This summer has seriously started to fucking suck.
Ok, I think you guys remember when I told you About the girl I fancy?
Well anyway, My Deceiving Bastard friend, Gummi, and her, are "Semi-dating"
First my Granny is on her deathbed, And now this.
Buuut...Since I Take my frustrations out as Anger, I'm so fucking pissed, I feel like killing Razorblade armoured bears with my bare hands while eating barbed wire and broken glass...
Then going outside, And ripping my limbs off to kill other people with.
This feeling is of course, made even more powerful, By listening To Nile, Cannibal Corpse, Necrophagist,Forgarður Helvítis,Deicide And some more Death and Grind...
So I ask you, Give me the heaviest motherfucking piece of Brutal death metal/grindcore or any of their sub-genres ever made, so I can build this fucking terrible angst of mine up, before I start painting my house with blood and guts.
I don't care if it has no musical qualities whatsoever, It could just as well be the sound of someone brutally killing his family.