At 10/9/24 01:32 AM, NothanyTPM wrote:I've had this little thought experiment brewing in my head all day for these new Takeover Tuesday.
Would it be better if the post with the least amount of recommendations got ranked higher? Basically flipping the formula on its head. It would certainly make everyone search far & wide on the website to find items that no one would ever pick. The downside is that it also gives someone a weapon to dethrone the one at the top.
It would certainly make the system a heck of a lot more chaotic and competitive, but I don't know if it would make it better.
I still don't know what to think of Takeover Tuesdays as it is now. I just think that it needed a bit more time in the oven, and reading a bunch of other people's comments tells me there might be a disaster waiting to happen.
Celebrating the thing that generated the least interest would probably have a lot of negative results but there are some fun things we could try. For example if someone shares something by someone else that had never been featured and it gets a positive response, maybe they'd earn a Treasure Hunter badge and the item could be showcased as a found treasure in some way in the archive.