At 6/7/18 01:22 PM, IoTheEternal wrote: Imo garageband is just a very bad overall standard for music making - and most of what I hear that comes out of it is badly mixed or badly mastered
I have no real experience with GarageBand but personally this sounds like a toupee fallacy as applied to software. ie, people make the claim toupees are pointless because you can always tell. In reality you can only tell when it's a bad toupee, if it's a good one it's invisible to you. If every time you notice a toupee it's a bad one you'll assume all toupees are bad.
I see this fallacy applied to the game engine Unity very often. ie, people claim that using Unity leads to shitty games, because they've seen so many bad Unity games. In reality this is because Unity is widespread among students and newcomers, and free to use - but the free version has a mandatory splash screen. So every time you play a shitty amateur Unity game it announces to you that it's a Unity game, and so you might assume all Unity games are bad by default. But there's many well-made, professional games that you'd never realize are also using the engine.
Apply that same thought to music software. You'd have no way of telling a song was made in GarageBand over Logic, Pro Tools, Ableton, Reason etc. so long as the song was good and didn't use the identifiable stock sounds. GarageBand is free with Macs and so it'll be a popular choice for amateurs and people with no music experience, so a disproportionate amount of shitty music will come from GarageBand compared to the expensive software. But it's a fallacy to claim the software is the problem and not the people using it. It's just that a far higher % of GB users will have no experience when compared to other software's demographics.
I've also seen this exact criticism thrown at FL Studio for years, ie it results in shitty music that makes you sound like everyone else, in reality it's just as capable as most other DAWs and the differences won't define how the end product sounds if you know what you're doing, but it was the most popular DAW for years and so it produced the highest quantity of shitty music, and again people made the fallacy of somehow thinking the software was at fault and not the people using it.
Wow that was a big fuckin ranty post but I hope you found it interesting. TL;DR it's not the software, it's the users, GarageBand by nature will attract amateurs and people with no prior music experience and so the music made with it will sound worse on average.