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Old User Re-Introduction Thread

81,669 Views | 612 Replies

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-13 10:38:49

At 3/26/22 07:11 PM, numbers wrote:Yeah I'm from 2002 what. Immediately respect me even though I've done NOTHING for this website. Do it.

You may pass their tithes onto me, the King of August.

Krash17's mental health secrets:

Drink more water, sleep well, and if you want friends, be a friend.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-15 04:14:34

At 4/13/22 10:38 AM, Krash17 wrote:
At 3/26/22 07:11 PM, numbers wrote:Yeah I'm from 2002 what. Immediately respect me even though I've done NOTHING for this website. Do it.

You may pass their tithes onto me, the King of August.

Is that you, Dobio?

"It's sad. All these kids have to do school at home. Homeschooling. How long until a teacher fucks one of her students?" - Mark Normand

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-16 06:58:49

I made this account when I was around 16. I cant believe I remembered my old password. I’m not sure why I decided to try logging in after all this time. God its just so crazy that this account has been sitting all these years.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-17 17:21:54

I'm not coming back. But. I just wanted to say, I guess. I spent my childhood here. Now I've come back to try and search for old flash movies and games I used to watch and I can't find them anymore. The world is changing so fast since the 90s when I was born, and even since when I used to spend time here. Everything I thought I knew back then was wrong. I didn't grow into the person I thought I'd be and I'm not sure I'm who I want to be. The thought of who I'll be in the future is outweighed by my cynicism for society.

Can we just. Slow the fuck down for a bit? Just for a moment. Savor what we have, take nothing for granted. Appreciate what you have and don't worry about what you don't.


Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-19 18:13:40

Hello! I made an account in 2008 before forgetting my password, so I get a double 0 pass. I made this new account in 2014 and didn't do much with it until a certain global event in 2020 caused me to check out the site again. Nowadays I want to get more involved and participate in goofy little events I think I can throw something fun into, and maybe play some more games and talk shit in some forums. <3

I will neither confirm nor deny if my name was inspired by Alan Becker.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-20 01:40:45

Hello! I am Wojoe. This is technically my second account, my first was made in early 2000's but I had forgotten the username and probably the password as well. I never went on the forums much because I'm more of a loner type. I will say the community has always been unique as we newgrounders get to the nitty-gritty of things, ya know? No pussyfooting around and that's what I like about this website. It's never felt restricting and I would say feels free'er than the good 'ol USA itself! I remember trying to get into NG police or something like that but it was about the end of the line for them. I didn't have 50 posts on the forum so I technically didn't qualify. I also remember NG chat being on and off numerous times. All in all I appreciate this site for everything it is and it has very much influenced my life for the better I would say. Thanks Tom, Wade, Stamper, and everyone else who maintains this site and I hope it stays around longer than we will.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-20 19:12:38

Happy 4/20 NG. It's been a long time. I am the real CranberryClock. I am glad to find you all again, plenty of familiar faces. I recently retired, have a ton of spare time on my hands now and wanted to get back into flash animation. I was so young when I created this account. I aspired to make games and create fun things. At a young age I didn't quite understand the concept of taking other peoples stuff, adding changes to it and calling it my own properly. I had the mind set of the time I put into the project and things I did as ownership. I called them mine, and falsified my contribution in creation of flash games, software, websites and what I inconsiderately never gave credit towards the original author.

At a young age I was taught a very valuable lesson and exiled from a group of people because of these lies. I never intended to cause any drama when I was a member. I was at an awkward age where the people around me had no interest in programming, flash or web development. It was early 2000's as seen by member since. I am not making excuses for my actions; merely explaining what I have come to terms with and reflecting back on my life. As an adult it was some of the most childish moments of my life. I lied to friends, cheated people of work and stole. I built a friendship circle of trust on lies and got called out. Instead of ownership-I lied and continued to lie.

This is an apology towards KnotsberryClock and PineappleClock specifically. I looked up to both of you. Every interaction we ever had was pure in intentions. I am sorry I lied - I learned a lesson quickly about lying and identity on the internet. I joined the military and experienced a life of pain, lies, theft and joy, wonders and amazement. I don't think I would be who I am today without these two members of the Clockcrew.

I lurk- often out of account. I interact here and there but most people don't actually know who I am. I had an odd interaction recently where someone reached out to verify if someone was the real CranberryClock or not. It resulted in slow reintroduction back to creative freedom. I have a troubled history - if anyone remembers it. Instead of hiding behind another name or creating a different account I am just going to publicly apologize for my actions of stealing-borrowing without permission-not properly attributing authors and then profiting off of others artists work at some point in my youth. I learned my lesson years later approaching 21 years now.

I am the real Cranberryclock. I included the above statement to non-deniable verify who I am. I am now a professional. I am an adult and a dumb move I made as a kid bit me in the ass harder than I could ever imagine 16 years prior. I plan on animating again. I am sorry I lied and built friendships off false fame of who I was during that time. I know this confession is so late- and doesn't really apply to anything but starting out again on a community I'd rather just be straight up.

Newgrounds changed my life and I owe it to a bunch of people I never met who were avatars of fruits with clocks. They set a 15 year old on a better path. I learned programming, web design, art and game design. They helped shape who I became later in life. I owe am immense debt to this community that I could never repay and to many people here-this probably sounds psychotic. For those who remember me. I am sorry also. To the friends who knew this whole time during our immense long journey of friendship. I am sorry.

I look forward to showing you who I am again.




Eff it.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-28 05:13:18

i'm a furry now

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-04-29 12:48:57

Hello! I'm TENTA.ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

Recently, I finally gathered the courage to crawl out of my shell and try to connect with people online again... Which honestly is a huge challenge given my already poor track record, but we all have to start somewhere, right?

As a rather non-conforming, introverted-type of person, art has always been my personal comfort zone and an important tool for expressing myself. I have no formal education for drawing, but I have studied some graphic design & photography.

Being disabled & LGBT+ make up a large part of my identity, which naturally also show through in my art sometimes alongside whatever else happens to interest me at the time.

If you'd like to read more about me, please feel free to check this post on my profile.

This is actually my second NG account, my very first one regrettably being forever lost in time due to forgetting my username (not to mention the password & email..)

Even the exact year I first found the site is beyond my memory, but I can with certainty say that Newgrounds has grown alongside me like a sibling I never had. Despite not regularly staying in touch, many of my interests, art influences and great memories can be traced back here.

I have always been kind of a private person with not much prior experience with putting myself out there, but you may have seen me on Twitter between 2012-2020 under the same name. If you somehow recognize me (oh no), please feel welcome to message me and say hello anytime. Of course, I am open to making new friends as well. I do not discriminate. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

Love yourself and stay true in the face of all hardships and hard dicks

Personal Gallery | Buy me a Coffee?

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-05-03 22:33:02

Hey, I'm Oninego and I forgot to interact with newgrounds for over a year because I gave up on interacting with everything at all but now I'm back I guess

BBS Signature

I've just spent the better part of an hour scanning through this thread, reading the posts of all the people I recognise and used to talk to and it's been a pretty jolly trip down memory lane. Currently feeling very sick with what I assume is my 2nd time getting COVID so it got me thinking about the past. I'm just going to ramble some thoughts down and see what happens.

So, I'm Tramps. I have no idea why I chose this username. I thought a single word with no numbers would be cool. I waited until I turned 13 to make an account and join the forum as I was worried what would happen if I made my account too early. I'd since deleted and remade this account but hopefully some people still remember me.

This place was incredibly formative for me as a teenager. I made a lot of good connections with people; a few I'll try to name as I'd like them to know that I still think about them and appreciate them for being there for me as an awkward teen. I remember the Stickam days and all the drama that ensued through that, I remember NG Chat and watching the livestream from the office on Pico Day (and also the drama that ensued through that). I remember being obsessed with the NG Gamerscore Leaderboard back in the gaming forum and competing every week to see who could gain the most points.

I remember making dumb threads to try and get some kind of clout and attention. I remember making a forum post for 'NG BBS Cool Points Quiz' which someone turned into a flash game which I unfortunately can't find anymore. I remember writing stories which contained very cringy sex scenes that I wrote when I was 14. Basically I was a very weird kid.

I remember sirtom93 and threatening to burn down his school and @Rig ultimately contacting the police. Funnily enough on that KYM page is the scan I did of the newspaper the day after the event.

I remember TSStudios meeting 'Tom Fucking Fulp' and the memes that ensued after that. On reflection this place could be relentless to kids but I suppose that's half of why I loved it. I remember Dick Neck and all the other photoshop threads that spawned. I also remember getting a happy birthday in a news post by @TomFulp but my google-fu isn't letting me find it right now, but it meant a lot at the time!

These are just a few of the things I remember well and hope others enjoy the brief trip down memory lane.

Anyway, I'm 28 now, 29 in about a week so closing in on 30 which is kind of terrifying but I guess we can't stay young forever. I live alone with my dog who is the cutest little fucker (pic at the end). I've just accepted a new job which is going to be a huge step-up in my career. I'm happy with who I am, where I am in life, and optimistic about the future. Obviously I could never have done any of it without this dumb forum, so thanks.

Here's where I slap some names down from some of the people I remember. Most of my memory was jogged from reading through this thread so apologies if I miss anyone cool :(

@Dean - We don't talk much anymore but I think you were my best friend on here so feel free to reach out if you'd like to catch up.

@Gagsy - Hope all is well with you Leanne, you were my favourite little motherly figure even if you did say I have a face you just want to punch.

@DumbassDude - Some of my favourite memories was playing co-op guitar hero with you. I don't think you lurk here anymore but I still remember the good times every now and then.

@Oliver - ur cool i guess

@Luis - You were a big help with a lot of my growing pains as a teen and wish we'd had a chance to meet if I wasn't so scared of travel and human interaction at the time. Still appreciate you massively and hope you're well.

@TehSlapHappy - Hope you remember Sharon

There's no doubt more people I'm missing but if you see this and want to get in touch, easiest place to find me is probably my Instagram which is full of mostly dog pictures. Hope this plug is ok. Thanks Tom for providing a haven for awkward teens who eventually grew up into mostly well-adjusted adults.


Inb4 TL;DR

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-05-05 05:07:43

At 5/4/22 08:04 PM, Tramps wrote:@Dean - We don't talk much anymore but I think you were my best friend on here so feel free to reach out if you'd like to catch up.

Will do. It's probably longer ago than it feels, but I remember the last time we were messaging you'd been talking about how much you loved Persona 5. I eventually got myself a copy, went to message you and then realised you'd disappeared from Facebook :(

It sounds like we've ended up in similar situations though (minus the COVID bit - still haven't caught that yet!). I recently turned 30, live alone with my two dogs and am also in the middle of taking a step up.

Btw, my dogs would also like to compete for the title of "cutest little fuckers". Mac loves his box fort, probably just because Lucy can't fit.


BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-05-05 19:52:18

Hello hello everyone! You guys can call me Pojo B)

I made this account back in 2016 during the pit of my flash dating sim phase. Initially, I never used it as anything else other than a personal collection of games and movies I used to play when I was younger, but as I grew older I realized that this was a perfect platform to share nsfw art to people who would actually want to see it (compared to other platforms that straight up ban it, could get to the wrong places, etc....) and started being more active on here as a place to share more raunchier art that I couldn't really post anywhere else.

If you happen to like sexy witch girls (or a new sexy slime girl I recently made) you know where to find me 🥴


Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-05-06 23:37:48

a Kitty Krew reunion caused me to log into this account after it lay dormant for a decade

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-05-07 07:12:18

my dick fell off

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-05-15 00:45:36

managed to collab with pimp for their one and only flash submission ~ pretty based if you ask me

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-05-16 03:08:11

Hey everyone, I'm AnalPenguinFarming.

I recently started a job where I work some overnight shifts where I'm up late working. I wanted to get on and watch some old flash content, but found out I lost my password. Luckily thanks to the WI/HT forum and the direct help of Tom, I was able to attach my new email to my account and get a new password.

It's been a while. I really do love this website and I'm glad the years of old content still exists. I started here as a teenager spending extra time on the forums and reviewing movies. Before unlimited text messaging and facebook messenger existed. I'd always have one box of AOL Instant Messenger open, and be on newgrounds trolling forums and meeting new people. It seems once facebook messenger became popular and I got too busy with college I moved away from NG.

I used to think the 30+ members of the site were dorks, but now here I am. Hoping to get in contact with some of the older members at some point who may or may not remember me. Hope you're all doing well and big thanks to Tom for keeping a big part of our childhood still alive.


ya boi analpenguinfarming

Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-05-16 13:54:43

At 8/15/20 07:59 AM, TomFulp wrote:@Susanowoo suggested that we create an OLD User Introduction thread, for old accounts that have never introduced themselves or have just returned to NG after years of absence. I've seen a good number of returning visitors in recent years so this sounds like a fun idea.

If you're an old user who has been lurking, this thread is your opportunity to let yourself be known!

I've never posted on the New Grounds forums before but man has it been a blast returning to this site! I am Firegamer5! I used to use New Grounds long ago to play games and check out cool videos! Coming back for nostalgia and to just have fun! I started a blog where I talk about nerd stuff so check that out! Want to know anything else? just ask!

yours truely firegamer5 :)

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-05-18 16:26:25

Hi everyone! Nice to meet you all :)

My account's around 4 years old at this point, but I never really introduced myself or left any trace since I was mostly lurking playing games, watching animations and seeing some art (I also haven't really used forums that much in my life) but I finally got the courage and time to make something for the art portal and posted it! I look forward to meet nice peeps and keep improving my skills for future art, music, movies and games I make in the future (hopefully!)

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-05-18 22:45:15

The nostalgia I feel here is like no other. It feels like once every 1-3 years I stumble upon something that reminds me of the early/mid 2000's, and immediately jump on this site. I feel so much emotion roaming through everything here. I spent a great amount of my preadolescence and early teens on this site, just lurking the BBS and watching Madness, Salad Fingers and more.

My first attempts of "photoshopping" was bedn on a cats face. I had my first experiences gaming, enjoying games on here and armorgames. I particularly remember a classroom stealth game, I think one is in my favorites, and another stick figure game with an overhead camera that was like a sort of GTA game.

I remember Penicorn and all the amazing images everyone created. I remember being a Stamper fan, I found him hilarious

I remember a video of Tom, Wade and others destroying their old office and breaking down walls.

I remember stumbling on porn accidentally here and being caught by my grandmother

I believe that Newgrounds is what molded my sense of humor. I am so appreciative of everything this site has brought me. Thank yall for the memories!

@TomFulp - thank you for providing a website that has given me so many memories.

@bigbadron - fuck you for banning me like 15 years ago... just kidding, I was so young, my post was probably ridiculously stupid

@wegra - I cannot believe you are still active, right on dude!

@ozcar - You posted a lot, and my younger self really enjoyed a lot of them, I hope you're doing well!


Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-05-26 14:45:37

At 5/4/22 08:04 PM, Tramps wrote:

Anyway, I'm 28 now, 29 in about a week so closing in on 30 which is kind of terrifying but I guess we can't stay young forever. I live alone with my dog who is the cutest little fucker (pic at the end). I've just accepted a new job which is going to be a huge step-up in my career. I'm happy with who I am, where I am in life, and optimistic about the future. Obviously I could never have done any of it without this dumb forum, so thanks.

Jamie :)

So glad that you're doing well for yourself and lovely to see your dog. I bet he's (assuming) a right happy loving dog - and that will all be thanks to you!

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-05-28 20:29:00

I’m eyechieftrees, formerly known as kylexthexpostman. I left here a while ago because real life set in and it fucking sucked. I’m stable now and have been for a while.

I used to be a huge asshole and catch bans like they were going out of style, post shitty music, and frequented the audio portal back when it was in flight.

now I post ok music and I’m still an asshole, but I’m an asshole with responsibilities, so that makes it okay, right? RIGHT?

I’m trying to be more active but it’s hard when all my old friends no longer live here :/

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-06-03 21:24:40

I've been on this site for over a year now, and come to think of it, I don't think I ever properly introduced myself. I just kind of showed up one day.

I'm KrashKablamBlam, but you can call me Krash or KKbB for simplicity. No, I didn't exactly get my name from the "blam" system on here, I just like funny sound effect words. Especially ones that imply things blowing up because... I don't know.

Before joining in April of 2021, I "lurked" on here if you will, playing random games and occasionally watching animations. Weirdly enough, I never poked around on the forums until I actually joined, but now, the BBS is kind of my place here. I upload art sometimes too, but I mainly just respond to threads, occasionally starting my own topic. Nowadays you may or may not see me around much, I used to be super active on here, popping in literally every single day as soon as I got the chance, but now I pop in... every other week, even if at that. At first I blamed this on school, which with it being summer vacation, is not an excuse anymore (at least until August), so let's just face the truth: I'M LAZY. HENCE WHY I NEVER UPLOAD ART ANYMORE. I ALSO PROCRASTINATE. I'LL SAY I'LL DO SOMETHING AND THEN I NEVER DO IT.

Yeah. I'm going to try (and I really mean it) to be more active on here while I'm still out of school. So, with that being said...

See you around! (hopefully)


BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-06-07 11:31:13

At 8/6/21 08:30 PM, Afro-Ninja wrote:
At 8/6/21 04:47 PM, TomFulp wrote:@Luis is still lurking about and @Afro-Ninja might answer if summoned! @JadeTheAssassin was also around pretty recently.

I'm not super active on the forums anymore, but I keep tabs on the front page news/content and my notifications :)

Hey man, what made you lose interest in game developing and animation? Just curious!

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-06-07 21:13:39

At 6/7/22 11:31 AM, Greenskullkid wrote:
At 8/6/21 08:30 PM, Afro-Ninja wrote:
At 8/6/21 04:47 PM, TomFulp wrote:@Luis is still lurking about and @Afro-Ninja might answer if summoned! @JadeTheAssassin was also around pretty recently.

I'm not super active on the forums anymore, but I keep tabs on the front page news/content and my notifications :)

Hey man, what made you lose interest in game developing and animation? Just curious!

I still do plenty of game dev, it's just not really focused on web/flash anymore. I need to make a news post about my current projects soon but here's what I've been up to lately:



BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-06-07 21:51:50

I deatg

Lookin for who asked, I like edgy and flash stuff. Heard Candice and Joe got in a relationship recently. GODDAMN IT WEGRA!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-06-12 14:16:14

Hey0 ! I'm Ramen but you can call me Chicky Nuggie. I grew up with NG flash animations and I made an NG account in 2019 ( that I deleted due to some issues ). I missed the forums too much so I decided to join back after someone on Twitter joked about how I should come back to this site. I really love this site and the threads here were the funniest of the Internet. I hope not a lot of stuff changed here though.. ^^"

*( This signature filled you with DETERMINATION. )


BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-06-17 05:00:15

Hello there! While my account isn't as old as many of the ones in this thread, I have returned from a four-year long Newgrounds Hiatus. I originally left as I was starting to become embarrassed of my online footprint, however I've come back now that enough time has passed for me to become nostalgic for that era in my life. Not to mention Newgrounds just happens to be a really great place for artists to post their content, in a way I don't think other platforms can replicate. Newgrounds looks and feels a bit different from what it was when I left but It's great to be back. Nice to meet you all!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-06-18 23:12:22

Hello. When I’m bored I ruin the server by spilling beer on it. I also worked at newgrounds for a brief bit. I love learning about new and old people and what brings them to this crazy place.


BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2022-06-21 22:53:20

I'm a random lurker who used to go by a different name Mastersarge. I shed the old name and restructured things to shed my old cringe self and decided to hop on again because why not. Making a Visual Novel game based off of a shitpost game based off of Goodbye Volcano High and I decided to come back here to revisit the love of my teenage years. I actually hung around before I made an account back in 2007. I did basically nothing with it. Wasn't in a good mental state growing up and its surprisingly the past few years that I've decided to take initiative in shit.