I have been a serial lurker for almost over 20 years now. I first discovered NG probably around 2000ish. I only ever submitted one thing, to the Audio portal, and that was about 6 years or so ago but it actually did alright!
I remember being an edgy teen bouncing between Assassin games and stickdeath. I had an eskimobob e-mail address for a while. Soooo much has happened since then. I ended up joining the military and was in a pretty deep depression for a while. Got married and divorced, and finally got my shit together and got a job I actually like doing nerdy tech stuff. I work hard to get as much downtime during the day as possible so I can spend it reading books and playing video games. I'm in a good place right now and just trying to enjoy it.
It's cool to come back and see how this place has changed, but still stayed the same in many ways. I don't remember there being a dedicated porn section when I first was on the site but hey, Tom gotta make that skrilla, and we were all playing those dating sims anyway.
I kind of can't believe that my account is still here and was so simple to get back into, and there's still so many creative people here, it's great. I tried to hang with WNG for a little while when it had a resurgence but life is just too busy for me to dedicate the time required. I like to write in the haiku thread whenever I remember. I did one today, but maybe didn't do one for years before that.
Anyway, this is cool. I hope you all are doing well.