At 1/26/16 03:24 PM, 6359 wrote:
This is NOT a faker. Just a heads up, as people might think so otherwhise.
Should have checked the thread, I just sent him a SC pm lol
GD upload, permaban please.
Clearly read nothing that was right in front of him (GD upload), permaban please.
Don't permaban this guy as it's not necessarily a GD upload.
Music Maker Jam. I wouldn't ban him, just explain why it's getting removed.
Rip in pieces. Permaban please.
All GD uploads, permaban.
Doesn't seem legit considering the username, original is
No idea what song this is but it's definitely stolen because of the license and description.
Description: "Cool song" in Spanish
Username: contains the word gaming
Submission: first
Unless 1+1+1=4 this is a GD upload.
Permaban. Obvious GD upload.
How many times has this been uploaded now? (permaban)
Also his username translates to "Anonymous Player"....
Oh yeah, didn't I already post this one earlier? (permaban)
That misleading title though. Permaban (clearly a dasher because Eloy is a dasher).
"dont ban meh pl0x ;3;"
permaban hem pl0x
Actually the same song as earlier.
This guy REALLY deserves a permaban because he claimed it as his own. I'd check his other submission as well but I have more sweeping to do.
That description probably translates to "permaban" from gibberish.
Permaban this scrub.
Dasher, as Skrillex Right In is a GD level (with a song which I'll give you one chance to guess). Permaban.
This guy is obviously KDrew and you obviously shouldn't permaban him. (This has not been uploaded for GD not way too many times.)
Probably another Spanish dasher, requesting permaban.
Gotta permaban fast.
Description says NCS.
Trigger again, permaban.
That's about 2/3 of the way down the unscouted artists page and only about 4 legit people so far.
Maybe I should get tempmodded for today so I can sweep and not leave you guys with tons of work, rip. is better for sweeping than view unscouted submissions.