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Insignia Sig Makers

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Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-04 20:33:36

At 4/4/05 08:03 PM, Parralax wrote:
What the hell are you talking about, i made both of those sigs from scratch and a lot of work went into both...ill send you the png file

well dude Rhys said he made it,now why would he say that if he didnt?

(im talking about the sig with the girl on it,wih the wavey BG)

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-04 20:39:16

At 4/4/05 07:52 AM, tkum wrote: this is what i made, i am sure othere will attempt it if you dont like it

O_O you are a god :) j/k very nice thanks a lot

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-04 21:21:06

i'm coming back to u guys fotr a favor cuz ASM screwed me over i want a silver of like a hundred dollar bill or of like fanned out hundreds or 50's or twentys and instead of the protrait in the middle put the picture i included(major's insignia) and where it says in god we trust on the bill try to color that over( no offense to america or whatever) and put the letter major mon-ay in as close to the font used in the bill already thanks ya'll u guys r awesome

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 00:23:51

At 4/4/05 08:31 PM, Bertuzzi44 wrote: pimp'd

Awesome, thanks a lot.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 01:53:13

its me again. anywho i just want a new sig and pic cuz i just switched my username

and ahead of time Thanks buddy.

p.s i dont care how it looks just make it cool.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 02:22:53

At 4/4/05 07:33 AM, tkum wrote: i know this is not exactly what you asked for but

Don't hate me but......
It's good and everything ,but you made the angel a girl... if you can change that, it would be great and if you could made the backround color black with some red.... sorry to ask for so much but you're right it didnt come out like i wanted.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 02:58:35

you know what....

If what i asked of you becomes to big of a hassle or if it just comes out looking crappy then someone just make me a new one with a Cool Dark theme. Just my name and a cool "lightning-ish" backroud with the colors being a Hot red and black, Nothing more.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 03:39:07

Dudes, don't forget the hand with eyes! You cannot forget Timothy!

Lol Myspace

Jemry is where children come from.

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 03:57:26

Well i made it and i dont know why Rhys said it but i do not steal other peoples work...fucker

...Kilroy was here

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 05:10:25

At 4/5/05 03:57 AM, Parralax wrote: Well i made it and i dont know why Rhys said it but i do not steal other peoples work...fucker

Hey matt hows about backing off, paralax is trying his hardest to get in here, and whilst you are in you are not making manny sigs just abusing every newb who posts. I beleive him that he did not steal the sig, and if he did thats shame on paralax and has nothign to do with you. The whole point of this is your in the ism to make sigs and enjoy doing it with people you know and have fun working with, your not here to Flame people or act tough around noobs, ITS ALL ABOUT THE SIGS

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 06:10:18

i am sorry about the shit i wrote earlyon i was pissed of at the time and i take it back, but i still back paralax up

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 06:11:49

At 4/5/05 06:10 AM, tkum wrote: i am sorry about the shit i wrote earlyon i was pissed of at the time and i take it back, but i still back paralax up

that maybe true but im not ignoring what you said,if rhys comes in and tells me he was egging me on i'll appologize and mean it but until then i back Rhys.

At 4/5/05 05:10 AM, tkum wrote:
At 4/5/05 03:57 AM, Parralax wrote: Well i made it and i dont know why Rhys said it but i do not steal other peoples work...fucker
Hey matt hows about backing off, paralax is trying his hardest to get in here, and whilst you are in you are not making manny sigs just abusing every newb who posts. I beleive him that he did not steal the sig, and if he did thats shame on paralax and has nothign to do with you. The whole point of this is your in the ism to make sigs and enjoy doing it with people you know and have fun working with, your not here to Flame people or act tough around noobs, ITS ALL ABOUT THE SIGS

For one thing wha do you mean abusing every noob that posts in here?
if some1 asks a question i calmy answer it,i just had to throw in what i was told about him stealing that sig.
I make all the sigs that suit my style,just because noone has posted a request that fits me doesnt mean im not making sigs,it means im holding out for a sig i can make well,i prefer to make sigs well or not at all,unlike some people.
and i wasnt acting tough i was helping them out,did i use any obsenities or !!!! when i talked to anybody.
i even complimented one of the people who posted by saying they just needed a lil practise and theyll get in,i wouldnt flame some1 that didnt really deserve it,and now im being bitched at because i like to hep noobs out by answering their questions.
did any of the noobs seem offended?

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 06:45:38

thank you all for getting so worked up but here is the sig which parralax used and all he did was forget to change the credits from himself to me. so take caps lock off and return to your hentai. thanks for backing me anyway matt.

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 06:52:04

ok then like i said,
-clone im sorry for saying you stole it,Rhys quoted where you posted that one with a girl in it and when i asked him about it he said you stole it but he missunderstood what i was asking.
You had sig be me while wearing one of his sigs,thats what he meant and i take back everything i said against you,what i said to Tkum still stands.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 07:03:24

At 4/5/05 02:58 AM, Guitardude91304 wrote: Eh...
you know what....
If what i asked of you becomes to big of a hassle or if it just comes out looking crappy then someone just make me a new one with a Cool Dark theme. Just my name and a cool "lightning-ish" backroud with the colors being a Hot red and black, Nothing more.

the lightningish background would not work for me, i will post what i came up with and again incourage people to make a sig for you if they want

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 07:07:52

At 4/5/05 06:52 AM, XXXMATTXXX wrote: what i said to Tkum still stands.

lol come on man, time to move on i said sorry, you can still have your opinion and dissagree with me, but lets not hold grudges

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 07:35:38

I'll keep this short.

ArchAngelRhys> You're a full member. Congrats bro.

XXXMATTXXX> Keep going the way you're going, and you'll be a full member soon.

tkum> Keep going the way you're going, and you'll be out again.

xDrepx> You're recognised as a temp member. Take some requests and we'll see how you do.

Everyone else> If I don't say you're in, you're not in. I check my email, I just prefer not to embarass you guys in here. If you're in, I'll tell you.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 08:09:10

sorry i just wanted to know if you got it? sheesh! /xasperation

Sorry Z you type like your stressed

...Kilroy was here

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 13:16:22

i'll keep this short. yay. fuck you debbie. i'm a full member.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 14:22:04

could i have a tech dark green halo sig with a picture of master chief please?

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 14:54:46

At 4/5/05 07:35 AM, Zamochit wrote: I'll keep this short.

ArchAngelRhys> You're a full member. Congrats bro.

Hell yea go RHYS *dances with pom poms*

XXXMATTXXX> Keep going the way you're going, and you'll be a full member soon.

thanks,ever since i first joined NG and seen the ssm ive wanted to be a sig maker and your helping me do that :D.
im gonna read tuts until theres a request that fits me,maybe after reading the tuts i'll feel confident enuf to do other types,im trying to broaden my horizons.

xDrepx> You're recognised as a temp member. Take some requests and we'll see how you do.

congrats dude,good job and good luck.

and tkum,im not holding any gruges,i just got really offended when you said that.
i always go out of my way to be nice to noobs,i try to be the big brother type even when there spamming so it just pissed me off when you said that.
even tho you did appologize it was because i said something on msn and i was still pissed.
im fine now and so are we.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 15:06:40

At 4/5/05 02:59 PM, HornetSting wrote: Spare a sig :(


Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 15:10:07

At 4/5/05 07:35 AM, Zamochit wrote: Everyone else> If I don't say you're in, you're not in. I check my email, I just prefer not to embarass you guys in here. If you're in, I'll tell you.

You won't embarass me, but i can see where you're coming from. Damn, too bad im not in. Anyway, good luck leading the ISM

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 15:17:25

by the way when is the next trial? Id rather be here, so Im practising sigs. i learned how to do text better too.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 18:41:31

At 4/5/05 02:22 PM, -Aquacid- wrote: could i have a tech dark green halo sig with a picture of master chief please?

Why not?

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 20:02:59

yo arch ya no emo's sig ya think you could throw some of that blood instead of the current kind thanks

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-05 21:23:47

could i get a sig with my profile pic in it and some kind of evil villian theme to it.

I am I am, I think I am

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-06 01:59:36

Hello again, I want a baseball sig please. The A's with a green backaround and yellow boarder. I want a picture of Bobby Crosby throwing a baseball and my name in a lighter green please thanks for the time when you do ill check back in a couple of days.

XBL GT: SleepyB 408

I Xbox 360 Club I MLB Club I

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-06 02:08:36

At 4/5/05 07:03 AM, tkum wrote:
the lightningish background would not work for me, i will post what i came up with and again incourage people to make a sig for you if they want

sorry the sig didnt work. The file size was too big, (44kb). if you can, change the guy on the right of the sig to a guy in a dark hood so it gives of a more misterious yet dark vibe. If not just remove the guy completely.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-04-06 03:24:24

Hey. Can I have a flash looking sig using this picture? Can I have my name "tatooed" either on one of her legs or on her stomach too, please? I tried to make my own but it failed....thanks in advance!