At 6/18/07 08:43 PM, SenorPresidente wrote:
Is Scizor a baton passer? if so roost will go well with substitute. I am not sure about Typhlosion.
- Double Team
-Swords Dance
-G. Impact or Roost
He's not a baton passer, more like a cross between an annoyer and a sweeper. Since Scizor is slow and his is a 4x weakness, I use Double Team to make up for his lack of speed and to avoid fire attacks.
I just figured since I'm going to be using an adamant Scizor, a couple of swords dances would go great with his physical attack, and since G. Impact is a physical move I could put some serious hurt into anyone who is unprepared for this kind of attack, but seeing as how double team doesn't kick into affect after 3 uses my Scizor would be pretty beat up, which is where Roost would kick in.
That's where my predicament comes in, seeing as how I only have 4 slots for attacks. Double Team and Swords Dance making up a huge part of my Scizor's strategy and since X-Scissor gets STAB it should be at 120 base power, plus the boost from his ability, Swarm, should put it at 180, then there's boosts from items. Which is why X-Scissor forms the majority of my offense.
-Sunny Day
- Eruption or Blast Burn
Typhlosion's greatest stat is it's Sp. Attack. Flamethrower has the PP to last and power my Typhlosion can really make use of it seeing as it's a Sp. attack. Then there's the boost from Sunny Day and I'm not sure but I think that special attacks still get STAB then there's Typhlosion's hold item (undecided) to consider so Flamethrower is really going to pack a punch.
Solarbeam covers ground, rock, and water types (Typhlosion's weaknesses). It's a powerful sp. attack which is complemented by Typhlosion's powerful sp. attack stat, and with Sunny Day in effect I can fire one of in a single turn. Plus since it'll be used against ground, rock, and water types it'll seriously hurt them especially if they have a water/ground type combo (quagsire, etc...).
I'm just trying to fit in a REALLY powerful attack so I took into consideration the amount of damage my Typhlosion can dish out with Flamethrower and wondered if I could provide a much more powerful attack, by supplying an attack that was stronger AND could receive the same boosts Flamethrower does.
I came up with 2 options: Eruption and Blast Burn. Both are fire-type special attacks with a base power of 150 and 5 PP. Eruption's power however less as the user takes more damage.The problem w/ Blast Burn is that after using it Typhlosion is going to have to give up a turn, like with Hyper Beam, and that could seriously cost me and then there's the fact that it has 90 accuracy which is a liability.
That was WAY too much typing.