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Old User Re-Introduction Thread

81,685 Views | 612 Replies

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-10 05:16:55

At 3/7/22 11:26 AM, ZebraHumor wrote:I'm @zebrahumor back after a long hiatus. I tell zebra jokes in art, movie, and game form.

Heya ZebraHumor! One of the more familiar names and faces arounds these parts!

Nice to officially; digitally make your acquaintance after all these years.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-11 14:06:36

I used to visit this site to let children run their fingers through my hair, I was 8. So this is probably my 30th account by now, make sense?

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-12 20:32:17

I technically already did this with my first News post but hey ho. Used to be yet another kid turned teen who regularly

went on NG for the Flash games in the early to mid 2000s and kinda picked up on some things from that.

Went by the awful username 'DareHackWall666DIE' because every permutation of the name I wanted

and the one I kept making up on the spot was taken till I landed on that. As I said in that post I regret not knowing

Supporter status allowed me to change my username, because now every time I look back I get kinda sad,

because as Roy Batty says in Blade Runner "All those memories, lost. Like tears in the rain"

Bright side is, didn't lose anything as far as connections to people. Was quite the non-social person then.

Best of all, I'm back here and it's the best it's ever been I'd say. NG will die the moment the community aspect does

Ali, Procrastinator Extraordinaire

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-13 22:13:17

I have been a serial lurker for almost over 20 years now. I first discovered NG probably around 2000ish. I only ever submitted one thing, to the Audio portal, and that was about 6 years or so ago but it actually did alright!

I remember being an edgy teen bouncing between Assassin games and stickdeath. I had an eskimobob e-mail address for a while. Soooo much has happened since then. I ended up joining the military and was in a pretty deep depression for a while. Got married and divorced, and finally got my shit together and got a job I actually like doing nerdy tech stuff. I work hard to get as much downtime during the day as possible so I can spend it reading books and playing video games. I'm in a good place right now and just trying to enjoy it.

It's cool to come back and see how this place has changed, but still stayed the same in many ways. I don't remember there being a dedicated porn section when I first was on the site but hey, Tom gotta make that skrilla, and we were all playing those dating sims anyway.

I kind of can't believe that my account is still here and was so simple to get back into, and there's still so many creative people here, it's great. I tried to hang with WNG for a little while when it had a resurgence but life is just too busy for me to dedicate the time required. I like to write in the haiku thread whenever I remember. I did one today, but maybe didn't do one for years before that.

Anyway, this is cool. I hope you all are doing well.

Krash17's mental health secrets:

Drink more water, sleep well, and if you want friends, be a friend.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-15 06:52:02

hey im back after like 5 months

Follow me or I'll steal your cookies! ヽ༼◉ل͜◉༽ノ ヽ༼◉ل͜◉༽ノ

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-15 13:46:00

At 8/15/20 07:59 AM, TomFulp wrote:@Susanowoo suggested that we create an OLD User Introduction thread, for old accounts that have never introduced themselves or have just returned to NG after years of absence. I've seen a good number of returning visitors in recent years so this sounds like a fun idea.

If you're an old user who has been lurking, this thread is your opportunity to let yourself be known!

I’m an old timer and have been on and off this site for years.

Fuck the mainstream.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-18 18:34:02

Hello! I’ve been here for 4 years though haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Electrifier (as far as you know) and I’m an aspiring animator, writer and musician! I haven’t uploaded much yet though I’m working on a proposed animated comedy series called Ape Island. I also offer thoughtful reviews on folks’ movies, games, art and music. I look forward to meeting some people here!

Get a job

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-19 09:20:48

hi there a friend introduced me to the site, after some decisions I escaped from college to draw hentai, now I try to keep my sanity drawing big mommy milkers, I aspire to be a full time illustrator and I try to upload content as continuously as possible.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-19 18:13:07

i made my account back in 2021 but ive actually been on the site for longer than that. i never had an account when i first found NG as i was just a wee 13 year old lad (i guess at the time my parents were worried about the whole super scary man grooms you and takes you away... type-thing.) but as i got older i finally caved in and made an account on the site

many of my old accounts didnt last very long (i wasnt banned or anything, i just stopped using them) and since then ive kinda lurked around on the site. im kinda promising myself to be more active on here than other shit websites like twitter or facebook... or some other gay normie site.

but anyway here i am. lol

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-20 19:04:10


Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-21 19:33:55

At 3/20/22 07:04 PM, Piss wrote:sex



Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-21 19:36:55

At 3/21/22 07:33 PM, Enoll wrote:
At 3/20/22 07:04 PM, Piss wrote:sex


enoll xes

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-21 23:40:14

At 3/21/22 07:36 PM, Piss wrote:
At 3/21/22 07:33 PM, Enoll wrote:
At 3/20/22 07:04 PM, Piss wrote:sex


enoll xes

Hard enoll xes.


Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-23 22:50:22

I made this account at the ripe age of 11 in 2008, I'm 26 now :^) I got banned from the internet about a year later by my parents and got distracted by other parts of the internet so I haven't seen much of this site for 10 years.

I mean I saw some stuff, and I kept up with creators but NewGrounds had always been a place I remembered and didn't spend any time at, even after I turned 18 could legally paost... I got my brain scrambled by 4chan instead... But now I'm back and I think I'd like to try hanging out in a forum for a while, Im tired of being anonymous.

Please ignore the n00b behind the curtian

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-24 22:59:28

I joined Newgrounds mainly to start a career in art and potentially animation. Unfortunately I could not use my common internet name King-Pootis, because it was already taken, so I had to settle for EmperorPootis. I wish to see more creative people as well as more awesome people here.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-25 08:39:04

At 3/24/22 10:59 PM, EmperorPootis wrote:I joined Newgrounds mainly to start a career in art and potentially animation. Unfortunately I could not use my common internet name King-Pootis, because it was already taken, so I had to settle for EmperorPootis. I wish to see more creative people as well as more awesome people here.

I just checked King-Pootis and it doesn't appear to be taken (could be on an old reserved list maybe). If I can, would you want your username updated to King-Pootis?

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-25 09:28:33

At 3/25/22 08:39 AM, TomFulp wrote:
At 3/24/22 10:59 PM, EmperorPootis wrote:I joined Newgrounds mainly to start a career in art and potentially animation. Unfortunately I could not use my common internet name King-Pootis, because it was already taken, so I had to settle for EmperorPootis. I wish to see more creative people as well as more awesome people here.

I just checked King-Pootis and it doesn't appear to be taken (could be on an old reserved list maybe). If I can, would you want your username updated to King-Pootis?

Ey thanks. I would love that.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-25 10:00:05

At 3/25/22 09:28 AM, King-Pootis wrote:Ey thanks. I would love that.


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-26 17:52:14

Hi! My name is Ferhandi, but you can call me Handi (this is my real name) and i just came back from my hiatus since bad things happend to me, and i didn't know this thread was exist

I hope i can get a lot of friends and fans, i am an beginner digital artist who still need an advice or any recommendations about my art, i guess that's is my introduction, cuz idk what more should i add here

Peace ✌️

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-26 19:09:12

Praaay for me, geccho fuckin hands up. All eyes on me, all eyez on mee. PRRAAAAY FOR ME, GECCHO EYES ON ME. gechoo chands down. All eg\yez on me.

"It's sad. All these kids have to do school at home. Homeschooling. How long until a teacher fucks one of her students?" - Mark Normand

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-26 19:11:01

Yeah I'm from 2002 what. Immediately respect me even though I've done NOTHING for this website. Do it.

"It's sad. All these kids have to do school at home. Homeschooling. How long until a teacher fucks one of her students?" - Mark Normand

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-28 19:20:32

I never posted anything here but i remember i would play territory war and dino run all the time as a kid, Nostalgia trip for sure..

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-07 13:56:52

At 3/23/22 10:50 PM, uria96 wrote:I made this account at the ripe age of 11 in 2008, I'm 26 now :^) I got banned from the internet about a year later by my parents and got distracted by other parts of the internet so I haven't seen much of this site for 10 years.
I mean I saw some stuff, and I kept up with creators but NewGrounds had always been a place I remembered and didn't spend any time at, even after I turned 18 could legally paost... I got my brain scrambled by 4chan instead... But now I'm back and I think I'd like to try hanging out in a forum for a while, Im tired of being anonymous.

same age gang, 4chan gang. what boards/time period are yall? anybody remember the /v/ vs reddit Tribes: Ascend game?

yeah i think 4chan scrambled my brain too. this was my first forum (besides the Neoboard) and from here i moved to xgen. there's lore here involving a huge community split, but the remnant forum died last year when a vBulletin update killed a pokemon thing we had going on. our admin is a coding/data analyst polish soiboi

we're still on group chats. but nobody has any idea i've rediscovered newgrounds yet...

anyways. this was my cringest username ever. my name is seb, hi everybody

if there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what

wait. tom actually posts? hey tom, if the name i want to change to makes you laugh, can i have it for free?

sorry for double-post i hadn't seen the edit button

if there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-07 15:14:44

At 4/7/22 01:58 PM, sebian-the-lurker wrote:wait. tom actually posts? hey tom, if the name i want to change to makes you laugh, can i have it for free?


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

At 4/7/22 03:14 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 4/7/22 01:58 PM, sebian-the-lurker wrote:wait. tom actually posts? hey tom, if the name i want to change to makes you laugh, can i have it for free?


Hey Tom if enough people annoy you on a daily basis can you give me ownership of the site I promise I won't shove your baby that you've spent your entire life working on down the toilet I promise.

Btw I once asked Tom, while George W. Bush was president of the U.S., if I could make an animation assassinating GWB. Tom said "Sure, long as you make it funny." So who says Tom doesn't know how to laugh, you silly bum bum.

@sebian-the-lurker of course Tom posts. He's not Zuckerberg or... Myspace guy. This is his website, foo. Did I at @ correctly? Not sure if I atted correctly. Hey now, you're an all star.

"It's sad. All these kids have to do school at home. Homeschooling. How long until a teacher fucks one of her students?" - Mark Normand

At 4/7/22 03:14 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 4/7/22 01:58 PM, sebian-the-lurker wrote:wait. tom actually posts? hey tom, if the name i want to change to makes you laugh, can i have it for free?


Kim Jong Undead!

unironically the fact that i'm being so casually acknowledged by the site owner has me in a "tizzy" as the britbongs say. this is based asf. this truly is somewhere else

if there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-08 07:20:15

At 4/7/22 01:56 PM, sebian-the-lurker wrote:
At 3/23/22 10:50 PM, uria96 wrote:I made this account at the ripe age of 11 in 2008, I'm 26 now :^) I got banned from the internet about a year later by my parents and got distracted by other parts of the internet so I haven't seen much of this site for 10 years.
I mean I saw some stuff, and I kept up with creators but NewGrounds had always been a place I remembered and didn't spend any time at, even after I turned 18 could legally paost... I got my brain scrambled by 4chan instead... But now I'm back and I think I'd like to try hanging out in a forum for a while, Im tired of being anonymous.

same age gang, 4chan gang. what boards/time period are yall? anybody remember the /v/ vs reddit Tribes: Ascend game?

yeah i think 4chan scrambled my brain too. this was my first forum (besides the Neoboard) and from here i moved to xgen. there's lore here involving a huge community split, but the remnant forum died last year when a vBulletin update killed a pokemon thing we had going on. our admin is a coding/data analyst polish soiboi

we're still on group chats. but nobody has any idea i've rediscovered newgrounds yet...

anyways. this was my cringest username ever. my name is seb, hi everybody

filthy sandraker scum [VGTG]

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-11 21:59:11

At 4/8/22 07:20 AM, Oliver wrote:
At 4/7/22 01:56 PM, sebian-the-lurker wrote:
At 3/23/22 10:50 PM, uria96 wrote:I made this account at the ripe age of 11 in 2008, I'm 26 now :^) I got banned from the internet about a year later by my parents and got distracted by other parts of the internet so I haven't seen much of this site for 10 years.
I mean I saw some stuff, and I kept up with creators but NewGrounds had always been a place I remembered and didn't spend any time at, even after I turned 18 could legally paost... I got my brain scrambled by 4chan instead... But now I'm back and I think I'd like to try hanging out in a forum for a while, Im tired of being anonymous.

same age gang, 4chan gang. what boards/time period are yall? anybody remember the /v/ vs reddit Tribes: Ascend game?

yeah i think 4chan scrambled my brain too. this was my first forum (besides the Neoboard) and from here i moved to xgen. there's lore here involving a huge community split, but the remnant forum died last year when a vBulletin update killed a pokemon thing we had going on. our admin is a coding/data analyst polish soiboi

we're still on group chats. but nobody has any idea i've rediscovered newgrounds yet...

anyways. this was my cringest username ever. my name is seb, hi everybody

filthy sandraker scum [VGTG]

[VGTW] When will you learn?

if there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-13 10:36:01

At 3/23/22 10:50 PM, uria96 wrote:I made this account at the ripe age of 11 in 2008, I'm 26 now :^) I got banned from the internet about a year later by my parents and got distracted by other parts of the internet so I haven't seen much of this site for 10 years.
I mean I saw some stuff, and I kept up with creators but NewGrounds had always been a place I remembered and didn't spend any time at, even after I turned 18 could legally paost... I got my brain scrambled by 4chan instead... But now I'm back and I think I'd like to try hanging out in a forum for a while, Im tired of being anonymous.

I'm sorry you found yourself on 4chan. What did you get banned from the internet for anyway?

Krash17's mental health secrets:

Drink more water, sleep well, and if you want friends, be a friend.