At 6/15/07 05:40 PM, SenorPresidente wrote: do you have any ubers in your team.
if ubers are lvl100s yes my shaymin's lvl 100 but idont use it becouse i dont like ubers
tier list
old but it should give you an idea of what i mean. ubers are guys like mewtwo and Kygore.
bein glevel 10o does'nt mean your an uber a ubers like um groudon or lengaries or sumthing and i duno how to make my wifi work
At 6/15/07 05:47 PM, SenorPresidente wrote: tier list
old but it should give you an idea of what i mean. ubers are guys like mewtwo and Kygore.
yea all exept rayquaza kyogre deoxys regular
and acerus if thats uber the only one i use is darkia
At 6/15/07 05:51 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:At 6/15/07 05:47 PM, SenorPresidente wrote: tier listyea all exept rayquaza kyogre deoxys regular
old but it should give you an idea of what i mean. ubers are guys like mewtwo and Kygore.
lol what?
and acerus if thats uber the only one i use is darkia
do you mean Darkrai? and how did you obtain him and shaymin? are you cheating?
he must be lol unles he traded from japan
At 6/15/07 06:18 PM, Aaronrocks wrote: he must be lol unles he traded from japan
will you battle me ive asked 4 times
At 6/15/07 06:20 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:
will you battle me ive asked 4 times
Okay. We can have a battle if you are ready.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
At 6/15/07 06:48 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:At 6/15/07 06:20 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:will you battle me ive asked 4 timesOkay. We can have a battle if you are ready.
no lvl 100s
Should've brougyhht a better team your very good DVS. you like my oh tee noes voice.
If there is a Pokemon version of "Hollywood Squares", who would you like to be in one of the squares? Who would you like to be in the center square?
What would you call a Pokemon made out of human flesh?
Which Pokemon makes a better bed buddy (yiffing is optional)?
If Gandolf the White becomes a trainer, which Pokemons will he have in his team?
What Pokemons would you cast if someone wants to create a Pokemon version of "Star Wars"?
If you get high, which Pokemon will you be likely to see clearly?
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
No, really. Does someone have like 100 masterballs? You know, the migrating cheat? I'm training at the beggining of the bitch called Victory Road. Gotta stock up on stuff. The gotcha cheat does work, say it right when the pokeball opens. I couldn't capture a Medicham ( to trade) then I said gotcha into the mic and I caught it.
Do you have to trade a Haunter to make it evolve? If so, can someone trade with me? Also trade my Machoke. Just remember to give it back.
Finally, a place for me!
I'm in :D
Check my sig for my D/P friend code and PM me if you want to battle or trade >:)
At 6/15/07 05:31 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote: SOME ONE BATTLE ME oh and lv 100 PLEASEORZ
Friend code plz? 3479-9095-8340
At 6/16/07 10:08 AM, Reaperyami wrote:At 6/15/07 05:31 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote: SOME ONE BATTLE ME oh and lv 100 PLEASEORZFriend code plz? 3479-9095-8340
1375 4112 3363
name Sachiel
dont get full of lvl 100s they can be close though
and your name plz
At 6/15/07 08:28 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: What would you call a Pokemon made out of human flesh?
Pikachu was made from yellow, rotten human flesh. XD
Which Pokemon makes a better bed buddy (yiffing is optional)?
No comment....rather have the pokemon in a pokeball. :/
If Gandolf the White becomes a trainer, which Pokemons will he have in his team?
All Ghost pokemon like Gengar, Misdreavor, etc.
What Pokemons would you cast if someone wants to create a Pokemon version of "Star Wars"?
Deoxy's! That would be the best pokemon for star wars. Deoxy would play the part of Darth Vader.
If you get high, which Pokemon will you be likely to see clearly?
Tyranitar because you really can't miss him. :/
At 6/15/07 08:28 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:
the anserw to all is
At 6/15/07 10:24 PM, stick-man-dude wrote: No, really. Does someone have like 100 masterballs? You know, the migrating cheat? I'm training at the beggining of the bitch called Victory Road. Gotta stock up on stuff.
To tell you the truth, I am afraid to perform that cloning trick. Even though it is claimed that the save file will not be corrupted, something that is unexpected may have some advert side-effects. Remember about "Glitch City", the "Wild Prof. Oak", and of course the infamous "Missigno"
The gotcha cheat does work, say it right when the pokeball opens. I couldn't capture a Medicham ( to trade) then I said gotcha into the mic and I caught it.
It may be a happy accident. If you can catch a rare Pokemon with only a Poke Ball, then it may be proof enough.
Do you have to trade a Haunter to make it evolve? If so, can someone trade with me? Also trade my Machoke. Just remember to give it back.
There is a "cheat" Blue Hippo mentioned. It involves depositing your Pokemon to the GTS. Here is how it "works".
Go to the GTS >> Deposit your Pokemon >> Give an offer that is ridiculous so that no one will trade your Pokemon (Say a LV. 100 Dialga) >> Exit out of the GTS >> Return back to the GTS >> retrieve your Pokemon.
Supposedly, your Pokemon will evolve because the GTS "thinks" it has been traded. However, I tried it and it did not work. It looks like you have to trade in with someone.
How about me? I have a Pokemon that needs to evolve by trading.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
It's always better to train your Caterpie up to a Metapod, rather than catch a wild Metapod.
You will find that the wild one's only have the ability to harden, whereas if you evolve a Caterpie, it will know string shooting and tackling.
The same goes for Weedle and Kakuna respectively.
At 6/16/07 01:28 PM, MickTheChampion wrote: In Blue Version, because of how rare a Weedle is I'd say that you'd be okay to go for a Kakuna straight away. Then you'd still get Kakuna and Beedrill on your Pokédex. Hehehe.
We definetly need more classic pokemon in the new pokemon games.
At 6/16/07 02:03 PM, Tanooki-John wrote:
We definetly need more classic pokemon in the new pokemon games.
Definitely! I hate to either search for them by inserting a GBA Pokemon game or migrating them from the Pal Park. And it is a shame that we cannot use the GTS to search for those Pokemons unless we have them in the dex.
There should be another way. Maybe, our answers will be praised in the form of Pokemon Battle Revolution. One question remains. How do we transport Pokemons to that game? Is there a USB accessory for the Wii that allows DS to connect the Wii by using the wireless communication?
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
I cant thing of anything to do on pokemon anyone got any ideas.
im just asking you dont gotta answer gawd
At 6/16/07 03:02 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote: I cant thing of anything to do on pokemon anyone got any ideas.
im just asking you dont gotta answer gawd
I will answer to you because I am a nice guy for some of the time.
You can make Poffins, that is if you have berries. Feed Poffins to the Pokemons so that you can improve their personalities. That way, you have a better chance of winning at contests.
You can make more money. There is a trick for easy money. Go to the Spring Path and enter to the same area where Giratina is. If you pass three pillars in under 16 steps, you get a Rare Bone. Each bone sells for 5,000.
You can try to get 100 consecutive wins at the Pokemon Tower. If you do that, you will receive a star in your Trainer's card.
Try to max your dex. If you do that, you will receive a star.
Visit our site for some tips you may overlook. The "Mystery Gift" cheat is something to look forward to. I believe it is useful if you go to New York and have a visit to the Pokemon Center. Or maybe Nintendo is kind enough to send it in our homes.
Breed some Pokemons. There are needy trainers, like me, who wants a new Pokemon to have. Visit Serebii.net to find out how to breed a certain Pokemon. If you have a Ditto, then it is all you need.
Cyber me! In the Wi-Fi Club, you have the option to just Voice Chat. Doing so allows us to talk with other. Then, CYBER!
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
At 6/16/07 03:26 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:
:: I will answer to you because I am a nice guy for some of the time.
thank you
You can try to get 100 consecutive wins at the Pokemon Tower. If you do that, you will receive a star in your Trainer's card.
Visit our site for some tips you may overlook. The "Mystery Gift" cheat is something to look forward to. I believe it is useful if you go to New York and have a visit to the Pokemon Center. Or maybe Nintendo is kind enough to send it in our homes.
:: Cyber me! In the Wi-Fi Club, you have the option to just Voice Chat. Doing so allows us to talk with other. Then, CYBER!
um.... ew i think if your thinking that well im just ewww
At 6/16/07 03:32 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:
Cool! Just follow the trick of the "Mystery Gift" and hoping that the Pokemon Center is offering an exclusive Pokemon. If you got it, please tell it to us, or PM either me or TJ!
um.... ew i think if your thinking that well im just ewww
Is it necessary for me to be gross on NG? From the mods' and regulars' point-of-view, I think so.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
If you want to know where it is, check it out on Google Maps.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
At 6/16/07 01:15 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: How about me? I have a Pokemon that needs to evolve by trading.
Ok. I need your friend code. Do you have mine? It's two pages back I think. Once we're set we can schedule something. My pokemon are weak though. Especially Haunter. I hope he has enough level to evolve. What do you want to trade me?
Update on my journeys: I made it through bitch victory road. Challenged elite four. Lost to Aaron. :(
At 6/15/07 03:24 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: I'll tell you again! I do not know who I am!
Then let me tell you who you are:
You are Dark-Volcano-Sam; a person driven by fandom and your own skills to become the best. You may not be well known now, but you will be once you release your works.
If you cannot believe in yourself, then don't.
Believe in me, the one who believes in you.
At 6/16/07 04:34 PM, stick-man-dude wrote: Update on my journeys: I made it through bitch victory road. Challenged elite four. Lost to Aaron. :(
post your pokemon here and there levels and telll you what you need to do.
heheh hA HAHHAHAHA sorry sorry