At 4/10/05 06:01 AM, tkum wrote: its a little slower now
At 4/10/05 06:03 AM, tkum wrote:At 4/10/05 06:01 AM, tkum wrote: its a little slower nowFUCK FUCKEDY FUCK FUCK SHIT
lol, good one meight
around page 250 i asked if i could have a sig made well here it is again:
Can i have a sig made for me plz of a hundred dollar bill... where benjamin fraklin's potrait is can u plz cover it up whatever u have to do with the picture included... as for the spot where it says hundred dollars below his portrait can u plz white that out and put Major Mon-ay there thank you..
Could some body make me a sig?
Like an animated one Just decide what you want on it.
At 4/10/05 08:10 AM, silver_222 wrote: around page 250 i asked if i could have a sig made well here it is again:
I can't make it that size and still keep the proper proportions...
At 4/10/05 06:03 AM, tkum wrote: its a little slower now
Thnx, man. It's awesome.
i know juggs gave you two options with the sizes, but you could also go with this option (this is still juggs's sig i just resized it) this is the sig as wide s possible
At 4/10/05 09:12 PM, tkum wrote: i know juggs gave you two options with the sizes, but you could also go with this option (this is still juggs's sig i just resized it) this is the sig as wide s possible
i did mean to post this
Ok, so the day's finally here.
I've tried to keep this club organised and running since it's beginning. I've had a great time doing so, but recently, sig making has become a burden, instead of a pleasure.
I want to say a massive thank you to the following people.
Thank you for everything that you've done bro. You kept me going when I got frustrated at the idiots in here. You deserve as much credit for this place as anyone. And I'm still honoured by the open ended SSM invitation that you originally offered me.
Thanks for being a mentor and good friend, even though we haven't seen you in here as much recently. You started me on the path to becoming a sigger, without even knowing it.
Again, even though we didn't see you as much as other members, you still managed to keep my spirits high. I've found a great friend in you. You mean the world to me.
Every single time I felt comfortable with the sigs I was making, you pushed the bar completely out of reach. You are truely one of the greatest siggers alive. And a great friend. Thank you for everything bro.
My voice of reason. Never afraid to tell things how they were. Stay as honest in everything you do, no matter who you piss off.
Although you've left us recently, you were an incredible force in Insignia. The only other person who would really attempt a full request list run more than once. Thanks.
Another incredible sigger. You have an incredible style, and no matter how much I could ever be annoyed at you, there was no denying your skills.
All other Insignia members and temp members
Thank you all for supporting Newgrounds incredible demand for sig requests. I won't mention everyone by name, because I'm sure to forget someone, and I'd hate to do that. You know who you are.
I'd like to also say a massive thank you to Wade and Tom for setting up this incredible website, and to the wonderful mods (most of all Ozcar) who kept this place running as smoothly as possible.
I know I could keep this post going for another few thousand characters but I won't. I will say though that, for the most part, this has been a wonderful and incredible experience. I've enjoyed making the sigs and meeting you all. It was fun while it lasted.
As a final word, can I please ask that anyone thinking about starting up a new "elite" thread, please don't. Because there's no such thing as an elite sigger. We should all be doing this because we love to do it, not so that we can say we belong to an elite club. Because sigging is all about the art, not the ego. And please trust me when I say it is a burden to try and attempt to run a crew like this. I would like to see the eventual close of the BSM as well, and have everyone requesting and fulfiling sig requests in the ASM. It would make everything so much easier. And we won't end up with so much bitchiness. When it comes down to it, we don't have 4 Playstation crews, or 8 NGChurches, so why have multiple sig threads. I know that souds hypocritical, but I discovered that truth after creating Insignia. So please, take my advice and sig because you love to sig.
We will soon be opening up our website. But we'll be sure to inform everyone.
I've already sent the email to Wade. Thank you for everything guys and girls. Hope to see you all again soon. The temp forum board for our new website is Be sure to sign up to keep updated about our next moves.
This will be one of the last posts I make in Insignia. Please don't request anymore. Go to the
Amature Sig Makers for all your sig needs. And please don't spam the rest of Insignia's time on NG. I've asked for this club to be kept open for a day or so, to give all members a chance to say goodbye.
Thank you again everyone.
Cheers all,
The Drunken Penguin
At 4/10/05 09:57 PM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: Ok, so the day's finally here.
I've tried to keep this club organised and running since it's beginning. I've had a great time doing so, but recently, sig making has become a burden, instead of a pleasure.
My voice of reason. Never afraid to tell things how they were. Stay as honest in everything you do, no matter who you piss off.
Your my voice of reason, my little puppet, dangling by a string. mwahahahahha
No, really, thanks for the kind words. I have always been a sort of 'arbitrary' self-assertive person. :)
We will soon be opening up our website. But we'll be sure to inform everyone.
Are you using Chromius's sweet home page design?
If you need some help, hit me up on msn - I can design level icons.
Cheers all,
The Drunken Penguin
my big-hearted boozed up marine bird friend.
ps: I'm not going to go through the I love you all list again, since I already did that in the SSM.
Call it lazyness; I call it unnecessary. Farewell insignia sig makers.
I cant say im not disappointed.....
When i first joined NG and found out about the SSM i was curious,then when i seen was those people could do i was amazed and it was a dream of mine to be able to do that some day and now here i am sigging with the best but just before i make it in officially it gets closed but i can see where your coming from.
I'm hoping to still see you around,if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be where i am today and i appreciate the help you've given me and the honor of letting me in the ism even if it was only on a temp basis.
This is a big discouragement for me,getting in here was what was driving me to get better and now that there's not plateau to reach or any real standard to maintain it all seems pointless to me.......
Well i guess thats it,fairwell guys.........
At 4/10/05 10:17 PM, XXXMATTXXX wrote:
Note that since everyone will be sigging in the ASM,
you will be making sig pics with the best, and more.
Don't be dissapointed.
At 4/10/05 09:57 PM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: Squid
Another incredible sigger. You have an incredible style, and no matter how much I could ever be annoyed at you, there was no denying your skills.
Well, I had hoped this day would not come but alas it has, it was nice fooling around and learning things with you dudes. Well good luck with all your jobs and whatnot and hit me up on msn or some shit, you got my email.
Cheers and goodbye ISM, you shall be missed.
Right under the SSM. Sorry I had to say it muahahaha.
At 4/10/05 10:50 PM, -Noir wrote: = <3
LoL, im so pink. Pink=1337.
At 4/10/05 10:56 PM, -Oni- wrote:At 4/10/05 10:50 PM, -Noir wrote: = <3i feel left out >: (
heyhey now. wtf is an oni
At 4/10/05 10:58 PM, -Noir wrote: heyhey now. wtf is an oni
video game with some gun wielding chick with purple hair. Put her in the pic and he will be happy.
At 4/10/05 10:58 PM, -Noir wrote:
heyhey now. wtf is an oni
A Japanese demon/god. Similar to Noir, I won't give a shoutout to everyone again because.. man, because I've been there every single time a great sig thread had to close down.. er.. or fake a close down to spark member interest.
Anyways a tip of anyone who's continuing sigmaking; all sigmakers start somewhere. My point is to never let your capability overwhelm yourself as there will -always- be someone who's better than you. Welcome new beginners with open arms and lend them your guidance and knowledge. Share your sigmaking tips of the trade, and never let the hobby of sigmaking frustrate you - they're just sigs afterall.
And of course, the most important tip to aspiring digital artists:
DP, been an awesome run, even though I did a pretty halfass job filling up sig requests. You've proved yourself to be as capable of a leader as War and Juggernaut.
At 4/10/05 11:13 PM, Chromius wrote: And of course, the most important tip to aspiring digital artists:
hey you shut up you bastard guy. I know your talking to me. : )
At 4/10/05 10:23 PM, -Noir wrote:At 4/10/05 10:17 PM, XXXMATTXXX wrote:Note that since everyone will be sigging in the ASM,
you will be making sig pics with the best, and more.
Don't be dissapointed.
yea dude,i suppose your right.......its still a very sad day.
At 4/10/05 10:15 PM, -Noir wrote:At 4/10/05 09:57 PM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: We will soon be opening up our website. But we'll be sure to inform everyone.Are you using Chromius's sweet home page design?
If you need some help, hit me up on msn - I can design level icons.
Yes we will be using Chromius' design. How could we not, it's awesome! And yes, we will need design level icons. Give it a go and hit me up on MSN or email.
my big-hearted boozed up marine bird friend.
Cheers Noir. Thanks for that awesome pic bro.
And thank you to Squid, Chromius and Oni (wtf is an oni? ROFFLE) for the kind words.
And no, we won't be making any more sigs in here. Please go to the ASM instead.
AKA: Kirkus-1 | Kirkus | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
First Congrats to DP and the members of ISM for keeping it up for this long, you have all done a great job and I do say that you who were members are the best sig makers there are around..
Remeber that sig making isn't a burden and nor should it be. ISM has done great, it is just a shame that it has to close down. I will say that whoever attempts to try and make another club like this or SSM be wary that not all people will respect and care for that just like what hapened here and it is a shame that lots of people just didn't apreciate what these sig makers did.
Good luck to you all and I hope that you all will come to DP's website.
Enjoy making sigs, be happy and have fun
RIP to Insignia Sig Makers, Respect to the members and Congrats to DP