At 4/7/05 06:04 PM, Blanc- wrote:
Did you only develop that ego when you made it into the ISM, or were you born with that whole narcissm attitude?
narcissistic.. But still; good point
At 4/7/05 05:42 PM, XXXMATTXXX wrote:
wow........ ok does that make you feel big?
Ya! It Dose!
What made you think anyone wanted you back in the first place?
Because you are making a big deal out of it..
And you Be telling me how to join!
At 4/6/05 08:57 PM, XXXMATTXXX wrote:
either wait for a trial and make a submission or make really good sigs in the asm bsm etc and DP might recruit you.
seriously get over yourself............
Pfft! No, I Like me too much ^-^
At 4/7/05 02:15 PM, Numnuts wrote:
At 4/6/05 04:03 PM, Derc_Tora wrote:
I made 4 sigs.. that is not nothing :/
yes it is. you should do more. >:(
Not in total Numnuts! I have a total of 50 sigs
If i wanted back in.. IF!
don't ask if you dont care of the answer. retire to the bsm.
If I didn’t care! I wouldn’t have asked
I like to know my options :D
you dont have any except die or get killed. now fuck off back to where you are actually wanted. bitch.
I did die.. Now what?
At 4/7/05 05:43 PM, Arch_Angel_Rhys wrote:
to be honest i don't find your work great.
Your Right! My work is not all that great!
A 8-9 Avarage in SRC is not Great! But its still good!