^^ Dan
I like how metal isn't a phase music, because it's such a growing genre, and has so many subgenres to skip to, you can just like metal for a few years and forget it exists. It stays latched to you no matter what or who you become.
I only got into music rather late in my life. Maybe only when I was what? 16? maybe 15..Everyone was skipping from music and life styles constantly, annually even. I like I just stuck to metal once I found it. However, I had gone through nu-metal before I found metal. I come from a small town, where EVERYONE is a prep, so it was only thanks to the internet that I actually found real metal. Before that, I guess i listened to some alternative, but I was never religious about music. Now I cant even go for a 5 minute walk to the store without some metal.
What I love the most about metal, and agree that it's so powerful, is that, I had an anxiety disorder ( still do actually, but nothing like when I was first diagnosed) and everyday was just another day of feeling scared and vulnerable, but when you walked down the hallways with metal blasting out of your ears, and wearing your megadeth shirt with vic on it, and with the andrenaline it gives you, it took so much of that anxiety away. It IS powerful, and been there every step of my disorder. It just gives you this rush that makes you feel stronger, and no prep is going to bother messing with that either. I just dont know what those years with my panic attacks would be like without metal, whether it was there to relate to it, or just get all pumped up and tell my disorder it can go fuck itself.
It's funny too, rock only came after metal. Instead of going through everything else and finally finding metal, I found metal and decided I didnt want to be ignorant about music either, and found a lot of my dads all records and thats how I found a lot of classic rock. The Trip hop was a random find though.
I just love metal for all the rush it gives though. Like stepping into a mosh pit, and getting hit and hurt, but loving every second of it, because its the only time im not scared, or scared of being hurt or sick, considering im still a recovering hypochondriac. its like, the one time I could put all my shit aside and just go with the flow of adrenaline. And the fact that its such a brotherly genre is what makes it the best.
It's tough, and rough and badass, but at the same time, its like some instinct that metalheads look out for each other, whether it be in the pit, or irl, or at school, or the net, etc..
It's one of the few genres that if you see someone wearing your favorite band, that it;s anything but crazy to stop and talk to them about how awesome they are and how awesome metal is.
oooo, I just love metal :)