Literally the same thing as the one in my last post but title and desc. in spanish.
yeah no
Suspicious here, one of the titles is "New dash music" and the descriptions tell you nothing. If anyone recognizes either song...
We should keep count of how many times each stolen song is uploaded just for fun.
That's not Geometry Dash...
It's funny how he thinks this is by DubstepGutter.
Mix of the two ToEs. Sounds pretty crappy as well.
First two are by... well, guess. The second two I don't know but I'm pretty sure they're stolen because no one makes dubstep that good so early in their career.
Stolen ofc.
Both stolen per description.
"Transferred and edited from YouTube, all credits go to rightful owner"
how 2 spelin
Assuming this isn't his per title and licensing terms.
Not sure this is as original as the title claims.
Hmm, who's this by again? Tobu? Nah, that can't be right...
I beg to differ with the description.
It's funny how they're all named exactly the same thing.
Aero Chord.
His audio is probably original but he's only 10 - I assume Newgrounds requires you to be 13...
Desmeon - Hellcat (which is a parody of OMFG - Hello, but not made by this kid)
Forgetting original artist, but stolen
This guy is a troll (literally)
Told you @GDHexhammer
I thought Virtual Riot uploads were an early 1.9 thing but okay.
lol this guy's name
I assume this is from an anime.
-splitting into two posts because I'm getting an error, probably too many links-