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Takeover Tuesday!

10,017 Views | 249 Replies
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Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 19:55:44

Holy smokes, this is perfect! I do nothing but curate things I love that have like 3 votes from 2007 that deserve more love! I will use this CONSTANTLY. Thanks Tom :)

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 20:12:33


Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 20:12:59

It's super nostalgic seeing pieces of art, animation, and music that I remember watching or listening to years prior getting recommended.

Didn't think the frontpage would turn into a trip down memory lane lol.

*xin laugh*

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 20:27:26

Newgrounds keeps getting better, Love all of you ;)


BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 20:29:10

thanks for listening to my telepathic message and adding a cap on how many posts appear on the screen

xoxo 💋 (ps: okay I guess you can watch TRW)

BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 20:33:24

I really love the concept of this idea, a lot of my love for Newgrounds will usually stem from conversations that will be along the lines of "hey you ever tseen this old flash?" and quickly pulling up a link to share with them. Displaying the names is really fun too bc it's fun to see if people you know posted something you like! feels more communal. I hope this type of feature could maybe bridge the gap between classic and current NG, lots of people my age have missed a lot of great classic stuff and I think so much new stuff goes under the radar often, so it's nice seeing a lot of great projects that could rise to the public eye again or get a chance when no one saw. : )

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 20:40:25

Newgrounds is the last big site that runs on user generated content. Not only would you never see another site do something like this, it would be impossible for it to work. This is mega awesome and I already found new people to follow!

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 21:37:14 (edited 2024-10-08 21:37:35)

I really like this idea, and it's now even more tempting to become a supporter! Not to promote my own stuff, but to showcase some great classics, or some stuff that I thought was great but barely got any views.

Though it's nice that we got the option to set how many items we view, I wouldn't mind if there is a minimum of 5 or 10. It's Takeover Tuesday after all! With viewing only one suggestion, it's not really a takeover. That said, I feel like there is a lot of wasted space with the current suggestion panels. It would be nice if it also showed the upload date, number of views, and its rating.

Another idea is to let the person featuring the concent to add a short text. Perhaps selectable from a list.

  • "Remember this one?"
  • "Highly underrated!"
  • "I made this!"

Though I understand that this would make it messy in combination with the idea that multiple people can feature the same thing. It's just that right now there are a lot of features, which is great, but I don't know what to click! More info, be it the context or the info I described earlier, might help making the decision easier, and also feel like this Takeovery Tuesday isn't taking up an unreasonable amount of space.

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 21:38:18

Good feature pls keep

Forge Frog

BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 21:41:02

Takeover Tuesday introduced me to Dog Man and that alone has made this all worth it.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 21:43:04

At 10/8/24 09:41 PM, TomFulp wrote:Takeover Tuesday introduced me to Dog Man and that alone has made this all worth it.




BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 22:21:17

This is just a great idea, I love it!

Gives me the same feeling of how Bandcamp will hold a "Bandcamp Friday" event, where they give up their financial cut for the day to support the community.

Except in this case the community can support each other and show off some lesser known works from fellow artists.

I'm looking forward to sharing other people's cool art going forward! There's always that one or two things I stumble upon that I think deserve a spotlight. Thanks Tom!

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 23:30:49

At 10/8/24 10:41 AM, TomFulp wrote:Today is our first ever Takeover Tuesday!

Today and every Tuesday for the foreseeable future, each Supporter has access to feature one item on the front page.

If someone features an item that was already featured, it will bump it back to the top of the page and add their name to the front of the list of people who have featured it.

At the end of the day, the results of Takeover Tuesday will be archived. Entries will be ranked first by the total number of people who featured them and second by when they were featured, so you get rewarded for starting early. The featured-by credits will also switch to chronological order, so the first person to feature an item will be first on the list in the archive.

Everyone is invited to react to the featured items with emotes, to make things more fun all around.

We’re excited and curious to see what you do with this and we hope it encourages more of you to come aboard as Supporters. Your support keeps NG going and growing, thank you everyone who helps to keep the dream alive!

Even if you can't be a Supporter, you can help make the day a success by viewing the things people feature!

Bug note - The ability to "view more" when you reach the front page limit is broken at the moment. Reacts were broken at launch but are now fixed.

If you don't want to support NG you can instead support @Matzerath today by buying Orange Roulette on Steam!

This is really fuckin cool but on mobile it takes forever to get to the homepage

live for nothing, or die for something

BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 23:33:28 (edited 2024-10-08 23:35:21)

Ayy, just what it needed!

Now, it's PERFECT, tysvm dude! :3

[Edit: I was replying to PsychoGoldfishs' reply on him adding the length toggle]

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-08 23:50:01

yes....the power shall finally be mine... here I come 20 year old sonic sprite animations...

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 00:17:02

And our first TT has come and gone…I wonder where the archive will be!

(GIF by @MKMaffo)

BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 00:21:17

Another thing I forgot to add in my initial post; I don't think this new feature should allow self-promotion (mainly when you're the only/original author)

I've seen quite a few people using this feature with their own submissions, and I think it defeats the purpose of the takeover which is to feature submissions from others. and if people want to do self-promotion, there's already the forums and the ability to use the frontpage posts.

Again, this is a very cool idea, and I found a ton of cool shit today because of it, and I want to see how far we can take this

As of right now, it's far from perfect, but I genuinely believe that after we iron out the kinks, we're going to have something truly incredible at our hands.

There's always a tomorrow, I guess.

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 00:42:06 (edited 2024-10-09 00:42:57)

You should be able to feature content you worked on IMO, but I think it’d work better if you couldn’t just feature your own submissions ad infinitum (a lot of today was flooded with users self-promoting old content, and I saw a lot of it go WAY down in terms of overall score as a result). Like, if you’re listed as a « manager » or « owner » of a submission, you should be unable to feature it, but if you’re a « contributor » or « beta tester », you should still be able to.

Users self-promoting their projects shouldn’t count as « votes » for that project (assuming they do now, I’m not a supporter). That way, projects with big teams can’t completely dominate the front page (which I foresee being a huge problem in the future with how big collabs are now).

BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 01:00:06

At 10/9/24 12:42 AM, ProsciuttoMan wrote:You should be able to feature content you worked on IMO, but I think it’d work better if you couldn’t just feature your own submissions ad infinitum (a lot of today was flooded with users self-promoting old content, and I saw a lot of it go WAY down in terms of overall score as a result). Like, if you’re listed as a « manager » or « owner » of a submission, you should be unable to feature it, but if you’re a « contributor » or « beta tester », you should still be able to.
Users self-promoting their projects shouldn’t count as « votes » for that project (assuming they do now, I’m not a supporter). That way, projects with big teams can’t completely dominate the front page (which I foresee being a huge problem in the future with how big collabs are now).

It's definitely something that needs to be thinked about and worked on, for sure. But I'm glad I'm not the only one sharing this concern.

There's always a tomorrow, I guess.

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 01:02:21 (edited 2024-10-09 01:03:58)

At 10/9/24 12:42 AM, ProsciuttoMan wrote:You should be able to feature content you worked on IMO, but I think it’d work better if you couldn’t just feature your own submissions ad infinitum (a lot of today was flooded with users self-promoting old content, and I saw a lot of it go WAY down in terms of overall score as a result).

Expanding off this: the alternative for the self promotion issue could be to just make it work similar to how front page news posts work now.

You get like 1 every other month or something infrequent like that (you can still promote other peoples stuff weekly, but promoting your own content is limited), so that it encourages smarter self-promo.

BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 01:23:48

I don't get why there is so much negativity against self promo. I'm glad I can promote my stuff because there isn't many ways go do that here. We can make a news post and say about it in the BBS but that's about it. Plus Takeover Tuesday list moves very quickly so people aren't going to see it after 15 minutes anyway.

Click her

BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 01:26:23

I like this idea not gonna lie, it's a big opportunity for smaller artists... only problem i see is that people tends to feature artists that are already big, dudes that eat and breath frontpages in daily basis, major example is the punch punch forever episode.

Don't get me wrong, i love Punch Punch Forever but let's be real... Speedo doesn't even need advertising at all, he's big enough and lots of people know him and advertising lots of big artist kinda defeats the purpose of advertise small accounts that makes cool things and that might cause a problem in the future bc you know.... it's not so funny when you get overshadowed.

Lots of people complains about self-promotion but no one is talking of the elephant on the room, i have some ideas like... make a separate category orrr if people spams a lot an entry that is already frontpaged it gets less recommended, giving more opportunity to small accounts, again nothing personal against big artists and stuff but c'mon!! they can advertise their stuff by themselfs!!

The goofy ahh penguin, creator of Deep Sea Prisoner! ;D

BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 01:32:36

I've had this little thought experiment brewing in my head all day for these new Takeover Tuesday.

Would it be better if the post with the least amount of recommendations got ranked higher? Basically flipping the formula on its head. It would certainly make everyone search far & wide on the website to find items that no one would ever pick. The downside is that it also gives someone a weapon to dethrone the one at the top.

It would certainly make the system a heck of a lot more chaotic and competitive, but I don't know if it would make it better.

I still don't know what to think of Takeover Tuesdays as it is now. I just think that it needed a bit more time in the oven, and reading a bunch of other people's comments tells me there might be a disaster waiting to happen.

BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 02:01:51

At 10/9/24 12:21 AM, JuneSSantos wrote:Another thing I forgot to add in my initial post; I don't think this new feature should allow self-promotion (mainly when you're the only/original author)

I've seen quite a few people using this feature with their own submissions, and I think it defeats the purpose of the takeover which is to feature submissions from others. and if people want to do self-promotion, there's already the forums and the ability to use the frontpage posts.

Again, this is a very cool idea, and I found a ton of cool shit today because of it, and I want to see how far we can take this

As of right now, it's far from perfect, but I genuinely believe that after we iron out the kinks, we're going to have something truly incredible at our hands.

I think the purpose of Takeover Tuesday is for supporters to take over the front page. The the annual Treasure Hunt event is the one whose purpose is to promote others.

Don't let envy spoil your joy in something cool.

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 02:04:24 (edited 2024-10-09 02:04:39)

At 10/9/24 01:02 AM, ProsciuttoMan wrote:
At 10/9/24 12:42 AM, ProsciuttoMan wrote:You should be able to feature content you worked on IMO, but I think it’d work better if you couldn’t just feature your own submissions ad infinitum (a lot of today was flooded with users self-promoting old content, and I saw a lot of it go WAY down in terms of overall score as a result).

Expanding off this: the alternative for the self promotion issue could be to just make it work similar to how front page news posts work now.
You get like 1 every other month or something infrequent like that (you can still promote other peoples stuff weekly, but promoting your own content is limited), so that it encourages smarter self-promo.

If it gets out of hand and starts sapping the fun out of the event, this is probably the solution, but I kinda like the sheer anarchy of it. It reminds me of the old "blam" gangs from back in the day.

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 02:16:35

At 10/9/24 02:01 AM, LiteraryWho wrote:
At 10/9/24 12:21 AM, JuneSSantos wrote:Another thing I forgot to add in my initial post; I don't think this new feature should allow self-promotion (mainly when you're the only/original author)

I've seen quite a few people using this feature with their own submissions, and I think it defeats the purpose of the takeover which is to feature submissions from others. and if people want to do self-promotion, there's already the forums and the ability to use the frontpage posts.

Again, this is a very cool idea, and I found a ton of cool shit today because of it, and I want to see how far we can take this

As of right now, it's far from perfect, but I genuinely believe that after we iron out the kinks, we're going to have something truly incredible at our hands.

I think the purpose of Takeover Tuesday is for supporters to take over the front page. The the annual Treasure Hunt event is the one whose purpose is to promote others.

Don't let envy spoil your joy in something cool.

Why would I envy over something I can do myself? Specially when I could always self-promote on the frontpage news?

There's always a tomorrow, I guess.

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 02:45:11

wow, the craziest shit in this site's history went down during the one 12 hour period per week I'm not on NG.

This is like when you miss a day of school and find out there was a birthday party and 12 fights and some kid got picked up in a monster truck and Mrs Richardson let slip she was getting a divorce

BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 04:37:24

At 10/8/24 10:41 AM, TomFulp wrote:At the end of the day, the results of Takeover Tuesday will be archived.

Where can I access said archive?

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 04:42:10

hell yeas

Best regards

BBS Signature

Response to Takeover Tuesday! 2024-10-09 06:36:21

At 10/9/24 04:37 AM, Anonymous-Frog wrote:
At 10/8/24 10:41 AM, TomFulp wrote:At the end of the day, the results of Takeover Tuesday will be archived.
Where can I access said archive?

That's still being worked on at the moment.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature