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Old User Re-Introduction Thread

81,680 Views | 612 Replies

At 12/21/21 08:55 AM, Hypocrisy wrote:I had a bunch of posts under the username 0peth but I forgot the password. I came here when I was 13ish and now here I am 15 years later as an adult. Very nostalgic!

Your username seems to ring a bell hmm, wonder if I've known it before...

Welcome back! Nothing like growing up on/around NG.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-12-27 15:02:38

iight, lemme give an actual introduction now:

Yo ! Most know me as ReeZy online. (:

I nerd out & smoke a lot of yerba .

I made this account when I was about ~7 years old? Because of that, despite me having quite an old account, I barely did anything on it.

Y'know, being that young, I didn't care about account stuff. I wanted to keep my experience simple, so most of the time, I forgot to log in.

I'd just be browsing through the website, clicking on shit, enjoying my time that way. All while not being logged in lol.

It does kinda suck tho that I didn't use this account as much as I should've. I was so active on NG in terms of playing the Games here & watching content. Would've been dope to see what younger me would've had saved / challenge myself on how much I remember.

Anywho tho, it's never too late right!?

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-12-27 19:10:30

Hello! I'm Jon and have been a member since 06 but a lurker way before that. I am a metal musician and have been posting since 06 and won't stop anytime soon! \m/

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-12-28 15:57:50

I originally signed on to New Grounds in 2000, "The Problems of the future today".

lost the password and email to my old account, which is fine - I was a bit of a trolling @$$h07#.

New start new beginnings - better stuff ahead.

not saying what my old account was, just want to be done with it.

I typically stop in only once or twice a year .

My name is a clever way of saying "Post Impressionism" .

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-12-30 00:02:03

I have been around for a while. The amount of content on the website kept me here. I also ended up playing a few of their games that succeeded from this website and onto their own independent platform, whether that's a Steam game or their own website, like in Dead Frontier's case.

At 12/28/21 03:57 PM, Afterfauve wrote:I originally signed on to New Grounds in 2000, "The Problems of the future today".
lost the password and email to my old account, which is fine - I was a bit of a trolling @$$h07#.
New start new beginnings - better stuff ahead.
not saying what my old account was, just want to be done with it.
I typically stop in only once or twice a year .
My name is a clever way of saying "Post Impressionism" .

I remember that old slogan!




I'm back after a 4 year absence lmao. Back in like 2015-2017 I was pretty active on the bbs and the community in general. Never made anything though.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-01-13 11:20:06

Well I may not be old nor new, but I had officially made an account in 2019 on my older @8-BitAnt account which isn't that old but hey I've been on here for good chunk of time. I am just going to post my introduction here since I am not necessarily a new user I guess. Anyways, here goes nothing!


Hey there, my name is Anthony although I'd prefer to be called Ant. I am a programmer, and I love doing strange things with old technology. People may know me for my dumb games but most of the time those are made for nothing more than just practice to improve later on and possibly make something more serious and better. I am also a web developer and I have been taking classes to learn more and more about it and maybe one day I'll be doing it for a living. What some may not know about me is that I love cooking and baking, and I guess I just find it to be really fun to make food. Back onto my main source of enjoyment, one thing a lot of people know me for IRL is that I have a whole lot of PCs and just devices in general that I love to tinker with and experiment with. Currently I am looking into Windows CE devices because I find that operating system to be very interesting. Anyways that's just a bit about me, hopefully it was the right decision to post it here, thanks for reading!

Aw rats!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-01-15 17:45:46

I made this account 14 years ago. I was a lot younger back then. I came back, after all those years, to see a piece of personal history. I'm simultaneously laughing and cringing at all this shit I did bro. It's interesting to have a formal review of my own psyche in a "where are they now?" fashion and see how some things about me have changed, and some things haven't (ie. I seem to have expressed my fondness for big breasts here once upon a time - the sentiment persists even today lmfao).

Back then I was a spastic kid that flooded the forums, reviewed and voted on the flash portal like he gets paid for it, and made shitty music. These days I'm a student that floods imageboards, reviews code for his company and actually gets paid for it, and listens to shitty music(black metal goes raargh).

I don't know what to say about my past newgrounds days, they were fun, wild and the violent and explicit games and animations probably left their mark on my frail little subconscious. My present newgrounds days are a mystery even to me. I came back for a trip down memory lane, but I am not sure if I'll be making any new memories here. I wish to explore the new newgrounds community and see if I can find my place here.

Also, if EyeLovePoozy is still around, It's my honor to extend a heartfelt fuck you for banning me that one time. To the rest of you, Hello from someone who has grown up on the internet.

Ph33r mah l33t sk!||z | copy and paste nothing to be cool | 2012 WILL FUCKING HAPPEN believe |

BBS Signature

Hiya, I'm Bytegeist. I've been on NewGrounds since I was 7 (I'm 23 now). I've had other accounts in the past, but was able to reset the password for my oldest account (this one). Came to this NG originally to watch flash cartoons and generally waste time on the computer at school when I should've been writing a paper. My old name used to be Siberhamster123.

I mostly do art nowadays, trying to get better as time goes on. In the past I made shitty flash games and cartoons, but we'll just leave those in the past.

Anyways, glad to be here, hmu in a PM if you think you remember me. Or just hmu for no reason.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-01-20 03:37:26

Hi everyone! I'm Sato, nice to meet you.

Words can't describe how happy I am to be back on Newgrounds. This website is the nexus of some of my favorite free creative ventures over 15 years ago. Like many of you (I am sure) I got my start on the internet in message boards like this one.

I currently work at Twitch in SF as a content writer. When I was active on Newgrounds I felt I was too "young" for some of the other content on the site, and mostly stayed in the Audio and Games portal. I can't wait to get myself familiar to the full Newgrounds experience. I want to meet every single person who reads this, feel free to PM me. I want to know every detail about every person who either has been on Newgrounds since the 2000s, or who has also recently come back.

I love you all (sorry) and I am glad to be back.

At 8/15/20 07:59 AM, TomFulp wrote:@Susanowoo suggested that we create an OLD User Introduction thread, for old accounts that have never introduced themselves or have just returned to NG after years of absence. I've seen a good number of returning visitors in recent years so this sounds like a fun idea.

If you're an old user who has been lurking, this thread is your opportunity to let yourself be known!

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-01-24 22:58:40

As my name suggests, I am a filipino but am no longer a kid lol. I used to upload nickelodeon flash games and pretend it's my own kek, good times. I miss oney and the other crazy guys

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-02-02 04:46:38

At 12/15/20 07:18 AM, Earfetish wrote:Hi to @jadetheassassin, @bobbyjenkins, @nuscarab and anyone else I recognise since I posted itt. @shitonastick I believe I already said hi to you maybe

BobbyJenkins, you probably don't remember me as you were leaving around the time I started off. However I remember you made some potentially-troll thread about the issue of abortion, and I came down heavily as an anti-abortionist. I was like 13, gimme a break. Anyway, apologies. I still feel ashamed about that and I shouldn't have said the things anti-abortionists say, they are hurtful.

I mean, I argued a whole load of dumb things here all that time ago, but I feel particularly bad about guilt-tripping a woman about abortion. My position has evolved, in fact it probably evolved a year or two after that thread.

I do not remember this at all. But kudos to you for growing and learning. We all said some pretty fucking dumb shit in our teens.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-02-11 20:17:20

Goodness gracious. I don't honestly know if I'll be sticking around long, but every once in a while I stop by to see how this website that once took up a good deal of my time is doing.

I made my account when I was 10 years old back in '06. Naturally, my comment history is essentially all cringe. I'm curious now to look back on it to see how cringe it was (and procrastinate for studying on an exam for my MA tomorrow).

So, uh, a lot's happened since I sat at some computer playing a bunch of flash games and arguing with people 5-20 years older than me online. I became (Eastern) Orthodox, recently got married, almost going to be a speech pathologist sorta kinda. Didn't do a whole lot impressive with my life. My Liveswif stuff is still up there lol. A miracle it got past blamming. I have some other stuff that's been blammed into oblivion.

I don't know, it's wild to see these forums and this website still going after all this time. The internet has changed so much since those early times. Fond memories. But plenty of things to be happy about in the present. Hope everyone's holding in there as the world takes some crazy turns.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-02-14 00:02:52

Hi I'm Kevin, formerly KevnSevn.

I (poorly) made some Flash 10+ years ago.

I still occasionally respond to some stuff here but haven't been active since like 2011.

Since departing I now work in Oil and Gas, and for a while was racing motorcycles.

What up?!?

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-02-17 07:38:35

Yo ! This used to be my favorite place to hang and find individuals with like minded humor.

Every once in awhile I log in and see what's up, but the forums don't seem to be up my alley anymore. I'm a lot different than the 13 year old me who used to lurk heavy here.

Most of the time I just check my DM's and go down memory lane.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-02-22 05:47:33

I almost lost my account. I forgot the password and the email my account is tied to is evidently a hotmail one from forever ago that I couldn't figure out how to log into. Luckily I pulled it off. Not sure if my wife would've stuck around if I didn't have my '03 reg date.

At 8/15/20 07:59 AM, TomFulp wrote:@Susanowoo suggested that we create an OLD User Introduction thread, for old accounts that have never introduced themselves or have just returned to NG after years of absence. I've seen a good number of returning visitors in recent years so this sounds like a fun idea.

If you're an old user who has been lurking, this thread is your opportunity to let yourself be known!

Alright, so I've been using Newgrounds since 2019 although I didn't create a account at the time, which I'm not that new to Newgrounds nor too old. However, I usually post on the Art Portal (actually rarely) so yeah. that's about it. @ngman7 is a legend

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-02-26 21:25:50

I originally found Newgrounds in the summer of 2000, but did not create an account until a few years later.

I'm glad it's still here after so many years. It gave me so many hours of entertainment in years gone by.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-02-27 10:53:07

what if not old man ..

just joking nice to meet you BTW


:> be happy and stwong buddies

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-02 15:50:01

Newgrounds sure has changed, all these new flashy things and emotes

This place got me through my teen years, glad I can still be a supporter

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-04 12:15:26

I'm Jared, I made an account when I was around 13 or so in 2017 but never really started using this account to post content until the end of 2021. Rn my art focus is in Friday Night Funkin, Sonic, and Pokemon. Really love using this site cause its the only place I can think of where artistic expression is valued over economic gain with features that value the people using the site

One time I ate a LEGO because I was bored

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-04 17:25:54

Not gonna lie, I think this is the first time I've responded to a thread. Scary!

I've been here for a few years now, been active on and off, but NG has always had a place in my heart, ever since my mom banned me from the site when I was in elementary school lol. I hope to be more active this year and push myself to participate in stuff on the site that I wouldn't normally do, starting right here and now with an intro!

Two peas and an orange peel

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-06 23:19:20

At 2/2/22 04:46 AM, BobbyJenkins wrote:
At 12/15/20 07:18 AM, Earfetish wrote:Hi to @jadetheassassin, @bobbyjenkins, @nuscarab and anyone else I recognise since I posted itt. @shitonastick I believe I already said hi to you maybe

BobbyJenkins, you probably don't remember me as you were leaving around the time I started off. However I remember you made some potentially-troll thread about the issue of abortion, and I came down heavily as an anti-abortionist. I was like 13, gimme a break. Anyway, apologies. I still feel ashamed about that and I shouldn't have said the things anti-abortionists say, they are hurtful.

I mean, I argued a whole load of dumb things here all that time ago, but I feel particularly bad about guilt-tripping a woman about abortion. My position has evolved, in fact it probably evolved a year or two after that thread.

I do not remember this at all. But kudos to you for growing and learning. We all said some pretty fucking dumb shit in our teens.


"It's sad. All these kids have to do school at home. Homeschooling. How long until a teacher fucks one of her students?" - Mark Normand

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-06 23:22:47

At 12/24/21 12:37 PM, Cyberdevil wrote:
At 12/21/21 08:55 AM, Hypocrisy wrote:I had a bunch of posts under the username 0peth but I forgot the password. I came here when I was 13ish and now here I am 15 years later as an adult. Very nostalgic!

Your username seems to ring a bell hmm, wonder if I've known it before...

Welcome back! Nothing like growing up on/around NG.

Btw Cyberdevil the real OG here. Haven't seen anybody shout their props at this mfer right here. He's been reviewing animations since before MOST of ya'll was born. He's like the DMX of NG except not. Because.... fuck. Is altr still here?

"It's sad. All these kids have to do school at home. Homeschooling. How long until a teacher fucks one of her students?" - Mark Normand

At 3/6/22 11:22 PM, numbers wrote:Btw Cyberdevil the real OG here. Haven't seen anybody shout their props at this mfer right here. He's been reviewing animations since before MOST of ya'll was born. He's like the DMX of NG except not. Because.... fuck. Is altr still here?

I might not have re-introduced myself here yet hmm... appreciate it man.

Yeah where is altr at. Did nae partake in them Dr0kn days back when he was most prevalent, but he certainly carved out a place in OG NG memory. Dobio recently deleted his account, though. Integral parts of the past slowly disintegrating around 'ere...

But at least you're still here!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-07 11:18:40

Haha no one would remember me as I was not a prominent poster nor did I create anything. If you do remember my posts then congrats, because they were hilariously shite.

I joined in 2006 at the age of 11 after me and my (newly best) friend at the time figured out how to register and got stoked so we both made posts, messaging each other on MSN to see if we could spot one another's post on here and all the while getting the piss taken out of us. We would go to school, come home, go skate every, come on here and look at what's new, make really bad posts and play video games probably every day for a good while. Good times.

But before that I was fairly active in just checking this site all the time for flash games and animations, especially from creators like Weebl, David Firth and Lemon Demon. Oh and Egoraptor, the MGS Awesome series were heavily quoted by us in school, much to the teacher's aghast. I remember I hand a hand me down computer my sister had from '98 and it would only load flash animations if you loaded them in low quality haha. I would love to know if that computer exists in my attic, because that thing really did want to die and I wouldn't be surprised if my dad chucked it out.

It's great to see this place still alive and have active posters, as most forums I've frequented for other things from the early to mid 00's have long perished. My friend and I don't hang out anymore, he doesn't skate, I still do (plus I film) and we've both moved around. Times and people change, as they should.

Now when I get time in between telling people to turn things on and off again I either like to at those posts and remember how silly we were just shitposting on these forums or check out what's new.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-07 11:26:54

I'm @zebrahumor back after a long hiatus. I tell zebra jokes in art, movie, and game form.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-09 21:32:22

At 3/7/22 11:00 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:
At 3/6/22 11:22 PM, numbers wrote:Btw Cyberdevil the real OG here. Haven't seen anybody shout their props at this mfer right here. He's been reviewing animations since before MOST of ya'll was born. He's like the DMX of NG except not. Because.... fuck. Is altr still here?

I might not have re-introduced myself here yet hmm... appreciate it man.

Yeah where is altr at. Did nae partake in them Dr0kn days back when he was most prevalent, but he certainly carved out a place in OG NG memory. Dobio recently deleted his account, though. Integral parts of the past slowly disintegrating around 'ere...

But at least you're still here!!!

Aw Altr and FunkBrs did more for NG's forum freedom than people will know.

No way did Dobio delete his account; It's not fathomable. Him, Jenkins and AfroNinja took up the webcams (you remember them shits?) Or was it that one person with the tits. Idk. Anyway HEY YOU'RE STILL HERE MAN WASSUP!

"It's sad. All these kids have to do school at home. Homeschooling. How long until a teacher fucks one of her students?" - Mark Normand

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-03-10 01:35:10

Huh, I was so busy going around trying to drum up attention to the EARN IT Act, I actually forgot to introduce myself. I'm Enigma2Me, YouTuber and amateur artist. I've lurked on Newgrounds for a while and was actually on long before YouTube was mainstream, but never really got around (as far as I remember at least) to making an account on here...for some reason. Or maybe I did and just deleted it. I dunno, it was a LONG time ago.

At 3/9/22 09:32 PM, numbers wrote:Aw Altr and FunkBrs did more for NG's forum freedom than people will know.

Ah at least Funk is still around! Still shitposting masterfully, spreading the lore of hate and saucery...

No way did Dobio delete his account; It's not fathomable. Him, Jenkins and AfroNinja took up the webcams (you remember them shits?) Or was it that one person with the tits. Idk. Anyway HEY YOU'RE STILL HERE MAN WASSUP!

I really didn't see the Dobio deletion coming either, wonder what happened there. I don't think I remember Jenkins, but Dobio and Afro and the cams hell yeah! Among others. There was a girl wasn't there... if you mention names I'd probably recognize them but none come to mind. Tom and Wade there too, office cams were always fun to get a glimpse at...

YEAAAAAAAAH FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER! With occasionally a short-term summer break.

BBS Signature