At 4/6/05 03:24 AM, -King_Nothing- wrote: Hey. Can I have a flash looking sig using this picture?
Sorry for the double post, but I meant flashy, not flash.
At 4/6/05 03:24 AM, -King_Nothing- wrote: Hey. Can I have a flash looking sig using this picture?
Sorry for the double post, but I meant flashy, not flash.
I found a guitar that fit the color scheme.
Hmmm to think i was gonna abandon this sig and it turned out some1 liked the bg......
anyway here ya go.
At 4/5/05 08:02 PM, matttman1 wrote: yo arch ya no emo's sig ya think you could throw some of that blood instead of the current kind thanks
sure if you could find me his sig. i'm lazy sorry.
Archy could you make me a kick arse Inuyasha sig? Possibly with like a TV with a gif on it along with jpegs as the background? Thanks.
At 4/6/05 06:33 AM, Jedi_Coconut wrote: Archy could you make me a kick arse Inuyasha sig? Possibly with like a TV with a gif on it along with jpegs as the background? Thanks.
so you want an animated inuyasha sprite?
At 4/5/05 06:41 PM, xDrepx wrote: Why not?
omg <3 <3 <3!!!
when did you get to be that good?
by the way, when is the next insignia trial?
At 4/6/05 07:15 AM, Arch_Angel_Rhys wrote:At 4/6/05 06:33 AM, Jedi_Coconut wrote: Archy could you make me a kick arse Inuyasha sig? Possibly with like a TV with a gif on it along with jpegs as the background? you want an animated inuyasha sprite?
yea and by the sound of it he wants it to look like its on tv?
this probably isnt what he's looking for but i hope jedi cocnut likes it all the same.
If I wanted back in the ISM..
What would need to be done for that?
At 4/6/05 01:21 PM, Derc_Tora wrote: If I wanted back in the ISM..
What would need to be done for that?
you trying to say you were in the ism and you want to be back in it again?
hey guys, u made me a sig b4 and i think its great, but i would really like another, i tried myself but it really didnt work :S lol i was wonderin if u could do one that was a bit darker than the one i got noe? wiv a samurai sword in te design sumhow? thnx alot :D
At 4/6/05 03:37 PM, silver_slayer wrote: hey guys, u made me a sig b4 and i think its great, but i would really like another, i tried myself but it really didnt work :S lol i was wonderin if u could do one that was a bit darker than the one i got noe? wiv a samurai sword in te design sumhow? thnx alot :D
i got this one
At 4/6/05 03:27 PM, Arch_Angel_Rhys wrote:At 4/6/05 01:21 PM, Derc_Tora wrote: If I wanted back in the trying to say you were in the ism and you want to be back in it again?
What would need to be done for that?
Yes.. and No..
I was in the ISM.. Yes
Do i want back in?.. No
But IF want to join the ISM again .. IF i wanted.. But I am not sure if i do
Could I?
At 4/6/05 03:37 PM, silver_slayer wrote: hey guys, u made me a sig b4 and i think its great, but i would really like another, i tried myself but it really didnt work :S lol i was wonderin if u could do one that was a bit darker than the one i got noe? wiv a samurai sword in te design sumhow? thnx alot :D
This what you were looking for?
At 4/6/05 04:03 PM, Derc_Tora wrote:At 4/6/05 03:27 PM, Arch_Angel_Rhys wrote:Yes.. and No..At 4/6/05 01:21 PM, Derc_Tora wrote: If I wanted back in the trying to say you were in the ism and you want to be back in it again?
What would need to be done for that?
I was in the ISM.. Yes
Do i want back in?.. No
But IF want to join the ISM again .. IF i wanted.. But I am not sure if i do
Could I?
either wait for a trial and make a submission or make really good sigs in the asm bsm etc and DP might recruit you.
I need a new sig... Make it with the Spike- in solid shimmering gold and add some spikes on the side if you can thanks
hey me again lol, i got an account on another site, wiv a username of L!nK, and i wondered if it would b possible if any of you guys could make a sig 4 tht name? if you can id really like it 2 b dark green, wiv lighter green bits in it.. sorry its a bit vague :S lol thnx alot
At 4/6/05 10:21 PM, MisterDoctorX wrote: HEY!! i requested a sig!!!
i refuse to make you a sig as long as you insist on having that crappy X doctor thingy. it's the shittest pic i've ever seen. it brings a sig down 5 points at least. ditch it and someone would probably be glad to do it for you.
At 4/6/05 04:03 PM, Derc_Tora wrote: I was in the ISM.. Yes
Technically, although you never actually did anything.
Do i want back in?.. No
Then why the fuck are you asking how you can get back in?
At 4/7/05 06:12 AM, Zamochit wrote:At 4/6/05 04:03 PM, Derc_Tora wrote: I was in the ISM.. YesTechnically, although you never actually did anything.
I made 4 sigs.. that is not nothing :/
Do i want back in?.. NoThen why the fuck are you asking how you can get back in?
If i wanted back in.. IF!
I like to know my options :D
At 4/4/05 07:55 PM, Bertuzzi44 wrote:At 4/4/05 01:25 PM, Noodles502 wrote: Could someone fix my sig up a bit or make a better one? In case you don't know it's a Reservoir Dogs sig with my name. Thanks.mineminemineminemine.
i liekd that movei. yup. symbol thingie. lolz @ J00
At 4/7/05 04:44 AM, silver_slayer wrote: hey me again lol, i got an account on another site, wiv a username of L!nK, and i wondered if it would b possible if any of you guys could make a sig 4 tht name? if you can id really like it 2 b dark green, wiv lighter green bits in it.. sorry its a bit vague :S lol thnx alot
Twathead said.
I made 4 sigs.. that is not nothing :/
yes it is. you should do more. >:(
If i wanted back in.. IF!
don't ask if you dont care of the answer. retire to the bsm.
I like to know my options :D
you dont have any except die or get killed. now fuck off back to where you are actually wanted. bitch.
At 4/7/05 02:15 PM, Arch_Angel_Rhys wrote:
you dont have any except die or get killed. now fuck off back to where you are actually wanted. bitch.
Ehm...HELL YEAH!...b..i...tch?
At 4/7/05 11:50 AM, -Akula- wrote:At 4/4/05 07:55 PM, Bertuzzi44 symbol thingie. lolz @ J00At 4/4/05 01:25 PM, Noodles502 wrote: Could someone fix my sig up a bit or make a better one? In case you don't know it's a Reservoir Dogs sig with my name. Thanks.mineminemineminemine.
i liekd that movei. yup.
I speak only the trooth.
Can anyone make me a nice sig? I don't care how as long as it's light blue (like my Aura), has 'EviLudy' in it and looks very cool.