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Old User Re-Introduction Thread

81,607 Views | 612 Replies

@Susanowoo suggested that we create an OLD User Introduction thread, for old accounts that have never introduced themselves or have just returned to NG after years of absence. I've seen a good number of returning visitors in recent years so this sounds like a fun idea.

If you're an old user who has been lurking, this thread is your opportunity to let yourself be known!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 08:19:21

Also we can bitch about being old.

My back hurts.

| It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose|||Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel.||||

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 08:45:45

Hello, my name is Little-Rena, but I am not so little anymore, as I grew up, and got old, but changing my name would mean a massive loss of history, and that would be sad. I post a lot of cringe on the forums, and all of the various portals on Newgrounds, I have plenty of submissions that you could check out, but might regret it.

I never used to be a forum regular, mostly because I was prone to getting banned back in the day for shitty posts, but now, I can get away with it!

My proudest achievement on Newgrounds is becoming an Icon Mod, the most important type of Moderator on this website! It can be quite fun to make icons, and look at some submissions I never would have come across before, other times, it can be hard, because the submissions are cringe, there are also things I can't unsee, like the time I came across a granny porn animation submission that needed an icon.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 09:04:05

Get off my damn lawn you punk kids!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 10:59:35

Ight imma head out

signature by jackho

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 12:54:35

Hi, I'm GoryBlizzard.

I made my account here on November 21, 2003 at the age of 13 and haven't really left. Many people you will see identifying themselves as "old" are actually newer than me. That's how jaw-droppingly old I am.

I used to mod the older chat, you used to be able to see me frequently on PalTalk (although I wouldn't say I felt close to anyone), developed a stronger camaraderie with some other people in the old Stickam chat, hosted a few NYC NG meets, one co-hosted with @Luis in 2012, and who knows, I wouldn't rule out a future meet via Zoom later this year, almost or over 10 1/2 years since my real life one.

People a long time ago have always associated me with my love of shit, particularly from attractive females. There are a few people here that will see the word "shit" in a thread title or original post and then tag me because they instantly think of me. I'm used to it. Shit has played a big role in my sex life and scat and efro porn really gets me going when my girlfriend is not around. She is into shit too; guy shit. That's why we're so perfect for each other. I've loved shit since since I was 3 years old.

I also have epilepsy and take medication for it. At the time of this post, 3 different meds. I saw a neurosurgeon on December 10, 2019 to have a VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulator) installed in my chest wall. It's basically a pacemaker for the brain and works to stop or suppress seizures by way of my left vagus nerve. It also comes with a magnet that can be swiped over it to enhance its electrical output whenever I feel like the use of it is justified. The regular, non-magnetic setting is at 0.75 mA for me and can be manipulated every time I visit my neurologist. Every paper check I have says "Cure Epilepsy" on it and this is an area where I am constantly trying to stay on top of, as far as new research goes.

One particularly bad seizure I had on February 28, 2015 resulted in dislocating my right shoulder and I've needed surgery ever since then. But life happened and so did delay after delay, but it looks like that it is likely to happen on the 24th in just 9 days. I'll post updates in this thread I made back in 2010 or possibly make a new one. The plan is to have an open Latarjet procedure done with two orthopedic surgeons working collaboratively. I'm waiting for the surgical coordinator to tell me when the fresh osteochondral allograft has arrived and if my primary care physician has signed off on my most recent blood work done yesterday.

My favorite music genre is metal. I've been to a fuck ton of shows and met some of the finest musicians. Been part of Metal Hell since January 12, 2005. My BBS sig is so old that I've had it since October 2, 2004, only changing it to fit each redesign ever since then. I encourage more metal lovers here to be more active in that thread and possibly make their own to upload to the Audio Portal.

Other links of interest:

My interview with The Interviewer on September 12, 2012

My interview with The-Great-One #2 (aka The Interviewer himself)--this time around, I'm doing the interviewing, and the year is 2020

My AMA thread (if you don't support NG, you won't get to see it)

Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.

NYC Meet 2010 | NYC Meet 2011 | NYC Meet 2013

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 13:15:26

Hi, I'm DamnedByFate.


That's all there is to know about me.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 15:10:46

Hey its Weeeeegra!~ Its Wegra

So I've been on this site for nearly 20 years since I joined in 2003 under @Wegra2 after my friend gave me his account that he wasnt using. And I got hooked on the whole reviewing thing since day 1. Anyway I pretty much have been doing all that Newgrounds has to offer. Reviwing, posts, contributing art, movies, music and even games. And I plan to stay here to the very end.

See you around!

Sig by @Brokendeck

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 15:34:22

I am so glad Newgrounds still exists after all this time!! Thanks Tom for keeping it up! It is now popular again!

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 15:54:38

See y'all at bingo!

I joined this website after my older cousin sent me a link to a porn game over MSN messenger, which in retrospect is a little weird.

I went by kickme123 originally, and then TheMaster, and now I have another username I don't like and would probably change to HobbsLane to match what I use everywhere else if I didn't also not really like that one either.

I haven't watched a video or played a game on here in probably a full decade now but force of habit will have me checking these forums until they, or I, die, whichever comes first.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 18:47:26

hi i'm urichov and i don't remember introducing myself in the other thread probably because by the time i decided to start making use of the forums my account was seven years old. not nearly as old as most folks in this thread but still. i've distinguished myself by recording a dramatic reading of a forum post about ugly nipples and by doing an awful job organising a collab for our moderator fro. i also draw very slowly with a mouse.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 22:30:11

hi, i don't come here much anymore but i'm glad this place still exists.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 23:09:44

I'm RydiaLockheart, and I joined NG on November 21, 2002, shortly before I left for Thanksgiving break during my freshman year of college when I was 19.

I cut my teeth here with the Politics Crew back when that was still a thing. I hung around forums, played games and watched movies. There was about a year or so I didn't go to the forums and I don't really know why.

Ever since I have been here, I have gotten my Bachelor's and two Master's degrees, lived in Ohio for a year when I had a job there, got laid off from that job, gotten my current job, moved to Pittsburgh, got married, bought a house, and adopted a dog.

I've aged 20 years throughout that time, but I'm still the same sarcastic bitch I always was, although my political views have done a complete 180 since college. I guess that's what happens when you leave the university hugbox and live in the real world.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-15 23:38:25

I'm whatever my name is to the side of this post... probably something really stupid and embarrassing. I've been visiting NG on and off ever since my late younger brother introduced me to How Tupac Was Murdered.. In 2009, I finally made an account because I wanted the medals from the Street Fighter Collab. (It's A-rated, so don't watch it if you're not an adult... heh.) I, then, obsessed over WoW until 2013, forgot my password, got tired of MMOs, and decided to make this account, instead of resetting the other one with my old email.

I'm an optimistic pessimist who likes dogs, fast (upbeat) music, and YTPMVs. I consider myself to be one of the least vulgar (i.e. most forgettable) shitposters of this BBS and an overall talentless fuck with nothing of value to share on any of the portals.

Please, don't send me friend requests without PMing me first. Those always feel so awkward to receive.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-16 03:10:01

At 8/15/20 07:59 AM, TomFulp wrote:@Susanowoo suggested that we create an OLD User Introduction thread, for old accounts that have never introduced themselves or have just returned to NG after years of absence. I've seen a good number of returning visitors in recent years so this sounds like a fun idea.

If you're an old user who has been lurking, this thread is your opportunity to let yourself be known!

Sounds like fun. I drop by most Clock Days but still am mostly M.I.A. so I think this qualifies... ;D

Hi, I'm gfoxcook. I've been coming to Newgrounds since some time in 1999. Made an account in early February 2000, but mostly just watched an occasional video or played an occasional game in the portal the first few years.

Wasn't until late 2002 and early 2003 when I started actually reading the forums, posting, starting to notice these things called blams and saves... and experience points, even.

Anyway, I was a heavy user from 2003 to 2005, I'd say. For a time, I moderated some reviews, forum posts, etc, then started to drift away from the site (aside from on Clock Day, as I said) slowly but surely. It happens to the best of us, but...

Like they say about many things: you only take breaks, you never quit. ;)

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-16 06:08:08

I am EinMeister, and even if I made my account in 2020 I have started to use this site since 2009 or 2010. Flash games made a huge part of my childhood and I decided return to the site recently. I like creating content of any kind so hanging around other people that do the same thing is pretty cool.

I do 3D art and stuff idk

BBS Signature

I'm BigBeefyBlue, a guy who found newgrounds back when he got his first computer as a wee baby boy back in the early 2000s. I've been on this site for well over a decade now and decided to make an account in 2010 to make stupid reviews on games and movies I liked.

Newgrounds has been my home on the internet for most of the time I've had it and has got me through school, college and now adulthood.

Heres to many more years of dick jokes, boobies and telling Tom Fulp he's a real handsome fella.

--Doesn't all that venom make you dizzy?--

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-16 14:50:23

I think i never introduced myself as well... well, i met Newgrounds around 2007 i guess. I played Pico Sim Date on a brazilian flash website that stole flash games from here, heh, then i ended up visiting and ended up enjoying it, so i stayed. I created an account back then and i spent some time in the forums (learning english and saying cringy things as any 14 years old would). I guess i was a regular user up to 2010 or something. Then i kinda went in and out, with a lot of stuff happening in my life. This year i decided to try and make some money with hentai, so i came back strong with a new account and i'm very glad about where this is going! I'm making a game that should be launched in the next few months and my expectations for it are very big!

bro i'm tired

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-17 00:08:31

Hi. I've been here longer than all of you.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-17 01:25:25

I used to be just a lurker of this site during elementary, mostly playing games. Now I'm going to college I finally created an NG account after rediscovering this site.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-17 03:03:45

Hi everyone, I'm Unowcres, I joined in 2006.

I always enjoyed watching the works from several Newgrounders of the day, even with my crappy internet...

My biggest highlight of being here was when I won a prize from @Luis but never reached my hands as it got lost in the mail...

Here's to more years in this beautiful site!

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-17 10:21:07

At 8/17/20 03:03 AM, unowcres wrote:Hi everyone, I'm Unowcres, I joined in 2006.
I always enjoyed watching the works from several Newgrounders of the day, even with my crappy internet...

My biggest highlight of being here was when I won a prize from @Luis but never reached my hands as it got lost in the mail...

Here's to more years in this beautiful site!

Sorry to hear about that prize! Which prize was it?

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-17 14:23:54


I've been lurking the BBS since 2003. I stumbled on NG in the PC lab in 8th grade when taking a CAD design class. The older kids were playing games and videos on NG when the teacher wasn't paying attention so I started playing rooftop skater a bunch.

I found the BBS when I my parents got a PC capable of loading the NG front page over christmas 2002. Over winter break just before I went back to school I created an account and started frequenting the forums every night. Newgrounds has been a part of my daily routine ever since. I've been a review and BBS mod since 2008. I've been chat mod for a while too. I've been a supporter for 5 years. I have a bunch of merch from the old NG store and even a long sleeve logo shirt from the very first cafepress store from way way back. I have missed more than 10 years worth of daily deposits despite being here literally every day for 17 years. I once had 24k+ BBS posts but it's been going down for a while with some large threads and prolific users being deleted from when I was more active. I mostly lurk these days.

I've been to 3 Montreal Meetups, a Mod meetup and 2 Pico Days. I've met some long time NG friends IRL for beer, skiing, overnight visits and on vacations. I first met newgrounders in meatspace when I skipped out from a family vacation in 2004 when I was only 16 and took a grayhound bus 3 hours away to Vancouver BC.

IRL I've graduated highschool and went to college and got married (Tom gave me a shoutout).

Since 2003: I have had 2 bicycles and 2 skateboards. I have driven 9 different cars and 2 motorcycles. I've had 9 cats (5 currently), 1 dog, 1 snake, 3 horses (2 currently) and a handful of chickens and guinea fowl. Lived in 5 apartments, bought 2 houses and lived in 4 different states. I've had 11 different jobs.

I have no artistic abilities. I'm just a fan of the games, toons art and music here. I used to write cringey stuff in highschool but that's thankfully buried with my old livejournal and maybe a few pages of the Late Night Loung in C&C.

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

¥ ♡ ¥ Sig pic byTemplate88 ¥ ♡ ¥

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-17 15:12:43

At 8/17/20 10:21 AM, TomFulp wrote:
At 8/17/20 03:03 AM, unowcres wrote:Hi everyone, I'm Unowcres, I joined in 2006.
I always enjoyed watching the works from several Newgrounders of the day, even with my crappy internet...

My biggest highlight of being here was when I won a prize from @Luis but never reached my hands as it got lost in the mail...

Here's to more years in this beautiful site!

Sorry to hear about that prize! Which prize was it?

im curious what it was also.


BBS Signature

Hi I'm Ryan and I have bad taste in things but I think I'm unique enough that I must add something to the forum with my posts. Also I like music a lot and am trying to listen to a whole list of 220 albums that I gathered and it's intimidating. Also also I have red hair.

Writing about myself is a lot of work and I don't feel like it right now tbh. Can I make a second post later?


Life's a performance, so give it your all like it's your last show.


BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-17 18:40:12

At 8/17/20 06:30 PM, Ryanson wrote:Writing about myself is a lot of work and I don't feel like it right now tbh. Can I make a second post later?


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-17 19:14:10

Going through the Internet Archive reminds me how many we've "lost" to the darkness over the years. Here's to if/when they return.

Slint approves of me! | "This is Newgrounds.com, not Disney.com" - WadeFulp

"Sit look rub panda" - Alan Davies

BBS Signature

At 8/17/20 06:30 PM, Ryanson wrote:Hi I'm Ryan and I have bad taste in things but I think I'm unique enough that I must add something to the forum with my posts. Also I like music a lot and am trying to listen to a whole list of 220 albums that I gathered and it's intimidating. Also also I have red hair.

Writing about myself is a lot of work and I don't feel like it right now tbh. Can I make a second post later?

So, ahem. I’m Ryan. Formerly ryanson209, removed the numbers a few years back. Got the name from an online ex-gf (lmao) and also my love of DBZ. I joined Newgrounds in 2005 and have come and gone over time. I think my most active time was 2009-2012? The time when we had an unofficial chatroom was supes active. Left because I was trying to better myself… but turns out, Newgrounds is the worst because it will infect you and never leave.


How did I find Newgrounds? Well… porn. There was DBZ dress-up games, and those became a constant when I was a horny teen. Also I think Simgirls was my first real game I played on here? I hear it actually got finished a while back, which is neat. ((The game also indirectly lead me to one of my favorite songs, due to being based on an anime that used that song)). Isn’t that how it usually works? Porn?


I’ve said in previous posts, but I feel is worth mentioning again, is I have red hair. Full on ginger, hell yeah. Nothing but insults online, nothing but compliments in real life. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (At least I was a model once. Once. When I was a baby. Won awards though!) I’ve also been injured severely a few times - gotten my arm broken, accidentally cut my toes with a lawnmower, and most importantly I’ve had my nose bitten off by my dog when I was 9. Nose is crooked now, breathing is tough (got a machine so I can sleep a lil better), also got a big ass scar. People say they don’t notice, but who knows. I also thought I was autistic, but two doctors have said I am not so who knows. They’re probably right, maybe I’m just awkward as fuck. Thanks, April Fools Day (that’s my birthday).


Like I said previously, writing about myself is hard. I never know what to say. I like pop culturey things, even stuff I don’t like I get fascinated with enough to look into it at least. I like being positive and uplifting if possible. I really REALLY LIKE music. I have made music, I have performed live (no big deal it was a talent show lmao), I have commissioned music, I have downloaded enough music that my last computer could not hold everything. Used to love NG music videos, before the big crackdown on copyrighted music. I bought some old music magazines just so I can read their album reviews later. I have my Shazam app nearly always on standby. I am currently trying to listen through at least 200 albums, and it’s an intimidating process because it’s just all there, waiting. Looming. LIke my video game collection which I’m also barely making a dent with.


People don’t remember, and for good reason, I’ve worked on a fighting game based on the BBS and other forums I’ve been on years ago when I was most active. It was canceled (I think the bios are in my news feed somewhere, I’m scared to look), though I’ve held on to the fighting game bug for a long time (Bloody Rage is unironically one of my favorite Flashes ever despite how unpolished and unfinished it is. The dream is to make a proper version of it). I’ve also done a handful of interviews, originally for myself for fun but all have been transferred over to the Interviewer. Haven’t done any in a while, but it’s still something I’m proud of having done (sidenote: me and other BBS users were interviewed, and just like my first post here I didn’t feel like writing about myself for the interview lol.))


I don’t know what else to say - I think my experiences and personality are unique enough that I must contribute something to the forums. What that something is, I don’t know, but maybe we can find out together.


Life's a performance, so give it your all like it's your last show.


BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-08-18 00:08:13

It's mama, sayin' hi. Been awhile. Good to see Clock Day still going strong.

i'm out of tequila.