I'm just training right now. The peoples levels are to high.
I'm just training right now. The peoples levels are to high.
Hey DVS what the hell do I do with this mystery gift?
At 6/16/07 09:34 PM, Reaperyami wrote: Hey DVS what the hell do I do with this mystery gift?
you can use to get mystery gift to get the Azure flute and catch acerus
At 6/16/07 09:23 PM, stick-man-dude wrote: Rapidash-47
I'm just training right now. The peoples levels are to high.
Good team, get rapidash up to high level and teach it fire blast if it doesnt already know it.
just keep up the good work
Who else here has trouble saying a pokemons name like GIRATINA. Also some of the citys are like that to.
And in almost every pokemon thread ( in the general forums ) theres one EXTREME NOOB who says "omg pokemon r gay if u like tem u is gay !!!!111!!!!!!1!!!!!!"
Also I'm going for 100 wins in the battle tower I'm on 28.
started last night
At 6/16/07 04:34 PM, stick-man-dude wrote:
Ok. I need your friend code. Do you have mine? It's two pages back I think. Once we're set we can schedule something. My pokemon are weak though. Especially Haunter. I hope he has enough level to evolve. What do you want to trade me?
You need not to worry about levels for Haunter. Just trade and you will have a Gengar. . . or at least I have one. I can trade you back so that you can have your Gengar.
And what I want to trade is a Pokemon that needs to evolve by trading. You will see once you are there.
Update on my journeys: I made it through bitch victory road. Challenged elite four. Lost to Aaron. :(
Do I need to post a strategy for the Elite 4?
At 6/16/07 09:34 PM, Reaperyami wrote: Hey DVS what the hell do I do with this mystery gift?
Have you tried using it? My cheat explains how you can receive a mystery gift. All you need is to reset the DS >> go to "Mystery Gift" >> go to "Receive Gift from WFC" >> and be connected by either your Wi-Fi router, a hotspot, or your Nintendo WFC. Hopefully, you can receive a gift.
However, I did not receive it. I believe what you need to do is visit the Game Director from Valor Lakefront, that is if you got a National Dex. He will give you a certificate for your efforts. Then reset the game and try to receive your mystery gift. I will see if I can do that.
At 6/16/07 04:48 PM, HaroFreak wrote:
Then let me tell you who you are:
You are Dark-Volcano-Sam; a person driven by fandom and your own skills to become the best. You may not be well known now, but you will be once you release your works.
If you cannot believe in yourself, then don't.
Believe in me, the one who believes in you.
. . .
. . . .
. . . . .
. . . Yes!
You finally understand my priorities! This is who I am trying to reach. It is my goal to have global recognition for my efforts and experience. However, not many know that it takes a hell of a lot of time, especially if I do this alone. Imagine being an art designer, a game director, and a programmer at the same time. Only a handful of people has the capability to become a hodgepodge of game designers. Of course, I am not the fastest one. Still, I am those people with that rare ability.
I should concentrate more on what I can do. It is a part of me, and will always be. Thank you that you understand myself, Haro!
. . .
Still, it does not change the fact that I do not know more about myself. There are some things I wonder, like why I am special and too good to die. Is my life force and this world intertwine with each other? It sounds silly, but that is what I feel.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
At 6/17/07 08:34 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: However, I did not receive it. I believe what you need to do is visit the Game Director from Valor Lakefront, that is if you got a National Dex. He will give you a certificate for your efforts. Then reset the game and try to receive your mystery gift. I will see if I can do that.
I think its so you can recive tthings from nintendo events or pokemon. since nintendo is giving away darkria ( insted of the member ship card to get to darkia ). darkia will know Spacial rend and Roar of time. This is most likely because it's roll in upcoming moive Darkia VS Dialga VS palkia. And shaymin which nintendo has given no sign to weather or not it is going to release shaymin, or profesor oaks letter used to get to shaymin.
At least thats what my sources tell me.
At 6/17/07 08:34 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:
Do I need to post a strategy for the Elite 4?
No. I'll find a way.
At 6/16/07 10:05 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:
Good team, get rapidash up to high level and teach it fire blast if it doesnt already know it.
just keep up the good work
Rapidash-50, knows fire blast.
how do you get wifi to work anyone help
At 6/17/07 12:55 PM, Aaronrocks wrote: how do you get wifi to work anyone help
In the Pokemon Center, there is a stairs on the right side. Go there and you will be in a blue room called "Wi-Fi Club". Talk to the girl near the stairs. She will give you a Pal Pad. You can now have access to Wi-Fi.
If that is not the problem, then there must be wrong with your router or WFC. Make sure that you configure your Internet connection so that it knows that you will be using that connection.
If that does not work, then I do not know what could be the problem.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
Trade succsessful. DVS, I'm gonna need to trade again sometime in the future. You know, Alakazam. I just have a level 13 Abra right now so it won't be anytime soon.
At 6/17/07 12:55 PM, Aaronrocks wrote: how do you get wifi to work anyone help
Adding on the DVS, you have to have someone in your friend roster to be able to connect.
At 6/17/07 01:04 PM, stick-man-dude wrote: Trade succsessful. DVS, I'm gonna need to trade again sometime in the future. You know, Alakazam. I just have a level 13 Abra right now so it won't be anytime soon.
No problem. I am there for whatever trade you want. Also, there are Pokemons that needs an item hold in order to evolve by trade, like an Upgrade to Porygon.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
must be my wifi dongle then i will buy the offical one
At 6/17/07 01:18 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:
No problem. I am there for whatever trade you want. Also, there are Pokemons that needs an item hold in order to evolve by trade, like an Upgrade to Porygon.
Is Alakazam one of them?
no beacuse he is a first generation one you just trade beacuse pokemon holding items did'nt come till gold and sliver
At 6/17/07 01:26 PM, stick-man-dude wrote:
Is Alakazam one of them?
No. Kadabra does not need anything to hold in order to evolve by trade.
You can always look up how to evolve by going to serebii.net. There should be other Pokemons that needed an item to hold in order to evolve by trade. You know that Dusklops that I traded? It was holding a Reaper Cloth, so that he can evolve into Dusknoir.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
i just realised that everthink is fives hours behind on this website anyway does ramprodas learn any goood attacks
At 6/17/07 01:38 PM, Aaronrocks wrote: i just realised that everthink is fives hours behind on this website anyway does ramprodas learn any goood attacks
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
not really i wanted him to learn rock slide still it can learn fire blast and surf awesome
At 6/17/07 12:55 PM, Aaronrocks wrote: how do you get wifi to work anyone help
well if you mean instlation then plug it in put the disc in and then then it will load up there'll be an icon in the corner thenturn your game on and and go to nintendo WFC settings and put your data in . do each step and 123 and then on 3 register yourself and then click the icon and hit grant accsess. and then your ready
i installed the cd and it still does'nt work any one have wifi max soo they can help me cause thats what i have goot lol
Hey DVS, I tried it and failed maybe there's another way?
At 6/17/07 02:21 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote: HERES A pokedex site
That an interesting Pokemon website. They got all the Pokemon and there data. This is basically similar to Serebii.net. Are they bitting off their style? :/
ramprodas is sometimes referred as a glass canon due to his awesome attack but rather pathetic defense and low hp. You should give it focus sash because most likely he will be killed with one attack.
At 6/17/07 05:39 PM, SenorPresidente wrote: ramprodas is sometimes referred as a glass canon due to his awesome attack but rather pathetic defense and low hp. You should give it focus sash because most likely he will be killed with one attack.
agian, right now he can only use HP UPS and IRON,CALCIUM. because you cant get he focus sash until you have 16 bp and dont I think he beat the E4
:if you have then whatever
At 6/17/07 07:07 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:At 6/17/07 05:39 PM, SenorPresidente wrote: ramprodas is sometimes referred as a glass canon due to his awesome attack but rather pathetic defense and low hp. You should give it focus sash because most likely he will be killed with one attack.agian, right now he can only use HP UPS and IRON,CALCIUM. because you cant get he focus sash until you have 16 bp and dont I think he beat the E4
Well i guess the focus sash isn't necessary since he still is battling in game. i guess i can only really help when talking competitively. either way Gyarados > Elite four.
At 6/17/07 07:15 PM, SenorPresidente wrote:
either way Gyarados > Elite four.
( )) ;; *SCRATCH* *SCRATH*
okay a Level 48 Gyarados > dustox 53 beautifly 53 vespiquen 54 heracros 54 drapion 57 quagsire 55 sudowoodo 56 golem 56 whiscash 55 hippodowan 59 rapidash 58 stellix 57 drifblim 58 lopunny 57 infernape 61 mr.mime 59 girafig 59 medicham 60 alakazam 60 Bronzong 63 Spirttomb 61 roserade 60 gastrodon 60 lucario 63 milotic 63 garchomp 66
At 6/17/07 07:40 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:At 6/17/07 07:15 PM, SenorPresidente wrote:either way Gyarados > Elite four.{'']
( )) ;; *SCRATCH* *SCRATH*
okay a Level 48 Gyarados > dustox 53 beautifly 53 vespiquen 54 heracros 54 drapion 57 quagsire 55 sudowoodo 56 golem 56 whiscash 55 hippodowan 59 rapidash 58 stellix 57 drifblim 58 lopunny 57 infernape 61 mr.mime 59 girafig 59 medicham 60 alakazam 60 Bronzong 63 Spirttomb 61 roserade 60 gastrodon 60 lucario 63 milotic 63 garchomp 66
Correct. You find a pokemon on their team that will give you enough time to use two or three dragon dances and that will make Gyarados faster then all of their pokemons. And with his range of moves he can deal a super effective hit on most of their pokemons. I never said that gyarados should be your only pokemon on your team.