammate to help provide Wish support and Heal Bell for curing status. Forretress could be popular too, since it can la down Toxic Spikes to weaken Blissey and Kyogre's Water Spout Power, and to Rapid Spin away Toxic Spikes, and to stop Rayquaza while it is using Outrage. It would be way too centralized on Kyogre.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-17 18:14:52

At 1/17/10 06:35 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote: Ugh, really? That tends to make things a bit unbalanced, with the one Uber decimating the rest of the standards, so it basically comes down to an Uber vs Uber battle. I prefer completely standard level battles, but I can deal with the single Uber if you really want to.

I used to do this a lot, but lately I really can't be bothered - I've got a pretty good team sorted, so I don't really feel the need to improve on it that much.

Well, my uber rule doesn't mean every team should follow the trend. Ubers are optional if you don't feel like using them. Now I'd highly recommend using the uber in teams as if you want to eliminate most of your opponent's Pokemon, use as your last resort, and many other ways. But if you're daring to use a team without an uber, then that's fine with me.

You sure? Cause its always a hassle for me when I'm trying to decide what moves I want to give my Pokemon. I wish certain TMs weren't scarce. But if you're happy with the stuff you already got set for your Pokemon, I'm fine with that. It makes me more interested to see your Pokemon's potential.

I'm practicing to be a fan artist on DeviantART. I don't have anything up right but you can still check out my favorites! :) http://red-supernova64.deviantart.c om

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-17 19:23:19

At 1/17/10 12:46 PM, verycoolguy wrote: Although I prefer Shoddybattle, I wouldn't mind playing Wifi.
I disagree with allowing even one Uber... because Choice Specs Kyogre will be running rampant. Blissey could be a common teammate to help provide Wish support and Heal Bell for curing status. Forretress could be popular too, since it can la down Toxic Spikes to weaken Blissey and Kyogre's Water Spout Power, and to Rapid Spin away Toxic Spikes, and to stop Rayquaza while it is using Outrage. It would be way too centralized on Kyogre.

Why not? Is the Choice Specs Kyogre that devastating? Besides even if someone has an uber on his or her team, there's a chance you can still counter it. Isn't that the point of a strategy?

I'm practicing to be a fan artist on DeviantART. I don't have anything up right but you can still check out my favorites! :) http://red-supernova64.deviantart.c om

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-17 21:10:40

Yes Choice Specs Kyogre is THAT devastating. Water Spout at full power does about 60% to Blissey if she has maximum Special Defense. Latias with Soul Dew and either Grass Knot or Thunder can switch in, use either of the moves, and put a huge dent to Kyogre, weakening Water Spout's power, but that's where Blissey comes in. She uses Thunder Wave to cripple its Speed, and then Tyranitar or Scizor can come in to finish it off with either Pursuit or Crunch/U-Turn. Latias with Soul Dew is the only true counter to Choice Specs Kyogre, but when there is only one counter, it's easy to get rid of the counter with one or two teammates. Revenge killers like Choice Specs Jolteon are dealt with by switching in Blissey who won't get scratched by its attacks. Faster physical attackers can be dealt with by Forretress.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-17 21:45:27

At 1/17/10 09:10 PM, verycoolguy wrote: TRUTH

Basically everything that's said here is why it's horribly unbalanced to have one Uber in the game when you have Standards. The tiers are separated for a reason after all.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-18 01:56:27

At 1/17/10 09:10 PM, verycoolguy wrote: Yes Choice Specs Kyogre is THAT devastating. Water Spout at full power does about 60% to Blissey if she has maximum Special Defense. Latias with Soul Dew and either Grass Knot or Thunder can switch in, use either of the moves, and put a huge dent to Kyogre, weakening Water Spout's power, but that's where Blissey comes in. She uses Thunder Wave to cripple its Speed, and then Tyranitar or Scizor can come in to finish it off with either Pursuit or Crunch/U-Turn. Latias with Soul Dew is the only true counter to Choice Specs Kyogre, but when there is only one counter, it's easy to get rid of the counter with one or two teammates. Revenge killers like Choice Specs Jolteon are dealt with by switching in Blissey who won't get scratched by its attacks. Faster physical attackers can be dealt with by Forretress.

0_0 Damn. Are you a professional player or something cause I'm just amazed. I appreciate you telling me about Choice Specs Kyogre. It will come in handy for when I catch a Kyogre. :)

But still, if you came up with a good strategy for taking down an uber Pokemon, then there's no reason why we shouldn't have one uber in teams. Thankfully, I'm not a super n00b who has ubers as the majority of his team. So please don't get too pissed if I like the idea of one uber per team.

I'm practicing to be a fan artist on DeviantART. I don't have anything up right but you can still check out my favorites! :) http://red-supernova64.deviantart.c om

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-18 03:56:32

At 1/18/10 01:56 AM, Red-Supernova wrote: But still, if you came up with a good strategy for taking down an uber Pokemon, then there's no reason why we shouldn't have one uber in teams.

There is no possible way to counter every possible Uber Pokemon. The Ubers are pretty varied as far as what roles they can play, so it's impossible to counter every single one of them. No offence man, but the fact that you don't realise this makes you a bit of a noob :P

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-18 04:24:49

At 1/18/10 03:56 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote: There is no possible way to counter every possible Uber Pokemon. The Ubers are pretty varied as far as what roles they can play, so it's impossible to counter every single one of them. No offence man, but the fact that you don't realise this makes you a bit of a noob :P

No possible way you say? Well, I'm not the best at sources but I am aware that Serebii.net comes up with strategies to counter every Pokemon each week. (As well as giving possible strategies on what move sets your Pokemon could learn in competitive battling.) They don't have all the ubers listed but from what I read looked useful. You can check out their page here:http://www.serebii.net/potw-dp/

Even if you guys still consider me a bit of a n00b for this, just be glad I'm not like the Colosseum Leaders in the later stages of Pokemon Battle Revolution. :/

I'm practicing to be a fan artist on DeviantART. I don't have anything up right but you can still check out my favorites! :) http://red-supernova64.deviantart.c om

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-21 20:32:15

So I think its about time I should join this.

I've been playing competitve pokemon for about 3 months, and I play on shoddy, netbattle, and wi-fi. My Platinum code is 5113 1152 8094 and my shoddy username is 'bstuk'. I prefer to play on shoddy because its faster and easier, but wi-fi is fine too. I'm warning you that my wi-fi team is sav'd so I might have an unfair advantage.

Steam: Bstuk

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-22 05:20:11

go to page 132 to see the pokemon sigs i made. i'm making them again. just name 6 pokemon

sig by carmelhadinosaur

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-25 01:30:38

At 1/21/10 11:27 PM, Aci6 wrote:
I can tell you now that you wouldn't have survived, I was one of the top players on Serebii net for a few months (prior to deletion). I was extremely good at guessing move changes and switches, hell; I had a Naive Jolteon with Hidden Power ICE that could take down about one or two before being taken down itself.

Well, Jolteons are known for their speed and, you also got lucky with the Hidden power your Jolteon got. No wonder you kicked ass.

Umm, even though its none of my business but why did your Serebii.net membership get deleted?

I'm practicing to be a fan artist on DeviantART. I don't have anything up right but you can still check out my favorites! :) http://red-supernova64.deviantart.c om

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-25 03:10:14

At 1/22/10 05:20 AM, AmazeKing wrote: go to page 132 to see the pokemon sigs i made. i'm making them again. just name 6 pokemon

I'll give it a shot. Firstly, do you accept Legendaries and Ubers? Cause the first team I got to Level 100 with has an uber.

Anyway, my first team in Platinum is Salsa the Infernape, Sparky the Luxray, Soda the Floatzel, Cream the Lopunny, Rupee the Lucario, and Shadow the Giratina.

I'm practicing to be a fan artist on DeviantART. I don't have anything up right but you can still check out my favorites! :) http://red-supernova64.deviantart.c om

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-25 06:03:22

nicknames were unnecessary

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

sig by carmelhadinosaur

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-25 06:10:32

i said name 6 pokemon and you named 1

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

sig by carmelhadinosaur

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-25 16:03:27

fail, anyway can peple play wi-fi battles from diamond to platinum, or just diamond to pearl?

Steam: Chubzilla100 also Check out da You Tubes

I dont think you understand the importance of clicking my sig, and the limitless prizes it holds.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-26 02:00:49

At 1/25/10 04:03 PM, chubzilla100 wrote: fail, anyway can peple play wi-fi battles from diamond to platinum, or just diamond to pearl?

Yes, Diamond can play with Pearl and Platinum. It can even play with Heartgold and Soulsilver! (Not lying!) Did you ask cause you're looking for a wi-fi battle?

I'm practicing to be a fan artist on DeviantART. I don't have anything up right but you can still check out my favorites! :) http://red-supernova64.deviantart.c om

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-26 12:29:38

Choice specs Kyogre

Shedinja says hi.

Sigs are overrated.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-26 16:10:16

At 1/26/10 12:29 PM, Fox wrote:
Choice specs Kyogre
Shedinja says hi.

Stealth Rock and Rotom-H sends greetings back.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-26 16:18:01

Aff now I really wish there was an edit button...

At 1/26/10 04:10 PM, verycoolguy wrote:
At 1/26/10 12:29 PM, Fox wrote:
Choice specs Kyogre
Shedinja says hi.
Stealth Rock and Rotom-H sends greetings back.

Choice Specs Kyogre doesn't really mind switching out. What is Shedinja going to do if it switches? Swords Dance? Toxic? Will-o-Wisp is the only thing it can do to cause some damage, because with the recommended teammates I've posted, Scizor or Tyranitar can switch in, and if they have Pursuit, then Shedinja is as good as gone. Their Burn status can be cured by Blissey, but their Attacking power is not very important because they have Kyogre to muscle through everything by itself.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-26 20:43:26

At 1/26/10 04:18 PM, verycoolguy wrote: Choice Specs Kyogre doesn't really mind switching out. What is Shedinja going to do if it switches? Swords Dance? Toxic? Will-o-Wisp is the only thing it can do to cause some damage, because with the recommended teammates I've posted, Scizor or Tyranitar can switch in, and if they have Pursuit, then Shedinja is as good as gone. Their Burn status can be cured by Blissey, but their Attacking power is not very important because they have Kyogre to muscle through everything by itself.

Shedinja's forte is the element of surprise. The idea behind him is to wait until you know what the enemy's team is and have a pretty good idea what their movesets are like, or bring him out when someone like Kyogre is the opponent's second to last or last Poke. Not EVERY Pokemon carries an attack that can damage Shedinja, so although easily taken down by the Pokemon you mentioned, he can become a very effective and downright nasty wall if played right (which goes without saying that playing Shedinja in OU or Ubers takes some very careful planning and serious prediction skills. And maybe some luck).

Sigs are overrated.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-26 21:03:56

At 1/26/10 08:43 PM, Fox wrote: Shedinja's forte is the element of surprise. The idea behind him is to wait until you know what the enemy's team is and have a pretty good idea what their movesets are like, or bring him out when someone like Kyogre is the opponent's second to last or last Poke. Not EVERY Pokemon carries an attack that can damage Shedinja, so although easily taken down by the Pokemon you mentioned, he can become a very effective and downright nasty wall if played right (which goes without saying that playing Shedinja in OU or Ubers takes some very careful planning and serious prediction skills. And maybe some luck).

Okay, but that doesn't mean that he will be able to stop Choice Specs Kyogre. He will only force it to switch. With the strategy I've mentioned, Scizor/Tyranitar do not even come out until after Kyogre's checks are out. So "waiting until you find out about the opponent's team", in other words, scouting, will not work, because the Kyogre will be ravaging an entire team unless a suitable check appears.
If someone has Kyogre in their team, they should be sweeping with it right away, because it doesn't need an opponent to be weakened to be finished off since it's strong enough to OHKO almost everything in the game.
Stealth Rock and Rotom-H still means that Shedinja won't be doing anything.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-26 23:48:10

This is Assi9. If you're asking why I've changed my account, it's outlined in my little bliggety-blog thingy.

Still haven't gotten very far in Platinum yet. It's a bitch trying to find a Pokemon to catch that DOESN'T require a Hidden Power to be effective (so props to Aci6 for getting lucky). -_-

Btw, I've been meaning to ask, where did TanookiJohn go? I'm too lazy to go back through a year's worth of pages.... (That's what I get for being MIA for a year.)

At 1/23/10 10:03 AM, Machop90 wrote: Anyway, I haven't done much lately involving Pokemon games. Probably cause I just got Smackdown VS Raw 2010. (DAMN UNDERTAKER)

Heh, I see I'm not alone. :P

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-27 15:26:10

At 1/26/10 09:03 PM, verycoolguy wrote: Okay, but that doesn't mean that he will be able to stop Choice Specs Kyogre. He will only force it to switch. With the strategy I've mentioned, Scizor/Tyranitar do not even come out until after Kyogre's checks are out. So "waiting until you find out about the opponent's team", in other words, scouting, will not work, because the Kyogre will be ravaging an entire team unless a suitable check appears.
If someone has Kyogre in their team, they should be sweeping with it right away, because it doesn't need an opponent to be weakened to be finished off since it's strong enough to OHKO almost everything in the game.
Stealth Rock and Rotom-H still means that Shedinja won't be doing anything.

I'm not saying that Shedinja is the best wall to use in ubers, but he can be a unique way to take out one of the opponent's main sweepers by surprise. I would also like to point out that (still) if played right, Shedinja can make a valuable asset to any baton pass team. For example, Kyogre can be mean looked, swords danced (if the mean looker has enough HP left after the first turn; focus sash is almost necessary here), then baton passed to Shedinja. He should be able to KO a mean looked choice specs Kyogre before it runs out of PP and struggles (which bypasses wonder guard if I am correct). Stealth rock is another hazard that's best avoided rather than taken head-on; that's why every team needs a rapid spinner.

I agree that Shedinja is very easily countered; that's why it's very difficult to use him in competitive play. The point I'm trying to make is that it can be done, but trying to do so is a serious gamble. It's a high-risk, high-reward situation.

Sigs are overrated.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-27 16:22:09

Focus Sash on any Pokemon that is not leading the team is pointless. Stealth Rock breaks Focus Sash. All attempts at Rapid Spinning are blocked by Rotom-H, because of its Ghost typing. Rotom-H has a way to frighten just about every single Rapid Spinner. Starmie gets OHKOd by Thunderbolt, Tentacruel doesn't do squat to Rotom-H, and is 2HKOd most of the time. Forretress gets OHKOd by Overheat. Claydol gets 2HKOd by Shadow Ball.
All Mean Look users are OHKOd by Specs Water Spout, so trying to set that strategy up on Kyogre is pointless.

I know you're not saying that Shedinja is not the best wall to use. I'm just saying that Shedinja is nota viable way tostopKyogre, meaning completely taking him out of the game.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-27 17:04:44

At 1/27/10 04:22 PM, verycoolguy wrote: Focus Sash on any Pokemon that is not leading the team is pointless. Stealth Rock breaks Focus Sash. All attempts at Rapid Spinning are blocked by Rotom-H, because of its Ghost typing. Rotom-H has a way to frighten just about every single Rapid Spinner. Starmie gets OHKOd by Thunderbolt, Tentacruel doesn't do squat to Rotom-H, and is 2HKOd most of the time. Forretress gets OHKOd by Overheat. Claydol gets 2HKOd by Shadow Ball.
All Mean Look users are OHKOd by Specs Water Spout, so trying to set that strategy up on Kyogre is pointless.

I know you're not saying that Shedinja is not the best wall to use. I'm just saying that Shedinja is nota viable way tostopKyogre, meaning completely taking him out of the game.

you can go ahead and name counters for every single pokemon, it doesnt help you prove any point. you are just now assuming that the opponent has every single shedinja counter on their team. while fox is saying that if they arent prepared for shedinja, and why would they be for an ubers match, then he is a fun choice and may kill an uber.

I am I am, I think I am

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-27 17:24:28

At 1/27/10 05:04 PM, MisterDoctorX wrote: you can go ahead and name counters for every single pokemon, it doesnt help you prove any point. you are just now assuming that the opponent has every single shedinja counter on their team. while fox is saying that if they arent prepared for shedinja, and why would they be for an ubers match, then he is a fun choice and may kill an uber.

The counters for things like Shedinja were already mentioned in my recommended teammates for Kyogre. A Stealth Rock lead, Blissey for healing Kyogre with Wish and Heal Bell and taking special attacks from faster Pokemon. Forretress lays down Toxic Spikes to remove Blissey's durability and to take physical attacks from faster Pokemon like Rayquaza. Scizor or Tyranitar takes out Latias w/Soul Dew who is a REAL counter to Kyogre, and the second best Rapid Spin Blocker in the game, Rotom-A (Heat version preferred). The simple fact that Stealth Rock exists in the team and it has a Spinblocker means that Shedinja won't do anything. I didn't purposely pick random Pokemon to counter Shedinja... Shedinja has so many ways to get beaten so it's very likely that any Pokemon I'd mention will have a way to beat it.
The reason why it seems like I'm naming counters for every Pokemon is because I'm repeating myself... If you'd notice, I'm talking about the same exact Pokemon who can team with Kyogre to take out its threats..
Please read the bold, underlined and italicized statement and don't ever mention Shedinja again...

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-27 17:43:11

At 1/27/10 05:24 PM, verycoolguy wrote:
At 1/27/10 05:04 PM, MisterDoctorX wrote: shedinja

oh, i just meant uber battles in general, where teams are mostly uber. but i dont really care about this argument or shedinja, i think shedinja is best in monotype battles because coverage is so scarce and you can find and defeat its counters early on, which i've seen done many times. a lame gimmick pokemon, but can be a sweet gimmick pokemon if it is used under the perfect conditions.

I am I am, I think I am

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-28 02:17:52

At 1/26/10 11:48 PM, Swackman wrote: Btw, I've been meaning to ask, where did TanookiJohn go? I'm too lazy to go back through a year's worth of pages.... (That's what I get for being MIA for a year.)

Well, I've done some investigating on his account and checked out his post history. I found out that he hasn't made a single post in this club for over a year. In fact, he hasn't posted anything on the Newgrounds forums for over a year! I really don't why he hasn't made any contact with Newgrounds lately. You think he'd be posting everyday in this club. I think it sucks that he mysteriously vanished from the forums but I don't we should hold it against him. He probably has his own reasons why and we shouldn't interfere with them. At least he gave us this club and its still going strong after all this time.

I'm practicing to be a fan artist on DeviantART. I don't have anything up right but you can still check out my favorites! :) http://red-supernova64.deviantart.c om

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-28 22:38:45

At 1/27/10 05:24 PM, verycoolguy wrote: Please read the bold, underlined and italicized statement and don't ever mention Shedinja again...

Ugh. Let's just agree to disagree. Neither one of us will be able to change the other's viewpoint, and there's no sense in starting a flamewar about it.


Sigs are overrated.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2010-01-28 23:11:29

Flamewar? umad?

I don't understand how you are not convinced. The bottom line is, Choice Specs Kyogre is a damn menace and with just the right teammates, almost nothing can stop it from sweeping a whole team. Be aware that Stealth Rock isn't used for the sole purpose of eliminating Shedinja, because removing 12.5% of HP from an average Pokemon will let it be OHKOd by either Water Spout, or Ice Beam/Thunder. Scizor or Tyranitar aren't there for the sole purpose of Pursuiting Shedinja, but to eliminate Latias who is the only true counter to Specs Kyogre.